1976-08-18 ~8 MINtJ:œS of the public m;.eting of the Zoning Board of .Appeals held A1.J3USt 18, 1976. There were present: Charles Sicard George Kurosaka (Acting Chairman) Ted Turner being the Iœmbers of the board. On a rrotion by Charles Sicard, seconded by Ted Turner, the minutes of the July 21 rœeting were approved as read. OID BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Variance #452 - John G. Harris, Assembly Point Rœd, R-l Zone to place an addition to a bunkhouse in an R-l Zone on the property situated at Assembly Point Rœd. Mr. John Harris was present and explained he needed rrore space ',-- as his parents are retiring. George Liapes explained there was an error in the letters that were sent out to different people. They were sent out for August 4 instead of August 18. There were no appearances for or against. The Queensbury Planning Board reccmrended approval. The A.P.A. has no jurisdict- ion. Charles Sicard made a IIDtion that Variance #452, John G. Harris be approved as it conforms with the Town of Queensbury Planning Board and that it is a reasonable use of the property. This was seconded by Ted Turner. Unanim:>us . Variance #453 - Marjorie A. LePorin, C-l Zone, Comer Aviation '----. '. and Dixon Rœds, to operate a Day Care Center in CCIl"pliance with regulations of the New York State Departrœnt of Social Services in a C-l Zone on the p:uperty situated at Aviation Road and Dixon Rds. ~9 '- -2- Miss LePorin was present and well as the owner of the building, Mr. Donald Rice. Miss LePorin explained this would be for children between three and five years old. It can hold 30 children and the backyard will be fenced in so the children can play outside. The Fire Chief has given approval but reccmœnded a fire ex- tinguisher, exit lights and srroke detector. The Health Inspector has also given approval. This is located at the East side of the Queensbury Market. The TcMn of Queensbury Planning Board recxmrended approval wi th the provision that applicant meet all State requirerœnts. There were no appearances for or against. Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #453 - Marjorie A. LePorin be approved as it is in conformance with the Town of Queens- bury Planning Board and that it will meet all the necessary regul- ations for the operation. This rrotion was seconded by Ted Turner and was unanirrous. Variance #454 - Ray Wynn, Jr., 688 Upper Glen Street, C-2 Zone to place a sign on the property line in lieu of the required setbacks on the property situated at 688 Glen Street. Mr. Wynn was present and said the sign is in the middle of the blacktop and would like to rrove it. This is a tourist hare business in the upper part of the building and will have two bus- inesses in the lower part and needs the parking lot in the front of the building. He stated there were water problems and mud pro- blems with the parking lot in the rear. He wants to ITDve the 16 square foot, free standing sign clus- ter located closer than allowed to his property line, six feet so that he could locate a parking lot at his Brick Gables building. '-- ' -- ?O -3- A letter in opposition was read by Mrs. Cornwall fran the League of Worran Voters. She stated "This is the first setback var- iance request under the new sign law and the new ordinance is a liberal one... if we cannot enforce even a liberal ordianance, why have one?1I George Kurosaka noted that town attorney Joseph Brennan had said earlier that unless stipulated otherwise, a variance granted under the new sign ordinance would be in effect as long as the or- dinance was in effect. Charles Sicard stated that the reason the town planning board had approved the sign IIDVe application was that it thought that the variance would be good only up to the 10 year rroratorium on all non- conforming signs in the town, including all those which predated the adoption of the ordinance. ',- Both Town and County Planning Boards reccmœnded approval of this variance. Ted Turner made a rrotion that Variance #454 - Ray Wynn, Jr. be granted in confOJ::'1Tlo3.Ilce with both planning boards provided all texts on the sign apply to Brick Gables and a ten-year, non-con- forming sign renoval law incorporated in the new town sign ordin- ance still apply. This nction was seconded by Charles Sicard. Unanircous . The neeting was adjow:ned at 9: 01 P.M. /~ . .// /, PcP / ~L;;JMÞ1 Secretary '- '-