1977-01-19 r~ /;11 MINIJI'ES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals held January 19, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. '-- There \\ere present: George Kurosaka (Acting Chai.rnan) Ted Turner Sjoerdje Richardson Charles Sicard being the members of the Board. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Kurosaka. The minutes of the December meeting were approved as read . OLD BUSINESS:' Variance #469 - Edward Watt (Mrs. Canpney) R-4 Zone - to place a residence on a zoned lot of record with no frontage on a "- public street on the property situated off Surmyside Road North. Mrs. Frank Campney was present representing her brother-in- law who lives in California who is the owner of the property. The was tabled fran the last meeting because Mrs. Canpney needed a letter of authorization fran her brother-in-law to act in his behalf. Mrs. Canpney presented a deed to the property. Mr. Kurosaka looked the deed over as to the right of way, etc. She also pre- sented a letter of authorization fran her brother-in-law. Mr. lee Barton who is the opposing neighbor questioned the fact that the tentative buyer knew about the right of way on this land. He stated there was about 4 I SPace of land which belonged to him. He said no one would have access to this lot without a release fran him. There was also a question regarding this rreasur- '- erœnts of this lot since apparently the surveyor took rreasurerœnts fran the wrong pipe. Mr. Barton stated in order to use the right jof way, they would have to cross 4 I of the property which they would have to have an easanent. / J;¿ ',-- -2- Mr. Kurosaka told Mr. Barton that there were questions that could on! Y be answered through legal IœanS. Mr. Barton said he would not have any objection if they were going to put just one building on the property. Mr. Sicard said he didn I t think they could make a determin- ation to hold these people from building just one building on these two lots. Mr. Sicard asked for a written determination from the town attorney. Charles Sicard rrade a rrotion that Variance #469 - Edward Watt be approved providing they have a right of way to this lot and the zoning board does not have the perrogaUve as to whether they do or not. That this Variance be approved to place a resid- ence on zoned lot of record with no frontage on a public street provided applicant has right of way to public street being min- imum reasonable use of the land. This rrotion was seconded by George Kurosaka. Unanim:>us. The Town of Queensbury also rec- caœnded approval of this variance. Variance #471 - Pyramid Cœpany of Glens Falls - C-3 (Status of middle egress) This was postponed until the Febru- ary meeting since no written statemant has been received fran the DePartIrent of Transportation. NEW BUSINESS: Variance #472 - Roger W. Brassel - to allow rental of resi- dence portion of the building on the property situated at 382 Bay Road. Barbara Brassell was present and stated that the bottan port- ion of this building would be her husbands office who is an eye doctor and the top floor would be rented to saneone else. -- /23 -3- '- Charles Sicard asked Mrs. Brassell if they knew when the building peII11i t was issued that the owner would have to live there. Mrs. Brassell said they understood that and they would live there if they had to. Mrs. Richardson said she felt it was being unfair to the zoning board to act on this variance. Charles Sicard wanted to know why the ordinance was written that to have a hare occupation, the owner has to live in the building. There were no appearances for or against. ~ Town of Queensbury planning board approved in concurrance with the warren County Planning Board. Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #472 ... Roger W. Brassel be approved in conformance wi. th both planning boards and his a reasonable use of the property. This was seconded by S. Richardson. UnarlÌ100Us . Variance #473 - E. Janes Barrett (Het Car and Truck Rental) Dix Ave., and County Line Road - to build an addition (l496 sq. ft.) onto an existing building in an R-4 Zone on the property sit- uated at Dix Avenue and County Line Road. E. Janes Barrett was present and stated theaddìtion would be to house cars that were presently outside. No repair work is to be done and the garage will not be heated. It is rrainly to elim- inate outside srorage. This area is proposed cx:mœrcial. A letter from Mrs. Waters who lives on Queensbury Avenue was read in objection to this variance. '- Town of Queensbury Planning approved with no oomœnt. Warren County reccmœnded approval. / .24 .,-- -4- William Duell represented his Parents who are in Florida which live on Queensbury Avenue. Both he and his parents are in favor of this variance. Ted Turner rrade a rrotion that Variance #473 - E. Janes Barrett (Hertz Car and Truck Rental) be approved in confo.rnance with the two planning boards. This was seconded by S. Richardson. Unanim:>us. Variance #474 - Tri-COunty Kitchens, Inc., Souths ide Corinth Road - to change a non-confo:rmìng use in an R-3 Zone on the property situated at the south side of Corinth Road. Frank Cotton owner was present and stated the property was owned previously by Mr. Springer and there was always oonplaints regarding junk in the yard. He bought this building with the in- tension of using as a shop but then was info:rrred it couldn I t be used as such. He stated his hours would be from 7: 00 in the rrorn- ing until 5: 00 or 6: 00 each evening. This would be less non-con- forming. There were no appearances for or against. The Town of Queensbury planning board reoomœnded approval of this variance as they felt it would be an inproverœnt of the property . S. Richardson made a rrotion that Variance #474 - Tri-COunty Kitchens be approved in conformance with the two planning boards and also that it would be less non-conforming than its last uses. This was secorrled by Charles Sicard. Unanìm:>us . Variance #475 - LionSon, Ltd. d/b/a Susse Chalet, M-l r-btor Lodge of Glens Falls, Big Boom Road - to enlarge a non- confonning use in an M-l Zone on the property situated at Big Boom Road. ~ /.2 C ,- -5- Attorney Case Prima and Mr. Dick Lion the owner were pre- sent. "'--- A variance would be required to add a section for new lobby and managers apartrœnt. This 'WOuld not change the parking or set backs. The Town of Queensbmy Beautification recomœnded approval and asked for screen plantings. The Warren County Planning Board approved. The Town of Queensbury Planning Board reccmnends approval of this variance and the arrrændIœnt to include a 3 ft. x 15 ft. addition on the west side of the rrotel. Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance *475 - LionSon, Ltd., d/b/a! Susse Chalet be approved as it is in conformance with both planning boards. This was seconded by Ted Turner. Unanim::ms. The rœeting was adjourned at 8: 50 P.M. '-