1977-08-17 /~7 '- MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals held August 17, 1977 at 7:30 P. M. There were present: George Kurosaka, Jr. (Acting Chairman) Charles Sicard Sjoerdge Richardson Ted Turner Kirkham Cornwell John Silva Absent, John Fitzgerald, Chairman being the members of the Board. Minutes of July 20, 1977 meeting not available for approval. Town Attorney Joseph R. Brennan's letter of August 15, 1977 requesting approval to furnish R. Case Prime copy of his legal memorandum regarding the Susse Chalet Motor Lodge Appeal was read. The Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously to give Mr. Prime a copy of the legal memorandum. OLD BUSINESS: ',,--- Variance #50~~- Atlantic Richfield Company, 52 Aviation Road, Zoned C-3. Present on this variance were Attorney Richard L. Smith representing Atlantic Richfield, Jerome Zielinski, Tenant for Atlantic Richfield and Wayne Judge, attorney for Wood Enterprises. RESOLVED: Application for Atlantic Richfield Company #500 to erect a canopy to cover gasoliae pumps 35~ ft. from front property line in lieu of the required 50 ft. setback be granted with stipulation that if Atlantic Richfield Company vacates the station that the pumps and canopy be removed. This motion was made by Ted Turner and seconded by John Silva. The vote was 3 in favor Silva, Turner, Cornwell. 2 abstained Kuresàka Sicard. 1 no Richardson. NEW BUSINESS: '- Variance #503 - Harry Troèlstra, West side Quaker Road, Zoned M-l. Harry Troelstra and his attorney, Henry J. Metzner were present on this variance. No one appeared in opposition. RESOLVED: Application for Harry Troelstra Variance #503 to /5'0 -2- place a pole barn and three temporary greenhouses and a 40 ft. by 60 ft. addition to the sales area in a M-l sone be granted in concurrence with Town of Queensbury Planning Board and that no building be placed on drainage ditches, reasonable use of property. This motion made by Sicard and seconded by Richardson. Us: jj,,' / //1, ¡J .nðnlmot,J.6 approval. r ~ ~ Variance #504 - Joel C. Forker, Fitzgerald Road, Glen Lake Zoned 8-4. Joel Forker present on this variance. No one appeared in opposition. RESOLVED: Application for Joel C. Forker Variance #504 to place an addition 19 ft. from Lake front in lieu of the required 30 ft. setback and 2 ft. side setback in lieu of the required 5 ft. side setback be granted as minimum use of the property and in concurrence with Town of Queensbury Planning Board This motion made by Turner and seconded by Sicard. Unanimous "---- approval. Special Permit #68 - Woodmen of the World (Wilfred Trombley), Leo Street. Present on this special use permit were George Mabb, Ann Marie Lockhart and Ray Lockhart. R. Michael Elmore presented petition with 42 names against this application. RESOLVED: Application for Special Permit #68, Woodmen of the Wo~ld to use an existing structure as a social hall for a fr~~ernal organization and construct a pole barn in a R-4 Zone be denied on grounds that it does not meet the requirements of the Special Use Permit. This motion made by Richardson and seconded by Cornwell. Unanimous. Variance #506 - Dr. Irving Dallek, west side Bay Road, Zoned R-3. Dr. and Mrs. Dallek were present on this variance. No one appeared in opposition. RESOLVED: Application for Variance #506, Dr. Irving Dallek to conduct a home occupation (mail order business) in an attached garage with more than two (2) employees in a R-3 Zone be granted in concurrence with the Town of Queensbury Planning Board and with stipulation that there will be no more than 4 employees. This motion made by Sicard and seconded by Silva. 4 in favor of motion, Richardson, Sicard, Turner, Silva. 1 against Cornwell. 1 abstained Kurosaka. /~/ -3- "-- Special Permit #67 - The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Upper Glen Street Zoned C-2. Present Michael O'Connor, attorney for applicant and Ron Mannis, Goodyear salesman. No appearances in opposition. RESOLVED: Application for Special Permit #67, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company to conduct Automobile Service and repair in a C-2 Zone be granted in concurrence with Warren County and Town of Queensbury Planning Boards and that they comply with previous requirements. THE BOARD FINDS: 1. The use is one specifically enumerated in the district. 2. Such use will not be prejudicial to the character of the area. 3. The Board determines that there is appropriate provision for access facilities adequate for the estimated traffic from public streets and/or highways and that there are pedestrian walkways so as to insure public safety and to avoid traffic congestion. "-- 4. That there are full adequate parking areas and off-street loading spaces, in conformity with the proposed parking requirements of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Queens- bury and all other related ordinances. 5. That suitable planting or screening has been required as follows: That recommendations of the Queensbury Committee for Community Beautification be followed. 6. That such use is of the same general character as, or will not be injurious to, the surrounding neighborhood or district. --- This motion made by Sicard and seconded by Silva. U~us approval. I(~~ Variance #507 - Mobil Oil Corporation, Route 9 at Exit 20 Northway. The Board tabled this variance to the September 21st meeting as requested by the applicant's attorney, Philip McIntire. Variance #508 - Willard Jones, Dix Avenue Zoned R-4. Willard Jones present. No one appeared in opposition. RESOLVED: ApP¡i"cation for Variance #508 Willard Jones to operate a re~~1 business in a previous Gift and Souvenier Shop in a R-4 Zone be granted in concurrence with Queensbury and Warren County Planning Boards wi~h the stipulations that /52. -4- ',-- Sign lights will be used only during business hours and the sign will be no larger than 50 sq. ft. This motion made by Sicard and seconded by Turner. 5 in favor - Cornwell, Richardson, Sicard, Turner and Silva. 1 abstained Kurosaka. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. ¥~¿.; ~ÅÆALA _ ecretary '-...- '-.-