held November 16, 1977 at 7:35 P.M.
There were present: Jack Fitzgerald, Chairman
George Kurosaka
Sjoerdge Richardson
Charles Sicard
Kirkham Cornwell
being members of the Board.
Guests: George Liapes
Harold Boynton
On a motion by Mr. Sicard, the minutes of the October
meeting were approved. This was seconded by Mr. Cornwell.
Mr. Fitzgerald suggested that the Board observe a moment
of silence in memory of a member of our Board who was with us
a very short time but who is no longer with us, John Silva. A
moment of silence was observed in memory of Mr. Silva.
Mr. Fitzgerald suggested that the secretary, Mr. Kurosaka,
would draft an appropriate resolution to put into the minutes
to express to the wife of John Silva our deep appreciation for his
services. Mr. Ted Turner sent flowers in the name of the Board.
Variance #518 - Joseph F. Anselmo ( A & W )
south side of Quaker Road
(Warren County Planning Board)
C-3 Zone
Mr. Fitzgerald disqualified himself on voting on this
Variance #518
The application for Variance # 518 is to place an addition
to an existing building with l7 feet rear setback in lieu of
the required 30 feet rear setback on the property situated at
the south side of Quaker ROàd. The property here is owned by
the )r.B.E.G. Development Corporation. It is located on the south
side of Quaker Road. Actually it is the A & W operation. The
applicant is proposing to build on the rear end of the property
a new concrete block building and canopy.
Mr. Joseph F. Anselmo appeared on behalf of this application.
Mr. Cornwell asked Mr. Anselmo who the rear neighbor would
be who would be effected by the 17 feet setback. Mr. Anselmo
stated that it would be Mead's Nursery. At this time Mr. Anselmo
submitted some pictures of the future project.
Mr. Cornwell asked if Mead's had been informed of this variance.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that they would have had to been and checked
the records to verify his statement.
Mr. Kurosaka asked if the existing building is the same
distance away. Mr. Anselmo stated that it was.
Mr. Kurosaka asked if it would be setback anymore than the
existing building. Mr. Anselmo said no.
Mr. Sicard asked Mr. Anselmo what he proposed to do, the
same operation as you are and you just need more room. Mr.
Anse lmo sa id ye s .
Variance # 518
1'1 ï
Mr. Kurosaka stated that they notified everybody within
500 feet of the property line (distinguished by the tax map)
of this meeting and the variance to be acted upon.
Mr. Kurosaka asked if this building was going to look the
same as the building presently on the site, just 20 feet to
the west. Mr. Anselmo answered yes.
At this time Mr. Fitzgerald asked the audience if there
was anyone else appearing for or against this application,
Variance # 518. No response from the audience.
Warren County Planning Board recommended approval. No
Town of Queensbury Planning ,Board recommended approval.
No comment.
Report from the Beautification Committee stated "An attempt
has been made to beautify this property in the past and it
appears that the applicant recognizes a well maintained and
attractive place of business is good business so we (Beauti-
fication Committee) have no action in this case."
Mr. Kurosaka read a letter from Ray Wynn, Brick Gables.
Mr. Wynn stated in his letter to the Board that Mr. Anselmo
is a fine fellow, hard worker, from the City, hopes to settle
here, is new blood, new tax dollars. As you know new business
is what it is all about. Mr. Anselmo is an excellent neighbor;
runs a fine, clean and attractive business and is a credit to
the town. Mr. Wynn asked that the Board sees fit to help Mr.
Variance # 518
Mr. Sicard made a motion that Variance # 518 be approved.
Sjoerdge Richardson seconded the motion. Carried. Mr. Fitzgerald
The Board:
Variance # 519 - Henry Anable M-l Zone
Quaker Road
(Warren County Planning Board)
Mr. Henry Anable, the applicant for this variance is
The Board agreed to table this variance.
The Board:
Variance #520 - R. J. Grasse C-) Zone
Northway Plaza - Route 9
(Warren County Planning Board)
R. J. G.' s Hair Styles request a variance from the
Queensbury Sign Ordinance as it refers to maximum square
footage for the business it advertises. Also to vary from
the sign ordinance by locating the sign above the roof line.
The application is on the bases of hardship. The ordinance
willonly allow a )) square foot sign which can not be seen
from the left side of the Northway Plaza parking lot.
Variance #520
The applciant is R. J. Grasse, Cale Development Corporation.
This is the former Mr. Walt's property.
Mr. Kurosaka disqualified himself on this variance.
Mr. Robert platt of Signs of Progress appeared with Mr.
R. J. Grasse. Mr. Grasse is the new owner of Mr. Walt's
Mr. P la t t presented the Board with some p±ctures of the
former Mr. Walt's sign. The sign was a large, oversized sign
which has been removed. Mr. Grasse didn't want anything like
that. Mr. Grasse wants a nice, clean, attractive, more modern
Mr. Platt stated that the size of Mr. Grasse's business
is only 22 foot wide, that is a 22 fot frontage, and according
to the sign ordinance you are only allowed a 33 square foot sign,
which is just a little bit bigger than a 4 by 8 piece of plywood.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked how this measures up to the former
Mr. Walt's sign.
Mr. Platt drew up a picture showing the situation in that
corner and to show the Board where the hardship was coming from.
Mr. Platt pointed out 3 squares, the outside square (blue) is the
former Mr. Wa It' s sign and its size was 5' 9" by 20 foot long or
a total of 115 square foot of sign area. The green area on the
picture is the area that would be encompassed by the sign we are
asking for, to take the place of the previous sign. It is 4'
Variance #520
high by 15" wide and it would encompass a square footage of 62
square feet. The orange area on the picture shows the size of the
sign that could be put there under the existing ordinance which is
4 by 8, 4 by g, 3" to be exact, which is the allowable sign and
of course would have to be down below the roof line. Mr. Platt
stated that the sign they are asking for in this green square
is 54% of the sign area that was formerly there, the Mr. Walt's
sign, so it takes about approximately half the square footage,
62 square feet compared to ll5 square feet.
Mr. Platt points out the fascia above the canopy roof line
which is 9' 5" high over at the Big N and Mr. Grasse's fascia
area drops down to a height of 5' 6" because the mall area drops
down, down the hill here. Had the mall continued the fascia area
at the same height there would be no problem as far as the roof
line is concerned.
Mr. Platt wanted to show the Board what a sign like that
would look like so he took a piece of plywood, painted it up,
and put it in postion on the building and took a picture of
it for the Board to see. The first picture was taken 29 yards
away, the second at 60 yards away. At the 60 yards you can see how
small it begins to appear. Then as we go on to 90 yards it begins to
disappear. At 150 yards the sign is not even visible from across
Variance #520 /7 g
the parking lot.
Mr, Fitzgerald asked Mr. Platt if #29 (29 yards) is the
official sign. Mr. Platt said that was not the official sign,
it was just a sign he made up and put up and took some pictures.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked what it represented in size. Mr. Platt
stated that that would be the sign the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance
would allow, 33 square feet.
Mrs. Richardson asked if this would be the sign allowed
without a variance. Mr. Platt replied yes.
Mr. Cornwell stated that these pictures were taken with
a short focus lenses. Mr. Platt said the pictures were taken with
a Poloroid camera. Mr. Cornwell stated that that doesn't ap-
proximate what the human eye see, you are suppose to use a 90
millimeter lense. Mr. Platt said that he has a Poloroid camera,
the smae as the Town uses to take their pictures with and it
wasn't his intent~bring in distorted looking pictures.
Mr. Platt stated that the proposed sign is pretty small
compared to the other sign (Mr. Walt's sign) and Mr. Grasse
doesn't want any kind of sign like that. Mr. Grasse is asking
for a sign that is 62 square feet instead of 33 square feet.
Mrs. Richardson asked if this sign does not project above
the roof. Mr. Platt said without the variance the sign could
not project over the roof line.
Mr. Platt said thathe made a suggestion here that the 4'
be lined up with these which is 2' over the roof line, and
Variance # 520
f 7 9
2' under the roof line.
Mrs. Richardson asked Mr. Platt how he felt about the size
he was asking for but not above the roof line.
Mr. Platt said that Mr. Grasse's problem was that he is
down in the corner, Montgomery Wards is beside him and if you
walk down around the corner form Montgomery Wards you can't
even see his place of business.
Mrs. Richardson stated that this sign right now is a non-
conforming sign according to our new ordinance.
Mr. Cornwell stated that the position down in the corner is
a self-imposed hardship. Mr. Platt says that Mr. Grasse does
have a problem down in the corner, it was Mr. Walt's before
and he just bought the business.
Mr. Platt stated that it is not detrimental to the area,
the whole area is all commercial and it is not out of harmony
with the rest of the neighborhood.
Mr. Sicard asked Mr. Platt if he would consider changing the
copy on that sign. Mr. Platt replied that he can't do that ac-
cording to the new ordinance. Mr. Sicard asked if you would
œed a permit. Mr. Platt said that you would need a variance.
Mr. Kurosaka states, in reference to the application not
in reference to this particular subject, that on the Application
for Variance it states, "the ordinance would only a llow him a 33
Variance # 520
square foot sign" and that is an error.
The Zoning Ordinance
reads "100 square foot not to exceed 25 square foot of wall area".
Mr. Platt asked. Mr. Kurosaka to look on page 13, signs in
shopping areas. It reads "one free standing sign permitted in these
Mr. Kurosaka asked where is the 33 square feet.
Mr. Platt stated that if you go back to page 12 at the
bottom it tells you what size.
Mr. Kurosaka reads from the Zoning Ordinance" Buildings
which are located within a distance of 100 linear feet from the
front property line are permitted a wall or permitted a roof sign
up to 100 square feet." And above here it also says something
about it can not exceed 25% of the wall a re a .
Mr. Platt asked Mr. Kurosaka to read the bottom line.
Mr. Kurosaka reads the bottom line. In the bottom line
it says "Buildings more than 100' set back from the front pro-
perty line will be permitted (now this if for the additional 10
square foot of distance, that applies only to that, it doesn't apply
to the 100 square feet).
Mrs. Richardson reads the last sentence "A shopping center
with a group of stores shall not be eligible".
Mr. Kurosaka stated that when the Board discussed it it applied
to 10 square foot per lO foot distance back additional. It doesn't
Variance # 520
I f I
mean it doesn't allow them the 100 square foot of sign.
Mrs. Richardson stated she didn't know what their wall area
Mr. Platt stated it is pretty ambiguous at that point and
we have always given the benefit of the doubt to the Town be-
cause it doesn't specify on page 13 what size you can put up.
Mr. Kurosaka stated a legal wall sign is 100 square feet in
a shopping center.
Mr. Platt disagreed with Mr. Kurosaka and stated that a
legal wall sign is not 100 square feet in a shopping center.
Mr. Kurosaka disagress with Mr. Platt.
Mr. Platt stated that it was just said that it does not apply
to shopping centers, the bottom line. (page 12 of the Zoning
Ordinance) .
Mr. Kurosaka stated that that was meant to apply to 10 square
foot per 10 foot length.
Mr.. ,Platt said that you know when you read that you have to
take it for the way it reads not the way it implies. Mr. Platt
agrees with Mr. Kurosaka that he knows the law was implied to be
that way but it is not written up that way and the building in-
spector goes just exactly by the rules here.
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Platt how come he has 33 square feet
Variance # 520
because the thing says 30 square feet.
Mr. Platt said that because there was no criteria for that sign,
ther is no criteria for size for that sign, so you have to go back to
the previous thing. There is no size limitation for the size of the
shopping area. Mr. Platt doesn't think he would have had any trouble
but if he wnet to see George Boynton and he said wait a minute,
you have to go by the rule and the rule is Ii square foot for every
lineal foot of frontage. That is the rule they have been going by.
Mr. Kurosaka asked where that is stated. Mr. Platt replied that
that is stated on the previous page, page 12 and page 13 talks about
the shopping center. Mr. Platt says that unfortunately that was some-
thing that was left out of the ordinance.
Mr. Kurosaka asked where that was stated in the Queensbury
Ordinance and he is not interested in the Glens Falls Ordinance.
Mrs. Richardson asked what is the wall area. Mr. Platt answered
that the wall area is 5'6".
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Platt where he got this Ii square foot
for every lineal foot of frontage. Mr. Kurosaka stated that it was
not in the Queensbury Ordinance that he knows of and he worked on
the Ord inance .
Mr. Platt stated that he might have made a mistake.
Mr. Kurosaka said that that was in the Glens Falls Ordinance
not Queensbury Ordinance.
Variance # 520
J 181
Mrs. Richardson stated that they were allowed a )0 square
foot sign.
Mr. Kurosaka said that he was questioning the ordinance him-
self, I am not questioning this particular thing myself.
Mrs. Richardson stated that they gave her the wall figures and
25% is )0 square feet.
Mr. Kurosaka said that their intent when they wrote the ordinance
was that 10 square foot per 10 lineal foot was not to apply to
shopping centers, it wasn't 100 square feet. But of course ~e
didn't have 100 square feet to start with, we had 50.
Mr. Platt stated that he took the wrong ordinance, the City
of Glens Falls instead of the Town of Queensbury.
Mr. Platt doesn't think the propøaed sign is out of harmony
with the neighborhood, there are certainly no houses or residential
area, this size sign is right at home.
Mr. Cornwell stated thatevery shopping area has a life of 11
years before it starts to go downhill and they are just trying to
prevent it from becoming trashed up.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if there were any other appearances on
behalf of this application.
There were no other appearances.
The Town of Queensbury recommended approval of this variance.
Warren County Planning Board recommending by approving new signs
it is conflicting with the new sign ordinance.
Variance # 520
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the Board was in an awkward position
because there are 7 members and there are only 6 members with John
Silva there is a vacancy on the Board. Ted Turner is absent. George
Kurosaka is abstaining. We have to have a majority plus one on the
County Planning Board and a majority is 6. Mr. Fitzgerald does not
see how the Board can act on this application and thinks the Board
ought to table it for a month.
Mrs. Richardson asked if it is a majority plus on of those
present or the total Board. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that as he under-
stood it, it is the total Board.
Mr. Sicard asked Mr. Platt if this proposed sign could be moved
over, can it be moved to the angle, moved away from the canopy. Mr.
Platt said that it would probably be to their advantage to move the
sign away from the canopy and at an angle.
Mr. Cornwell stated that roughly from McDonald's you could see the
old Mr. Walt's sign and asked Mr. Platt if he was trying to achieve
that same effect.
Mr. Platt stated that Mr. Walt's sign was 49" over the top of the
canopy and the proposed sign is only going to be 24" above the top of
the canopy, it will be about 2' lower.
Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. Platt that the Board would not be able to
take any action on this application tonight other than to turn it
down because by law the fact that the County Planning Board has
V~riance # 520
turned this down we need a full majority plus one and we have just
a 4 man Board here. So we could not possibly ever agree to your
application and the only fair thing to do is to table this until
the next monthly meeting and hope we will have one more voting
member present. The Board happens to be shy one member by absence
and the other by reason of death. Mr. Fitzgerald thinks in fair-
ness to Mr. Platt and Mr. Grasse this application should be tabled
rather than take the only alternative action and that is to turn
it down.
Mr. Sicard asked Mr. Grasse if he was now open for business. Mr.
Grasse stated that he was, he started last week. Mr. Sicard asked the
other Board members if it would be permissible to leave this sign up
until the Board takes action.
Mr. Cornwell stated that the sign was down.
Mr. Platt stated that the sign they took the pictures of was just
a paper sign and they used it only for the purpose of taking the
Mr. Cornwell stated that he didn't think the Board should keep
Mr. Grasse out of business for a month and could he put a temporary
sign up and get by on that.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the only thing Mr. Grasse could do is
put up a component sign temporarily.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that he has no other alternative because
Variance # 520
right now if he polls the Board and everybody was in favor of
this application it still would have to be turned down.
The Board:
Variance # 52l - Convenient Food Market C-l Zone
Corinth Road
(Warren County Planning Board)
The application for Variance # 521 is to obtain a variance to
the Town of Queensbury Sign Ordinance as it pertains to side line
setback requirements. The applicant requests a 5' setback rather
than the 15' setback as set forth in the ordinance. It is necessary
because it incurs a safety hazard for people entering and exiting
the parking lot.
The owner of the property is Quaker Realty, Mr. Norman Benack.
Mr. Robert Platt, Signs of Progress, appeared on this application.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked Mr. Platt if this was a conforming sign.
Mr. Platt replied that it was.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked Mr. Platt if the Board was only discussing
a setback. Mr. Platt answered yes.
Mr. Platt presented a drawing to the Board and explained that they
are asking for a variance from the front right-of-way line, 15' that
is the normal part, we are asking for a setback on the sideline. This
is a new sign. It is a legal sign. It is a 50 square foot sign.
Mr.P1attintrodu.ced Mr. Keith Patrick, Vice' President of Operations
Variance # 521 16
J 8'7
in the Convenient Food Markets, to the Board. Mr. Patrick is
appearing for Convenient Food Markets.
Mr. Platt stated that they are asking for a 5' setback because
this area here is blocked out as parking area (indicated on the draw-
ing) and with the sign out here, 15' away from the right-of-way line,
it is in the way of cars driving in and out of the property and
they are asking that the Board vary the setback to 5', not from the
front line but from thesideline so that the only thing it would do is
take up one parking place, instead of it being way out here (indicated
on the drawing) where cars will be driving in an out. At four, five,
or six o'clock, their busy time, people going home from work, going
to Corinth, this is a convenient market and the cars are driving in
and out and at night we are afraid it is going to be hit and be a
safety hazard to cars going in and out.
Mr. Platt stated that here is an existing sign over there. It
is sitting there, it is a non-conforming sign, it is actually sitting
over thhe right-of-way line and that will be removed. There is also
a sign going on the building which is conforming to the size. The
only variance is the side setback, and it is just a matter of safety
for traffic going in and out.
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Patrick what they were going to do with
the market on Dixon Road. Mr. Patrick stated that he did not know,
they were undecided as yet.
Variance # 521
Mr. Cornwell asked Mr. Patrick if they were going to take down the
sign and clean up the premises. Mr. Patrick said yes they would.
Mr. Cornwell stated that the sign was half taken down, the gar-
bage is tipped over and the kids have put graffiti allover and he
thinks this should be cleaned up before the Board gives a variance.
Mrs. Richardson asked if Mr. Cornwell was talking about the
Dixon Road stroe or the Corinth Road store. Mr. Cornwell replied
that he was talking about the Dixon Road store.
Mrs. Richardson asked if this was all blacktopped (indicating to
area on drawing). Mr. Platt replied yes.
Mrs. Richardson asked if the total blacktopped area belongs to Conven-
ient Food Market. Mr. Platt stated that is 115'.
Mrs. Richardson stated that there was a house here (indicating
on the drawing) and she didn't know if the homeowner would want a
sign piping from their property. Mr. Platt stated that they re-
ceived a notice and they would be here tonight is they had any
Mr. Boynton asked if this was in the same position that the
other sign was'in. Mr. Platt replied no, that it is back from the
other sign, look on the plan and you will see.
Mr. Cornwell asked if it was on the same side as the house.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that members of the Board had the wrong
drawings (maps) on the back of their copies of the application, Mr.
Variance # 52l
I ~1
Platt submitted a revised drawing but no one has it.
Mr. Sicard asked if they had a use, prior to the amount of
parking space, for each 2000f space inside. Mr. Platt replied that
he din't know, he was a sign man not a parking lot man, he can't
answer that question at all.
Mr. Kurosaka said that you can't do anything about that,
it is a preexisting building and it was a commercial building, you
can't do anything with it. Mr. Sicard stated that maybe you didn't
need to wasted the space with a lollipop out there, you could
put a better sign on the front of the building.
Mr. Platt stated that there is a tremendous turnover of cars
in the parking lot and they felt it was important enough to come
before the Board to move the sign back over 5'.
Mrs. Richardson asked if the houses on either side were
residential zones. After conversing the Board decided it was either
C-1 or C-) up in that area.
Mr. Sicard asked Mr. Platt what the proposed lighting was for
the sign. Mr. Platt stated that the lighting inside the sign was
a double faced interior a1uminated plastic sign. It is lighted
by fluorescent lamps, high output lamps, powered by cold weather
Mr. Sicard asked what the store hours they plan, is this
a 24 hour operation? Mr. Patrick replied 7 am to 12 midnight.
Variance # 521
Mr. Sicard asked if the sign will be a1uminated during those
I cTo
hours. Mr. Patrick answered that the sign will be a1uminated usually
just in the evening hours.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if the sign would be turned off during the
hours that the store is not in operation, is this so stipulated,
between 12 midnight and 7 am. Mr. Patrick answered yes. Mr. Platt
stated that the sign was attached to a time clock, the hours they
are not operating the sign would be turned off.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked the audience if there were any other appear-
ance s. on this app1icat ion, Convenient Food Market, Variance #521.
No response from the audience.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board recommended approval of
this variance.
The Warren County Planning Board in concurrence with the Town
Planning Board recommends approval of this variance.
The Beautification Committee has taken no action on this ap-
plication as they see little room for beautification on these pre-
mises. The Beautification Committee is concerned and have received
complaints on the condition which they left their Dixon Road store.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked the Board if there was a motion to take
any action on this variance.
Mr. Kurosaka moved that the Board approve the variance. Mr.
Sicard seconded the motion. Mr. Fitzgerald asked if there was
any discussion. Mrs. Richardson opposed the variance. Mr. Fitz-
gera1d abstained. The vote 3 to 1, a majority, variance approved.
Variance # 521
I (I I
The Board:
Variance # 522 - John L. Haanen M-2 Zone
East side Bay Road
(Warren County Planning Board)
Variance #522 is to construct a 48' by 60' addition with a
24' setback on front and 12' side setback.
It is a shallow and narrow lot. The owner of the lot is John
Kubricky & Son, Inc.
It is presently zoned M-2. The concrete block building is used
for an engineering office. The additional building is to be used
for engineering and machine assembly.
Mr. John Haanen, Haanen Engineering, appeared on this application.
Mr. Haanen stated that his business is located at 253 Bay Street,
a former cycle shop, and previous to that Jacob's was in there.
Mr. Kubricky purchased this shop a few years ago.
Mr. Haanen stated that his business has more or less outgrown
the 12 hundred square feet that we are in and we either have to move
or expand. In investigating the property using the property maps
we feel that we can put the 28 hundred square foot building adjacent
to the existing building. The present building has a 9 foot 6 set-
back from the Delaware and Hudson property, the new building would
have 12' in the bac~ presently very close to the center of the track.
With the new street and sidewalk, from the old property line, the
Variance # 522
1(-1 ""I
new building would be 32' back and with the new property line it
would be 24' ba c k. We would acquire the property adjacent to us,
there is an old house on it. Mr. Haanen be lieves that is 30' from the
property of Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs.
Mr. Haanen presented a drawing of the proposed building to
the Board.
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Haanen if the building was basically
block or brick. Mr. Haanen stated that they proposed either block
or brick but he was thinking in terms of brick.
Mr. Haanen (indicating on drawing) stated that they would like
to take the marque off, put windows on the north side, this would
remain white block, would probably carry the same window, on this
side it would be block with block bond, like stucco. Mr. Haanen
stated that he didn't know if the door would be here or in back,
if they can maneuver a truck in back it would be good to have it
in the back.
Mr. Haanen stated that they do general engineering work and he
notices in the paper from his experience that they always tie us up
with the paper industry but we do a lot of commercial work like
Duke's project and so forth. In addition, part of our business
is to design machinery, but we found that our clients don't want
the design, they want the machine. So we burn it off the machine
and 50 forth, bring it in our shop, and we make the frames, paint
Variance # 522
II) 3
and assemble and ship the machines off.
We have in the last 4 years
about 34 machines, part in the paper industry and part in the plastic
industry; Hercules, Native Textiles, Union Camp. We have machines
now more or less allover the country; California, Pennsylvania,
North Carolina, and now we have 2 going to England. We feel that
we are in a machinery assembly business but is is more of a com-
plicated engineer type. It really would not be a lot of trucks coming
in and out creating noise, etc.
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Haanen if they were doing any manufacturing
as such. Mr. Haanen stated that they make their frames, etc.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that that was something that would normally go out
of a machine shop. Mr. Haanen agreed.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked the audience if there was anyone interested
in this application.
Mr. Emmit Tubbs appeared in front of the Board on this application.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked where Mr. Tubbs was located. Mr. Tubbs
stated that he is rig~next door to where they are going to build,
south of the side that Mr. Haanen is going to put the addition on.
Mr. Tubbs stated that the building that is there now has a well
and a spring which is running in that basement all the time and
if he fills that in what is going to become of that water, Mr. Tubbs
said that he has some of that water in his basement now. Mr. Tubbs
asked Mr. Kubricky to put a drain in and drain it.
Variance #522
I q L(
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Tubbs if he was talking about the existing
house that is there now. Mr. Tubbs replied yes.
Mr. Tubbs explained that Mr. Kubricky was pu to his house in June
and I asked him what he was going to do about it. Mr. Kubricky said
that he was going to do notþing, I'll flood you out. Mr. Tubbs
stated that Mr. Kubricky wants his house and he doesn't believe
that is the way any right businessman to approach.
Mr. Tubbs only ask that proper drainage be put in and it could be
run from here (indicating on the drawing) to the storn sewer. The
storm sewer goes right by the house.
Mr. Kurosaka asked where the storm sewer goes, into the brook?
Mr. Tubbs replied that it goes into the brook.
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Tubbs if the pipe in that storm drain
goes right into that brook. Mr. Tubbs replied yes.
Mr. Tubbs stated that this has been going on a long time.
Mr. Tubbs (indicating on the drawing) says the brook is here and
from here down to the railroad tracks there is suppose to be a drain
in there. Mr. Kubricky has seen fit to fill that drain in and there
is no drainage at all, all that water is just sitting out there at
the railroad tracks. Mr. Tubbs stated that why that property was
filled in he will never know.
Mr. Kurosaka asked who owned the railroad property. Mrs. Rich-
ardson answered that the D & H owned that property.
Variance # 522
Mr. Fitzgerald asked how Mr. Kubricky filled it in if the pro-
perty belongs to the D & H.
Mr. Cornwell asked if the Bay Road Reconstruction Project
filled in any of the drain.
Mr. Tubbs stated that he thought they might have filled that in
when they had the traffic detour. He knows that in back of the house
that is there now, the ski shop, it is all filled in.
Mr. Tubbs stated thathe thinks the D & H is partially responsible
Mr. Cornwell asked Mr. Tubbs is he is sure Mr. Kubricky filled
it in, not Mr. Jacobs, the previous tenant. Mr. Tubbs stated that
Mr. Jacobs 'never owned that place. Mr. Cornwell stated that Mr. Jacobs
was a tenant there for a long time, Mr. Tubbs replied no, Ske llie,
Skellie run it. Mr. Cornwell stated that Jacobs was there after
Skellie and he developed the back yard quite a bit and I wonder
if he filled it in. Mr. Tubbs stated that he thinks he did. As he
said before, I think it was the people that had the ski shop.
Mr. Cornwell asked Mr. Tubbs if he was not sure if it wa s Mr.
Kubricky then. Mr. Tubbs stated that it was either Mr. Kubricky
or the County that filled it in.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that it was probably the County when they
did the road.
Mrs. Richardson asked the Board if they approved this variance
Variance # 522
then they are adding to Mr. Tubbs' problem.
J -¡ ~
Mr. Kurosaka stated that if the Board gets ready with railroad
property they could do something about the spring Mr. Tubbs was
talking about.
Mr. Cornwell stated that it would be Mr. Haanen's best interest
not to have the spring running into his own cellar.
Mr. Haanen stated that he is not planning to have a cellar.
Mr. Cornwell asked Mr. Haanen where he planned to exit the
water to from under his slab. Mr. Haanen stated that Mr. Tubbs
told him about this last week and that they would have to investi-
gate and find out what is under there and how low the inwards are
in the street to find out the drainage. Mr. Haanen thinks the water
isn't too high, it is 2 to 3 feet down.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that if the spring was to far below
it draining it off would not do any good.
Mr. Haanen stated that if the water is higher than the inward and
we want to drain it out we can't do anything.
"'c.f~D ~4...Q ~
Mr. Tubbs stated that about 3 years ago Mrs. ~F9l1~n had ·
fish in her cellar. Mr. Kurosaka asked how they got there.
Mr. Tubbs replied from the brook and stream. Mr. Fitzgerald
said that someone told him they went up the storm sewer.
Mr. Cornwell asked if the drainage provisions of any building
~ ~.
project are dealt with~he building inspector and isn't this beyond
our control.
Variance # 522
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if there was a high water table there.
I (f"J
Tubbs did not know.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that the Board can specify that the building
inspector inspect it and if there is a problem it should be corrected.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that there is an old and very poor liberal
theory that anybody that makes improvements on their property which
has the effect of causing water damage or any othe damage, primarily
water damage, to another person's property, is liable to the full
extent of the damage. This has been proven in many cases.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that it was pretty hard to prove with the
underground water tables. Mr. Fitzgerald said that if they stop
up and existing spring or something like that he didn't think there
would be any question. Mr. Kurosaka said that you would have
to prove that that spring effects the next property.
Mr.. SicardaskedMr.':I'.,-"bbs'if. tw had water in his . cellar now.
,Mr.. Tubbs said that the water is practically dried up now and the only
time it comes in is when there is a rainstorm.
Mr. Kurosaka asked how the water in the cellar was in the spring-
time, does the water give you problems in the spring? Mr. Tubbs
answered yes. Mr. Kurosaka stated that with the spring runoffs
Mr. Tubbs has trouble. Mr. Tubbs stated that if they had a coµple
of' daysoT rain then there would be a èoupleof inc,hes ·of water in
their cellar. 'Mr. Kuro'saka ,asked Mr~' Tùbbs if he would always have
water in his cellar when it is raining. Mr. Tubbs replied yes.
Variance # 522
Mr. Tubbs stated that the problem started about 7 or 8 years
Mr. Kurosaka stated that the question was if the problem is caused
by the brook, does the brook fluctuate and cause this or what?
Mr. Fitzgerald said that he had been involved in these situations
and what you do to your property aggravates the problem that this
gentleman is having he thinks there is a clear cut case of damages.
Mr. Kurosaka said that you have to prove that it is aggravating, in
this case you already have a water condition. Mr. Fitzgerald replies
that if it gets any worse than it was before. Mr. Kurosaka states
that then you have to take in water conditions, climatic conditions,
water tables, height and everything else.
Mr. Kurosaka thinks the Board should specify that the building
inspector ascertain that there is a water problem and if it can
be corrected let it be corrected.
Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. Kurosaka that he was passing the buck.
Mr. Kurosaka replied that the Board had to pass the buck because
they couldn't determine if there is a water condition or not, not
with the information the Board has.
Mr. Boynton states that as he a former construction man he
can't see any reason why if Mr. Haanen or anyone else puts a slab,
tears down a building and puts a slab on top of the ground and builds
a building, where it is going to aggravated the water table in that
particular locality. If Mr. Haanen was going to dig a cellar it
Variance # 522
might aggravate the condition.
If he was going to fill in like
Kubricky did it might aggravated it. If the culvert under the
D & HRailroad are plugged he would say it would be up to the D & H
to clear them out so the brook coming out of Mr. Eisenhart's pond
would flow freely. But putting a slab on top of the ground certainly
isn't going to aggravated a water problem with the next door neighbor's
cellar and Mr. Tubbs has admitted that it was there 9 years ago.
Mr. Tubbs stated that what Mr. Haanen was going to do is to
fill in the cellar that is there now and he imagines there is at
least a foot of water down there.
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Tubbs how much water he got in his cellar
when it rains! Mr. Tubbs stated that he keeps a pump running all
the time so he only has about 2".
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Tubbs what happens if you turn the
pump off and it doesn't rain, do you still get water in your cellar?
Mr. Tubbs replied yes.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that there was a high water table in that
whole area and it runs 2 to 3 feet below ground in most places over
Mr. Sicard stated thàt he thinks the point that they are try-
ing to make is that if they take the building down, that with the exist-
ing spring, they cap it off and the water comes up 4' in the cellar,
it is strictly a case of aggravation for Mr. Tubbs.
Mr. Kurosaka asked who would aggravate it. Mr. Sicard stated
Variance # 522
:~) Oú
that it would be quite obvious, that if they took the building down
and put the slab in and the water goes up in Mr. Tubbs' cellar.
Mr. Sicard thinks that it is up to this Board, at this point,
in granting this variance, that possibly something should be
done to take care of this spring before the slab gets down.
Mr. Kurosaka stated that that is what he is saying, let the
building inspector determine if something should be done and have
it done.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that what they are talking about is
possibly to have some sort of drainage.
Mr. Kurosaka wanted to know how to drain it. He stated that
the Board doesn't know what they got, what the conditions are, and
the Board can't do it this way unless they make a study of it.
Mr. Fitzgerald suggested that the Board table this variance
until they do know.
Mr, Kurosaka stated that he thought the building inspector
should sit down with Mr. Haanen and determine if a dr~inage pro-
blem does exist and then correct it.
Mr. Boynton stated that he doesn't think it is the building
inspector's problem at all. Mr. Boynton thinks they need an en-
gineer, or Mr. Fred Austin, or the Highway Department, or possibly
the Town would hire an'engineer. Mr. Boynton stated that the
building inspector is not a surveyor, he doesn't know how high the
level of the brook is, where you are going to drain it, how high
Variance # 522
the water table is, etc.
Mr. Sicard stated that in his opinion that the burden rest
upon the guy that is doing the building.
Mr. Cornwell stated that he thinks the proper engineering
of the building and all its environs is up to Mr. Haanen. Mr.
Sicard agrees with Mr. Cornwell and states that Mr. Haanen is going
to aggravate the condition no matter what he does just by reason
of blocking up that much land and having the water drain into that
brook along the railroad. Whether the burden rest on the railroad
or Mr. Haanen, Mr. Sicard doesn't know.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked Mr. Haanen if he saw any solution to the
problem. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that he was thinking the Board
would approve it but they would make it on condition that you do
not cause any water damage to your neighbors. Mr. Haanen stated
that he thinks that only fair and what he would like to do is get
a site and take the brook level and the level of water in the house
next to us and take the level of water in Mr. Tubbs' house. If the
water in that basement is higher than the brook than he will get rid
of it too.
Mr. Haanen stated that he plans to acquire the property.
Mr. Tubbs also pointed out a septic tank and cesspool that
is effecting their well. They can't drink the water.
Mr. Kurosaka asked how far away from the well is the cess-
pool. Mr. Tubbs stated that he didn't think it is even a lOO'.
Mr. Sicard asked if city water ran down that street.
stated that the town water does.
Mr. Tubbs
Variance # 522
Mr. Kurosaka asked Mr. Tubbs if he had town water.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the Board d idn 't have any authori.ty
to take any action as far as water pollution. This is something
that you go to the Department of Health for.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board recommended approval.
No comments.
Warren County Planning Board recommends approval. No comment.
Mr. Sicard made a motion that this variance, Variance #522,
be approved subject to the conditions that we just discussed here;
that the improvements not aggravate the existing water conditions.
Motion seconded by Mrs. Richardson.
The Beautification Committee reports that they wish to compli-
ment this applicant for the small flower bed that he has maintained
on the premises. In a screening of the new addition to the building
we find no action should be taken.
Mr. Cornwell stated that he was impressed by Mr. Haanen's com-
ment that he would probably block bond the building which I think
should be taken as a positive sign because that gets away from the
cement block image and should be considered positive in his favor.
Mr. Fitzgerald polled the Board for action in this case. The
Board was all in favor.
Variance # 522
The Board:
Variance # 523 - Francis J. Antos C-2 Zone
690 Upper Glen Street
(Warren County Planning Board)
This application is for permission to erect an additional sign
on premises known as "The Pub" located at 690 Upper Glen Street,
Town of Queensbury, which sign is to have an exposure from the
south only.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked the audience if there was anyone here
on behalf of this application. No response.
Mr. Kurosaka moved that the Board table this variance, Variance
#523, until next month. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that it should be
tabled until next month or until the Board has an appearance from
the applicant, if ever. Motion carried.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked for a motion to dismiss. Mrs. Richardson
made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Sicard.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
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