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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20050077 Date Issued: Monday, December 18, 2006 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20050077 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-005-0001-096-00 1-0000 Location: 524 AVIATION Rd Owner. PYRAMID MALL OF G.F. NEWCO, LLC Applicant: PYRAMID MALL OF G.F. NEWCO, LLC This structure may be occupied as a: Demolition By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director o ui ding&Code rre nt Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20050077 Application Number: A20050077 Tax Map No: 523400-302-005-0001-096-00 1-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: PYRAMID MATT, OF CT.F NEWC;C)_ I,I,C; For property located at: 524 AVIATION Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: PYRAMID MALL OF G.F. NEWCO, Demolition 4 CLINTON Sa Total Value SYRACUSE, NY 13202-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2005-077 DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS (former Howard Johnson's Rest. and motel building) $20.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, February 17, 2006 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To Queen�1,�ry; ur day, February 17, 2005 /1 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building Code nforcement Permit No. 0�_a_7 Application for Demolition Permit Fee Paid Building&Codes Office-Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 Notes: Instructions/Requirements for a permit: Fill in all applicable spaces and submit two(2)plot plans,drawn to scale,showing lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads/streets. Show all existing structures on the property and indicate which are to be demolished. Indicate on the plot plan the location of all utilities. Jl. A Iicartt: y;. Uvur r I' n. s otisibl `f rgor � < € a S (,t,t1V��/U 57Q AtA-n!N aukEE Ni Gt-1fVTddV s�v��F `Phone. , Fax n 315 q7'Z Tau® 51? �Y i 8 315 q I Z 7000 q Zz- 3877 Sl 8 7 9 3 t 7, s 31,6 1 Z7, 3 fe7 3oz-sig- I -?3.1 2. Location of demolition: np, �� Iwo k �g7 3. Tax Map No. 302 �, -f qb' t 4. Where will demolition material be disposed of? VrPa✓ln AAA L t-L- 5. Asbestos Information A copy of Asbestos Removal Report must be filed with our office before demolition begins. a. Is there any asbestos within the building to be demolished? k-'Ies F�NoIf YES, our office needs the following information: t y b. Name of firm removing asbestos: c. License number of firm: QZ- p 4-5' d. Indicate location where asbestos material will be disposed 6. Structure Information FA7P��t f Ny a. Indicate which structure(s)will be demolished: ❑Residence; ❑garage; ❑storage building;, Wusiness; ❑other b. Size of structure: (�3' ft.by qOd ft. C. Number of stories 7,—d. Foundation type: ❑full cellar; �rawl space; ❑slab e. Foundation: ill be removed; will not be removed f Structure(s): [will be replaced; P ill not be replaced 7. Utilities Information Indicate utilities for this structure: as electric ❑propane ❑onsite well-water pump ublic water iblie sewer Have you notified the Town Water Dept. for public water and public sewer disonnect? Xyes ❑No Have all utilities been disconpvetV9 LA Y.es ❑No Signature of Applicant: �� Date: Z— q— 0 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection OffU No. (518)761-8256 Arrive: am/ epart: am/pm al Date Inspection request received: _ Inspector's Initis: — NAME: 1 �� � )/I t, S n 11 S PERMIT#: S-�6 LOCATION: Z U` r a 1,, . DATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Yes No N/A Building Number/Address visible from road Chimney Height/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 6 inches Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Guards at stairs,decks,patios more than 30 inches above grade Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck,porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall Interior/Exterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Interior Handrails @ stairs 2 or more risers Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Detectors: Every level: Every Bedroom: Outside every bedroom area: Inter Connected: Battery backup: Carbon Monoxide Detector Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 s .ft.-150 s .ft. vents Bathroom Fans,if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 s .ft. Emergency egress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed/Heat Trap/Water Tern 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum''/2"Gypsum Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched Garage fire roofin /3/4 hour fire door/door closer Duct work Sealed properly Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept.Inspection Sticker Site Plan /Variance required Flood Plain Ce tion,if required Okay to iss C/Cbr C/O [Temporary/Permanent L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Residential Final Inspection Form revised_100405.doc 4: �- 7 ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT HOWARD JOHNSON'S GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK Prepared for: Aviation Mall Glens Falls, New York ! H r f t o N M E N Y A l 25 Walker Way Albany, NY 12205 (518) 456-5909 January 10, 2002 w This report is a record of an asbestos survey of the former Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge located just off exit 19 of the Adirondack Northway on Aviation Road in Glens Falls, New York. The asbestos inspection was performed in accordance with New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL). The inspector of record on this project was James A Capasso Il. Mr. Capasso is a NYSDOL Certified Asbestos Inspector(No. AH91-06386). MARCOR Remediation, Inc. contracted with Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. (SEA), located in Schenectady,New York,performed the survey on December 24,2001. The building's interior, exterior, ground and roof were inspected for suspect asbestos-containing building materials(ACBM's)in accordance with New York State Department of Labor-Industrial Code Rule 56. Suspect ACBM's include all building products that might contain asbestos;e.g., all building materials EXCEPT foam,rubber,metal,wood,glass, and plastic. Included within this report are the qualities and locations of asbestos-containing materials,and the analytical results for the bulk samples collected during the course of this inspection. Also included in this report is a brief discussion regarding asbestos-containing materials identified within the specified areas and recommendations for corrective action(if any). { i ' ASBESTOS SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES The inspection conducted by Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. consisted of close visual inspection of all accessible areas.' Observations were made for surfacing materials, thermal system insulation, and miscellaneous materials suspected of containing asbestos. Suspect materials were inventoried and examined for evidence of deterioration, damage and/or exposed friable materials. - Random bulk samples have been collected of suspectACBM's. Every effort has been made io identify-all locations and types of asbestos containing insulation and construction materials. All materials samples were analyzed by a laboratory accredited by the New York State Department of Health's Environmental Laboratory Approval Program(FLAP).. Scientific Laboratories,.Inc. (SciLab);located- in New York; New York performed Polarized Light Microscopy •(PLK analysis'of both friable and non-friable organically -bound (NOB) materials employing ELAP method 198.1—Within.the scope of this method, all friable materials are analyzed using point counting to quantify the presence.Qf asbestos. 'For NOB materials, the method incorporates mandatory matrix reduction 'techniques including muffle furnace ashing and acid treatment of the sample. In accordance with ELAP Method 198.1,.it must be recognized that fox NOB materials for which no asbestos was detected via PLM, ELAP Method:198.4, Transmission Electron Microscope a Method for Identifying and Quantitating Asbestos in. Non-Friable Organically Bound Bulk. : .' Samples, is recommended. For, samples originating in New York State, Method 198.4 is required if such materials' can be considered or treated .as non asbestos containing: SciLab performed this analysis. r COMMENTS & CONCLUSIONS For inspection purposes,the building was split.into three sections. The first section consisted of the Gate Lodge, the second was the restaurant area, and the third was the lodging/rooms area.. Below are found the inspection for each building section. Gate Lodge Six of the seventeen. suspect building materials encountered were.confirmed to be asbestos containing by analysis of the representative bulk samples. These materials were floor tiles, glue daubs, and.thermal system insulation. A brief description of the materials and their approximate amounts can be found below and in the table of Homogenous Suspect ACBM's on the } following pages. A The 12" x 1T'white floor the with black spots beneath the carpet in.the office area was determined to contain asbestos: The :rriastc associated with this floor tile was not asbestos- - containing. There was approximately.a•469 square feet of floor file present. The IT' x 12" white floor tile-with black spots was non-friable and in fair condition. The 9" x 9" floor the located in the basement beneath the office area was.determined to contain asbestos. The mastic. associated with this floor tile was not asbestos containing. There was approximately a 235 square feet of floor file present. The 9" x 9" floor tile floor tile was non ` friable and in fair condition. f Glue daubs located on the backside of the 1'.x 1 ceiling tiles in the office area was found to, contain asbestos. There was approximately 384.square feet of glue daubs present. .The glue daubs'was non-friable and in fair condition. The mudded fitting insulation, corrugated pipe insulation,-and pipe wrap located on piping in the basement and in the foyer was determined to contain asbestos. The.yellow insulation and associated covering was determined to be non-asbestos containing. The corrugated,insulation . was only located in the basement and the pipe wrap (woven cloth-like insulation) only in the... .. ' foyer. Mudded insulation was located in both areas. There were approximately 43 fittings f i present throughout the Gate Lodge area, 33 linear feet of corrugated insulation in the basement and 6 linear feet of pipe wrap in the foyer. The insulations were.friable and in fair condition. Restaurant Four of the ten suspect building materials encountered were confirmed.to be asbestos containing. by analysis of the representative bulk samples. These materials-were floor tiles, mastics, and thermal system insulation. A brief description of the materials and their approximate amounts can be found below and in the table of Homogenous Suspect ACBM's on.-the following pages. The floor tile and associated mastic located in the kitchen area of the restaurant was found to - contain asbestos. There were two layers of tile in: the kitchen. There was approximately 360 square feet of floor tile and mastic present. The floor tile and mastic was non-friable and in good condition. Mudded fitting insulation.located in the basement beneath the kitchen, in the corridor outside: . the restaurant and in the ceiling of the restaurant was found to contain asbestos. There was approximately 43 fittings .present in the restaurant section of the building. The mudded fitting . insulation was.friable and in fair.condition. Mastic located behind the mirrom.in the bathrooms associated with the restaurant was found to_ contain asbestos. There was approximately 58 square feet of mirror in the restrooms. The. mastic was non-friable and in fair condition. . Lodging/Rooms Twelve of the twenty-eight suspect. building materials encountered were confirmed to be asbestos containing:by analysis.of the representative bulk samples. These materials were floor tiles, mastics; and thermal system insulation. A brief-description of the materials and their approximate amounts can be found below and in the table of Homogenous Suspect ACBM's on the.following pages. i The decorative/acoustical plaster located on the ceilings of the first floor lodging rooms was. determined to contain asbestos. There was approximately 24,500 square feet of plaster present. The decorative/acoustical plaster was friable and in fair condition. The floor tile and associated mastics located throughout the lodging/rooms area were found to contain asbestos. The mastics associated with the 12,' x IT' floor tiles were asbestos containing. Mastic associated with the 9" x 9" floor tiles was not. There was approximately 1,300 square feet of floor tile and'mastic present. The floor tale and mastic was non-friable and, in fair.- condition. Tank insulation located on the hot water tank in the mechanical room was found to contain asbestos. There was approximately 115 square feet of insulation present. The tank insulation was friable and in fair condition. Mudded fitting insulation located in.the mechanical room and throughout the corridor of the - lodging/room area was found to contain asbestos. There were,approximately 720 fittings. present. The mudded fitting insulation was friable and in fair condition. Corrugated pipe insulation located in the imechanical room was found to-contain asbestos. There was approximately 240 linear feet of, insulation present.. The corrugated pipe insulation was friable and in fair condition. Gasket materials located on the boiler in the mechanical room were found to contain asbestos. '. 3 There was approximately 15 square feet of gasketing present. The gasket materials were friable a and in fair condition. , The roofing flashing and flashing-cement located on the single story roof over the mechanical and housekeeping areas were determined to contain asbestos. All other roofing materials were determined to be non-asbestos. There were approximately 240 linear feet of flashing materials. These materials were non-friable and.in fair condition. } According to New York State an&EPA regulations, all asbestos-containing materials are to be ;z abated from the site before the commencement of renovation or demolition activities. If suspect materials are encountered during renovation or demolition activities that are not de*scribed.within this report, the.materials should be sampled and analyzed for asbestos content.and, if necessary, properly abated. According to NYSDOL - ICR 56-1.9(d), if the premises are to be demolished, a copy of the building survey must be forward to the commissioner of labor through the Department"s Divigion of Safety and Health, Asbestos Control Bureau, and to the, local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such•demolition under applicable State or local.laws or, if no such permit is required,to the town or city clerk where the building is located. Homogenous; Suspect ACBM'S - Howard Johnson'.'s..Motor Lodge Glens Falls,New York • ACM? ID No. Suspect Materials Location y or'N Quantity.• Condition GATE LODGE' 01 P x 1' Ceiling Tile' Office areas N N/A N/A 02 Glue Daubs from above Office areas Y 384 SF .Fair .03 12"x 12"White Floor Tile Office(Top Layer) N N/A N/A 04 12"x 12"Tan Floor Tile Office(Bottom Layer) N N/A N/A 05 Mastic from above Office N N/A N/A. 06 12"x 12"White w/Black FT Office Y 468 SF Fair 07 Mastic from above :Office N N/A N/A 08 Mortar from Cinder Block Basement Walls N N/A N/A 09 Concrete Flooring N N/A N/A 10 Corrugated Pipe Insulation Basement under office Y 33 LF, Fair 11 Mudded Fitting Insulation Basement under office,•Foyer Y 43 Fittings Fair 12 Duct Insulation Basement under office N N/A N/A 13 9"x.9"•Floor•Tile, Basement under office Y 235 SF Fair 14 Mastic from above Basement.under office N N/A N/A 15 Yellow.Pipe Insulation. Basement under office,•Foyer N N/A N/A 16 - T x 2' Ceiling Tile Foyer,Corridor N N/A N/A 17 Pipe Wrap Foyer Y 6 LF Fair Homogenous Suspect ACBM'S. Howard Johnson's Motor 'Lodge Glens 611s, New.York (continued). ID No. ACM? Suspect.Materials Location Y or N Quantity Condition RESTAURANT AREA 18 2' x 4' Ceiling Tile Closei-across from restaurant N N/A N/A 19 1' x 1' Spline Tile Closet across from*restaurant N N/A N/A 20 . 12"x 12"Grey Floor Tile Kitchen-(Bottom Layer) Y 366 SF Fair 21 Mastic from above. Kitchen(Bottom Layer) Y See above See above 22 12"x 12"Brown Floor Tile Kitchen (Top Layer) Y See above See above 23 Ceramic Tile Mastic Restrooms N N/A N/A 24 Sheetrock Walls N N/A N/A 25 Joint Compound Walls N N/A N/A 26 Mudded Fitting Insulation Corridor,•Restrooms,Cciling.of dining area Y 62 fittings Fair 27 Mirror Mastic Restrooms Y 58 SF Fair . Homogenous Suspect ACBM'S Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge Glens Falls,New York (continued) . ID No. Suspect Materials Location ACM?. Quantity Condition YorN LODGING/ROOMS 28 Covebase Base of walls N N/A N/A 29 Mastic from above Base of walls N N/A N/A 30 Flash Patch Entrance to rooms N' N/A N/A 31 Decorative/Acoustical Plaster Ceiling of lodging 1cooms Y 2.4,500 SF Fair 32 Wall Paper Walls of lodging rooms N N/A N/A 33 Pink Linoleum Bathrooms N N/A N/A 34 Gold Linoleum Bathrooms N N/A N/A 35 9"•x 9"Tan Floor Tile Storage room Y 336 SF Fair 36 Mastic from above Storage room N N/A N/A 37 12"a4-12"Green Floor Tile Foyer north of mechanical room Y 192 SF Fair 38 Mastic from above Foyer north of.mechanical room Y See above See above 39 Tank Insulation ' Hot Water Tank in Mechanical-Room Y 115 SF Fair 40 -Mudded Fitting Insulation MV chauical Room,Corridor Y 720 Fittings Fair 41 'Corrugated-Pipe Insulation Mechanical Room Y 240 LF Fair 42 Flue Patching Mechanical Room N N/A N/A. -43 Gasket Boiler in Mechanical'Room Y 15 SF Fair 44 12"x IV Beige Floor Tile South addition Y 750 SF Fair 45 Mastic from above South addition Y See above -See above 46 Mortar from Brick Exterior walls N N/A N/A 47 Roof Cement Penetration with rolled roofing N N/A N/A 48 Rolled Roofing Penetration on single story roof N N/A N/A 49 Roof Cement Single story roof Y 240 LF - Fair 50 Roof Flashing Single story roof Y See above. See above .... .. .... '. .. ....... '. ...... ..,:,.•:,::ti. Vie.::.. h..-..e.. i :'.. .:...p .ti. '..:... v.. . ..�... ... ....s..�y •-.. .. . :.. .. ;.,� .... .iA . .. .. _ Homogenous Suspect ACBM'S I3oward Johnson's Motor Lodge. Glens-Falls,New York (continued) ID No. Suspect Materials Location ACM?YorN Quantity . Condition . 51 Roofing Over south lodging section N N/A N/A 52 Roofing Over north lodging section N N/A N/A 53 Roof Insulation Over north lodging section N N/A NIA 54 Roofing Over restaurant, N N/A N/A 55 Roof Insulation Over restaurant N N/A NIA n/a=not applicable,•LF=,linear feet SF= square feet CF=..cubic feet , `JOG 4 1 i { 117 EAST 30TH STRE€T NEW YORK,NY 1001 a Fuca,3=YiCX L"mil,• SMAt UWJU70RW TEL: (212)679-8600-FAX:(212)679.9392 PLM B 'Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 SeiLab Job No. 202011105 Attn: Bill NWsman Date Exalmined 01/03/2002 P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 1 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No./HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos #01 202011105-01 No NAD Loeatlont Ceiling Tile R Description: Gtey,HonwSencous,reeding Tile Asbcstns Types: Other Mstedil: Cellulose S.%, Fibrous glass 85.96, Note-obrouz 10.% #02 202011105-02 No NAD 1 Location:Glue Daub Description:Brown,Homogc000us,Glut Daub Asbestos Tim; Othgrr WP4WW-.Non-fibrous.43.9% #03 202011105-03 No NAD Locatlonn:Floor No(top layer) Wscriptiotli Grey,Homogeneous;Proof Vile(top layer) Asbestos Tppes: OthearMatarial: Non-fibrous 16.6 9b -3 #04 202011105 04 No NAD Location:Floor Tile(bottom layer) D.esm iptlotr. Brown,Homogeneous,Fl*--TIle(bottom lays) A,sbest.w Typeet Other 44riak Non-fibrous 1.8% j #05 202011105-05 No NAD Location-Mastic Description:Tan,Homogeneous,Mastic. Asbestido Typcar Other A"riah Non-fibrous 27.4% ' CIEN ": AIC LABOR470RISS., ,ANC+ i l 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 10016 rvu'sasrns exvuonliraNl.iiuidlbiroaabs TEU (212)679-3600-FAX:(212)679-9392 ' PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 ScRAb Job No. 202011105 . Attn:Bill Massman Datelmmined 01/0312003 P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 2 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Offico Client No./.HGA Lab No, ,Asbestos Present Total °Ic Asbestos #06 202011105-06 Yes 2%1 Location:Floor Tile(under carpet) Description: Bcige,Homogeneous,Floor Tile(under carpet) Asbestos-ftes:Chrysorile 2.0 96 Other"Miiteilal: Non-fibrous 1.1.7% #07 202011105-07 No NAD Location:Mastic Description: Black,Homogeneous,Mastic Asbe3tw Typest Other Usurkh Non-fibrous 9.5% ##08 202011105-08 NO NAD Locationt Maatar(cinderblock) Descripdon: Grey,Romogentow.Ccmenddous,Mortar ~ Asbesttu Tipm. Otherb3sitarlal: Cellulose Trace, Non-fibrous 100,% 009 202011105-09 No NAD Loeadon:Floor Concreto Description: Grey,Homogenous,Ccmeuddous,Concrete(floor) Asbestos Types; Other Wt Aerial: Cellulose Trace, Fibrous glass Trwo. Non-fibrous 100.% #10 202011105-10 Yes 4.5 % Location:Ccinugatcd Pipe Description:Grey,Homogengous,Corrugated Yips Aabeatos;TL pea:ChrAotile 4.5% Other?&terwt Cellulose 90.96; Non-fibmns 5.5% 7 117 EAST 30TH STREET •s NEW YOM NY 1001 e rouiaHiiuoaraiitivrAii�orauas TEL (212)679-8600•PAX: (212)679-9392 PLM:Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 SeiLab Job No. 202011105 Attu: Bill Massman Date.E�amined 01/03/2002 p.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 3 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Offico CXent No./HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos #11 202011105-11 Yes 36% Locaftat Mudded Fittings ncseevfion: am,Romogencous.V 4ded Fittings Aspv tcs T)`jts:Chrysotite 36.% OtiitrIvMatirlal;-Cellulose Trace, RbrWsglass Trace, Noa-fibrous G4. 90 #12 20201110.5-12 No NAD Location:Duct Insuladon Deseripthw; Black,Hotiaogcneous,Duct TzrWation AsbW6 Typts; Other MAterWt Celluloso 'I7xce, Fibrous glass 95.96, Non-fibrous 5.To 413 202011105-13 Yes 3.8 %t Location:Floor Tile Description: Carey.Homogeneous,Floor M Asbeatos;Types:CbrysoMr. 3.8 96 Other.Miitoiah Non-fibrous 35.1 To r 1 #14 202011105-14 No NAD' Location:Mastic Der*don: Black.Homogeneous,Maidc , Asbcsbo9'1`Ypeas Otber.Material; Non-fibrous 134% #.15 202011105-15 No. NAD Location:Ceiling Tile(yellow) :. Descriptkg--Yellow.Homogeneous:Ceiling Tile Aabastos Types: Othev-1 t"r)al:.CcUulosa 5.%, Fibrous glass 88.%, Non-fibrous 7.% �r s�]�ri� «`�ro}�>�j»��+e� INC.Qz-,lb ` S�/��N !•r"I�I /S�.J�IBO�l V1fiI ►7�. lit • s 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 1oo18 rvusexr:cazr�vfiamawr�ii�aoiurouu TEL: (212)678-8600 FAX-(212)879-9392 ' PLM Bulk-Asbestos:Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,be.Date•Received 01/03/2002 SciLab Job No. 202011105 Attn:Bill Massman Date Examined 01/03/2002 P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 4 of 12 5chenoctady,NY 12301 RE; 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No.I HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total.% Asbestos #16 202011105-16 No NAD Location:Ceiling Tile(tan) peseription: Gray,Homogeneous,Ceiling Tile Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cehloso 40.%, Fibrous glass 40.%, Non-flbrous 20.% #17 202011105-17 Yes 4.6 % Location:Pip--Wrap Descriptions Grey,Homogeacouu,Pipe Wrap Asbestos Typest Chrysotae 4.6% Other Material: Non.fibrous 16.6% #18 202011105-18 No NAD Location:Ceiling Tile(tut) Description: Ckey,Homogeneo u;Ceiling Tile Asbwtos T�pess other Ma aW: Cel3ulose•50.%, Pibrous glass 25.96,. Non-fibrous 25.% #19 202011105-19 No NAD Loeatious:Ceiling Tile(grey) i Descriptlon:Grey,Homogeneous,CeMug Tile Asbestos Types: Other Mattiiah Cellulosa 2.95, FIrouis glass 88.°,6, Non-fibrous 10.% ' 1 #20 202011105-20 Yes <1.% Loaadonn :Floor Tile(bottom) Descriptions.Grey,Hosnogeneons,Floor The(botrmm) Asbestos•T3' .Chrysotile 4,% Other Material::Non-fubroua >5.8% SCIENTIFIC LAS094TORISS i 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 10016 rvrsss�yxsaHvi�mriralvru won�rnxiaa TEL (212)679-8600•FAX:(212)879.9392 PLM-Bilk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 SctLab-Job No, 202011105 Attn:Bill Massman Date Examined 01/03/2002 P.U.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 5 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No,i EGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 1 #21 202011105-21 Yes 3.8`fo Location:Mastic Desaip.don:Black,Homogettooua;M0.sBc Asbestos Types:t�sotile 3-$% oilw MataW-.Non-fibrdvs 22.1% ' #22 2=11105-22 Yes 3.2 % Locatlow Floor Tile(top) Description:Brown,Homogeneous,noor Tile(top) A3beatos Tom:Chry3on'le*3.2 96 other Material: #23 202011105-23 No NAD I ` Lmdon:Ceramic Tile Mude Dacdydow To,Homogeneous,Ccrwr lc Tile Mastic Asbestoi,T7Qq: - ' othee-AUtsrial:Non fibrous 22A% #24 202011105-24 No NAD Locatidw Sheeuock ' Dwalption: Cucy.Homogeneous,Sbeooidck Asbestos Types: other Materiak pdWose S.:96, Non-fibmpa,95.% #25 202011105-25 Yes Location:Joint Compound Description To,Homogeneous.Joint Compound Asbestos Typed:Chrysgpa <1,% Othe r lbtate W: Cellulose Trace. Non-fibrous >".% r/�'�r�+�r r p,�q J � i�+�/►/�J )JJ�.rJ�L, J r n a73/J.6P�I�TIMI .i BORA)ii/R]"r 1MCi •117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 10016 rvusramssNvnom+�vr�ci.�aoiuriouss TEL (212)6794600•FAX:(212)679-9392 J PLM Bulk Asbestos.Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 Scab Job No. 202011105 Attn:Bill Massman Date Rxamined 01/03/2002 P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 6 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No./HGA Lab Nu. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #26 202011105-26 Yes 7 % Locations Mudded Elting Desetip#m Grey.,Iomogentow,Mudded Fitdng , Asbestee Tjpes:Chrysodle 7.0% Other:Materisd:•Celh:lote Trace, Fibrous¢lass 10.9G. Non-fibrous 93.96 #27 202011105-27 Yes 9.7% Lomdon:Mastic Deac40on:Black,Homogeneous,Mastic Asbatoa.Types;Chtyfodle 9.7 96 Other MiterW: Noj-fibrous 29.1% #28 202011105-28 No NAD Location:Covebase DescdpAcm Grey,Hemogememi Covebase Asbestoitypep: Other 1tiMaierial: Nonifibrous 34.5 9b 5 #29 202011105-29 No NAD I Location:Masdc Dasrripdon:Tan,Homogcaoous,Masdc, Asba iw Typast Other MaterWi Non-fibrous 22.1% #30 202011105-30 No NAD Location:Flash Patch Dtscripdon: Grey.Homvgcncous,CemMitious,Flub Patch Asbestos-Types ; Other MiiterYalt•Cellulose•Trace, Non-fibrous 100.% S,w 1 TI i 1IAB O JJJIJG4 fitM=V 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 1001a rvu saievrasxyrkG+Nx�WretuioaaroxrM TEL: (212)679-8600•FAX:(212)679-9392 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 ScILab Job No. 202611105 Attu:Bill Massman Date Examined 01/03/2002 P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page' 7 of 12 Sehcnectady,NY 12301 RF,: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No.1 HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos #31 202011105 31 Yes 4 016. Location:Aoous0cel Ceiling Deseriptian: Tan,homogeneous,Acoustical Coiling : Asbestos.Typcs:Chrysotile 4;0% 00kr.Materlal: Cellulose Traco, Fibrous glass•Trace, Nowt-fibrous 96. 96 1 ' #32 202011105-32 No NAb Locatlan:Wall Papa Dek4tlou: OliWhim HomogeneotI3,Wall Paper. : Asbcstu Typo: Oft; *Maierial: No-4-fibrous 0.8% 1• , #33 202011105-33 Na NAb , Locations Linoleum(pink) Descz;lptl'oa:.Pink,Homogcncau.Linde%= Asbestos Types: odwA?Mataials Non-fibrous. 9.8% #34 202011105-34 NO NAD ; Location:Linoleum(901AD 1)"0 400n: Gold;Homogeneous,Linoleum Arbesta Types: Otbei Matsrial: Non-fibrous 3.9% #35 202011105-35 Yes 4.4 96 l Location:Floor Tile(tan) Description: Tan,Homogeneous,Floor Tile(tan) Asbestoe•Typee:LChrysotilc 4A% other MiUrlal: Non-fibrous 39.8 96 : j . 117 EAST 30TH STFkEET NEW YORK,NY 1001 a ruccsuvres rrio�nrrrnAattaostTOR= "EL• (M2)679-8640-FAX: (212)879.9392 PLM Bulk-Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Aate-Received 01/03/2002 SciLab Job No. 202011105 Attn:Bill Massman Date Examined 01/03/2002 PA.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 8 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE; 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Citebt No.!HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #36 202011105-36 No NAD Location:Mastic Desgk don: Black,Homogeneous,Mastic As4esto&;Types: Otbtr Material: Non-fbrouc 4.7% #37 202011105-37 Yes 2.2. %r Location:Floor Tile.(greta) Description: Orem Homopneous.l~loor Tile(gmm) Asbestos Types:Chtysorile 2.2 96 Other 1 it rlalt Non-fibrous 29.6% • I #38 202011105-38 Yes .2.4% Logsdon:Mastic Description:Block,Homogeneous.Mastic y Asbestu I)psst Ctuysotilo 2.4% Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.8% #39 202011105•-39 Yes 36 % Location:Tank Ynsuladon Description: Grey,Homogeneous,Tank Jnsulaton Asbettoe•Types:Cbrysotile 36.% Otber.MateiW. Cslfilose 'Dace, F�rout glass 'Trace, I�oa-fibrous 64. 96 #40 20201110540 Yes 8 96 Location:Mudded Fitting Description: Casey.Homogentm.Mudded Fitting Asbestoa•3ypos:•Chrysotile.9.0 96 'Other Material: Cellulose Trace, 'Fibrotu Suss 15.9b, Nonfibroua 77.% P��i 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 10010 TEL: (212)679-8600•FAX:(212)679.9362 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrmn Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 Se1Lab Job No. 202011105 Attn:Bill Massman Date Exainined 01/03/2002 P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 9 of 12 Schenectady, NY 12301 gE: 219-02; I-Toward Johnson's; Office Client No./HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos #41 202011105-41 Yes 4 9k Locatl'on:Corrugated Pipo l mulation Desalptfan: Grey.Homogeneous,Pipe Insulation(mmgat4 Asbestos Tygm Chrysotile 4.0% Other Mite d;-Celinloae 90.%, Non-fibrous 6.% #42 202011105-42 No NAD Ucaation.Flue Patch Desedytidw Croy,Homogeneous,CemcntWoas,Flue Patch Asbeatoe Types: Otber.Materw: Cellulose 'Trace, Non-fibrous.100.96 #43 202011105-43 Yes 80 TO Lopation:Tank Gasket be=lption: Grey,Homogeneous,Tank Gasket- Asbato Types:Chrysot le W.% Otfier Material: Non-$bmus 20.% j #44 202011105-44 Yes 2 T'o Location:Floor Tilc Description:Brigs,Homogeneous,Floor Tile &sbeit"t px:'Ckysotlle 7.0% Other Mater!34 No-A fibrous 275% I #45 202011105-45 Yes <1.% Locatlow Mastic Dacriptfon.Black,Homogeneous,Mastic Asbestos Ty ei:Chrysotffa 4.% Other Material: Norgibmw >2.5% r 117 FAST 30TH STREEr NEW YOFiK NY 10016 rvussxwcx ivv�eon�'r'si AZi,iWXi mines TEL (212)679-8600•FAX:(212)879-9382 ` PLM Bulk.Asbestos•Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Received 01/03/2002 SciLab Job No. 202011105 Attn:Bill Massmati Date Examined 01103= P.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 Page 10 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No,!HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total c/o Asbestos #46 202011105746 No NAD Location:Mortar Brick Description: C=y,Homogeneous.Ccmentldoug,Mortar Brick Acbest6e Types: Other?4terinl::Cellulose Trace, Non-fibrous 100.% #47 202011105-47 No NAYS Location:Roof Cement Deaedption: Black,Honnogencous.Roof Ciarient Asbeetta Typer. Other Material: Non-fibrous 15.6% 1 #48 20-2011105-48 No NAD Location:Shingle Description:Black,Homogeneous,Shingle - Asbestop Types; Other Msterlah'Non-fibroaa•26.9 96 #49 202011105-49 Yes 8.4 To f Locationt Roof Cement Description: Black,Homogeneous,Roof Cement Asbestos'I}�ucs ChAyeotile S.A 96 Other Materb4i-Non-fibrous 25.3% 1 . #50 202011105-50 Yes 11.2% Location:Roof Robing Description:Black,Homogeneous,Roof Plashing Aebcatos Tppes:Chrysotb 11.2% Othcr Material: Non-fibrous 20.8% SCIENTIFIC "BOR4TORIES INC. 117 EAST30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY ioola 't'ussav�ca�tvvriior tnr�%iuoiuio�uss TEL• (212)67"600•FAX:(212)670,9392 PLM Bblk Asbestos Report Spectrum Etivironmcntal Associates,Inc.Date Received O1/03/2002 SciLab Job No. 202011105 Attu:Bill Massman We 1 itamined 01/03/2M2 P.O.#f ' 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 I Page 11 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Office Client No.I HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 051 202011105-51 No NAD I Location:Roofing Description:Black,Homogeneous,Roofing . Ashestos Types: Other Mattoalt Non-fibrous .13.4 96 #52 202011105-52 No NAD 1 Location:Roofing Descdptlon:Black,Homogeneous,Roofing ' Asbestos Typesc Other Material: Non-fibrous 2.0% ; #53 202011105-53 No NAD London;Roof Insulation s Doacriptbat Tan.Homogeneous,Roof Insulation(stringy) Asbestos Types: tither Material: Cellulose 95.%, Non-fibrous 5.9b #54 202011105-54 No NAD I F Location:Roofing Descdption: Tan,Homogeneous,Roofing Asbestbe Types: OtkV Materiah Nan-fibrous 26.1% #55 202011105-55 No NAD' Location:Roof Insulation Description: Brown,Homogeneous.Roof Insulation(can) Asbestoe Types: Other Malaria!: Celluloso 65.96, Non-fibrous 35. % SCIENTIFIC LAB OR 41'ORAFS AMC. 1 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK.NY 10018 rvitSZkVx=* x iarvrxaW*V1W*UWAAr0XM TEL (212)679-8600*e FAX:(212)679-9392 ' PLM-Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.Date Recelyed 01/03/2002 Sc!Lab Job No. 202011105 Attn:Bill Massman bate 9xamined 01103/200- Y.O.# 219-02 P.O.Box 1024 page 12 of 12 Schenectady,NY 12301 RE: 219-02; Howard Johnson's; Off-ice Reporting Notes: (1) PLM anaVsts of NOB mat material Analyzed by:John Koubiadialivan Recalde *NAD(NSD-no asbestos detected: NA-not mulred; NAPS-riot analyzed l positive stop; PLM Bulk Asbestos Analysis by EPA 60NM4-82-020 per 40 CBR 763 O VLAP Lab 1120054"1 and FLAP PLM Analysis Protocol 198.1 for Ncw Yotic samples(NYSDOR 11.AP Lab M 11480); Now PLM is not coubtently reliable in detecting asbestos in IIoor coverings and similar son-tdzble organically bound mnterials. TEM is cu=dy the only method that can be uscd to dearminc if this matuW can be considered or treated.as no►rasbestos-oonhini%in New York Sues(also its EPA Advisory for floor pk,PR 59,146. 39970.8104). Nadoaal 14titute of Standards and Technology Accreditation rogtdrem=ts mandate that this report must riot ix reproduced execpt in loll withons rho approval of the hboratoty. This Pldvi r+cport relates ONLY to the aeons tested. AIHAN 102343;VT Cert#AL016055 Rvdtawed By: �'s j .-. r .[., B $A-UPLMG LILTS SciLab Job#: 202011105 Client Name: Spectrum Eavirommental.Associates,Inc.. Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 219-02; Howard Johnsoh's; Cfr= ' SciLab Client AG Sample Heat Acid Inrokable Sample Sampler Area we* Se+Wfive Sakible Non-AsWtos *"Asbei w 96 by *'Asbestos by if 1Jocaliou (gur=)• Organic 9G Ina ganic'f6 Inorgitale% PLM/DS TEM W tool --- --- — --- NAD NA - Ceiliing Tile 02 002 0S91 55.84 0.17 37.39 MAD Chrysotile 6:6 Glue Daub 03 t103 0.379 19.58. 63.76 L6.67 NAD NAD Floor Tile(top layer) - 04 #04 0.44. 18.18 80.00 1.82 NAD NAD Floor Tile(bottom layer) 05 #05 0.382'- 49.21 2330 27.49 NAD NAD Untie 06 406 . 0364 2830 •. 57.97 104 Chrysotile 2.0 NA Floor Tile(under carpet) 07 #07 0.199 88.44 2.01 9.55 NAD NAD MaS& 08 #08 -- — — — NAD NA Mortar(cinderblock) t Analyrsd by:Mail Dab Analyzed: IAM2 'N AD/NSD-no asbastw detctlod; NA=sal ualpzed;• NAPS=not aaslymd/posidve stop; PLU Bulk Asbestos Analytit by EPA 6WW44MWO per 4O(FR 763(NYLAP Lab*XW46-0)wA FLAP PLM Amlysi Pres000l 192.1 for Now Yost saatplu.(NYSDON BL.AP Lab p 11480).-tLAP 1m1 Analysis Piokmoi 79JtA fornep dve NY NOR sampler Mall:Puri is sotooaststmtly zelisble,in desoaiag asbcstoa in tlooc coveriap aad�dmilar aw-iciable owaieaUy bound•makstsds.183E is aw=dy the outy mothod'that qn be used to drtetmina u ft*matuiat cu i a eonsldcmd a Ueamd as Yak Sate(also soe L'PA AdvisaQy for a"tiie,M59.146.38?)0,UIIU). Nadalal Irsdlute of Sundetds and Tocimoiogy Accrsdltatiau tequircmoobt araadale itia:t ibis repeat�rustswt be rcpmdactxl except at full Without the approval of Ilse laboralmy. '1i&PLU sepoat wJases ONLY talkie iwiw fused. ARIAS IMU3;VTCectf ALOWLSS NVA•No YUNO A*Csbna Reviewed By • SdUb Job#: 202011105 Client Name: Sgecttvm Envixonmental Associates,Inc. - ' fiablc 1 • � - Sunmary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Readts 219-02; F3owaW Johnson's; Off we SdLab Client HG Sasj�& Heat Add Iatrolitble Sample Sample# Area Wei& Sendflve Soluble Non-Asbestes "*Asbestos 96 by ««Asbestos 96 by #' L.ocatian (gi'aae} osYank•96 Ino WWC% Ilt� 9G PLMMS T'Ehf 09 409 — --- — -- NAD NA Floor Concrete 10 #10 — --- --- Chrysotile 4.5 NA Corrugated Pipe 11 Nil — -- -- -- Chrysotile 36. WA Uiildcd Fittings 12 ui1 --_ __ NAD ..NAI. Duct Insulation 13 #13 0.424 32S5 28:54 35.12 Chrysotile 3.8 NA Floor Tile 14 #14 0.431'- 77:49 8.82 1359 NAD Chrysotile Trace Mastic 15 #15 -- --. r- -- NAD NA Ceiling Tile(yellow) 16 #16 -- -- -- NAD NA Ceiling Tile,(tan) 1 Aaalyzed hy,bfddWI Cxuraram Dale Anshyzcd:1/M •NAD/NSD+-so asbcAw Jcb:d&d; NA m mot aaalyaed; HA/PS=net:aaalrud/positive stop; PW bulk As ca"Analysis by EPA 6W Ad442.020 per 40 CPR 763(NVL AP lab Y100SU-0)aad HLAP Pt.M Malys; Psweml 19LI far New Yodtsasapks(X"DOIi BLAP lab*I U80):EL►P TM( moswive NY NC6vwplrs:Nut=MM is act coaws6cadY w1bbb iadewtiag asbcslns is fb=covcciass aad.siaoil{r noa.friable*%WcaW tweed Mtalesiats. Tom[Is can"aty the caly a)dt ad slut cam be used to damadm,e if ibis mrw sIa a a•be 000adaed or uveW as ao.,asbestnsrpaoosinias to New York Sate(a4o am EPA Advisory for flax tile.F8 59,116s 1i97Q;8JU94)..Nahlcoatlnsdluie of Staedurlt 40 Tedm*g Acaodttadoo regsja� wa dtle thatM repay-Odd not be repraduad except is fins without DuapptmvsIof the laboritay: T1ds 4tyi=port relates OKLY to the ittlrtt tench. AIHAt 1D3t3;Pr C&W AG016053 NVA-No ViuIle Asbe" Reviewed By. SciLab Job#: 202011105 Client Name: Speeimm Environmental Associates,Inc. Table I ` Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 219-02; Howard Johmonrs; Office ScUAh Cheat -Hc SRP*. k Heat Add Ins"Ie Sample salapiefl Area wcf&t sen:iul,te Snlsrlrle Nan-Mbtstna A,sbutos %by •«Aslocates*%by # LocntTsoa (prliw Osipik%• Iuoipiilic% Inartsoie 96 PIAMS TEM 17 #17 0.419 7537 3.34 M69 Chrysodic 4.6 NA Pipe Wrap 18 #18 — -.-- — — NAD NA Ceiling Tile(tan). ' 19 919 — --- .— -- NAD NA Ceiling Tile(grey) 20 #20 0.494 19.64 WA9 4.37 Chrysotllc<1. Ctnysotile 1.5 Floor Tile(bo tiom) 21 #21• 0.193' 47.67 26.42 22.11 Chrysotilc 3.8 NA Mastic 22 122 0.516 17.25 79.46 3.29 Chrysotilc 3.2 NA Floor Tile(tog) 23 #23 0.14 72.96 4.29 22.86 NAD NAD Ceraalic Tile Mastic 24 #24 -- -- — — NAD. NA Shechock Analyz4d by:Mikhail Oats Aaalyw&V4A2 •NADWD-oo asbcies da=ftd; NA=sot aaalyrad; NAM=aotaulywd/posidvc stop; PLM Bulk Asix:tas Analysis by EPA 6MM4-92-020 per 40 CbR 763 04ViAP Lab#24054&q aad SLAP PLU Analysi Protocol 19ti.1 (as New York samples(NYSDOA SLAP Ij&;ff 11 ";EL At'7•AId Aaalysk Pxllocol 199A ror n eptva NY NOB"snptes:Nac M.M israot eougasadty veliabto in dciecdn ubesbs r n Boos ooveeinps and sirantu a w-fii Ma drpWcLUy bcwd aaoorial&TWA is curmuW ttte oily soo Wod Wat can be u"to detesmloe it dix maleaaL esn be cmddmed oe.meated as wa-asbestos-oa ush inSin H w•Yatk Sate(also sac EPA Advisory for now tiY.tit 5 ,14¢.3i9'l0�8/1Rt?. �ladoosl tustipete of Stadaedt and Techn olom►llrree fAts erqujltaslesti saan�ste ttsai psis rc sssast not DC repmdooed e=45i it Gill without the approval of the lakmtory_'ibis PLAT ss:poetrrJatrsflt+tl.Y touhe items lestod. . AIHAt 147 43;VT CcrW AL0160 5 NVA=No VLahk Asbastm xovJowra ay SciLab Job#: 2020MOS Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc. Table I &mamary of llu Asbestos Analysis Results 219-02; How$rd Idlnsoon's; Office SciLab Client HG Samplo Hat Add Insdubfa Sample Samploll Area Weight' scwwve solubb .Non-Asbwlas Asbestos by *Asbwtes%by I Lacatina (gan) Orsude S 1"rgmaic 96 Inorplolc% PLMW TEM 25 #25 ._- — -•-- — Chrysotile<1. NA Joint Compound 26 #26 -- --- --- — Chrysotile 7.0 NA Mudded Fitting 27 #27 0332 58.13 3.01 29.16 Cluyawk 9.7 NA Mastic 28 #28 0324 1636 49.07 34M NAD NAD C6yebaso 29 829 0:158 70.89 6-% 22.15 NAD NAD b"Stic 30 930 -- --_ -- — NAD NA Plash Patch 31 #3 l — -- --- -- Ctuysotilc 4.0 NA Acoustical Ceiling - 32 #32 0231 8658 12.55 0.87 NAD NAD Wall Paper Analyzed by:Mikhail Gsusmaa Dale Acalysed 114102 -NADMD a no uksWs don on&. NA-act amh=d; MANS-eat aaatlrmd/perdue stop;'MM Bulk Asbeatus Maly9z by EPA 60X 4 Z4W pa 40 CPR 763(NVLAP i ab#2WS4610)utd EL.AP Pt.M Analysi Avtoaol 192.1 for New Yocic mwplea(NYSDOf-7k AP Lab f 31480);N AP TBM AmlyW P awwl 19SA for sapdve NY NOB—mpdrs Nof�E'[.tid fa act ooasisteariy reJaablo bn ddecda;ashes Ws qr eoor tovauiags and s�m'!sc'aoa-tflabb eap�rlicdly boeod p:flaialt:I�A(is�auy tbo oalr a+atwl tbu'sxo b=nsid ao ddrlmine itttus risatarial aa•be cdauidaed ar ttsalod at soo-asbistos-oastaiaiug m tick YasY Su1e(al►o soa EPA Advisory for floc►dlq PR S9,l u,3SZp70,9JIf111}-Ks+i lartituta of Sts> aa4 7oc600bYy Aastc>itatios segoitsaowtl mattd�ye LaW!►rpaR aautaot bo reFtoducsd accept is fait withow tbo appstrral of We iaborawry- T I&PLM report atatu Ot41.Y to the imm raged. AlElA>M 102243;VT CaNI ALDi60SS NVA-Ko Vlsbh Asbestos Rc vI wed By! •SciLab Job#: 202011105 Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc. Table Y Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 21.9-02; Howard Johnson's; Office SdLt b client HG SssMnple• Hit Acid Insoluble Sample SMUPI" Area weigh( Seaddve Soluble Nwa -Asbestos **Asbestos 9fr by *s Asbestos 90 by I Locating (treat) organic'9b I!Wrw k S InorgauLc 9fr PUAMS TEM 33 #33 0.227- 78.85 1233 8.81 NAD NAD Linoleum(pint) 34 #34 0.179 44.69 51.40 391 NAD NAD Linoleum(gold) 35 #35 0.441 32.43 23.36 39.22 Chtysotile 44 NA Floor TZa(tan) 36 #36 0.063 80.95 14.29 4.76 MAD NAD Mastic 37.. #37 0.342 25A4 42.69 29.67 Ctuysotile 12 NA Floor Tile(grin) 38 #39 0.213• 83.10 5.63 8.87 6rysoulc 2.4 NA .11,fasaic • 39 4#39 — -- — -- C6y"ia 36. NA Tank Insulation 40 #40 -- — — -- Cluycotiic 8.0 NA Mudded Pitting Analymd.by.WkW Daft Matyrc&IMM 'NADMSD=aoasbedne detcckA-NA-not analptta NAPS:not ioalyned/p=Wvc"; PLM 11 all Asbesws Analysis by EPA 6MM4-82-020 prr 4o CFR 763(NVUP Lab#200546-0)and FLAP PLU Aualyw Paotoaol 199.1 for New York—captes(KYSDOH HLAP Lab IF 11410);HLAP THU Aaa(yw Protocol L99A tacaepdvc"Y MB sxng let Now PLM is am eonastmtly sniiab le in dots cling asb W—in(boor carerinp and simtlat aoa-&ssb{taci;wk4lly iouod n udaI ;TP.tri is aatertiy tbsaalr anethod tlutau he ssod m/e�miao it tins aaatcrial sa4 t o coaiidarrd ori�cd as nos.a:bntaM ooalalami in New Y«t SWe(also sec EPA Advil ocy far f)oas tik,Rt S9,146,?89Tq 811A1� Nalaaaai lacti6ste of Standuds and Taknolopy Acetsrktatioo aegaiss meats mabdatt 16at thds:tptYt trust nol be reproduocd except io full without the apl►m rat of rise(aboosay,. lbia Yl�ti re{wrt teJatr,ONLY a die iieati lesiad. . AIHAJI 102143-,V'f CaM AL0160 5 NVA�Jo Yip3lsAslytxlos llavkwcd By. SciLab Job#: 202011105 Client Xghw: Spoorum Env'imnni�brital Associates;Ii►6: Summary of$•uW A"tos Analysis Results 219-02; Howard lohnson's; Office ScilAb C31etat HG Sasapk Heat Afid Insoluble Sample samput Area WeligLt Selsiitive Soluble Non-Asbestos *•Asbestos %by •«Asbestos%by # Location (gram) Organic% Inorgank% Iborgank% PLUMS TEM 41 941 -- --- — --- CJuysotila 4.0 NA Corrugated Pipe Insulation 42 042 --- .-- — --- NAD NA Flue Patch. 43 943 -- --- — --- Cbrysotilc 80_ NA Tank Gasket 44 S" 0.267 25.09 45.32 2759 Chrywdle 2.0 NA Floor We 45 #45 0.197 • 95.43 2.03 1.04 Chrysotile<1. Chrysotile 1.5 Mastic 46 #46 — - --- NAD NA Mortar Brick 47 ;i147 0397' 57.43 2695 1552 NAD Chrysotile Trace Root Cement 48 ;♦148 0.223 62.78 1031 26.91 NAD NAD Shingle Aaalyad by:Wdffiail ;Dais Analysed:1/4W *NAl)wNSD a so asbrstbs;duct* NA•-tot analyzed; NA43•aotiaalyied/positive slop; 1°JA BulkAsbatnt Analysis by P?A 60o/M442.=pa 40 CPR 743(NVLA.Pdab#X(1546-0)ud ELAP PL:M Aoilysi Protocol 19L1["New Ymt—a g r(NYSDOA SLAPL.ab*114M SLIP?BM Analysis Protocol 19&4 for aeptive NY-NOD s®pla:Nat=PLM is not can-Wendy vcllablo is ddoc; 9 asbcstoe in floor coverings and Simi Lv-ooa-6iaWs otpaially barod mat xW&-nU is ouxu ly lira aaly a amd isic"U wed to dokrsdam if this—M&L am be aootidard ortr=W as =is Now-YWt State(alto soo EPA A-drfsacy fora"tile,PR 59;14f,3i978,B(U94� tbdbdal iastibtte of rods vpoit nsitst not be espc6dacW 2xaW in fiill.rvhbbttt thesppioval of Ac hbocaiory,MU"vgwxt relater ONLY to t1tF item t=s L AM"Lowe-,vt'CeaA{ iws N VA-No Vkfl&Asbrstw Revimcd Bye SciLab Job#: 2MI1105 Client Name: SpectimnEnvironmmental Associates,Inc. m Table I - Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results a 219-02; Howard 7o umil's; Office SdLab ©lent HG Sample Beat Acid IUMLUble Sample Sample# Area WdgU Sensitive Solable Nan.-Asbesfns Asbestos 4'. by '+Asbestos 96 by # L.ocatiun (gam) Organic 9f. Inorg+ak 96 IInorgatnk S. PLM/DS TEM 49 #49 0.356 5955 6.74 25.31 Chrysetile BA NA Roof Cement 50 95D 0-471 59.02 8.92 20.86 Chrysotile 11.2 NA Roof FLuhing 51 N51 0-587 60.99 2555 13.46 NAD- NAD Roofing 52 052 OA89 93.05 4.91 2.04 NAD NAD Roofing 53 #53 — — -- — NAD NA Roof insulation . 54 #54 0.29.1 7354 0.34 26.12 NAD NAD Roof ng . 55 955 — -- --- — NAD NA Roof Insulation Aaalystdby:MWhail -Dale Aaalya;4-IAA •NADMSD-no asbatat desoceett: NA=aoe atuly=9t rtA/PS aataaalyrai/pasitire soup; FLU Bulk Asbeuot Analysis by SPA 60W4442 00 per 40 CPR••763(NVLAP lab f200346.0)and EL.AP ftM Analy Psvi=l 19L l for Nev York s+>etAltr(l'1 ►p Lab#I W20);BL AP MM Andysis A 9wd 19&4 forzWdve NY ROB sampk Nato "Is not aowisteatly tvJi. k i4 dt�tia;asbestos in Soar courints mad sindlar oaa-f AIc aqLalaUy band KMICFWt TPld is coaendy the only method dial eaa be used to dam i kelf ttis asutr ial eaa be caaeidwe d or treated as noo-asbcswt-odotaiotnY In Mdar Yadi State(1120 a ee EPA Advivocy W Boar tile,M-59.146,3WS,8/W4 P oal Na6o jma4uW of Staadsalr and ltdmoka Aoaedltatioo agWmwcaob aa4 &k that Ibis repot roust wt be uprnducad unapt in f"widHxA dto approval o Ike 6butatcry: Tbiis PtAI apert telitts E1 LY-to da-1 dise'taWL AIt1A t atimi ;YrCCV#ALD16665 NVAWo V'esibk Asbatoe Reviewed By SPECTRUM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION ' f STATE OF NEW YORK- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DIVISION OF SAFETY AND HEALTH - - +;��' :, License and Certificate Unit BUILDING 12, Room 161 STATE CAMPUS !;1 •� ALBANY, NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE LICENSE NUMBER: 99-0 120 DATE OF ISSUE: 02 / 1 3 /0 1 EXPIRATInN DATE: l 'illlll',I('I (►►': til�ectrt.lm Environmental Associates , Inc . A ICI 1' . 0 . Box 1024 Schenectady, NY 12301 I IIIIy .1IIIllorizt.'d I oprescnt.aLive: John B . VanDenburgh III '11I I • I I, t II::(t 11;15 hecll issued in bccorclance with applicable provisions of Ari left! 30 of I llc, 1 „II,(,r \( .11 ;111,1 (II flit' New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (12 NYC:RIL Pao. 5(i), ;.,I .I,, ,►: I,�II . ,I I , VI)C;I II for a ( I ) serious viola Lion of state, federal or local laws wIHi rogard L(I I IIa c �IIIIIIIc I (II ;tII I:.I �(':,I ,( • III ,�1�'( l , (►I' I '_' ) 11t:111onst•rated lack of responsibility in Lhe conduct of any joh invc►iving -,ishesh)s ()r clsllt�51 (I:; II1;11 �•� i;l I I'I , I:• II, t lI;( i; volid OI11y for the contracLor named above and this license or a hllolr,c'opy III II(, 1►r,,m 'll( lil I� IIl:11I.0 1,,I .11 Ill(' pi,o.1ec:t worksite. The licensee verifies that all Parsons employed by III(! li(•(!II!; 0 (lli :I1I 1:.I,( :•I ,i:. III IIII't I ill NOW V(►rk State have heen issued an Asbestos Certificate, aPhroprial.c; for Hie I.•y1w of wlirk Lllc y )it•I 1,1, III . IIN' I lic NOW Yo1.1, 81aW DepartnientofLaboll. Prichard C'ucoln F)irric it NE'YV YORK STATE DEPARThIENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Antonia C.Novello, M.D., M.P.H.,Dr.P.H. Commissioner Expires 12-.01 AM April 01,2002 Issued August 18.2001 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE 'Issued in accordance with and pursue to secew 502 Public Health t aw of New Yor*State MR PAUL MUCHA NY Lab►d No:11480 SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES INC-NEW YORK CITY EPA Lab Code:NY01378 117 FAST 30TH ST NEW YORK NY 10016 USA Is hereby APPROVED as an EnvlronmenfW Laboratory for the cafegory ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES AIR AND EMISSIONS All approved subcategories and/or an*es are listed below. Miacstlaaeouz Air Asoestos 40 CFR APX A Na III YAMATE,ACARWAL a188 Fibers 40 CPR 763.121 APX 8 Method Not Sped6od NIOSH 7400 A RULES ti r Serial No.: 13069 hopetty of the New Yak Stale Depalm m of t•leshh Valid o*at the address shown. Mid be contple musly posted.Valid certficsles have a ratted seat and rary tm raifiod by colGrw(bt 0}{85367a D014-W17 (3137) Page 1 of 1 ' NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Antonia C.Novello, M.D.,&tP.H.,•Dr.P.H. Commissioner Expires 12.01 AM April 01.2W2 Issued August 18,2001 .J CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL.FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued M accordance w9h and pursuant to sectlan 502 Pubic Health Law of New York State Mil PAUL MUCHA NY Lab Id No., 11480 SCIEPMMC LABORATORIES INC-NEW YORK CITY EPA Lab Code:HY01370 117 E4ST30THST NEW YORK NY 10016 USA Is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the Category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE AN approved subcategories and/or ans"s are Nsted below: Misvellan:ous Asbestos in Friable Material EPA 900VM18?M L&Mod Not Spedf od Asbestos 1n Non-Enable Mated n EM 198.4 OF MANUAL Serial No.: 13068 Propdty d the New York Stfb Depar4nent d Fletailk VeilO onFtr at the address shown. Must be eonspiououdy 9oebd•Yatid aat�a have•roieod eed odd tnts�r bo • WMW by�M"(514P4$ M DO}i-zi1T ry97) . Page 1 i • NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Antonia C. Novsllo, M.D., M.P.H., Dr:P.H. Commissioner Expires 12:01 AM April 01.2M Issued August 18,2001 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE lssuod in a=mlanoo WjM and p xwartt to secUm 502 Pubtk Health Law of New York State MR PAUL MUCHA • NY Lab Id No.11480 SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES INC-NEW YORK CITY EPA Lab Code:NY01378 117 EAST 30TH ST NEW YORK NY 10016 USA is herebyAPPROVED as an Eiwimmardal Laboratory for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES POTABLE WATER All approved subcategories and/oran&Vw are kded below: Drinking Water MiumUaneous Alsbsstos EPA 100.1 :4 Serial No.: 13067 Property of Me Maw Yorlt Stale Dcp MrAmt of Haleh.Valid only at IN ad&mx drawn. Mmt b by mom u*j posicl a oaN atOAar m hm o rabed sal wA may toc-aw . Pa"tOf1 National Institute National voluntary of Standards and Technology Laboratory accredtauon Program Iso110c GuIM.25:Mso Scope of Accreditation y ISO 9002:1987 Ea Rage:1 of 1 BULK ASBMOS FMER ANALYSIS PNYL"LAB CODE 101904-1 SCMNITFIC LABORATORIES,INC t 117 But 30th Street New Yodk,NY 10016 pawl Mucha Phone:212 619-3600 Eix:212-679-9397 E-Mail:tMC'kee@9c31abs.com URL:http:/Avww.seflabs.com NYLAP Code Designation 181A01 Epp 600/M482-020:Interim medwa rw the beteimina m of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples Sane 30,2002 Effective dwvp Fvr&Nat;or ai Jnstltvty of 3andaids and 7ftbnolprr M/AP-01S 111.961 f • United States Department of Commerce- National tnstltute of Standards and.Technology 0F cow 0 ISOiIEC GUIDE 25;1990(80 9002:1997 Certificate of Accreditation 0 %?N rfis OF SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES, INC. NBW YORK•NY is recognized under the Nationaf Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for satisfactory compliance with criteria established in Title 15, Part 205 Code of Federal Regulations. These criteria encompats the requirements j of 150//EC Guide 25 and the relevant requirements of ISO 9,002 (ANSIIASQC Q924987) as suppliers of calibration or test results. Accreditation is awarded for speciflcservlces, listed on the Scope of Accreditation for: i BULK ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYSIS June 30. 2002 ® � •�-*w� EgetVve through for the National bntnute of Srandardt and Technofoly NVLAP Lab Code: 101904-1 NVIAP•OSC 111.35) t - National Institute National Voluntary of Standards and technology Caborwory Accmd►Ration program ISO 30 2QUIE%%158 Za:1990 Scope of Accreditation Aso soor.�sss7 _ o �Je Nge: 1 of I AMOM ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYUS NVLAP LAB CODE 101904-1 SCXENTMC LABORATORIES,INC. 117 East 3M Sand New yolk,NY 10016 Paul Muel�a Phone:212-679-8600 F=212-679.9392 UMa11:tincYcc�a?,scilsbs.cam �JRI�:bnP1hvww.scilahs.com ATUP Code Desighd6on 18/A02 'U.S.EPRs"lnterir0 TzansmisdonElwtrm M'icrosccpy Analytical Methods Mandatory and Ntmandatoryaad Mmadatory Station to Determino Completion of Response Acticne as found in 40 CFR,Part 763, Subpart F, Appendix A. Juno 30,2002 EN"%v through For the t4dml Instlwte o/Standards and Tcchnotoir NYtJIP•015(11.9SI United Mates Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and `technology Q Ookl OF C04 a fsoilEc GUIDE 25;1990 ISO 9002:1987 Certificate of Accreditation ss� s sr'grea of } SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES, HqC. NBW YORK,NY is recognized under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for satislactory compliance with criteria established in Title 15,Part 285 Code of Federal Regulations. These crirerla encompass the requirements of 15011EC Guide 25 and the relevant requFrements of ISO 9002 fANSUASQC Q92-1987} as suppliers of calibration or test results. Accreditation is awarded for specific services, listed on the Scope ofAccreditation for: { AIRBORNE ASBESTOS FIBER ANALYSIS O ID June 30, 2002 A Mctive Jrroush For the Natlanal lniftie of Standards mad lethnology m 'NVLAP Lab Code: 101904-1 * NVWROIC tll•961 N CERTIFICATE NUMBER AH 91-06330 EXPIRES SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 073-44-4537 } EYES HAIR BRO BRO ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: WEIGHT HEIGHT (include certificate number) NYS Department of Labor S. DOSH-License and Certificate Unit ,. PO Box 687,New York,NY 100140687 v Y Y STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DIVISION OF SAFETY AND HEALTH ASBESTOS HANDLING CERTIFICATE AUTHDRI20 CLASSES C (11/02) , D (11/02) , E (11/02) H (11/02) , I (11/02) r JAMES A CAPASSO II 496 ROWLAND STREET. BLDG 6 APT 4 L BALLSTON SPA, NY 12026-3028 T RICHARD CUC OLO,Director-For the Commissioner of Labor f i 1 �f �C I 1 �f / 1 t � 1 � � ` t c \ ' � 1 , 7r `