1978-03-15 3:<7 0nn¡e¡at M¡nute~ od the QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARV OF APPEALS hetd Ma~eh 75, 7978, at 7:30 P.M. '-, The~e we~e p~e~ent: K¡~kham Co~nwett, Cha¡~man Ted Tu~ne~, ~ee~eta~y Cha~te~ S¡ea~d Sjoe~dje R¡eha~d~on Atn~ed F~aneo Mathe~ Reed be¡ng membe~~ On the Boa~d. Geo~ge Ku~o~aka ab~ent. Gue.6t.6 : Geo~g e L¡ape.6 On a mot¡on by M~. S¡ea~d, the m¡nute~ 06 the Janua~y 78, 7978 m¡nute~ we~e app~oved. Th¡~ wa~ ~eeonded by M~. Reed. Ca~~¡ed. On a mot¡on by M~. S¡ea~d, the m¡nute~ 06 the Feb~ua~y 75, 7978, we~e app~oved. Th¡~ wa~ ~eeonded by M~. F~aneo. Ca~~¡ed. Stephan¡e Obenou~ ~eeo~d¡ng ~ee~eta~y ~e.6¡gned by tette~ 06 Ma~eh 2, 7978. .,- NEW BUSINESS: Va~¡anee H535 - Ca~~wett T~uek Cente~, Ine. Ca~~wett Moto~~ and T¡~e Ine. 687-685 Uppe~ Glen St~eet (Wa~~en County Plann¡ng Boa~dl Ca~ðwett T~uek Cente~, Ine. - Ca~~well Moto~~ & T¡~e~, Ine. to va~y n~om the ~¡gn o~d¡nanee at 687-685 Uppe~ Glen St. atto~ney M¡ke O'Conno~ and B. M. Hawtey we~e p~e.6ent. The league On Women Vote~~, I~abette Ba~ke~, ~ead tette~ ¡n 0ppo.6¡t¡on to the va~¡anee. LWV Boa~d App~oved Ma~eh 7, 7978 THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS SUPPORTEV VEVELOPMENT OF A COMPRE- HENSIVE SIGN ORVINANCE FOR THE TOWN on QUEENSBURY. WE HAVE ÄISO SUPPORTEV STRICT ENFORCEMENT Of THE ORVINANCE. HOWEVER, WE VO BELIEVE THERE ARE TIMES WHEN A VARIANCE IS NECESSARY. IT IS Ft[T THAT A SIGN OF 50 SQ. FT. AT A 75' SETBACK IS IN KEEPING WITH THE PURPOSES ANV INTENTS STATEV IN THE QUEENSBURY SIGN ORVINANCE. THE PROPOSEV 97 SQ. "_ FT. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FREESTANVING SIGN, MENTIONEV AS PART OF VARIANCE #535, CARSWELL TRUCK CENTER, INC. VOES NOT MEET THE ABOVE CRITERIA. ON THIS BASIS, WE OPPOSE THAT PORTION OF THIS VARIANCE REQUEST. ',-- '- Page. 2 330 Va~lan~e #535 - Ca~~we.ll T~u~k Ce.nte.~, In~. C-2 Zone. Ca~~we.ll Moto~~ and Tl~e. In~. 681-685 Uppe.~ Gle.n St~e.e.t (Wa~~e.n County Plannlng Boa~d) Motlon to app~ove. ~lgn A a~ l~ wlth no ~e.vlewln 1986. Motlon by M~. Sl~a~d and ~e~onded by Ted Tu~ne~. Vote.: M~~ Rl~ha~d~on - No, M~. F~an~o - No, M~. Sl~a~d - Ye.~, M~. Co~nwell - No, M~. Tu~ne.~ - Ye~, and M~. Reed - No. Motlon denled. Motlon to app~ove Slgn A ~elze 50 ~q. nt. ~etba~k - 15' n~om p~ope~ty llne pe~ d~awlng No. 821-H, Goodyea~ ~lgn to be ~e.move.d wlth no nu~the~ n~ee.-~tandlng ~lgn~. Motlon by M~. Rl~ha~d~on and ~e~onde.d by M~. Sl~a~d. Vote: M~~ Rl~ha~d~on - Ye~ M~. F~an~o - No, M~. Sl~a~d, - Ye~, M~. Co~nwell - Ye~, M~. Tu~ne~ - Ye.~, and M~. Reed - Ye~. Motlon app~oved. Slgn~, I,J,H, Motlon by M~. Sl~a~d and ~e~onded by M~. Tu~ne.~ to a~pftove a~ It ag~e.e.~ wlth Queen~bu~y Plannlng Boa~d. Vote: M~S Rl~ha~d~on - Ye~, M~. n~an~o - Ye~, M~. Sl~a~d - Ye~, M~. Co~nwe.ll - Ye.~, M~. Tu~ne~ - Ye~, and M~. Reed - Ye~. Motlon ~a~~led unanlmou~ly. RESOLVEV: SIGN A-CARSWELL'S n~ee-~tandlng ~lgn. Boa~d denled pe~manent va~lan~e. nO~ thl~ ~lgn. Slgn G-INTERNATI0NAL HARVESTER - p~opo~ed new n~ee-~tandlng ~lgn. Boa~d g~anted a 50 ~q. nt. ~lgn wlth 15' ~etba~k (d~awlng 821-H) wlth ~tlpulatlon that GOOVYEAR n~ee.-~tandlng ~lgn be ~emoved and no mo~e n~ee.-~tandlng ~lgn~ be e~e~ted. Slgn~ HIJ - H. JEEP 4' X 5' wall ~lgn 1. CARSWELL'S 6'9" X3' wall ~lgn J. GMC 4' X 5Yz' wall ~lgn The Boa~d g~anted the~e ~lgn~ In ~on~u~~en~e wlth Queen~bu~y Plannlng Boa~d. '''"- -- 331 NEW BUSINESS: . ~ cJ7K (¿h I ~ ) fh I¡ I Page. 3 Va.IL'¿a.nc.e. #536 - U-Ha.ul Co. on NOILthe.a..6te.ILn N.Y., Inc.. R-4 Zone Ma.'¿n StILe.e.t (ColL'¿nth Roa.d a.t Ex,¿t 1 8 NOILthwa.y (Wa.ILILen County Pla.nn'¿ng Boa.lLd U-Ha.ul Co. on NOILthe.a..6te.ILn N.Y. I nc. . to pla.c.e. a. mov'¿ng c.e.nteIL, tILUC.k. ILe.nta.l, tILa.,¿le.IL a.nd .6tolLa.ge. .6pa.c.e. '¿n a.n R-4 Zone.. AttolLney R'¿c.ha.ILd C. Be.nda.ll, MIL. Hoot a.nd S. BILown on U-Ha.ul Compa.ny. No one. a.ppe.a.ILed '¿n Oppo.6,¿t'¿on. Mot'¿on by MIL. FILa.nc.o to a.ppILOVe. Va.IL'¿a.nc.e. #536 w,¿th the. .6t'¿pula.t'¿on tha.t the .6'¿gn.6 c.onn'¿lLm to C-3 Zone ILe.qu'¿ILe.me.nt.6. Ca.ILIL'¿ed. RESOLVEV: The. Boa.lLd gILa.nte.d th,¿.6 va.IL'¿a.nc.e. to pla.c.e. a. c.omme.ILc.'¿a.l e.nteILpILi.6e. in a. pILe.e.x'¿.6ting nonc.onnolLming building in a.n R-4 Zone. with .6ta.nda.ILd c.onnolLm'¿ng .6ign.6 a..6 a.llowed in C-3 Zone.. NEW BUSINESS: Va.IL'¿a.nc.e #537 - GeolLge. a.nd R,¿ta. Vunphy South .6,¿de. Luze.ILne Roa.d R-3 Zone. GeolLge. a.nd R,¿ta. Vunphy to Ope.ILa.te. a. c.on.6'¿gnment .6hop '¿n a. de.ta.c.he.d ga.ILa.ge in a.n R-3 Zone. GeolLge. a.nd R,¿ta. a.ppe.a.ILe.d MIL. Cle.ment.6 .6pok.e '¿n na.volL On the ILeque.6t. Motion by MIL. S'¿c.a.ILd tha.t Va.IL'¿a.nc.e. #537 be gILa.nted nOIL the l,¿ne. U.6e On Ge.olLge. a.nd R,¿ta. Vunphy. FILee-.6ta.nd'¿ng 2' X 3' a.nd a. 6 .6q. nt. wa.ll .6'¿gn be a.llowed a..6 ,¿t c.onc.ulL.6 w,¿th the. Que.e.n.6buILy Pla.nn'¿ng Boa.lLd. Sec.onded by MIL. Ted TUILneIL. Ca.ILIL'¿e.d una.n'¿mou.61y. RESOLVEV: The Boa.lLd gILa.nted th,¿.6 va.IL'¿a.nc.e to GeolLge a.nd R,¿ta. Vunphy nOIL the'¿IL l,¿net'¿me.. ,-. '- "'- 33~ Pag e. 4 NEW BUSINESS: Va~ian~e #538 - Ba~~y c. and Robe~~a Conve~4e 066 Wa~~e.n Lane By Ba~~y and Robe~ta Conve~4e ~o pla~e a mobile home ~ou~~ 066 R-3 Zone. Wa~~en Lane in an R-3 Zone. Atto~ney Mike O'Conno~, and Ba~~y C. and Robe~~a Conve~4e appea~ed 60~ thi4 va~ian~e. M~. Van G~ey 06 Amy Lane appea~ed in opp04ition to thi4 va~ian~e. Atto~ne.y H. K~antz, oWne.~ 06 adjoining p~ope.~ty appea~ed in opp04ition ~o thi4 va~ian~e. Atto~ney Vavid K~ogman appea~ed in behal6 06 4eve.~al p~ope~ty OWne.~4 in the a~ea in opp04ition to the va~ian~e. M~. S~ott who ~e4ide4 in the a~ea wa4 opp04ed to ~he va~ian~e. M~. Vi~k Palme~ opp04ed to the va~ian~e, M~. LaCa44io 6~om Amy Lane oppo4e.d to ~he va~ian~e. Atto~ney John AU4tin appe.a~ed 60~ the p~ope~ty owne~4, M~. & M~4. Kaplan in oppo4ition ~o va~ian~e. M~. Ga~y Wi~ke4 6~om Bu~~h Road opp04ed. B. Conve~4e an4we~e.d que4tion4 6~om Mike O'Conno~ and 0~he~4. Motion by M~s Ri~ha~d40n to di4app~ove the va~ian~e ~eque4t a4 it would alte~ the ~ha~a~te~ 06 the. a~ea. Se~onded by M~. F~an~o. Ca~~ied unanimou4ly. RESOLVEV: The. Boa~d denied thi~ va~ian~e. a4 it will alte.~ the. ~ha~a~te~ and quality 0& the. a~e.a. The mee~ing wa4 adjou~ned a~ 77:75 P.M. VATEV ~~~ ý~~o/~ 4 y SIGN EV