plot plan kV 05 itO,,, C. 7 01-19y Cati.r riot IVY' fi;•It.440 EVECEilVEnn JUL 28 2020 1[S TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 301.15-1-33 P00L-0432-2020 BUILDING& CODES Roode, Thomas 7 Briggs Ct ATTENTION HOME OWNER In ground pool Please assure you are familiar with the Pool Enclosure r=•uirements s• : . to our pool. • are appliesblepeodee Y-- — - — rding swimming pools, spas & hot tubs Fri? the time of inspection. f t 3144, } � kr• TiT Pool s► fT it 16x 1 @ax'O J/ �A I Q {,v 4* s C fence I 4111111i _..�. .._.:_... .......__ _w.:....a COt.k •51:41& House i fruiT 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY f BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall riot be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. Q r;a3 s C& t,tT