476.93 RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS REGARDING STRIPING OF LUZERNE ROAD RESOLUTION NO. 476, 93 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Pliney Tucker Supervisor Brandt-The Highway Superintendent for the Town of Lake Luzerne, Tim Rozell called me, the Town of Lake Luzerne hired a firm to do the striping of some of their roads and it included the old Luzerne Mountain Road, what happened is apparently there was not a good definition of where the Town line was and what happened the firm went over the Mountain into Queensbury and painted the road all the way down to West Mountain Road, 1.6 miles extra in the Town of Queensbury and it cost ($472.00) Four hundred and seventy two dollars to do it and they were wondering if we would go for that bill since we received the benefit. My feeling is that we need to keep good relationships with the Town our Citizens, a lot of people use that road, our citizens included there is a safety benefit and for the four hundred and seventy two dollars ($472.00) I would suggest that we transfer out of contingency and make that payment as a good will gesture. Councilman Caimano-Is it down the middle of the road? Councilman Tucker-Yes. When you are driving the road at night it is quite handy because that is an awful dark road, there is not street lights or anything on it, you have two yellow lines going right up the middle of the road really helps. Supervisor Brandt-I will offer that as a motion. Councilman Tucker-I will second it. Supervisor Brandt-Out of the proper account. Duly adopted this 23rd. day of August, 1993 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: Mrs. Monahan