1978-07-19 3'0 066ieial Minute~ 06 the Queen~bu4Y Zoning Boa4d 06 Appeal~ held J ul y 1 9 , 1 9 78 at 7: 3 0 P. M . '--- P4e~ent: K. C04nwell, Chai4man S. Rieha4d~ 0 n M. Reed T. TU4ne4 J. Fitzge4ald, ex 066ieia Ab~ent: A. F4aneo C. Siea4d G. KU40~aka Gue~t~: G. Liape~ S. Lynn "--' Minute~ 06 p4evio~ meeting aeeepted. Va4ianee #566 - Mon40 Mu66le4 - 4eque~t~ a va4ianee to build and in~tall one 2' x 25' ~ingle 6aeed, inte~nally illuminated ~ign 4eadlng: MONRO MUFFLER BRAKE. Motion by M. Reed to app~ove va~ianee in 1.' Automotive ~e4viee ~ign be 4emoved and 4eplaeed by Mon~o Mu66le4 B4ake lighted ~ign, 2' x 25'. 2.' Two Uni40yal Ti4e Sign~ be 4emoved and 4eplaeed wlth unlighted Mon40 Mu66le4 B4ake Sign, (2' x 25". Seeonded by T. Tu4ne4. Ge04ge Stile~, manage4 ( appea~ed. Vote: 4 ye~, unanimou~. RESOLVEV: Va4iance #566 G4anted. Va4ianee #567 - V4. Jame~ Glendening - to plaee an addition to an animal ho~pital in an R-3 Zone on the p40pe~ty at 395 Ridge Road. V4~ Glendening and Robe4t Joy we4e p4e~ent. M4~. Fi4th appea4ed and 4eque~ted that the 4eque~t be di~4pp40ved. M4. Ma~on appea4ed and a~ked in604mation about the kennel 4un~. V4. Wi~wall appea4ed and eong4atulated V4. Glendening 604 hi~ ambitiou~ plan~, and gave hi~ ble~~ing~ to V4. Glendening. M4. F. R. W¡l~on 06 388 R¡dge Road ha~ no objeeZ¡on~ to Build¡ng ehange~. He objeet~ to dog~ ba4k¡ng and i~ oppo~ed ( 2 ) 3CoI ~o any expan4ion4 06 ~he animal h04pi~al. No objee~ion4 i6 ~he 40und balLlLielL i4 ~ inelLea4ed. MIL. Wil40n will lLemove 1(.( . all hi4 objee~ion4 i6 ~he wall i4 12' high. MIL. Ray Bodenwei4eIL 4ugge4~ed ~ha~ ~he pe~i~ioneIL4 4hould be eon~ae~ed. MIL. Cana4a~elLi, a eoneelLned ei~izen did no~ objee~. (Pe~i~on a~~aehed) Mo~ion by M. Reed, 4eeonded by S. RiehaILd40n ~o applLove and a 6-mon~h building pelLmi~ be waived, and no~ ~o exeeed 6ive yealL pelLiod pelL appliea~ion and a4 i~ eoneUIL4 wi~h ~he ~wo planning boalLd4. Vue eon4idelLa~ion be given ~o ~he noi4e plLoblem. Vo~e: 4 ye4, unanimou4. RESOLVEV: ValLianee #567 GlLan~ed. "-- ValLianee #568 Gale FlLeibelLgelL - Reque4~ 4ign advelL~i4ing Flea MalLke~ and Swap Shop, an addi~ion ~o a plLe-exi4~ng, non-eon60lLming 4ign on ~he plLopelL~y 4i~ua~ed on Rou~e 9. The appliean~ did no~ appealL. Sue Goe~z, League 06 Women Vo~eIL4, opp04ed by le~~elL. MIL. Cana4~elLi, Kay'4 Mo~el, objeet4 ~o glLanting ~hi4 lLeque4~. Ray Bodenwei4eIL appealLed in objee~ion a4 i~ look4 ~elLlLible. Bill Bodenwei4eIL appealLed and objee~ed ~o ~he FlLeibelLgelL lLeque4~. Ron Mon~e4i appealLed in lLegalLd ~o Queen4buILY Planning BoalLd poin~ 06 view, and objee~ed ~o ~he lLeq ue4 ~. Mo~ion by M. Reed. Seeonded by S. RiehaILd40n ~o deny ~he lLeque4~. Unanimou4ly ealLlLied. RESOLVEV: ValLianee #568 Venied. ValLianee #569 - Glen Lake PlLo~ee~ve A440eia~ion - ~o lLeplaee an ovell.4ized 066-plLemi4e4 dilLee~ional 4ign on ~he plLopell.~y a~ Rou~e 9 and Glen Lake Road. ( 3 ) :3 <.ø þ. "-- Nel~on G~igg~ dpped~ed 60~ thi~ vd~idnee. Sue Goetz, Ledgue 06 Women Vote~~, d~ked i6 v. o. T. hd~ been noti6ied. Motion by S. Riehd~d~on to di~dpp~ove, d~ the ~ign o~dindnee p~ovide~ 60~ 066-p~emi~e~ di~eetiondl ~ign~. It i~ too ld~ge dnd inelude~ ddve~ti~ing. Seeonded by M. Reed. Vote: 3 ye~, (1) no. T. Tu~ne~ voted no. MdjO~ity plu~ one ~equi~ed to ove~~ide Wd~~en County Pldnning BOd~d'~ ~eQOmmenddtion. Riehd~d~on withd~ew motion dnd mdde d new motion thdt the dppliedtion 60~ o66-p4emi~e~ di~eetiondl ~ign be dpp~oved, ~ubjeet to d limit 06 10 ~q. 6eet pe~ e~tdbli4hment dnd on the eondition thdt dll li~ted e~tdbli~hment~ ~emove dll exi~ting 066-p~emi~e ~ign~ 6~om Glen Ldke ROdd. Seeonded by M. Reed. Cd~~ied. Undnimo~ly. RESOLVEV: Vd~idnee #569 G~dnted with eondition~. Speeidl Pe~mit #75 - Geo~ge Seneedl 11 - to pldee d ld~ge ~edle ~e~identidl development; 3 dpd~tment~, 8 unit~ edeh in d R-3 Zone. Geo~ge Seneedl dnd Atto~ney Robe~t Stewd~t we~e p~e~ent. Olive~ Ldd~ko objeeted to Speeidl Pe~mit #75, d~ the ~eque~t ~hould be d vd~idnee dnd p~e~ented d petition. (Petition dttdehed) Seott Seve~dnee que~tioned R-3 ~e~. M. She~mdn que4tioned ~~ngle owne~~hip 60~ d dwelling o~ d duplex. R. Stewd~t dn~we~ed que~tion 06 Speeidl Pe~mit o~ Vd~idnee ~eque~t dnd pointed out thdt the ld~ge 4edle ~e~identidl development i~ pe~mitted in dn R-3 Zone. M~. Robe~tLdPdnn objeeted to K. Co~nwell'~ ~emd~k thdt the hedJÚng Wd~ "A pOPUld~ity c.onte~t." Robe~t Home~ 06 Edgewood VJÚve ~poke 06 deed ~e~t~ietion~ on hi~ p~ope~ty. Steve Yd~te~ objeet4 to the dppliedtion. M~. '--' ',-- ( 4 ) 3þ3 ..'--.. Laak~o ~poke abou~ ~he h~gh wa~e~ ~able on ~he p~ope~~y. Je66 Sm~~h ~a~d ~ha~ ~he ~eque~~ ~~ a va~~an~e, and ~6 g~an~ed ~~ would ~hange ~he ~ha~a~~e~ 06 ~he a~ea. M~~. Home~ ~a~d ~he p~opo~ed ~~~e ~~ a ~wamp. M~. She~man ~a~d ~ha~ ~he Cha~~man ~~ p~ejud~~~~owa~d~ ~he appl~~an~ and ~hould d~~qual~6Y ~.~ h~m~el6. M~. Joe Vala~~~o 06 Coun~~y Club Road ~poke abou~ d~a~nage and ~ewage p~oblem~. M~~. Voughe~~y obje~~ed ~o ~&e ~eque~~. John Con~e~~~no obje~~~ ~o ~he ~eque~~. Motion by T. Tu~ne~ ~ha~ ~h~~ boa~d no~ hea~ ~h~~ appl~~ation, a~ ~z doe~ no~ mee~ ~he ~~ze~a 06 a Spe~~al Pe~m~z and ~hould be hea~d a~ a va~an~e a~ ~~ ~~ a ga~den apa~zmen~ and/o~ ~oW hou~e wh~~h ~hould be ~on~~de~ed ~n an R-5 Zone. Mo~~on by T. Tu~ne~. Se~onded by S. R~~ha~d~on. Vo~e: M. Reed, ye~; T. Tuftne~, ye~; K. Co~nwell, no; S. R~~ha~d~on, ye~. RESOLVEV: Spe~~al Pe~m~~ #75 Ven~ed. Appl~~ation 60~ Va~an~e ~ugge~~ed. Va~an~e #570 - V~. V~~k~on G. Hav~land - ~o pla~e an an~mal ho~p~~al ~n a C-3 and R-4 Zone on ~he p~ope~zy a~ We~z-~~de Bay Road. V~. Hav~land and Az~o~ney Robe~~ S~ewa~z we4e p~e~enz. V~. R. Home~ a~ked ~6 ~he ~~ema~o~um w~ll be en~lo~ed. V~. Hav~land ~a~d ~~ ~~ app~oved by Vepa~~men~ 06 Env~~onmenzal Con~e~vaz~on w~~h no odo~~. v~~ W~~wall ~poke abouz a~~ polluz~on. The equ~pmen~ V~. Hav~land w~ll ~n~~all w~ll mee~ all Vepa~zmenz 06 Env~~onmenzal Con~e~va~~on ~egulation~ and mu~~ be ~e~~~6~ed. E. Ell~wo~~h, No~~he~n Home~, ~aid zha~ ~he bu~ld~ng would be ~ound p~oo6ed. Moz~on by M. Reed, ~e~onded by S. R~~ha~d~on zo app~ove ~mall an~mal ho~p~~al and ~on~u~ w~~h Counzy Plann~ng '--- r 5 ) 3'=' £f Boa4d. Pa~~ed unan~mou~ly. RESOLVEV: Va4~anee #570 G4an~ed. -- Spee~al Pe4m~~ #76 - G~aee Vunn - ~o eon~~4ue~ a ~ea~onal dwell~ng on a lo~ w~~h an ex~~~~ng ~wo-nam~ly dwell~ng on ~he p~ope4~y 4~~ua~ed a~ ~he ~ou~h ~~de 06 Glen Lake Road. At~04ney Robe4~ S~ewa4~ p4e~en~. Pe~~~~on p4e~en~ed and le~~e4~ n40m T. MU4phy. M4. Welle4 objee~ed ~o appl~ea~~on a~ ~~ ~~ ove4e40wd~ng p40e4~Y. Be~~y 04m4by, J. Reagan, Vav~d and T~udy Spe4~y appea4ed ~n oppo~~~~on. Mo~~on by S. R~eha~d40n ~o ~able 604 legal op~n~on 640m Town A~~04ney ~o de~e4m~ne whe~he~ ~h~~ 6~~~ ~he e4~~e4~a 604 a ~ea~onal dwell~ng and ~he d~~~anee be~ween ~he ~wo ~~4ue~U4e~. Mo~on ~eeonded by M. Reed. Spee~al Pe4m~~ #76 ~abled ~o Aug~~ 16, 1978 mee~~ng. Adjou4ned 1:00 P. M. '-- ~...- J t=....~. ._~_' .L _ _ ~ W--»-'--- <II J'/7i ""