1979-10-17 /3 O//i..c1..aL mi.nui.eA. 0/ the QU/!.e.n.4bWlv. Zoni.n.g. Bowr.d 0/ AppealA ~ he.Ld Od:.obeJt 17, 1979 at 7:]0 7> .(f¡. '- (fJembeM 7> Ile/J.eni:.: K.ùr.kham C oJtflJJJf!.Ll, C ho.ùvran. J ed J UJU'I.(Ut C hrur1eA. S.ú:wrd S¡,oe.ndje. 7?~0n. ûan. ýA..i../f1.n Ab4eni:.: Ý eoJt9.e. K U/lO/.JJ:Úw. (f¡a:tAvc. R e.e£1 S ta/t: S æve L fIN'- Oft a mown. bv. ff1A.. Si.cD.NL, flte. rni.rud:.£A. 0/ the. SeptemheJt 19, 1979 fTl/!.efi.n[; wvc.e appJl..OVed. /Ik. JUJU'I.(Ut -1.et:.Onded the. mot.i..on.. Cwuû..e£1 OLd. BUA.ÛI.eAA.: VaJLÚLnc.e. #640 - SunlJ.oval 9ru::.. 7?t. 9L Lok. SAoA.e. ÛA..i..ve R-J Zon.e. flk. 8ill ff1tuon. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t frvt.. ff1tuon. plle/J.eni:.ed c.oloA. phobJl1, an. i.n/-oJUTO.i:1.on. 4Ae.d and rbww~ 4h.owÙl.9- c.offlff1l!.ll.Cia development .i..n. I:Áe. Wtea and aiA.o the. ledg.e. Mc.Þ.. flk. ff1tuon. ~ i:..h.at A.eA1.d.enihLl de.ve.Lopment wou1d be ec.onornü:aL4f un./-eaAi.ble. and a 4e.VeA.e. ~ e.xiA.i.4. He aJrletl i:..h.at havi.n.g. 4ec.wted appMval pwm the. QueeM.bWlv. 8~nuti/i.c.at.Lon. Commi..f.i.e.e, appMVaL þtOm I:ÁiA. BoaIr.ti. 4h.ouLd. i.M.wt.e C.OMe.n.t þwm the Ad.i..JWntl.ac.k. 7>wtk Ag.enc.v.. A l.id:i:.eA. pwm R.W. Leavli::J:., 9ru::.. Real.tit.oA.4 wa4 Jr.Rml ~ theiA op.i..n..i..on. i:..h.at I:Áe. CULea iA. not .wi.hLbLe. tOA. A.eA1.d.e.n.ll.a.l bWJeM and i:..h.at I:Áe. pJWp04ed c.offlff1l!.ll.Cia Me. wouLd. be. an. aMet bJ Me. a.JLeJL. J he. BoaIr.ti. ~on.etl the. A.ei.a:J:.¿0M.Åi.p bef.we.e.n. fÅiA. appLú:.a.ti..on. and the. one. on. the. ag-e.nda und.vc. "New BuAi.n.e.M" (#647). Pk. ff1tuon. 4Úl.-bYl. AiA. c.ompan.v. 1IU.lA.i.. expand the.M.f.OA.e. pl..o..nA. to de.ve.lop i:.Åe1A pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t 4.i..t.e 1IU.lA.i.. be. c.oM.i..dvc.ed cu an. a.l.i:.tvr.no:lve 4h.oul.d theiA app.l.i..crd:Lon. I-OA. tAiA. 4.i..te. be de.n..i..ed e..i..th.vc. bv. the A.7> .A. OA. th.iA. Bo<1.Nl.. JAe.v. wouLd., hOUJeJleA., pM/vc. to expand on. Rte.. 9L and plvu.e. ouJ:. the. rjnjOA. opeMJ:li..on. 0/ bUAi..nvvJ. a.c:J:1..vi..i.v- .i..n. C le.vvuio.le. will the. ex.c.epwn 0/ the. wood wollÁi.nff 4h.op. '~ /Lf _. Jhe. BlX1.It1i. noted thai. it both appLi.crdi..oM weAe. appJWVed theA.e. wouLd. be. fwo (2) c.ornrneAC.iJJl Vwú.a.n.c.M~. ~. R~on lm4 Opp04ed to I:ÁiA. adion and 4Wed the. fwo appL1..~ntJ...oM weAe. JtLlated anrl cou1d not be. corvWl.vted 4ep~. f}~on tol.Lowed. ~. ~udv.!JI eJJ.i:.Ae.Ilb!f1 a. ne1.g..hhoA. at th.e. C úvvu:la1.e. 4.i..te, 1J{J0ke..i..n. /aiJOA. ot th.e app1.h:rd1..on 4i:a:li..n.g.. 4Ae. f.elt the. 4..i.te. lm4 we.il nai..n:f.a1.R.ed and that .i..t wouLd. be. an. i.mpJWlleITlJ!Jli:. bJ th.e. 4..i.te. .if. th.e. Boa.Irfi ~ pelUTli.M.1..on to//. add1.:t.i..onaL dollfL9e. and ot/J-c.e 4prree cu .i..t iA. obvioUIJ. the. btJAi.nR.M. ne.ed4 th.e. JWOm. A /hvt moJte. ~n, th.e. Bo<1.Nl. tell i.hrd. a 1UYU0nn.bLe. M.i..wtn wouLd. not be. poM.i..ble. .if. th.e land weAe. UlJ.ed cu s-on.ed; that I:Áe.1æ doe/J. exiA.t u.n1.rfue ~ anrl tha.:t the. ~oMocx:L ~ wouLd. not be. alt.e.A.e.d.. ~ S.i..crvrJ. TTO.Cle. a moilon I-OA. appJWval ot th.e. appL¿~r.d:i on ci.:f.i.n.g. u.n1.rfue cùu:mn- ~ and con.ti.n.g.e.n.t on th.e. lJ{Jeci/..i..cn.lioM 4d toJd:Ä .i..n. the. Sept. 18, 1979 appJWllal pwm th.e. QI.I.JU!.M.bWl!f B~n C onun.i.tb.e.. ~ ýA..i..tfi.n. 4et:.Onded. C aJtILi..e.d.. IV IJ/II BUAi.n.eM.: S peciA1 7> e.;uni;t #85 - ~0An. H ug.h.eA. IV odA SUe. Rh... 149 R-2 Zone. Special 7> e.;uni;t bJ bui..Ld. and op~ a. mobiLe. Mme c.oUAi:. and cmnp4..i.teA. bJ ac.c.omo- rl.a.ú.. ~nn.l ve.ALcl.e.4. Û.i.lJ.c.uM1..on ot th.e. 50 µ.. bu/f.e.¡r. s-one. ~ bv. th.e. Jown 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.Jrtl PJWœeded. Pk. H ugÁe/J. pJrJ?AeJd.eJ. dAmui.n.g.4 to the. Bowrd 4Aow.in9- comp.Li.mu:.e. will tAiA. u.i.p'u..la:tüm.. JJrß.t/k /low llKU th.en. ~ed. 9t ua4 ~ thai. a 4peed and l.a.c.k ot v.i..4.i..bil.i..f:.v, ~ a d.e./1.ni.f..e. ~ MS-yuvl aLoI19- Staf:£. 7?bt. /49. ~. HU[Jlte/J. 4b1.ted thai. AiA. p.l.a.M. oJtig.i..naJ4, Cß.lled tOA. a wUe. a.cc.e44 e.n:I:.At1.n.œ. .i..n. an. a.f.J:..empt to aLle.vi.ßi:.e. th..i..4 pJWbleJn, howe.vvc. th.e. State. Ûepalli.mJthf.. 01 JAJ'JM{JoA.ÚJ.ÜOn Jtl!je.ci.eJl. .i..t tOA. the p1..a.n. plteA.e.n.ted. A tAr4/k Li.r;Jd:. ua4 ~ and den..i..e.d.. J he J own anrl C otut:f.v. 'P Ú1.nni.n.g. BO<1.ItflA. A.e.C.O~OM /.oA. appJWVaL UIeA.e JrR.D.d.. '-- ',- /5 '~.- "'M.. A rul.e.M..on., a n.e.4JthOA. exp/I£AA.ed c.oT/.ClíUU'l. abotd. heA. no.:.t.wro.1 4pA..ln.g. wA.i..ch. .i..4 locaJ.ed beJri.nJ. the. public. 4pA..ln.g. .i..n. th.e. cuteJ1. 01- the. pJWpOA..ed c.owri:.. PIA.. H ~ ~ theA.e wouLd. be. no dmrn.g.e bJ thai.. a.Jteß. pwm co~n. IYJM.. A n.d.e.1t4on a.úo I-eli:. the. tAal-fi-c. pJWbLem lIKU 4eA..i..oUA.. I1Vr.. NeLl] .i..t~9e.no1.d., a ne..i..g.h.bo~ 4Úl.i:.ed Ae. kuJ. no obje.dion to tIte S pe.ci.aL 7> eAJni.:1:.. buJ:. added the. tAafli..c. µOW 1IU.lA.i.. be. a nnj..oA. c.onA.1.de.NJ:i.i.on. He. alA.o ~on.ed tIte po44.i..b~ 01 a J'lJJiNur.c.e. b~ ~ bv. motoA..i..$-ed ve..It.i..ckA i.Jr.eAp~ .i..n.to the. but/vc. ~on.e OA. on adjo.ce.ni. PJWPeAJ:.v.. {f¡A.. V i..c:tOA. K ~ aMel tOll ~n . 01- th.e. Loœ:l:.i.on 01- th.e. bull-vc. $-one. .i..n. JttÚ.ai:1..oM.lti.p to AiA. pJWp~ and arlJ.e.d Ae. aLw iA. c.o~ abouJ:. the. tAafl1.c. pJWblem. PIA.. H ~ d.a:I:.1!rl tIte OC£J1fa.nt:.lJ ot th.e. pJWp040ed cowri:. would be. arl.u1i:. on.4J. and aM.LUr.etl. "'A.. J ll$-~ tAiA. can. be. done. and thai.. the. I..e.aA.M w.i..ll pA.OA.i..6.i..t motoA..i..$-ed ve..It.i..ckA. He. added th.e. ~ ~ PIA.. Bav- Buclde!l1 hm:l o~ deA..i..g.n.e.d a f.wtn.ol-t Lane. buJ:. the. ÛepaJtirne.ni. ot J NU1Apold:.ailon ~ tAiA. plan aiAo. P1A.. Le.e., OWn.eA. 01- a J2 µ. ~ ~eJ a f.wtn.ol-I- Lane. would be. mod bene.- {i.c1.o.L P1A.. J Wt.Tl.eA. made. a motion tOA. appJWval c.on.tJ..n.r¡e.n;t upon a po44.i..ble. JtLCO~n {/tOm the. Sto.te Depa.Wne.nJ:. ot JNU1ApoJri.a;Uon a4 bJ i:Jr.a.fI1.c. ~ and ~. IYJM.. 'R~on 4er:..onded. JAe. vote.: /Ik. ColU'1UJe.il - No; /Ik. JtUU7.e.JI..-!IeA.¡ PIA.. ýlti../-/1-n.- !leA.¡ ftlM.. Ri..t:kurrLwn - !I Mj PIA.. S.i..ctvu1 A b~. motion C.Q.ItIÙ.eJ. 3 - I. All Boa.Jrtl "'em6eM. vi.Ali:.tYÍ the. 4i..i:.e.. 'R-4 Zone. Va.M.a.nc.e. #646 - ~oe. 7>odrwM.$-ki.. 15 LU$-eA.n.e. Roarl Va.M.a.nc.e. to pl.m:.£. a 6 µ. x 42 µ. poJt.t:Á a.drl..u.i..on to a rutNJ.vu¡/g.curdR.n 4Aop. J he. dirnenA..i..oM. 01- the. pJl..Op04oetÍ addi.:.ti.on weM.. d..i.A.coM.ed. {f¡A.. 7> odrwM.$-ki.. d.a:ted thai.. ~ plan:l:A would be. kept on th.e. pJWpo4ed poJt.t:Á addi.:.ti.on .i..n. th.e. n.i..c.e. weo:J:..Avc. mon.th4 on..4f and .i..t w.i..ll aiAo pJWV ¿de. 40fTll!. a..ddi.:t.,u,n.a1 4lo~ 4prM:.e.. He. a.c!rled the. new addi.il.on w.i..ll c.on./OJUfl bJ the. ~ b~ J he. J own and C ou.ni:.J; 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. ßOfJ.IViA. ~ appJWVaL /to mJl. S.i..cruul. maJ.e. a mown. I-OA. appJWVal ~ A.eíJA.onabLe. U4e. 01- the !.and and a4 .i..t COncuM. will both P Ú1.nni.n.g. 8~. PIM.. R.i..c.hrurtú.on. 4e.c.onrLe.d. C a.JUti..ed. All BtXl.JId {f¡em6eM viA..i..ted th.e. /J..i..te.. VaJÚ.O.J1I:.e. #6/t1 - S l1.M.ovaL, 9 TIC.. /'IJeuon. 7? oa.d. r le.ve.Ni.aLe. '-- R-I Zone. v ~ to ~ a non. -c.onf-olllnÚlf}. U4e. PJWPeJd.v.. A l.R.i.:l..e.JL ILQA. JtRfJ.d 1.ItOm 7>au1 C~ AMoc. ~ no objec:l:1..on. to the. appli...co.ti...on.. 111M. Wen.tAw!þ a n.ei.t;¡Jt60A, 4ÚJ.ted n.o objec:l:1..on.. ftk. f!Jcuon 4ÚJ.ted tkd. coni:1.n{}.eni. on. AdùwnJ.ack 7>~ Ag,e.n.c.v- appJWval 01- expan.4.i..on. pi.a.M.. ai:.. the. 7?te.. 9 L PJWPeAi:.!fl th.e. C Le.ve.JtJlale. /J..i..te. will be. e.v~ phrMe.d ouJ:.. P1A.4. R.i..c.hrurtú.on. I-eli:. tha:.t be.a.LlJ.A.e. of. the Rte.. 9 L appÜ ca.üon, tAiA. applJ crdLon. MtouLd. rwt be apPJWvedt cu all te.wJ1..ble. ~e/J. have not been. a.cIJ.A.eM.e.d. J he. J own. and. C ounf.t; 7>.Ú1.nni.n.g. 8~ M.C.onme.ntleJ. appJWVal.. f!1Jr.. LfINL ~ the. appl.iœ.tion. 4AouLd. be. /-oA. a S pe.c1JJ.l 7> eAJTti..i:. ItP..i:.Aetr. than a V~e cu th.iA. iA. an ln1.J:.i.al expa.nAi..on. and ~It£. a.!l..ouable.. Jhe. O~ lIKU JfØ11i ¡'OA. clruú.fi.c.ail..on.. Jhe. d1..lte.llJUlC.e/J. bei:we.en. a Spe.c1JJ.l7>eAJTti..i:. and a Va..tri.anc.e. WeA.e. expLai.n.ed to P1A.. f!Jcuon.. mA.. bon. 4irLted fæ wouLd. p~ a coJUr.ecl..ed. appLi.ca:llon. and JttVJ.JJ.6m.i..t.i..t. P1otion. u..a4 will t:Lrmun. bv. A1M.. 7?i..t:kuuJA.on., 4et:.Onded bv. P1A.. S.i..cruul.. V ~e # 61t8 - {II 1..l.Limn é. J Mew Lu.SeA.n.e. Roarl R-J Zone Va.n..Lan.c.e. to e.nlD.ltI)Æ a non.-con./olt.ffli.ng.. UI.1.e ~ tOA. do~ 01- e.r¿ui.pme.nt and. a WOM aA.eCL. P1A.. J Mew 4ÚJ.ted tkd. due. to b~ expa.nAi..on. he. n.e.t!IÚ. the. aclJ; tionaL 4pace. to c.ompl.J; w.i..tA AiA. pJteJliOU4 va.Jri..a.M:.e. ~ tkd. all ~men:t be. kept und.eA. covvc.. Û.iAr:.uMi.on f-ol.1.owed A£1a.ll..ve. to ~M and ~ conrl1.:li..oM. '- 1'7 mA.o J!vwu 4trJ.ted he. will be. ~ up f.h.e a.II£.(L and P~ all ,w.Wag.able. 1TOi:.e.ft.i..al .i.nA.i.J:le. the. pJWpo4ed a.d.r1.i..:uon.. He. arlded :I:.kd th.e. add 11:.1 on. will conf-oM/. to f.h.e ~ b~ A .!.&Z..vr. þwm flùr.. and fl1M.. Ralph K n.i...ckvthoc.heA l.l)(U ItJ!.aLi .i..n. fo-VOA. 01- the. app~on.. 7> Jt£JI.i..oU4 v~ (#287 anti. #J88) WeJtL Jt.eD.d. Jhe. Jown. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.IIti. M!.f:.ornmen.ded app/WVal ~ the. 5d% expan/Ji..on. AJ-Lle. will be. exc.e.ede.d., AoweJIvc. th.e. pJWp04eß. addition will .i.mp1tOlle. the. 9-en.eJrJ:Jl. appeJ1../fILTl.C.t and pJUJVUe do~. PUr.. C oJtJ'1J1Jeil ~ ~ be. pJWV ued loA. a.n.v. ouhlooA. do~ and the. Q ue.eM.bwu¡. Bemdi..~n. C ornnzi:J:.f:.u. be coM.tJ-Ú:.ed. PUr.. S ~ node. a mot.i..on. tOA. applWVal will the. 4i:1.puld.i..on. :I:.kd all et¡.Uipmen.t be. k£pt ~ covvc. anti. cu .i..t COn.cwrA. will both l' Ú1.nni.n.g. BtXJ.ItfÚ. ftrA. R~on. 4et:.Ontled. C a..JVti..erL. All Bo<1.Nl. memheM. v i.Ali:.tYÍ the. 4.i..te.. Va.JtiJutc.e.1I650 - C~ H. CapuJ:.o Blake -V e.edvc. ReIJ!µq¡. 676 U ppvc. §.ú.n. s t. V~ to pla.c.e. a þæe. ~ ~ w.i..th. a 7i µ.. þwnt 4e.t6a.cÁ .i..n. l1..eu ot the ~ 15 µ. C -2 Zone. No OM. app~. J he. J own. anti. C ou.n:f.v. 7> I.an.n1.n.r;.. B()(J.ItJÚ. A.e.c.o~ed dLwpPJWval ~ no A.eO..l ~ u.a4 d.em.o~ and theJtL .i..4 no A.etLi. vi.ALb.i..l.i.:b; pJWblem. mM. R~on. rnmle. a mown. loA. d..iA.appJWVal cu .i..t COru:.u.M. will both 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. ßoa.JrJiA.. ~ S ~ 4e.c.ontled. C a..JVti..erL. V ~ rWû.e.d. All Borwl memheM. v.iAil:.RJl the. 4.i..te.. Vfl.IÛJJ.nt:.e. #651 - R1.t:Jw.¡,J Lee. C aJWl1..ne. & ÝILItn.eIl S fA. R-4 ZOM. V ~ to opeAtJh:!. a 'hulc.k ~ and JrR.fXLÚL faci..Li.:f.v. loA. an. excD.va:J:..i.n.g.. buAi.n.eM. '-- '--- ," I~ PIA. le.e. exp~ fh pJWpo-ud UA.e. 01 th.e. Wtea ~ p-Ú:l.M. loA. a 6 µ. h1..gJr. 4bJclætk. f.vpe. ~.e. /-oA. ~ and l.MúzllatJ on. ot a 4epi:1.c. ~ lot dl.me.rw.1.oM weA.e.. duC/JA4er1. fl1A. lee. 4Wtetl that ÅlA. ope.JW.iJ...on on. L(JtJJvc. :IIOJf.IU!n S tAe.d, UJIt1.c.It /uz. onJ..v. le.o..uA., w.i..ll be. moved. f!k. §1f1#.i.n. ~ aboui. o:t.Áe.lt. f.vpM of. er¡uipmvd. to be. 4bJJW1 at tk pJUJpouJ. 4.i.h and e:icp.Nuud conc.e.vt ovu. tk condJ..H..on of. th.e. LOfIJe.JI.. CIIaJtA.e1l S t. 4U.e.. .. . Ilk. Lee. .ðtßteJ. i:.heM. wi.J.1 be. mi..n.inwn ~ 4bJ~ in. tk ~ Q4 Ae. uiLÚ..¡U o:t.Áe.lt. 41.J.e4. /-oA. ndditioNLl ~ and {..oil. top 40U depoili.. He. 4.tD~ed /uz. ku no c.oni.JWl OVM the. v.lAutLl pollu.tion. oJ:. tk lOUJeA. V/aJtA.e1l Sf.. 4J.J..e. 6ui. AlA. own PJWPeAf.v. iA. well nnin:l.ai.n.eJ. and~. He. 4.tLi.tl Ae. IIO.IJ pOM.iblJ; wWt to aJJ. an ofti.r..e. .i..n. th.e. fui..wæ, buJ:. tluvœ w.i..ll be. no j.unk ~ do.n.erL oJ:. J.k pJWpO.ud. ~ ~ ami. e.v~ e.f.IoJd:. w.i..ll be. fTOJl.e. to rtCL1..niP1.n. th.e. fLII.J!.a a4 well cu AlA. ot/wt. PJWPe.Jri.v.. Repa1..M. wUl be don.e. .inJ.oO.M. UJAe.n. po44.i..6Le. anJ. MUM. ot OpeA/l.Ü.on. will be. ~ davJhne MUM. ~ tIteII..e. iA. an. ~n.c.g.. ftVt.. Le£.. a.d.ded. he. w.i..ll not ~ ant,} ~. A Ll.cvxL6Le. UA.e/J. loA. th.e. pJWpeAJ:.v. weAe. Jr.eGLl. f!k. john. é4mlJnd ot 9 CaJWl.i..n.e. Sf.. appet1.lLefl Ü1. opp04.i..t.i..on. f!k. W i...l..1..ü:uM. 01 I C alWl.i..n.e. S t. aiA..o 4Úl.ter1 oppo.ð1.:ll.on.. f!k. Lee. aMuA.eJ1 th.e. ßoaN:1 that b~e. ot the 4C.Ite.~ th.vc.e. 4IwuLd. be mi..rWrrJJ. noLu. anJ. v.iAuß1 pøLLuv on. to the. n.e.i.gAboAÄood. 1/uz. 1own. and C ounf.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOfJJtJiA. ~ apfMOVaL. /Ik. §1f1#.i.n. fTtlJÚ. a I1I/JWn. ¡.oA. appJWVaL ot th.e. appLi t:A:.t1..on. cu i..i.. COTlC.J.lM. will bof:Á 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOfJ.IUÚ ww.. tAe 4llpulMi.or: tJw.i. 6 µ. hig.h. ~ .be. .i..n. pl4c.e. a.L.ong. th.e. Jt.I!A1f1enilJd p~ ot th.e. pJWp~ by. ~amtflJt.IJ I, /980. PlM. R~n. 4eCOntLeJ.. C a.JUri.Jul.. All BOlJJUl fflemheNJ. v iAi.i.ed the. Ii1..te.. {f¡~A~ at /0:50 P.{f¡. "_~____""''''''." ,o-:"....1& J ''!' __¡¡r-- ..- .---~_....._._-,..__.~.... ._..-~ - ,._-~ .