AST-0433-2020 fir`: : Office Use Only 1 4., ~ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ^"u, �� Permit#: S‘ 4�3 0 " 202- .1 � PERMIT APPLICATION Town ofQuecnsbury Permit Fee:$ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 0 P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net I Invoice#: ""c Project Location: /Q . Oc,U e K tit Tax.Map ID#• _2-2-6 f$ --1 XSubdivision Name: // e-tA.t/ f j- CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant Name(s): M e G,,, W Mailing Address, C/S/Z: S— (t,(. �„ ,,„ ,.s1- 'e,t( .ss-L d,tQ, .i✓ { 12.'2-% Cell Phone: ( r r I ) -tiro - -"ril Land Line: ( ) Email: M,N r-). L.s;IQa s✓ Q /,,.. 1-0,, r t . r.s M • Primary Owner(s : Name(s): hie 51- . Po'- 4- L-L L Mailing Address, C/S/Z:"_ 17/(0 S`e7 C.�l¢, Stal-R `I) v I ti /_l� c , AA r Cell Phone: (Z..'s ) 9Y A -- S4 y .q- Land Line: ( ) ' a 7 Y /07 Email: Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only : r-' • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): ( \ or-,-c-- (c, S Contractor Trade: rn..,-,' o l Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 5-1 cA4...)P,.,�... —a- `:R, 1A -L -s�q N`i / ?-^- Cell Phone: ( Sl'I ) zi- -- 1 8 'd->s Land Line: ( ) Email: /4, ,-,. „ l.„n Q h __,„„,-•J .-r�uH **List all additional contractors on the back of this form ec • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): D f7 0 Business Name: JUL I Contact Name(s): Z 8 2ft?0 ! Mailing Address, C/S/Z: TO Vi Vc1 O� / Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( U(LDI oEENS-B ,, Email: tS Contact Person for Building""&'Lode Compliance: Cell:Phone: ( ) -%'., Land Line: ( ) Email: , ,�`"�''a!" . . ' . , 'Accessory Structure Application - Revised February 2019 `PT. k PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial Residential WORK CLASS: Deck,Open Porch _Solar Panels(w/o rafter upgrades) _Carport _Cell Tower _,Shed _Pavilion, Pole Barn, Canopy _Dock _Gazebo _Detached Garage Boathouse(with or w/o sundeck), _3-Season Porch Other(description: r_ l .) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: 2nd floor: Total square feet: ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ /el/ f1 2. If Commercial project,what is the proposed use: 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO xplain: 4: Are there any easements on the property? 40, NO DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I.have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: 1/41G+� SIGNATURE: DATE: /5"�Z° Accessory Structure Application Revised February 2019 . , . .• 1-- \,.-,.(-- ••• . .. — -. , r----1 . - - ------ , ,--i i : • +," "/ f• .... — — . , / r ' • 1 C,,:',,'' // ..._::"" 1 ' .,•,- - .. . t 111 i 1, i 1 ,, „ • — • f - .. 41 IN I , i 7,, '' .... • ' ci il i 1 ' W \,,, i, 1•1 i 1 i ? ' " :• • ,. 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