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' * '` yy 1 4 � 'a,: — v'a• - y ' ' ' ILA I i; .A- l 1" '( PA i; 1 -.. -.- I 1 .�I \ ,P yn • . ...... a� • I t l. Y dr af i§ I t• premiumACCESS 2020 Residential Code of New York sae State First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 5 FLOORS MINIMUM 2 a.-,--...• MINIMUM 21" , SINGLE PLY-BEAM-. I MuLTiPLETLY BEAM (2)1/2"DIAMETER- 1•'' ,, THROUGH-BOLTS i-- , •;,4-=-P, OR APPROVED -- EQUIVALENT ITIII II ,1 , CONNECTOR - ' POST NOTCH— . k , FOR FULL-BEAM r. . BEARING , 21/i",MIN. BEAM-SPLICE - I .,.... t_ L 2: _ - [ 5- _. 1-- T '-' -' --- —I- I 1,,I I • For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.5.1(2) NOTCHED POST-TO-BEAM CONNECTION Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 07/31/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. 2020 Residential Code of New York ,,, premiumACCESS State First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 5 FLOORS 5.11'MINIMUM FOR: BEAM;SPI.ICES___ BEAMSPLICE (IF REQUIRED) 7 (IF REQUIRED) MUST OCCUR = i OVER POST � APPROVEDPtH —` ° r POST:CAP BEAM.OVER POST CAP BEAM.OVER;POST For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.5.1(1) DECK BEAM TO DECK POST Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 07/31/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. • , . ...._ -,,..,— ,„-....___,_„_. • . .. ..: RilkgRER.FARCEREM • g . R4.Z REAV.:1 - i -0 a a • .• . S..5.•47.114...FOR2.X.8- *DIAPN.M 4-1:KLPA?MUM IQ 69t 11 , . . ' 65'Mg.FOR?A ta BR RROU.M:1 TQ.4...s't LF oat Kam - 0"..: '0-••• 7'1"444-4'Qaax14 =gitgAITQT2Eme O AM Likel WREIC1 OA BV Skr Mn. T .41:2A BAED.gen TZ O X 4 MR 34.1gra, LW Sb t brbot n..4 an, • ROME EP.Rattl Elf-AQW.E40 CIF WI RORDVR ARR,ROM Ri=REBA 1 i RS.07,76.4, . 1.----IMO-0CW.QR.:MAW: ' TEMON.9..ENRW • . ,Z4...QQR.SURATHRia KetR.RIQ AT 1 e!'to.tAMMI QM CORER To 2 locations • •IgtaTIMTR ROLE3-13OWN , •.•ii . -...., 1,... .. • . ' 1,11---------7-1. f - - r_.---.------1 . . TAIll L L.. • FLOOR 4CW i • . II - - FIRPRE RPT,g,M1 EIECK ISTA.CgiMENT 4R:FR LP,TS.RAE.LOALM 11R , 8t-tEAR-NR0 TH/8 i DECK DETAtt..te,AppuognE,, vitiERa FLO oR Jas-es ARE - 1—/:,0, FtAstme ece PARALLEL ID JOIST ,,f/' KAI Ett ric,,Hrtme . „0"DEDVING. innwrorroma.1.0P: F.A1 'III, Al'op -APPROVED.tOleT kustwiR r MEN- ' RI : .. 2:;..c LEDGER MTh FAETEtME a i 1 10 IOW IN ADDOADAND VATtt-mina Ron . tiotm-aowN DEVICE NIIR 7g1.LE,.DAPAQW FLOOR 401STE AT-4 LOQATIONS,EVENLY otaTRitail ktu ALM*oactcom oN.e.WITHER 2.47•QF EA.C.il END.DP THE=eat-.HOLD-0 WV DENIDEE SMALL FULLY'FM.A.QE DEDI:(40,1Q-E"PER H.O.LEI-DDWR MARUSAQTLIRElk, \...,A FULLY rt-i.ReAaeo zte t:timarelt LAQ EDREW PREDRILLED V.Iff MIN..3.*PEllETRADON TO,MIER OF TOP KATE:ETUDE:,OR MADER, • Fte4tRE,R447•Xtim ORM AITAMOVIT MR LATE.RAL Kum% atm premiumACCESS star Residential Code of New York First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 3 BUILDING PLANNING R311.7.8 Handrails. Handrails shall be provided on not less than one side of each flight of stairs with four or more risers. R311.7.8.1 Height. Handrail height, measured vertically from the sloped plane adjoining the tread nosing,or finish surface of ramp slope,shall be not less than 34 inches(864 mm)and not more than 38 inches(965 mm). Exceptions: 1. The use of a volute,turnout or starting easing shall be allowed over the lowest tread. 2. Where handrail fittings or bendings are used to provide continuous transition between flights, transitions at winder treads, the transition from handrail to guard, or used at the start of a flight, the handrail height at the fittings or bendings shall be permitted to exceed 38 inches(956 mm). R311.7.8.2 Handrail projection. Handrails shall not project more than 41/2 inches(114 mm)on either side of the stairway. Exception:.Where nosings of landings, floors or passing flights project into the stairway reducing the clearance at passing handrails, handrails shall project not more than 61/2 inches(165 mm) into the stairway, provided that the stair width and handrail clearance are not reduced to less than that required. R311.7.8.3 Handrail clearance. Handrails adjacent to a wall shall have a space of not less than 11/2 inches (38 mm) between the wall and the handrails. R311.7.8.4 Continuity. Handrails shall be continuous for the full length of theflight,from a point directly above the top riser of the flight to a point directly above the lowest riser of the flight. Handrail ends shall be returned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminals. Exceptions: 1. Handrail continuity shall be permitted to be interrupted by a newel post at a turn in a flight with winders,at a landing,or over the lowest tread. 2. A volute,turnout or starting easing shall be allowed to terminate over the lowest tread. R311.7.8.5 Grip size. Required handrails shall be of one of the following types or provide equivalent graspability. 1. Type I. Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of not less than 1/4 inches (32 mm) and not greater than 2 inches(51 mm). If the handrail is not circular,it shall have a perimeter of not less than 4 inches(102 mm)and not greater than 61/4 inches(160 mm)and a cross section of not more than 21/4 inches(57 mm).Edges shall have a radius of not less than 0.01 inch(0.25 mm). 2. Type II. Handrails with a perimeter greater than 61/4 inches.(160 mm) shall have a graspable finger recess area on both sides of the profile.The finger recess shall begin within 3/4 inch (19 mm) measured vertically from the tallest'portion of the profile and have a depth of not less than 5/16 inch (8 mm)within%le inch(22 mm) below the widest portion of the profile.This required depth shall continue for not less thar$!s inch(10 mm)to a level that is not less than 13/4 inches(45 mm) below the tallest portion of the profile.The width of the handrail above the recess shall be not less than 11/4 inches (32 mm) and not more than 23/4 inches(70 mm).Edges shall have a radius of not less than 0.01 inch(0.25 mm). R311.7.8.6 Exterior plastic composite handrails. Plastic composite exterior handrails shall comply with the requirements ofSection R507.2.2. Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 07/02/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. premiumACCESS S2020 tate Residential Code of New York First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 3 BUILDING PLANNING R312.1.2 Height. Required guards at open-sided walking surfaces, including stairs, porches, balconies or landings, shall be not less than 36 inches(914 mm) in height as measured vertically above the adjacent walking surface or the line connecting the nosings. Exceptions: 1. Guards on the open sides of stairs shall have a height of not less than 34 inches (864 mrn)neasured vertically from a line connecting the nosings. 2. Where the top of the guard serves as a handrail on the open sides of stairs,the top of theguard shall be not less than 34 inches(864 mm)and not more than 38 inches(965 mm)as measured vertically from a line connecting the nosings. • • Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 06/17/2020 pursuant.to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Arty Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and • criminal penalties thereunder. ia® premiumACCESS 2020 Residential Code of New York State First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 3 BUILDING PLANNING R312.1 Guards. Guards shall be provided in accordance with Sections R312.1.1 through R312.1.4. R312.1.1 Where required. Guards shall be provided for those portions of open-sided walking surfaces, includingstairs, ramps and landings,that are located more than 30 inches (762 mm) measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 36 inches(914 mm)horizontally to the edge of the open side.Insect screening shall not be considered as a guard. R312.1.2 Height. Required guards at open-sided walking surfaces, including stairs, porches, balconies or landings, shall be not less than 36 inches(914 mm) in height as measured vertically above the adjacent walking surface or the line connecting the nosings. Exceptions: 1. Guards on the open sides of stairs shall have a height of not less than 34 Inches (864 mm)neasured vertically from a line connecting the nosings. 2. Where the top of the guard serves as a handrail on the open sides of stairs,the top of theguard shall be not less than 34 Inches(864 mm)and not more than 38 inches(965 mm) as measured vertically from a line connecting the nosings. R312.1.3 Opening limitations. Required guards shall not have openings from the walking surface to the requiredguard height that allow passage of a sphere 4 inches(102 mm)in diameter. Exceptions: 1. The triangular openings at the open side of stair, formed by the riser, tread and bottom rail of wuard, shall not allow passage of a sphere 6 inches(153 mm)in diameter. 2. Guards on the open side of stairs shall not have openings that allow passage of a sphere Is inches (111 mm)in diameter. R312.1.4 Exterior plastic composite guards. Plastic composite exterior guards shall comply with the requirements ofsection R317.4. Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 07/02/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. 1311 premiumACCESS 2020 Residential Code of New York State First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 5 FLOORS R507.2.4 Flashing. Flashing shall be corrosion-resistant metal of nominal thickness not less than 0.019 inch (0.48 mm) oepproved nonmetallic material that is compatible with the substrate of the structure and the decking materials. Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 07/02/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. premiumACCESS 2020 Residential Code of New York State First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 5 FLOORS • TABLE R507.9.1,3(1) DECK LEDGER CONNECTION TO BAND JOISTa•b(Deck live load=40 psf,deck dead load= 10 psf,snow load 40 psf) JOIST SPAN CONNECTION DETAILS 6'and 67."to 8'1"to 10'1"to 12'1"to 14'1-to 16'1"to less 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' On ter spacing of fasteners 1/2-inch diameter lag screw with 1/2-inch maximum sheathings•d 30 23 (2.9 15 13 11 10 1/2-inch diameter bolt with 1/2-inch maximum 36 36 34 29 24 21 19 sheathing 1/2-inch diameter bolt with 1-inch maximum 36 36 29 24 21 18 16 sheathing For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kPa. a. Ledgers shall be flashed in accordance with Section R703.4 to prevent water from contacting the house band joist. b. Snow load shall not be assumed to act concurrently with live load. c. The tip of the lag screw shall fully extend beyond the inside face of the band joist. d. Sheathing shall be wood structural panel or solid sawn lumber. e. Sheathing shall be permitted to be wood structural panel, gypsum board, fiberboard, lumber or foam sheathing. Up to 1/2-inch thickness of stacked washers shall be permitted to substitute for up to 1/2 inch of allowable sheathing thickness where combined with wood structural panel or lumber sheathing. Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 06/26/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. premiumACCESS 2020 Residential Code of New York lama 'State First Printing:Nov 2019 CHAPTER 5 FLOORS STAGGER FASTENERS 14 e IN2ROW/'. -1----( 0 a. (i f 4 5.5"MIN.FOR 2 X 5' 'DISTANCE SHALL BE PERMIT rap TO 5"MAX, 5.5'MIN.FOR 2 X to BE REDUCED TO 4.5'IF LAG'SCREWE . _0 ° V la 7.5",�1IN.FOR2 X S2 ARE USED'OR BOLTSPAQINO IS REDUCED TO THAT OF LAG SCREWS 2"MINA' /� BTAND JOISTS.ATTACH 2 8LFJSGERSTO2X8 LEDGER, /// LAD SCREW OR BOLT 2(4'MIN. For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.9.1.3(1) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN LEDGERS Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 06/16/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. • • ' . • • ' • '-- -,K:7"--Twit.ii„...?-„,47,‘f,44'..,.?,•3";',4'.1-A16:!?.:1•?,,:. . • . . •_,. ._ ,.. ,A,.„,-.. 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