RC-0338-2020 a. PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE Office Use Only PERMIT APPLICATION Permit#: C-033k-Z62-0 To; of Qecnsbury D E C O ' .1 AL Permit Fee:$ 114 2.• 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 * 5° JUN 2 5 � ,� I I Rec. Fee: $ l P: 518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net U 3 s i Invoice#: 2J6 t5 TOWN OF OUFENSEUtY Project Location: 3 // L "Od'"�`' Tax Map #: 5/6,/V— ,/— / ' Subdivision Name: TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013:$850 recreation fee for new dwelling units: single family, duplexes/two-family, multiplefamily, apartments,condominiums, townhouses,and/or manufactured & modular homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: �r Name(s): 'iiii 1-.. Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 9-0 if inarcoA Ve. Sou-i-i, S F , fS 41� /2d Cell Phone: (3—hi ) 3 C/— 3 6,S-6 Land Line: ( S/4 ) 9f —/ %7 Email: r {.. c_ka,sc_ 'wilier 0 /l y cog, 'RR, • Primar Owner( I Name(s): Ke,i4Afx 4 Aflna-V► 1s kGetr'woa Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 i 16" cowl IBC Qu ee/15Jury ,� /9(f-0' Cell Phone: ( ) ,, Land Line: (�7(�' ) 69 6 .2�602 Email: re-i '1 e. 9-1 GmeLt (, LOIM 'ex(dJ -/ 0 T-ci�I�l`o (din ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp doIIc__umentationmust be submitted with this application C-i Contractor Name(s): .Lm o,..S., 60i (1-er Contractor Trade: C,O111,5-1 ruCliDA Mailing Address, C/S/Z: P-D ! r 4. so LIA,„ 4 (i)S is Cell Phone: ( ) 3C? / —. Land Line: d 7QQ 3/9 Email: r [iveLS e_ (001 IG eAU' ea?, **List all additional contractors on the back of this form • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: c`t•4 Contact Name(s): �J Mailing Address, C/S/Z: en,v u ec-peil bu r-cq . u/p- c Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: (A—k ) (p 3 -- -F0.97 Email: Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: % r-ct Cell Phone: ( S If ) 3 61-3C:5 4 Land Line: ( s l�' ) 19 -- !3/9 Email: rt-a%aSe,- toUM-et— 010r d R, GOen Prinrinla Ctrurtura Parkat . . Ravicad Inman/2020 •. Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): tc;4 WI ) Ur. eACAUo (iv Contractor Trade: e)6 ca.va`J-16/1 r Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 1i Cell Phone: Lc/t ) 7.(a ---/73O Land Line: ( ) Email: • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): 014,-u1,S 60 VI,C 1rc+-c_ IContractor Trade: TO u ft ,, il Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: (5-71T ) $Se- S9 D Land Line: ( ) Email: • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): I 01 )J O`1-c-iit 1U t icier-5 Contractor Trade: - kravirti (1 p Mailing Address, C/S/Z: of Cell Phone: (S0 8' ) 7 4" - 3 77,s' Land Line: __(___) Email: • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): 6.�'}-�e aE��.� r s e-S < • Contractor Trade: a o-O�� I ci ( R� Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( S? ) . ,[- 73 7 3 Land Line: ( ) Email: • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): e-c M a. l l V yo.t1 rs ki Contractor Trade: 5 cJ L0.0911 / Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: (f-t k ) 3 /D.- p ES-0 Land Line: _ ( ) Email: • Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s): .)L p 1na,n F, I /-r C Contractor Trade: �iT� i-t Gc.,l t►✓ Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( T ) -.3„L.,— 7 ?,3'? Land Line: j_) Email: Prinrinlp C?nrtnro Par4pt Rpvicpd lamiary 7n7f1 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: _Commercial Residential WORK CLASS: Single-Family Two-Family _Multi-Family(#of units ) Townhouse Business Office Retail Hotel/Motel _Industrial/Warehouse Garage(#ofcars01. ) _ Other (describe _) STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE: GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 15T floor: / S O 1ST floor: 40.025- 2"d floor: 2nd floor: 3rd floor: Total square feet: Basement(habitable space): Total square feet: /S76 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ p� 000 2. Proposed use of the building: V 1 l retAlVLI ty 11/011V�-C'� 3. If Commercial or Industrial, indicate the name of the business: 4. Source of Heat: Gas Oil Propane Solar Other: ceo (Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances &Chimney Application, one per appliance) 5. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO Explain: 6. Are there any easements on the property? YES CI 7. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel? az-res b. Is this a corner lot? YES 6) c. Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? YES d. What is the water source? •UBLIC PRIVATE WELL e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? pr(P6dei Prinrinlc Ctrnrtnrn Par4at Revised January 2020 DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall commence priorto issuance of a valid building permit and work will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approva I. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I understand that INve are required to provide an as-bui It survey by a licensed land surveyor of aII newly constructed facilities priorto issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME:4GV\ar-C( L Se._ SIGNATURE: rj DATE: 643/ ' o.:....:..L,c«.....«.....o ..b..« Ro,icarl Iannani VV f1 • ,f Office Use Only TOM/ofQucensbury Permit#: 04-0 3e,' 2-0 2-4SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee: $ ; invoice#: Septic Variance? Yes No 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Tax Map ID#: 3/ , /7, `" l-- Project Location: .)7/ 31,- is. cowl 'R�d • Applicant: Name(s): egic,',r/ 1,- C4'ia se- Tr Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ,34' ✓� �� .tv&i CO fly- I, c 1 is I t��G, A(/ Cell Phone: _(Siff ) 56;1- 3656 Land Line: _( &St( ) °9 j /3/ Email: rL 0kikge, v` (der yc e R,anrvs • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): 4(e,i 4 ,t.,,I`dv 0 Iry ja_re-u el Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ?9/ R i",:--; Room -Rei. Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: _( Ste ) ',9( —..2 .s402 Email: e mil) d./ C O'VVtcLi I, WO/ M rUei v1 -/ 0v-rahrootter,, eow1 ❑ Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only • Contractor: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Name(s): LZkh WIc_G=cJbre_ Contractor Trade: �, c-eL.(o If Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( Tc ) 79(o -- /730 Land Line: _( ) Email: • Engineer(s): Name(s): /4u4 tb►VS Ovieg iieeeredli Mailing Address, C/S/Z: /6,, I t i1 LAZ e nsi,ury AI,V Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _(_,mac ) 7 — 0367 Email: S!u'Wl VYt'' f- U-tctt t 03 e-kil el'?n j xs cowl Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: `K ta, On c�i"'CJ e, Cell Phone: ( c(4 ) 79'6 1736 Land Line: _( ) Email: Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2020 r RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Year Built Gallons. #of bedrooms: X gallons per =total daily flow per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes NUJ 1980 or older 150 Installed? (circle one) 1981-1991 130 Spa or Hot Tub Yes No Installed? (circle one) 1992-Present no to- 3 0 PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope Soil Nature Sand _Loam _Clay _Other(explain: Groundwater At what depth? Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth? Domestic Water Supply X.Municipal _Well (if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch (test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: Tank size r 2 Co gallons(min. size 1,000 gallons, add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length c.2_kid I ft.; Each Trench g Q ft. Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: ;Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? ;tank size ;#of tanks NOTES: 1. Alarm system and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency; 2. We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved. The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions. 3. As-built drawings must be submitted prior to the inspection, if there has been a change to the submitted plans. Declaration:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: /R 014 C,I�IL2J V r DATE: 6(.7- SIGNATURE: �o `''v DATE: 6l a3/v"�d Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2020 2.02-0 i STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Whereas,the Town of Queensbury('municipality')and Keith and Marian Underwood(the"facility owners") want to enter into an agreement to provide for the long term maintenance and continuation of stormwater control measures approved by the municipality for the project at 391 Big Boom Road,tax map number 316.14-1-14,and a m Whereas,the municipality and the facility owners desire that the stormwater control measures be built in Z n accordance with the approved project plans and thereafter be maintained,cleaned,repaired,replaced and o o „ . continued in perpetuity in order to ensure optimum performance of the components. -z1 m o n 0 Therefore,the municipality and the facility owners agree as follows: M ? 0 1.This agreement binds the municipality and the facility owner,its successors and assigns,to the 2 maintenance provisions depicted in the approved project plans which are attached as Schedule A of this M agreement. 2.The facility owner shall maintain,clean,repair,replace and continue'tl e6.kormwaler control measures. depicted in Schedule A as necessary to ensure optimum performance of 4ie%measiires�to°` esig'n'specificati'ci� The stormwater control measures shall include,but shall not be.limited`d,the1followi g"d�,ainage ditches, swales,dry wells,infiltrators,drop inlets,pipes,culverts,soil.absor Eioh'tt'evi I'r 6ntion ponds. 3.The facility owner shall be responsible for all expenses related to the maintenance of the stormwater control measures and shall establish a means for the collection and distribution of expenses among parties for any commonly owned facilities. 4.The facility owner shall provide for the periodic inspection of the stormwater control measures,not less than once In every five year period,to determine-the condition and integrity of the measures.Such inspection shall be performed by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of New York.The inspecting engineer shall prepare and submit to the municipality within 30 days of the inspection,a written report of the findings including recommendations for those actions necessary for the continuation of the stormwater control measures. S.The facility owner shall not authorize,undertake or permit alteration,abandonment,modification or discontinuation of the stormwater control measures except in accordance with written approval of the municipality. 6.The facility owner shall undertake necessary repairs and replacement of the stormwater control measures at the direction of the municipality or in accordance with the recommendations of the inspecting engineer. , 7.If ever the municipality determines that the facility owner has failed to construct or maintain the stormwater control measures in accordance with the project plan or has failed to undertake corrective action specified by the municipality or by the inspecting engineer,the municipality is authorized to undertake such steps as reasonably necessary for the preservation,continuation or maintenance of the stormwater control measures and to affix the expenses thereof as a lien against the property. 8.This agreement is effective beginning on: Owner: IZGI' H::ORMAR1A UNDERWOOD Dated: 2021 By: Print Name&Title:"rib N.-i k rn, r i d p_rwu) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.s COUNTY OF WAkREN ) On t1f4eday of in-.the year 2 02 1,before me the undersigned,personally appeared- 4 wnlo me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,C .be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity,and that by his ignature on the instrument,the individual executed the instrument. .�rstn.�C,olNtt , Mot1i l�I�t`�IiC►State Of New,York:.= h•61CQ�.0 -.74` Notary Public C.0rnmissI6n� 14,ZZ - Town: F _-EEN URY, Dated: 1� " ...20?j By: Print Name&Ti e: .7"0 W�l. STATE OF NEW YORK ) Victoria La Marque tic;'Stafo of NewYorl( Notary,P,uh ss: WarrenCounty,No.01LA630.1547 .Commission Expires Ap' 2' 20 0 COUNTY OF WARREN ) On tthhe._.,�, .day of in the year 2023,before me the undersigned,personally appeared ;personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,to be the individua whb-se name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity,and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual executed the instrument. Notary Pub ic: ` , 7 Right-J8® Form J1 Job: i ItRi Entire Hoe ���mA� -� Date: Feb 25,2020 • Lo L; AJJ' !y [7:1r1 By: Thermal A s 1 s.._._..� �_-.r,.._ 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 F :I 18t798.TiUNE iCadar�f(�tf�ermalas0,•ai'es.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com tt{` 1 Name of Room L I V I'Ehtire House Room3 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall t. _ -• --• I 347.E ft 163.0 ft 3 Ceiling Ht(Ft)and Gross Wall Area(SqFt) TOVVN OF 01?'- r 10"0 'ft "Y { 3701.0 ft2 11.0 ft 2024.0 ft' 4 Room Dimensions(Ft)and Floor Plan Area(SqFt) BUJ!i! ili hl>; Px �:c',.';=S 3624.0 ft2 1.0 x 1812.0 ft 1812.0 ft' ,, 5 Ceiling Slope(Deg.)and Gross Ceiling Area(SqFt) , _ Mrn_ „2_•:,_..._.0_.`__.. ._ 3624.0 ft 0 ° 1812.0 ft I I I Type of r Const, r Panel I HTM I Area or Btuh I Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces 1 Lenght Lenght Htg. I ag. I Heating S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-ag L-Clg r 6 Wall 12F 0sw __:_ .- .n _ _._5:20__ -" 0.61 143 ._ _744; - _87 143 1 .:;.: ,744: _- 87 Wall 15B-8s3c 6-_ n 6.56 0.20 306 2007 62 0 0 0- 12F-Osw e 5.20 -0.61 638 2990 351 • 638 2990 351 , laz 4A5 2of e 32.80: 33.12 21, 689 696. 21 689 - 696 11 - .. laz... 4A5 2ofd e. 32.80_ 33.12 _ .42 1378 _ -1391. 42 _:1378 __.: 1391_.. . all 15B-8s3c-6 e 6.54 0.20 522 3376 102 0 0 0 ' laz _ 1D-c2ov e 45.60• _ .__5812_ . 6 274 349 0 .._0 0 V)Yall 12F-osw s 5.20, 0.61 ' ' 374 1711 - 201 374 1711` 201 , laz. 4A5-2of_ s___. .32.80.l, _:'.17.98_ ._. 45 . 1476a ...__.'.809 45. • __1476_ .809.:. '4ts1. 15B-8s3c-6 s 6.50 0.19 306 1911 55 0 0 0 -_.Glaz , _ 1D-c2ov s ,45.60. ,30.78 12 547 . 369 V)/all •12F-Osw - w 5.20. 0.61 638 2678 315 638 • :'2678 315 L�_-_GIaz 10D f w 33.60 23.91 21- 706 , , .502 21 ' 706 502 ' laz '. 4A5 2of' .-' =w _ - 32.80, .33 12 102' 3346,, ' 3378:. .. 102 3346 3378 S4 ll 15B-8s3c-6 w 6.53 0.19 522 3328 99 0 0 0 � laz 1D-c2oy w- -- 45.60 58.12 ,._. .12. 547. 697._ 0 0 Cell :.. r 2 376 . __:.. ;168-38ad- .- :._,... - _:2.08._ . . ,`7 15 :�_:. 1812s. , 3769, � 2078-, '. , 1812 ..,; 3769,.. 2078 Flor 21A-24t 2.00 0.00 1812 3624 0 0 0 0 _ n .e � 316.14-1-14 RC-0338-2020 Underwood, Keith & Marian . - - - - : 391 Big Boom Rd SFD 1850 s.f., Garage 625 s.f. is LtH: . .-: . - _ ._ - Infiltration Heating Load(Btuh) 0.19 6984 - 5340 - Effect WAR WAR 12 I Sensible Load(Btuh) I ACH I 0.10 1.00 I 459 I I 0.76 I I 351 Latent Load(Btuh) I 753 Internal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 2 460 4.00 2 460 400 b Scenario number 2000 2000 13 c Default Adjustments __.. _ d Custom Appliances _-_ 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals I Sum lines 6 through 12 I ", • 42084 15106 1153 24825 13225 I I Duct 15 LoadsI ELGF&ESGF I OI OI 0`: o 0 0 O,' 0 I16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 E Cfm I 0 0 Ir 0 0 I I 117 I Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day I 0 I I 0 I L I I I 18 I Piping Load - O...I 0 I I 19 Blower Heat • I20 AED Excursion&Latent Moisture Migration Load 644 606 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 42084 15106 1153 24825 13225 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -� -4- wrlght_.ot t " 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 % - - ....,.Y,,,........ Right-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1G ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: N 7 Right-J8® Form J 1 Job: f Entire House Date: Feb 25,2020 By: Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com 1 Name of Room Room4 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 184.0 ft 3 Ceiling Ht(Ft)and Gross Wall Area(SqFt) 9.0 ft 1656.0 ft' 4 Room Dimensions(Ft)and Floor Plan Area(SqFt) 1,0 x 1812.0 ft 1812.0 ft' 5 Ceiling Slope(Deg.)and Gross Ceiling Area(SqFt) 0 ° 1812.0 ft' I I Type of Cone.,, Panel HTM I Area or I Btuh I Area or I Btuh Exposure Number Faces I I Lenght Lenght Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 I Wall _ �,_ 12F'Osw _ .; ._.n, ::____..620 ,061_.. . _.0 "`-. ___._0; , _ 0., Wall 15B 8s3c-6 n 6 56,0 0,20 306 2007 62, 12FOsw e 52 061 0 0 0" laz 4A5 2of a 32 80:, 33 12 0 0 ' 0. 11 lax.-_`_ 4A5 2ofd, e., 32.80_ ' __33 12s_ A,. 0 :-,_ 0 _ ,- „ 4_- Wall 15B-8s3c-6 e 6.54 0.20 522 3376 102 laz _ 1 D-c2ov e 45 60 58.12 6 274 349 Wall 12FOsw s 5.20 061 0 0 ' ,0 laz 4A5 2of s 32.80 17 98 0 0. _.:0 Wall 15B-8s3c-6 s 6.50 019 306 1911 55 laz_. 1 D-c2ov s 45.60 30 78 12 547,_.. 369 Wlall 12F Osw w 5.20: 0 61 0 0 P _0- .GIaz lCD-f w 3360.'` 2391 0 0 0 15B-8s3c 636,53 � w 0.19 522 3328 99 laz 1 D c2ov w 45 60 58 12 12 547 697 Cell 16B 38ad 2 08 1 15 0 0 0 T Flor 21 A 24t 2 00. 0 00 1812 3624 0 s -' .r. -- — is . ,_ — — Infiltration Heating Load(Btuh) 0.19 1644 Effect WAR 12 Sensible Load(Btuh) I ACH 0 24 108 0.10 Latent Load(Btuh) Internal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 b Scenario number 0 13 c Default Adjustments _ _ d Custom Appliances 0_ 0 e Plants 0 114 I Subtotals I Sum lines 6 through 12 I 17259 I 1880 I Duct EHLF&ESGF I °I 0 0 0 15 Loads ELG I ,I. r I 116!Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 ECfm I 0 .''• �" 17 I Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day ( 0 I.,,,`-'„ ,-„ I. I I I 18 I Piping Load 1 1� I � . I I I I 19 Blower Heat 20 AED Excursion&Latent Moisture Migration Load 38 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 "y+? 17259 1880 Calculations approved by ACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -'1.1- wricgs" satt 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 f - " ..--'—, Right-Suite®Universal201818.0,31 RSU24121 Paget ,:.20\Underwood.GEO,options\UNDERWOOD.heatioad.rup Caic=MJ8 Front Door faces: N Load Short Form Job: .Pay Date: Feb 25,2020 Entire House By: ASSCCUrES Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Project Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood • 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Design Information Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db(°F) -10 85 Method Simplified Inside db(°F) 70 75 Construction quality Semi-tight Design TD(°F) 80 10 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - M Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture difference(gr/lb) 53 27 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make York Make York Trade YORK Trade YORK Model YHM36B21 Cond YHM36B21 AHRI ref 9920249 Coil CF36BBCA1+YP9C060B12MP12 AHRI ref 9920249 Efficiency 9.5 HSPF Efficiency 10.3 EER,15.75 SEER Heating input Sensible cooling 23800 Btuh Heating output 35200 Btuh @ 47°F Latent cooling 10200 Btuh Temperature rise 29 °F Total cooling 34000 Btuh Actual air flow 1133 cfm Actual air flow 1133 cfm Air flow factor 0.027 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.075 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.93 Ca pacity balance point=15°F Backup:York YORK YP9C060B12MP12 Input=60000 Btuh, Output=58000 Btuh, 97.5 AFUE ROOM NAME Area Htg load Cig load Htg AVF CIg AVF (ftz) (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) Room3 1812 24825 13225 668 992 Room4 1812 17259 1880 465 141 Entire House d 3624 42084 15106 1133 1133 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.90 RSM 13595 Latent cooling 1153 TOTALS 3624 I 42084 I 14748 1133 1133 Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Pk wrights fft' 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 .v,m.,...--, „., Right-Suite®U niversal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 Atak ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Cale=MJ8 Front Door faces: N Loads for Multiple Orientations Job: �,, Date: Feb 25,2020 t,: Entire House By: Assolm ` Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Project Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Glens Falls AP, NY, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 75 Elevation: 335 ft Design TD(°F) 80 10 Latitude: 43°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 52.8 26.5 Dry bulb(°F) -10 85 Infiltration: Daily range(°F) - 22 ( M ) Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 • Front Door North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Sensible Load(Btuh) 13595 12930 10537 12123 12536 12143 10659 12770 Latent Load(Btuh) • 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 Total Load (Btuh) 14748 14083 11690 13276 13689 13296 11812 13923 Heating AVF(cfm) . 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 Cooling AVF(cfm) 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 1133 Building Orientation Cooling Load 1-ui hem 0 N NE E SE S SW W WV Dredim Rat D faxs Current Orientation: Front Door faces North Highest Cooling Load: Front Door faces North Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. PP' Wrightsoft" 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 ti .u,,,..,,h.,. sue... Rig htSuite®Universal201818.0.31 RSU24121 Pagel AC ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: N ' Job: Building Analysis Date: Feb 25,2020 Entire House By: Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Pro'ect Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Desi• n Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Glens Falls AP, NY, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 75 Elevation: 335 ft Design TD(°F) 80 10 Latitude: 43°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 52.8 26.5 Dry bul b(°F) -10 85 Infiltration: Daily range(°F) - 22 ( M ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Construction quality Semi-tight Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Heatin• Component Btu h/f 2 1 Btuh %of load Walls 5.9 18746 44.5 firm Glazing 34.3 8962 21.3 Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 2.1 3769 9.0 - Floors 2.0 3624 8.6 vtil 0ois Infiltration 3.0 6984 16.6 Ducts 0 0 Piping 0 0 Wings Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 +4 . Adjustments 0 Total 42084 100.0 Gazing Coolin• Component Btu h/ft2 Btuh %of load Walls 0.4 1273 8.4 WEllrit ernd Gsins Glazing 33.9 8836 58.5 Doors 0 0 0 nfiltretim Ceilings 1.1 2078 13.8 Floors 0 0 0 Infiltration 0.2 459 3.0 Ceilir>cp Ducts 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 2460 16.3 Blower 0 0 Gazing ��~_. Adjustments 0 Total 15106 r 100.0 Latent Cooling Load= 1153 Btuh Overall U-value=0.060 Btuh/ft2-°F Data entries checked. Bold/italic values have been manually overridden -flea ®-1 hts offi« 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 a+ <�w.•. « - Right-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 Ct4+ ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: N • J1 _Form - Worksheet A Job: q Date: Feb 25,2020 r AIL AUCrl,kt� Entire House By: Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Supporting Detail Project Name: UNDERWOOD.heatload Date: Feb 25, 2020 Address: 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Job ID: Worksheet A Location and Design Conditions Weather Location: Glens Falls AP, NY, US Elevation= 335 Latitude= 43 Indoor Conditions, Heating: DB= 70°F RH= 50 % Indoor Conditions, Cooling: DB= 75°F RH= 50 % Table 1 Conditions 99%DB= -10°F 1%DB= 85 °F Grains Difference= 27 gr/lb Daily Range= M Design Temperature Differences HTD= 80 °F CTD= 10 °F Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. vtrrrights®ft§ 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 Rig htSuite®Universal201818.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 lea ...201Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rug Cale=MJ8 Front Door faces: N • . Job:Component Constructions Date: Feb 25,2020 tie' Entire House By: a , 7Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518,798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Pro'ect Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Glens Falls AP, NY, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 75 Elevation: 335 ft Design TD(°F) 80 10 Latitude: 43°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(grub) 52.8 26.5 Drybulb(°F) -70 85 Infiltration: Daily range(°F) - 22 ( M ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Construction quality Semi-tight Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss CIg HTM Gain fr Btuhfit'--°F ft'-°F/Btuh Btuh/R' Btuh Btuh/tt Btuh Walls 12F-Osw:Frm wall,vnl ext,1/2"wood shth,r-21 cav ins,1/2"gypsum n 143 0.065 21.0 5.20 744 0.61 87 board int fnsh,2"x6"wood frm,16"o.c.stud e 575 0.065 21.0 5.20 2990 0.61 351 s 329 0.065 21.0 5.20 1711 0.61 201 w 515 0.065 21.0 5.20 2678 0.61 315 all 1562 0.065 21.0 5.20 8122 0.61 954 15B-8s3c-6:Bg wall,heavy dry or light damp soil,concrete wall,r-8 n 306 0.073 8.0 6.56 2007 0.20 62 ins,8"thk, 1/2"gypsum board int fnsh e 516 0.073 8.0 6.54 3376 0.20 102 s 294 0.073 8.0 6.50 1911 0.19 55 w 510 0.073 8.0 6.53 3328 0.19 99 all 1626 0.073 8.0 6.53 10623 0.20 318 Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2of:2 glazing,clr low-e outr,air gas,insulated fiberglass frm mat, e 21 0.410 0 32.8 689 33.1 696 clr innr,1/2"gap,1/4"thk;6.67 ft head ht e 42 0.410 0 32.8 1378 33.1 1391 s 45 0.410 0 32.8 1476 18.0 809 w 21 0.420 0 33.6 706 23.9 502 w 102 0.410 0 32.8 3346 33.1 3378 all 231 0.410 0 32.9 7594 29.3 6776 1 D-c2ov:2 glazing,clr outr,air gas,vnl frm mat,clr innr,1/4"gap,1/4" e 6 0.570 0 45.6 274 58.1 349 thk;6.67 ft head ht s 12 0.570 0 45.6 547 30.8 369 w 12 0.570 0 45.6 547 58.1 697 all 30 0.570 0 45.6 1368 47.2 1416 Doors (none) Ceilings 16B-38ad:Attic ceiling,asphalt shingles roof mat,r-38 cell ins,5/8" 1812 0.026 38.0 2.08 3769 1.15 2078 gypsum board int Irish wrightsoft` 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 a,,-,,„,„.,.. ,-., ,, Right-Suite®U niversal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 ACCK ..20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Calc=MJB Front Door faces: N Floors 21A-24t:Bg floor,heavy dry or light damp soil,6'depth 1812 0.025 0 2.00 3624 0 0 • • wrighcsmf. 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 Right-Suite®U niversal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Paget ACM ..20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Cabc=MJ8 Front Door faces: N Project Summary Job:Date:S. 7 te: Feb 25,2020 Entire House By: x Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave.Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Pro'ect Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Notes: Desi• n Information Weather: Glens Falls AP, NY, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -10 °F Outside db 85 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 80 °F Design TD 10 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 27 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 42084 Btuh Structure 15106 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 42084 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.90 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 13595 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Semi-tight Fireplaces 0 Structure 1153 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none) Area OF) 3624 3624 Equipment latent load 1153 Btuh Volume(ft3) 25368 25368 Air changes/hour 0.19 0.10 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 14748 Btuh Equiv. AVF(cfm) 80 42 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.6 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make York Make York Trade YORK Trade YORK Model YHM36B21 Cond YHM36B21 AHRI ref 9920249 Coil CF36BBCA1+YP9C060B12MP12 AHRI ref 9920249 Efficiency 9.5 HSPF Efficiency 10.3 EER,15.75 SEER Heating input Sensible cooling 23800 Btuh Heating output 35200 Btu h @ 47°F Latent cooling 10200 Btuh Temperature rise 29 °F Total cooling 34000 Btuh Actual air flow 1133 cfm Actual air flow 1133 cfm Air flow factor 0.027 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.075 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.93 Capacity balance point= 15°F Backup:York YORK YP9C060B12MP12 Input=60000 Btuh, Output=58000 Btuh, 97.5 AFUE Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. T vtsrYgtrGsv>r t" 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 ,.-1,!- �.. .+....-> Right-Suite®U niversal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 ACM ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Caic=MJ8 Front Door faces: N • AED Assessment Job: 110, Date: Feb 25,2020 law 4 ifEWA Entire House By: Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Project Information For: Keith&Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Glens Falls AP, NY, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 75 Elevation: 335 ft Design TD(°F) 80 10 Latitude: 43°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 52.8 26.5 Drybulb(°F) -10 85 Infiltration: Daily range(°F) - 22 ( M ) Wet bulb(°F) - 71 Wind speed(mph) 15.0 7.5 Test for Adequate Exposure Diversity Hirly Gazing Load 11,000-- 10,00 9,000-- 8,000- 7,000- 6,00 5,000- 4,00 3,000- 2,000- 1,000- 0 I I 1 I I I I I I I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 HoratDa/ �li+M Avero Amium Maximum hourly glazing load exceeds average by 38.4%. House does not have adequate exposure diversity (AED), based on AED limit of 30%. AED excursion: 644 Btuh (PFG - 1.3*AFG) Bold/italic values have been manually overridden P wrig„ts®t. 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 "` +� •,�•.<.,.�w�. Rig ht-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 k ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Caic=MJB Front Door faces: N :', Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Feb 25,2020 ;'` By: - -., Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@therrnalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com 1 Room name Entire House Room3 2 Exposed wall 347.0 ft 163.0 ft 3 Room height 10.0 ft d 11.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 1812.0 ft 5 Room area 3624.0 ft' I 1812.0 ft' I I I Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft') Load Area (ft') Load number (Btuh/ft'-°F I (Btuh/ft') I or perimeter (ft) I (Btuh) I or perimeter (ft) I (Btuh) I Heat Cool I Gross I N/P/S I Heat I Cool I Grossf I N/P/S I Heat I Cool I 6 W- _,_ �`:_ n.10065 ,,b:_ ,.�.520. ._ _0.61,_ . :143 , , -143 12F Osw �_, ' ,7,44 7 .•,- 87,,.::_._143 ,:;-I,--,�1¢3 . ,__m-;744_N. __„�,SZ W_ 15B 8s3c 6 ,,, ,_,_0,100 n-,..... 9.6.56 , 0.20 <,,,,306 ,,.306 2007_., 62 0_ 0 0 _, 0. W; '. 12F-0sw t 0.065 .e '. 5.20. 0.61 638 575 '2990 351 ;; v.,638 575 -2990 ' ,,- 351 -G 4A5 2of 0 410 °e': : 32 80' 33,12 21 .? 0 689 696 ,` '_ 21 n0 �'689 .` 696 11 - 4A5-2ofd -,_,„,_ _ ,_0.4;10 ,.,,e__ ,`.»32.80. .. 33.12 __ ,,,42 ___ 0 .__7L'`-137,8__:_::.,._1391_. _',42 ._.,„< ;0 _ ,.-_1378 -yL,_1391_ V4/ 156 8s3c 6 0.100 e 6.54 0.20 522 516 3376 102 0 0 0 0 �—t3 .1 D c2ov 0.570 e 45.60,. 58.12 6 0 -_ 349 ., 0 0 0 0, '4�!! 12F 0sw 0.065 s 5 20 0.61 374 329 127141 201 ': 374 329 1711 201 ...G ,4A52of .._ _.- __.__ ___.0.410 . s__.s2...32.80.e.. 17:98 _�_ ..-_,45 .. ..A __,:1476 .._.e8094-, .,-'-45_w.—_ -,.. 0__ __1476 ,._: :809 '4/ 15B-8s3c-6 0.100 s 6.50 0.19 306 294 1911 55 0 0 0 0 - G 1 Dc2ov 0.570 s __ 45 60 30 78 12 0 547 369 0_ _0 0 0 12F 0sw 0,065 w 5 20 0 61 638 515 2678 315 638 515 2678 315 10D-f 0 420 w 33 60 , 23 91 :2:1 0 706 502 21 0 706 .,502' 4A5-2of , _._,_ . __0.410�_w 32.80 '' 33.12 - . ,102 _.0 ,-., ,3346 a 3378 ,..,":.,.:102, .�:0 ,3346 _ Q 3378 '4/ 15B-8s3c-6 0.100 w 6.53 0.19 522 510 3328 99 0 0 0 0 1—G 1 D,c2ov 0.570 w 45 60 _ 58 1.2 12 0 547 697 ,0 0 -0 0 C- 16B-38ad ... ,, _. __0:026 __...: .,2 08;;�._.1'15 ,,.,1812 ..,.:-:1812_, a3769 ,` _: 2078_:_.. ,;1812 . , .:1812 ,„„,;3769 �a-aL2078 F 21A-24t 0.025 2.00 0.00 1812 1812 3624 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 644 6 6 c)AED excursion I I I 35100� 121861 I I 19485 1 1041061 Envelope loss/gain 12 a) Infiltration 6984 459 5340 351 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 2 460 2 460 Appliances/other 2000 2000 Subtotal(lines 6 to 13) 42084 15106 24825 13225 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 42084 15106 24825 13225 15 Duct loads 0% 0% 0 0 -0% 0% 0 0 Aotaeqrui edl(cfm) I I I 4219183431 1 1133I I 24668I 13992I Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. .�G31 -pp- wrlgtira c tt- 2020Jun-0409:13:02 --^� -h a Right-Suite®Universal201818,0.31 RSU24121 Pagel ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatioad.rup Calc=MJB Front Door faces: N Right-J® Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Feb 25,2020 By: Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com 1 Room name Room4 2 Exposed wall 184.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 1812.0 ft 5 Room area 1812.0 ft' Ty Construction U-value 'Or I HTM I Area (ft2) Load I Area I Load number (Btuh/ft-°F (Btuh/ft) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter I Heat JI Cool' I Gross I N/P/S Heat I Cool I Gross I WP/S I Heat I Cool I 6 W r 12F 0sw 0.665 .n_i.: 5.20 . 0.61 Oi 0 _„_a 0 0 . vv..„„.„ _15B-8s3c 6 0 100 n 6.56 0.20 306 306 2007 62 _ . W: 12F-0sw e 5.20`'. 0.61 0 0 0 0 4A5 2of 0.410 ' e 32.80 „ .33.12 0 0 -0 0 `f. 11 .-(� 4A52ofd ... _. ..-_.:: :_0.410 e . 32.80' 33.12,_-_ . .•0 _.._ 0 ....,- 0 v)/ 15B-8s3c-6 0.100 a 6.54 0.20 522 516 3376 102 1 D c2ov 0.570 .e.. 45.60. 58.12 r,.61 ...z 0 -_-.,._274 ._ 349 s..... 12F-0sw 0.065 s 5.20 a 0.61 0 0 0 0 .__0.410 .sv- �_32.80-:__17.98 _ .,. '0 ._. _ _=.0__ __0.. 0 '4/ 15B-8s3c-6 0.100 s 6.50 0.19 306, 294 1911 55 1 D-c2ov _. _0.570 _.s,.__ ,45.60 vJ 12F-0sw 0.065 w 5.20 0.61 0 0 0 0 <' =G 10D-f 0.420 w 33.60 ' 23.91' -'0 ILO " 0 0 -G 4A5 2of._. •w�r .32:86 ".33:12. ::0. .�: 0 _..w ..0 :� .0 '4/ 15B Ss3c 6 0.100 w 6.53 0.19 522 510 3328 99 ly-G 1D-o2ov 0.570 w __ 45.60., 5812 12 0 5470 0 697 _.«..0 F 21A-24t 0.025 _. ..,_. 2.00 0.00 1812 1812 3624 0 cursion 38 6 Envel pe loss/gain I I I 15615 17721 I I I I 12 a) Infiltration 1644 108 b) Room ventilation 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 Appliances/other 0 Subtotal(lines 6 to 13) 17259 1880 Less external load 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 14 Subtotal 17259 1880 15 Duct loads -0% 0% 0 - 0 II TAotaequoed(cfm) I I I 17465I 174911 I I Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. - wrigt r c tt^ 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 _.,...-, .�. �..-.b.,, Right-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page2 ...20\Underwood.GEO.optionslUNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Cale=MJS Front Door faces: N Manual S Compliance Report Job: `We _: Date: Feb 25,2020 Entire House By: Tit UM ' Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com • Project Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 85.0°F Sensible gain: 15106 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.0°F Outdoor design WB: 70.8°F Latent gain: 1153 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.5°F Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 16259 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow. 1133 cfm • Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split ASHP Manufacturer ' York Model: YHM36B21+CF36BBCA1+YP9C060B12MP12 Actual airflow. 1133 cfm Sensible capacity: 23800 Btuh 158%of load Latent capacity: 10200 Btuh 885%of load Total capacity: 34000 Btuh 209%of load SHR: 70% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: -10°F Heat loss: 42084 Btuh Entering coil DB: 70.0°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split ASHP Manufacturer: York Model: YHM36B21+CF36BBCA1+YP9C060B12MP12 Actual airflow: 1133 cfm Output capacity: 35200 Btuh 84%of load Capacity balance: 15 °F Supplemental heat required: 6884 Btuh Economic balance: -99 °F Backup equipment type: Prop furnace Manufacturer: York Model: YP9C060B12MP12 Actual airflow. 1133 cfm Output capacity: 58000 Btuh 138%of load Temp. rise: 50 °F Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. - ,}- ��ighso�`t 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 Ate >.�3,.�: ,„.a. ,: Right-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 ACC ...20\Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Cab=MJB Front Door faces: N DHW Report Job: e� Date: Feb 25,2020 Entire House By: TAM Thermal Associates 21 Thomson Ave,Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone:518.798.5500 Fax:518.798.5620 Email:adam@thermalassociates.com Web:www.thermalassociates.com Project Information For: Keith& Marian Underwood 391 Big Boom Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-696-2562 Design Criteria Occupants Not occupied during the day Age Number Dishwasher 0-5 0 Clothes washer 6-13 2 Additional use (gpd) 0 14-59 2 Setpoint(°F) 120 60+ 0 Daily use (gpd) 55 Propane instantaneous (0 gal, 0.92 EF) Manufacturer Takagi Industrial Co. USA I Trade name Energy factor 0.92 Model T-H1 Input(MBtuh) 0.2 AHRI ref. number 740841 1st hour(gpm) 5 Recovery eff. (%) 93 W�-iighl oft 2020-Jun-04 09:13:02 Z. av,,•, ,x, g; „, Right-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Page 1 ACGt ...201Underwood.GEO.options\UNDERWOOD.heatload.rup Cale=MJB Front Door faces: N • Residential Plans Examiner Review FormAC . Form �� RPER 1 for HVAC System Design (Loads, Equipment, Ducts) 15Mar09 Aria Header Information Contractor: Thermal Associates REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Adam DeVit Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ Mechanical license: or MJ1AE Form*(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ OEM performance data(heating,cooling,blower): Yes ❑ No ❑ Building plan#: Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes ❑ No ❑ Duct distribution sketch: Yes ❑ No ❑ Home address(Street or Lot#, Block,Subdivision): 391 Big Boom Road, Entire House HVAC LOAD CALCULATION (IRC M1401.3) Design Conditions Building Construction Information Winter Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: _10 °F Orientation: Front Door faces North Indoor temperature: 70 °F North East,West,South,Northeast,Northwest,southeast,southwest Total heat loss: 42084 Btuh Number of bedrooms: 0 Conditioned floor area: 3624 ft2 Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants: 2 Outdoor temperature: 85 °F Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows Raaf Grains difference: 27 gr/Ib @50%RH Eave overhang depth: 0 ft _ Sensible heat gain: 16784 Btuh Internal shade: none Eve Blinds,drapes,etc. Latent heat gain: 1281 Btuh Depth Windo..v Total heat gain: 18065 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION (IRC M1401.3) Heating Equipment Data Cooling Equipment Data Blower Data Equipment t�rpe: Split ASHP Eauioment type: Split ASHP Heating cfm: 1133 u ace,Hea pump,Boller,etc. Ir ondltlo Heat pump,etc. Cooling cfm: 1133 Model: York Model: York Static pressure: 0 in H2O YHM36B21 YHM36B21 Fan's rated external static pressure for design airflow Heatinaoutput capacitt l (w Btuh Total cooling capacity: 0 Btuh Heat mpa-capac ry at Inter design outdoor co Itlons Sensible cooling capacity: 0 Btuh Aux.heating output capacity: 58000 Btuh Latent cooling capacity: 0 Btuh HVAC DUCT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DESIGN (IRC M1601.1) Design airflow: 1133 cfm Longest supply duct: 0 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP: 0 in H2O Longest retum duct: 0 ft Trunk duct: Total device pressure losses: 0 in H2O Total effective length(TEL): 0 ft Available static pressure(ASP): 0 in H2O Friction rate: 0 in/1 00ft Branch duct: Round flex vinyl Friction R ate=ASP+(T EL x 100) I declare the load calculation, equipment, equipment selection and duct design were rigorously performed based on the building plan listed above. I understand the claims made on these forms will be subject to review and verification. Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature: Date: Reserved for County,Town Municipality or Authority having jurisdiction use. *Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist wrigttttsuf-t" -- .« ---, Right-Suite®Universal 2018 18.0.31 RSU24121 Generated by ch ck Web S e ars 4 Compliance Certificate Project Underwood Residence FILE COPY Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Glens Falls, New York Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Orientation: Bldg. faces 270 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area: 1,852 ft2 REVIEWED FOR Glazing Area 14% Climate Zone: 6 (7635 IIDD) C�Y C ODE C®ME'�-IANCE Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Compliance: 5.5%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 271 Your UA: 256 The%Better or Worse Than Code.Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Envelope Assemblies - 4 .R� a:.t' .� Ceiling: Raised or Energy Truss 1,852 49.0 0.6 0.020 37 Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 547 23.0 1.1 0.051 22 Orientation: Front — Door:Solid Door(under 50%glazing) --- --------- ------ --- 35 - ---- -- 0.240 ___. _8-.- .. Orientation: Front Window:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Front Window 1:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Front Window 2:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Front Window 3:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Front Window 4:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Front Window 5:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Front Wall 1:Wood Frame,16" o.c. 299 23.0 1.1 0.051 13 Orientation: Right side Window 6:Vinyl Frame 14 0.270 4 Orientation: Right side Window 7:Vinyl Frame 18 0.270 5 Orientation: Right side Window 8:Vinyl Frame 15 0.270 4 Orientation: Right side Project Title: Underwood Residence Report date: 06/25/20 Data filename: Pagia of 2 -4: . . 47 ,r ��4'' - �� � •Gros Aram 4•. � ' , 1, ,-�, v 4 ��{ 1- s'd tiny' -4 -, V-a for 'IJ�s Assembly k .y �-or4� al'ue5 ��/'�alu' ;f M-* , -1 z ::-..,r G ` ,,, a' ,,, fit •• r sell eLer a h1 . _ .W Y<., f Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 547 23.0 1.1 0.051 24 Orientation: Back Door:Glass Door(over 50%glazing) 40 0.270 11 Orientation: Back Window:Vinyl Frame 18 0.270 5 Orientation: Back Window 1:Vinyl Frame 14 0.230 3 Orientation: Back Wall 3:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 299 23.0 1.1 0.051 13 Orientation: Left side Door: Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 21 0.150 3 Orientation: Left side Door 1: Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 21 0.150 3 Orientation: Left side Basement:Solid Concrete or Masonry 463 0.0 14.2 0.048 22 Orientation: Front • Wall height: 7.6' Depth below grade: 6.6' Insulation depth:7.6' Basement 1:Solid Concrete or Masonry 253 0.0 14.2 0.048 11 Orientation: Right side Wall height: 7.6' Depth below grade: 6.6' Insulation depth:7.6' Window:Vinyl Frame 4 0.330 1 Orientation: Right side Window 1:Vinyl Frame 16 0.360 6 Orientation: Right side Basement 2:Solid Concrete or Masonry 463 0.0 14.2 0.048 22 Orientation: Back Wall height: 7.6' Depth below grade: 6.6' Insulation depth:7.6' Window 2:Vinyl Frame 8 0.330 3 Orientation: Back Basement 3:Solid Concrete or Masonry 245 0.0 14.2 0.048 12 Orientation: Left side Wall height:7.6' Depth below grade:-6:6' -- Insulation depth:7.6' Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date • ��':0:� N�btr �'spEITyAoci, Cu ? ?Ali' `•a.. A r R% Cr dl COAL 4'66752 42 IL 4.Ai. 1 0.a1.rt date: 06/25/20 Project Title: Underwood Residence ,, irc1. Data filename: Page 2 of 2 b a . . yam. 2 1 • 1ECC Energy Id 15 fficiency Certificate ra 4 -Y Yf . ekkz,6 jS ,'� l {a (cat s ' f k " s hj n.t,�s.t r7✓ kY •atsG • • ti-to" ... .._4 ,..».a L,...-,? �v _ ...._ Above-Grade Wall 24.10 Below-Grade Wall 14.20 Floor 0.00 Ceiling/Roof 49.56 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): 7 c h ti Window 0.27 Door 0.27 nj r,�'T"Mgr Ye) `r•1 E th Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Y r?'.- > 4 n r z+*„.-� raj x b •t K "� -; sy s rr� -5 p9 ' r W� „�. �4cis..,-..�:il.::�.�ek.�E.r...1 __. .._....v:,,�. "�i�'i,.ati...-,.�..._......,�._.n_ cs.>.u.....L.��.... Name: Date: Comments '-^ zt Thomson Avenue THERMALAssOCIATES Glens Falls, NY928o, 5i8.798-550o Fax 518.798.562o Heating & Cooling Specialists wwwAhermalassociates.com R. L. Chase Builder 20 Marion Ave. South Glens Falls, NY 12803 518.361.3656 We,Thermal Associates, performed a blower door test at the project at 391 Big Boom Rd. Queensbury, NY 12804 to determine the air changes per hour,for R.L.Chase Builder on March 18th, 2021. Testing procedure performed as per ASTM E779 _ The result of the test is:(880 CFM50 x 60 Minutes)/(28,900 cubic feet)_ 1.83 ACH50 Test conditions were as follows: 55F outside air temperature 67F inside air temperature . -2.7 PA baseline pressure -50.8-51.6 PA testing pressure N1102A.3.1 Testing option.Building envelope tightness and insulation installation shall be considered acceptable when tested air leakage is less than seven air changgs per hour(ACH)when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 33.5 psf(50 Pa)as verified using instruments and procedures specified in ASHRAE/ASTM E779.The test shall be conducted by a qualified person,who shall demonstra#e competence to the satisfaction of the code enforcement official forthe conduct of such tests.Forthe purpose of this section,ACHSO shall mean air changes per hour of Infiltration into a house as measured with a blower door at 50 pascals of pressure,in accordance with ASHRAE/ASTM E779.Testing shall occur after rough in and after installation of penetrations of the building envelope,including penetrations for utilities,plumbing,electrical,ventilation and combustion appliances. During testing: 1.Exterior windows and doors,fireplace and stove doors shall be closed, but not sealed; 2.Dampers shall be closed,but not sealed,including exhaust,intake, makeup air,back draft and flue dampers; 3.Interior doors shall be open; 4.Exterior openings for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery - ventilators shall be closed and sealed; - S.Heating and cooling system(s)shall be turned off; 6.•HVAC ducts shall not be sealed;and 7.Supply and return registers shall not be sealed. Adam DeVit Blower Door Tester Thermal Associates www.thermalassociates.com RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE �'.' Ronald Richard Rucinski �� •\) Ethan Peter Hall G` 5�G 134 Dix Avenue �J)G� Glens Falls NY 12801 P Voice 518 741 0268 Fax -518 741 0274 Email ephall@nycap.rr.com 391 Big Boom Road l i .., 21 October 2020 OCT 242020 John O'Brien -Town of Queensbury Building Department TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road BUILDING&CODES Queensbury NY 12804 Re: Installation of Additional Sewage Disposal System At the above referenced project location this office observed the installation of the new septic tank, gravity absorption field and a new distribution box. These installations are acceptable to this office. If there are any questions:please contact our office to discuss. f ,, D ., Regards, �,� ' leof Ethan er Hall,;�� . t N f<k Architect : .\\ e t y=�. �•Z- _� AS BUILT 1 $.910 WARREN COUNTY-STATE'OF NEW YORK. y� p PAMELA J.VOGEL,COUNTY CLERK RE' 1340 STATE ROUTE 9, CCVJ M LAKE GEORGE,NEW YORK 12845 Q44R �O ±.� FF :•:. K ,� �� C��Rks SQ�Ry COUNTY CLERK'S RECORDING PAGE ***THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT-DO NOT DETACH*** Recording: Cover Page. 5.00 Recording Fee 30.00 Cultural Ed 14.25 Records Management - Coun 1.00 Records Management - Stat 4.75 Additional Names 0. 50 BOOK/PAGE: 6751 / 277. INSTRUMENT #: 2023-0660 Total : 55..50 Receipt#- 2023570996 ** * NOTICE: THIS IS NOT A BILL ** * Clerk: S•SN Rec Date: 02/07/2023 08:35: 54 AM Doc Grp: RP` Descrip: AGREEMENT Num Pgs: 3 Rec'd Frm: HUTCHINS ENGINEERING PLLC Partyl: QUEENSBURY TOWN OF Party2: UNDERWOOD KEITH Town: QUEENSBURY R �.+._ MAR 03 2023 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PLANNING OFFICE WARNING*** Information may be amended during the verification process,and may not be reflected on this cover page. I hereby certify that the within' and foregoing was recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office,State of New York. Record and Return To. This sheet constitutes the Clerks endorsement required by Section 316 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York. TOWN OF -QUEENSBURY MUNICIPALITY Pamela J.Vogel 742 BAY RD Warren County Clerk QUEENSBURY NY 12804 . STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Whereas,the Town of Queensbury('municipality')and Keith and Marian Underwood(the"facility owners") want to enter into an agreement to provide for the long term maintenance and continuation of stormwater control measures approved by the municipality for the project at-3-90B1g1BWrfW "oad,tax map number &3i10.1T4�,and Whereas,the municipality and the facility owners desire that the stormwater control measures be built in accordance with the approved project plans and thereafter be maintained,cleaned,repaired,replaced and continued in perpetuity in order to ensure optimum performance of the components. Therefore,the municipality and the facility owners agree as follows: 1.This agreement binds the municipality and the facility owner,its successors and assigns,to the maintenance provisions depicted in the approved project plans which are attached as Schedule A of this agreement. 2.The facility owner shall maintain,clean,repair,replace and continue tHl?''Stdi ini'vatet'ttintrol measures depicted in Schedule A as necessary to ensure optimum performance'of&�lires`�o- esi'gn sp..ecifications. The stormwater control measures shall include,but shall not be limited;'tb' the'follbW 'g drainage ditches, swales,dry wells,infiltrators,drop inlets,pipes,culverts,soil absor`fi6h.devices'and`r ention ponds. 3.The facility owner shall be responsible for all expenses related to the maintenance of the stormwater control measures and.shall establish a means for the collection and distribution of expenses among parties for any commonly owned facilities. 4.The facility owner shall provide fut th'e..periodic inspection,of the-stormwater control measures,not less than once in every five year period,fo determine.,the condition and integrity of the measures.Such inspection shall be performed by a Professional Erigicie"OHiceiise'd by<the:State of.'New York.The inspecting engineer shall prepare and submit to the municipality within 30 days of the inspection,a written report of the findings including recommendations for those actions necessary for the continuation of the stormwater control measures. 5.The facility owner shall not authorize,undertake or permit alteration,abandonment,modification or discontinuation of the stormwater control measures except in accordance with written approval of the municipality. 6.The facility owner shall undertake necessary repairs and replacement of the stormwater control measures at the direction of the municipality or in accordance with the recommendations of the inspecting engineer. 7.If ever the municipality determines that the facility owner has failed to construct or maintain the stormwater control measures in accordance with the project plan or has failed to undertake corrective action specified by the municipality or by the inspecting engineer,the municipality is authorized to undertake such steps as reasonably necessary for the preservation,continuation or maintenance of the stormwater control measures and to affix the expenses thereof as a lien against the property. 8.This agreement is effective beginning on: O� PR Owner: KEI H OR MARIAN NDERWOOD Dated: UfiZ 2021 By: I� Print Name&Title: V,44) r„n� >(n 0,6 GLn Oukinf'r-S STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.. COUNTY OF WARREN'- N ) On thef day of in the year 2021,before me the undersigned,personally appeared W41own to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,t6 be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that'he executed the same in his capacity,and that by his-signature on the instrument,the individual executed the instrument. rm V.Collett Nbts+y-ift,Stag Of.New'York NO•010.0601*4 Notary Public Qua�in'UVa►> 19 Co�ir>fi r COMMiSSW Expl ID®c. 14, ��-- Town: F QPEEN*SIUURY Dated:��,2023 By: Print Name&Titd'e: .VW To_V STATE OF NEW YORK Victoria La Marque Notary Public,State of New York ss.: Warren County No.01 LA6301547 Commission Expires April 21,20�' COUNTY OF WARREN ) On the day of Ct6rl� in the year 2023,before me the undersigned,personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,to be the individua whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity,and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual executed the instrument. J� Notary Pub is