88-239 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 88-239 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK o PERMISSION is hereby granted to Christine Spina N 423 Ridge Rd. OWNER of property located at Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Detached two car garage at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is Same r• cn re 0 m 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name En W Same w 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address W W 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) CfQ (X)Wood Frame ( ►Masonry ( )Steel ( ► a 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 20' x 24' as per plot plan, specifications and application. 8. Proposed Use t7 . m Detached two car garage. w r) 4. a. re 10.00 December 1, 88 $ PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the p� town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 0Q Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 18th Day of May 19 88 w as SIGNED BY L��a-ede (2• ..e-Gr/!tl for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector . INTERIM BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT APPLICANT Crk t w1& FWA CONSTRUCTION LOCATION ' / Z N 12% c6t Q V, EFFECTIVE DATE )//b`Q < ( 2:CM f APPROVED BY P . SPECIAL CONDITIONS : This will certify that all submittals for a Building Permit have been received and fee has been paid . During the processing of the Permit, the above named may begin construction per plans submitted. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain the Permit from the Building Department, follo proces ing . POST THIS INTERIM PERMIT IN A C PICUOUS L ION 1 ! Building & Co es Department TOWN OF QUEENSBURY . .. jj • TO BE COMPLETED BY BLDG. DEPT. ( t. ''`'� OF QUEENSSL'. 1 Cc'7 Application No. ,_; • _/ocun O1 Queeniburc� Permit Issued 19 y BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Permit Expires 19 J:.. .Y 4 068Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 zoning Designation $R-3® Queensbury, New York 12801 Variance No. BUILDING & CODE UEFT. Site Plan Re No. ,�'sf UJ Approved b i (0 L.= f 4 PAID )" f APPLICATION FOR V BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT I. .40 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * it' * * * * * * * * * *:,.* A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING. The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will , be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifications submitted, and such` special conditions as may be indicated on the Permit. The owner of this property is: ‹,,cZ/$ 7*/44604F i P.O. AddressV.? 3 2 0 G.ti kc -4c- S Ai,4.1- • 1/0 Tel. 79,E "12 Gr Property Location: ti,2,, 3 I peS Rel , Tax Map No ir. / / Street number or building lot number Subdivision name (if applicable) THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS BUILDING CODES IS: Name P.O. Address Tel. No. Name of builder .5.CA. Address 5 6 Tel. 2 < 3,2 to Name of plumber Address Tel. Name of mason P{ Kozek.A., Address Tel. 7 93 NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK ZONING INFORMATION: C : *onstruction of a new building * A PLOT PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, _Addition to a building * drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, Alteration to a building * showing clearly and distinctly all buildings, (no change to exterior dimensions) . * whether existing or proposed and indicate all Other work (describe) * set-back dimensions from property lines. Give * street and number or lot number and indicate FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT, STATE SIZE AND * whether interior or corner lot. Show location * LOCATION OF STRUCTURES AFFECTED. of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. * * COMPLETE INFORMATION REQ QU �IRED BELOW. * Size of propertyr1/ .41 t ft X ft. * Existing building(s) Size- ft X 58 ft. PROPOSED BUILDING AND USE: * Existing building(s) Use ' '9l'E Si]?tC`t.e rt,�t. Size of new structure 0 ft X 1-rift • * • . Foundation-pier/slap/crawl/ I'/full * Proposed building, distance from property line (circle one)" No, of stories (habitable spac ) I * Front yard ' Via • ft Rear yard ,,.? 0 a ft IL-- * Side yards • ye) ' ft and $ 0 ft Height (grade to ridge) 1 ",. t. * If on corner, setback from side street ft If residential, no. of families re No. of rooms(excluding baths) / ' * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION No. of bedrooms minty " * PR1RY BUILDING - No, of bathrooms * One family dwelling Primary heating system P/Ve Two'family dwelling Type of fuel *�" *' Multiple dwelling / Number of units No, of fireplaces to be installed permanent o • ccupancy Will a wood stove be installed? * p y Central Air conditioning? AprO * Transient occupancy * Business BUILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE *' Industrial Ranch Contemporary Log cabin * Other ' *•If addition, what will use be? Raised ranch Mansion Duplex . . . Split level Old style Bun•alow * Cape Cod Cottage VAR- * ACCESSORY BUILDING- • Colonial Row Town House * ' ✓Detached garage/one car/, o ca car ( CIRCLE ONE PLEASE ) * Attached garage/one car/ o car/ car * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' Private storage building ESTIMATED" MARKET VALUE OF *.Other CONSTRUCTION * $ INFORMATION ON BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS, ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET, TO BE COMPLETED! Form RPA 4/86 and-vl • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: Type of construction, wood frame, fire safe,etc. rfAlikti Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so, for what? .M O Foundation wall material GtV/C Thickness +1- 4 / Depth of foundation below grade (to bott•m. footing) ( * Will there be a cellar? u O Heated or Floor sq. footage t/,Q sq ft Will there be a basement? Op Will any portion be used as living space? v1l , (If so, what portion? sq.ft. - - .Type of use? Type of roof - ope.i flat/shed/other Material of roof t CtLOS5 S 10 (~ Size, wood studs "X `V ' " spacing 1"o.C. length ft. Joists(floor beams) 1st. floor "X "= spacing "o.c span ft. ' Joists (floor beams) 2nd. floor "X spacing "o.c. span ft. Overlays(ceiling beams) "X " spacing "o.c. span ft. Roof rafters "X " spacing o.c. span ft.' • 41 Roof trusses(pre-eng' ere9l) spacing ) 1 "o.c. span gC) ft. Exterior'wall finish Vitty( Sitthar. Of what material? 0 h/ Interior wall finish tjAiN INN. !S I3 • If a garage is to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION: Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door, enclosure, and self-closing device be. provided? Willa flue-lined chimney be installed? 60 Height above roof ft. Depth of chimney foundation below grade r-- ft. Depth of fireplace hearth --ft. ---in. Water supply- Municipal or private well t4 a t S SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well(including adjoining properties -ft. (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) Town of Queensbury A F F I D A Y I T County of Warren STATE OF NEW YORK I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and comp ete statement of all proposed work to be done !on the described premises and that all provi.ions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDI, • C and all other laws pertaining to the pr• •osed wor shall be complied with, wheth: spe. ified or not, and t at ch work is authori• -d by t owner. ' i 14-- ./(2_.. SWORN TO BD, 0 ME THIS Signatur- � Owner, owner's agent,arcnitect,cont actor da 19 Notary f blic, Warre• County, N.Y. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,* * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPECI•L CONDITIONS OF T' _ PERMIT • By • ,ems��17 /- %° Jown of Queenalurf/ BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT NAME ''�k lj7.—zL— LOCATION qZ 3 Q--dge /' t� Date S— �1 �� '�/1p /fJ� Permit No. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPROVED - YES,7NO t.P6oting/Pier Forms �/ Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext. Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofi • Door Closers Smoke Detector_ Chimney INSULATION: Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection (call when ready) Remarks- E � Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl _locum 019 Queenitur1 BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME 0,062„L. LOCATION Date /-X5- Permit No. �j * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ✓ - APPROVED - YES / NO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill arcing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext. Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Til: Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproo'ing Door Closers . Smoke Detec .rs Chimney INSULATION: Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECT CAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APP VAL Final Building urvey Next scheduled inspection (call when ready) Remarks- -���� t� • //1)9 - Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl .own o f Queeni4urj BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ` S REPORT NAME 1*P , I /\ LOCATION / Date/(O / Permit No. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ✓ = APPROVED - YES / NO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation !� Waterproofing (2ackf i l l <✓ Framing Roofing Siding Masonry V. eer Rough Plum.'ng � 1� Relief Valve 1 �� Ext. Porches Finished Floor- Interior Trim Stairs & Railing- Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproof' g Door Closers Smoke Detecto s Chimney INSULATION: Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTCAL INSPECTION )RIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey ('rN-cL W 116,0 12(bI f b Pay,g_ L.Ji--B Text scheduled inspection (call when ready) 2emarks- `/ r^ " i L G C_ 1 o(WO AT o-t) Guir-t4 NaP Loc.(L /Uo f,yct°tZ �ALLeo Piz° V t 0 L T! SILL PETC- • F wic i no/V Build Inspector '86 and-vl Jown o/ Qur1 BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 iiy).4.flied/of__ 04IBUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME LOCATION =C.3 Date Permit No. 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ✓ - APPROVED - YES / NO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing x/ Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbin• Relief Valves Ext. Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSULATION: Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRIs•L INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPR. AL Final Buildin:, Survey Next scheduled 'n section (call when ready) Remarks- ng I pector ik /6 and-vl Gar. Fireprool11 Door Closers • Smoke Detector RIDGE Chimney ��� INSULATION: �`4ti Foundation 1. Floors '7--5-37?3,44,40:1J Qoz 37���� _4 Walls^ Ceiling r• Mat/.ao ✓v - D-f y.!" --� FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 61�� DRIVEWAY APPROVAL y e 'I ghu Final Building Survey %p o M 1 I { 1 • Next scheduled inspection (call when read'. A ., r f� •S--=_'_�_ 6/_ Remarks- s 4 r M p \ jJ g §I 1 4,,, - e '� . °',tit Ili i‘ t 4[ .ee .,...,, „, , ,,, ,, ,, ,co, :, ,,., . ‹. .,,,._. . , . , ,_:_. • ,_ ._ :e — Building Ins + and-v1 Pector opywiPow Nam/ at t ' .s o A f 3 4. w N � k wig N 1 a �nsr _ _ " »r» _o- --�M'f/,g� of•5- - N'‘• z Ilk OS b27 °e o�kab YEN . • . o 44 > ,.. N bi: K � C 1 2 11 �._i ott4 O �•' vi '1 Okl C -'A O H J L',:. Z ? 111:b f r �) 41 z to x 11 z o k v v J D v P. < "Si 11VII 01-aNIM1041:1 Ilia "a 2_ell X4tl IId -171 It0'1?I I I! x �I CoRNEK Boo.RDf 114" SHIM, sP,ocE I�,t� 91 lgl �91 �gl I�'I t91 n91 III r� �°91 �9J rr�l MCI no)[ nilI!'1i D+OOIC d3�-�+'321-L p��c IIZ •� ell x TOWN OF OUEENSBURY PoDR STOP 4n.L% o n 5 � 51 vIN� r Ilex 411 'TRIM 3od-j o1Ni n -4 I BRICK MouLp r'�hllp`d?!9 I� .-Y 11,6108 SIDING aNiM ��'X 1NI0d I� pj BUILDING ec CODE DEPT. N vd rJ = SERVICE DOOR JAMB DETAIL 3C 3-L'vid im017Y Z CORNER .DETAIL 3B RAJ E II/LII ('-ON 31`d-Id 31111�XIt? �r.AL.E 11/�II�I+�OII vj ro I7i�a gyp, D 4 � �1!0 O-D, 5o�lg oN3 —_ - _f � W L q1 r �.� Z 4 O4L F ^ j W .� �' 1�v2J ' a N dJ N �J e D N_ g •70 �z Lv Ms Yn7, [L 1� N r A -� o �� r- w W O L p 3 f N rJrJvo�1 3�dl?J CIX,II [ �= gui tet r- z: j 1 1 1-QII a F ?4L - x X 'C `' x Q z . Z A 1Tk-1J�$� PANEL Its O tr m I'/P�� 7�->� 3�� 1+�2�� _ 1Z 'O , _ -4 clk NlL N �1 � � �Z n1�r \�1 J (I1 cA r w Pea-NEL �o►� PAt 4ftL a '� ji11- PRE-CUT' STUD •I _. I ! i� II n Is � �N I 0 N N x I`�/g l Door' � _ - CI m - __-_ — —=--_ coRNER DETAIL. _ W - 1 5ER'VICE pool' r J rot JAMB DETAIL 3C, � N � i W = s I -o 0 I I J I1 D Z ul ti -�_ ___==—_ --_--- — ___—_--- = Z 0 = - � — — — — d = I I RA"WIL TIES Ca -41-0 00a9,11 tu II g - - T — e` T 0 o - i1I- 1' �- Ij 41_Or i Ij l u- it l9. OL -S z Z W_ S - 16 ( - W - - -- - - - - No-rEr — `NJ I =9 rO —� U Ii I \N ON -rumN� Dow %LAB W !� — 1L r r ,� COS lSTR�CTIOtV SNI ANp ou Z Ir r - ro O W uNPeR �.��� PANS S A.Lo ;. ► I 9 W J (L `i P_ -� Z 2E� 1 C FETaNT �g a It _ Z _ t N ( n _ S W PETAL A N II �. L 1 6`` Uo II 2M x co+� �uRR QIJND II Z •� K_ 7110 ,70 N Il= _ - I-8 , I GD _ R► N r x 0 x - D' o� '` E 1."v" HE•+ C�ER 6'TH r0►NEL µHM ajll H19N�'I Gf1J.s 9�L Z/II _ 3 r k 1 .a. =x X -4� r II n N J r 0 b _ a ° my N� 12-_ ' (4 10 J?ipy F- Bo�RI� 913H '13Ndd e/� I II 7 I W Z rtiFTt'RS _ - —..s_ ►T� II n r- 1LQ -u�@ N= -I Q ZI-I N o ° N I G" I�` ICo' 14` IG' I�" Imo" �?Ztq a+... o� BUR R«,CND TO II rnRZA m o o N o Dorn t 2 x4 ;,�41- Ergo I/4- SNllvl SPACE Sl u o s Ar Iso"o,G• r A 3 (� U rr RI n ti , _ 11, CaAR.�GE �ooR - r _ 3i 5 I -o _ yy � h _ 2 — t r Z Q r \N 11101111111111 r* a TIE ft�TE 3 -Zl)x 41 Zo Z Z D u � �zm bl UI -I p „ I I - I opb '� - Z - _ -4 for P6sTf- �ooR ST Z m _ ,� 2 2 x 12 _c g r-" + �`i rA� W StLIG�E 21'xQ-�' �ARACvE. DD \0 m-1 z = �. N II +, s t=t o >;vG E f O p J CON'TINl10Us xd IIli p0c)R ���� �n W =lC p� �EOUI►=;E17- F©R a o II'»411 taMB 0 z m ➢ = c1J n ,n lu Ffvhe"E':C PCC J"cros,--TPr4 n 7� zZ 1� _ I< , Z,! otJL . (%Ee OET.�I L a 2,,4 stuns V t� o.C., MCI< Movi-D flf-n Z d 90 N -' (() �} D ` '` c N SI D I N C-� Z h C l., rn v r Z -�A a - 8 PANEL POINT I u t-\ r C _ (�� Z R.o, slz.E Ib�+It ��'-o`\ 0 2!-c4" I�rrorl M-&--r� DA pul 1 � O 1 _� ITR� TFo� GARAGE DOOR JAMB DETAIL 3A I��L O t to"I"- .�� ! cv1 if APPFbffjw T u�' PAN EL U Coil E A Q E 2 LEt T ►4 51-SII ,,,,�„ P—2 0 2 6 SHEET 3 TOTAL 4 ZONING III BLDG CODES DEPT. TOWN CF OJIM BURY 1 Z4'-0' 2d'-oj1 ell 51_4, 5- 4 0-4u 51_41I 4 S 1I �I� II I4 I L 11 I I 1 8 5 - 5 4 1-4" 3-4i1 5 4j1 ell OP or- FWNDA'TI N ELEVATION t 0I-0110 1 Y+ fi O + + t t+ �r.IGHOR DOLTS (TYPICAL) I I I a/LM . X ILII A O -rop caF SLA!°S �.LwA-r�oN-off 1 I a7 GiA,%RAGE FLOOR � � N m UNEXCAVATE ? 4 M GRAVEL LTVCoXlo ` 10 W- W.M. J �A'.SE ►-J/ 41, CoNG. SLAbw/ (� va sib W.W.M . W/TURNED voWN t _ FOOTiI�tC'11 AT EDGES 4+V _ Q _.,AY GRAVEL P>ASE h I r in _ � a I'�Y411(tYP,) FOR - '^r\tCHOR 60.LTIS 4 ANCHOR BOLT PROJECTION to 1/GII X t2N -' LOCATION tq t _ 'TEMPORARY I = 0 IFoRM STAKC'S II t - O _ N AlG�RpDE 0 _ _ + s>• �•- 13�CfYP1GAL) FOR t I N , 1901 P►NctIoIC BOLT LocATIOAI U J1 • = o 0 <A 2 04 OQ • c, Z 3 gIn 0 0 0,1 op I- d o `I- ♦ A RAVEL .0 11 _ . 0 REIN>FoIICING RODS - 1co -in � _ �R coNcRtTtBoAQDs N I - rS TOP/SL.AB ELLV. AT RIOOR Oral.ELEV.--O-Z s� k L- a- _ NOTCH !o FOR POOR AdovE :Tt- I `4 -4 -ld ��..p►�� F.LtV. i 01-011 MOTE' SHIM it- GROUT UNDER WALL ! 91I ELEV/Tor FOW &.T NOTCH ELEV,-C 60 41 OM ,�Ir p PANES ALoN� �IDE� I II I �3 I V, 8 .d NO F2cIN'T N 4 -D S REGZUI2EDIr 9 ou -II 5-Ii 2°x4�'81-OCIciNG —> ldl RAF S1+'T'G 4T STI o.c. f4+:oII 8" G�41.E. Er10 R&KE eat ,^ RA-FTER wULK dr 41'<4, ar INN o.�• FOUNDATION PLAN ( formed concrete) ALTERNATE S,p,Nv ��g`-� "° sTups FOUNDATION PLAN (turned down slab) SL�aLF V411-11-0 {SEE 3CC.TIO.N 4 B) C -- 4u� ' ' (. 5.=io t I 4^) I 4 SECTI 2A • SLIP NEAO G,o2�.GE Sp.SN )OF DESIGN LOADS 5. - Live oAp I1*5.- DEAD LOAD \ UZ� FLe5aa11.1h l Ox call RA W S SR9. 2�jS#SELF-SEp.L - _ I ASPHAL7 cSHINGL.ES 4 { �HM7AL. RooF ; VENITCoPTIONAA.LI - - ,` % 12 S�.iP 1+1rQo C��, ScsN to x 4" CORNER BC7AR�� i S EG I OfV�L O o o tZ 5/d i I ) PLYW0o0 4 I � I � � � jII PANEL - { SIDING W/ I GRooV Es Hillf �2ao�. @8 O.C. RIGHT SIDE ELEV. REAR ELEV. ': LEFT Sl FRONT ELEVATION E L E VAT 1' s C-A.LE u4 p-11-0i1 SC E 1 -2026 SHEET 2 ,[► t TOTAL 4