M~nute~ 06 the publ~e hea~~ng 06 the Zon~ng Boa~d 06 Appeal~
held Wedne~day, Ma~eh 78, 7987 at 7:30 P.M.
K~~kham Co~nwell, Cha~~man
Cha~le~ S~ea~d
Van~el G~~6 6~n
R. Ca~ e P~~me
Theodo~e Tu~ne~, See~eta~y
SU6an Goetz
Sjoe~dje R~eha~d~on
Stephen Lynn
On a mot~on to app~ove the m~nute~ 06 the Feb~ua~y 78, 7987 Zon~ng
Boa~d meet~ng, M~. Tu~ne~ a~ked that a eo~~eet~on be made on Page 5
w~th ~ega~d to a vote. M~~. Goetz made a mot~on, ~eeonded by M~.
Co~nwell. Co~~eet~on a~ 60110w~ - M~. Tu~ne~ ~hould be ~neluded ~n
the vote aga~n~t. The~e be~ng no 6u~the~ eo~~eet~on~, M~. S~ea~d
moved to app~ove the m~nute~ a~ ~o~~eeted and M~. TuAne~ ~eáonded.
Mot~on ea~~~ed unan~mou~ly.
APPLICATION FOR INTERPRETATION #4 - Queen~bu~y Sen~o~ C~t~zen~
M~. A~thu~ Tu~nbull, p~e~ent. M~. Tu~nbull ~eque~ted ~nte~p~etat~on
~ega~d~ng the add~t~on to an ex~~t~ng bu~ld~ng and the u~e 06 ~ueh
bu~ld~ng a~ tempo~a~y woodwo~k~ng/maeh~ne ~hop 60~ Sen~o~ C~t~zen
Club memb e~~ .
M~~. Goetz moved that the Queen~bu~y Sen~o~ C~t~zen~ Club be ~neluded
unde~ Commun~ty O~gan~zat~on~ o~ Soe~al Club~ and the~e60~e p~opo~ed
add~t~on would be eon~~de~ed a~ Spee~al Pe~m~tted U~e ~n an R-3 Zone,
mot~on ~eeonded by M~. Tu~ne~. Mot~on ea~~~ed unan~mo~ly.
RESOLVEV: M~. Tu~nbull wa~ adv~~ed to apply next month 60~
a ~pee~al pe~m~t.
VARIANCE NO. 690 - Lo~en Blaekbu~n - 525 Bay Road - R-4 Zone
M~. Lo~en Blaekbu~n p~e~ent. M~. Blaekbu~n w44he~ to plaee a 3 6t.
by 4 6t. 6~ee ~tand~ng ~~gn ~n a ~e~~dent~al zone (R-4). The~e wa~
~ome 44e~t~on, by M~. Co~nwell, a~ to the ~~ze 06 the ~~gn, a~ well
a~ h~~ 6eel~ng that ~t wa~ too eomme~e~al. M~~. Goetz al~o que~t~oned
wo~d~ng 06 the ~~gn. M~. S~ea~d mot~oned to app~ove, a~ appl~ed 60~,
~eeonded by M~. P~~me. The 60110w~ng vote wa~ taken - M~. G~~66~n-No;
M~~. Goetz-No; M~. Tu~ne~-Ye~; M~. Co~nwell-No; M~. S~ea~d-Ye~;
M~. P~~me-Ye~. The appl~eat~on wa~ not g~anted.
RESOLVEV: The Boa~d den~ed th~~ ~~gn va~~anee. (Vote on
mot~on wa~ 3-lJe~ and 3-no, va~~anee den~ed)
Page 2
MaILc.h 1 8, 1981
VARIANCE NO. 695 - Gu~ta6 H. MyhILbeILg - 39 EveILt~ Avenue - R-4 Zone.
MIL. Gu..6ta6 H. MyhILbeILg pILe~ent. MIL. MyhILbeILg w.i~he~ to c.ont.inue u~e
06 ex.i~t.ing gaILage 60IL ~tolLage, ILepa.iIL and d.i~tIL.ibut.ion c.enteIL 60IL
ILental 06 mu..6.ic. mac.h.ine~ .in an R-4 Zone. Mot.ion by MIL. S.ic.aILd to
appILove ILeque~t, ~ec.onded by MIL. TUILneIL. Mot.ion c.aILIL.ied unan.imou..6ly.
RESOLVEV: The BoalLd gILanted th.i~ a~ a peILmanent vaIL.ianc.e
ba~ed on 6.ind.ing~ on VaIL.ianc.e no. 661.
VARIANCE NO. 696 - LawILenc.e BILand - 20 PILo~pec.t VIL.ive - R-4 Zone.
MIL. TeILILY BILand and MIL. LawILenc.e BILand pILe~ent. MIL. L. BILand appl.ied
60IL vaIL.ianc.e to plac.e an add.it.ion to dwell.ing w.ith 5 6eet between
dwell.ing and detac.hed gaILage .in l.ieu 06 the ILequ.iILed 10 6eet on the
pILopelLty ~.ituated at 20 PILo~pec.t VIL.ive. Mot.ion 60IL appILoval by
MIL. GIL.i66.in, ~ec.onded by MIL. S.ic.aILd. Mot.ion c.aILIL.ied unan.imou~ly.
RESOLVEV: The BoalLd gILanted th.i~ vaIL.ianc.e a~ .it .i~ a ILea~onable
ILeque~t and appl.ic.ant ha~ ~hown p-ILac.t.ic.al d.i66.ic.ulty.
VARIANCE NO. 697 - Queen~buILY CountlLY Club - Route 149/FaILm-To-MalLket
Road R-3 Zone.
MIL~. "C.i~~y" Blanc.he Sm.ith pILe~ent.
and ILeplac.e ex.i~ting non-c.on60ILm.ing
~etbac.k 6ILom 6ILont pILopelLty l.ine .in
on Route 149, FaILm-to-MalLket Road.
TheILe wa~ ~ome d.i~c.u~~.ion a~ to d.i~tanc.e, MIL. COILnwell ~tat.ing he
6elt the ~.ign would be too c.lo~e to the ILoad.
MIL~. Sm.ith pILopo~e~ to ILeloc.ate
~.ign w.ith laILgeIL ~.ign w.ith 10 6t.
R-3 Zone on the pILopelLty ~.ituated
MIL. PIL.ime made a mot.ion 60IL appILoval, ~ec.onded by MIL. S.ic.aILd. Mot.iDn
c.aILIL.ied unan.imou~ly.
RESOLVEV: The BoalLd gILanted th.i~ ~.ign vaIL.ianc.e w.ith 33 6t.
~etbac.k 6ILom the c.enteIL 06 Route 149, a~ ~pec..ial
c.ond.it.ion~ ex.i~t a~ peIL v.i~.ib.il.ity.
SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 95 - NOILth CountlLY ImpolLt~ - South ~.ide 06 QuakeIL
Road, C-3, R-4 and M-l Zone.
MIL. M.inn.ic.k lIL. and MIL. M.inn.ic.k SIL. pILe~ent. MIL. M.inn.ic.k wÆ4he~ to
c.on~tlLuc.t and opelLate a motolL c.aIL ~ale~ and ~eILv.ic.e 6ac..il.ity on a
10 ac.ILe lot on the pILopelLty ~.ituated on the ~outh ~.ide 06 QuakeIL
Road, ea~t 06 Ea~t San60ILd StILeet. MIL. GIL.i66.in made motion 60IL
appILoval, ~ec.onded by MIL. S.ic.aILd. Mot.ion unan.imou..6ly appILoved.
Pag e 3
MalLc.h 1 8, 198 1
RESOLVEV: The BoalLd glLanted th~~ ~pec.~al u~e pelLm~t.
1. The u~e ~~ one ~pec.~6~c.ally enumelLated ~n the d~~tlL~c.t.
2. Suc.h ~e w~ll not be plLejud~c.~al to the c.halLac.telL 06 the
3. The BoalLd detelLm~ne~ that thelLe ~~ applLoplL~ate plLov~~~on
601L ac.c.e~~ 6ac.~l~t~e~ adequate 601L the e~t~mated tlLa66~c.
61L0m publ~c. ~tlLeet~ and/olL h~ghway~ and that thelLe aILe
pede~tlL~an walkway~ ~o a~ to ~n~ulLe publ~c. ~a6ety and to
avo~d tlLa66~c. c.onge~t~on.
4. That thelLe aILe 6ull adequate palLk~ng alLea~ and 066-~tlLeet
load~ng ~pac.e~, ~n c.on60ILm~ty w~th the plLopo~ed palLk~ng
lLequ~lLement~ 06 the zon~ng olLd~nanc.e 06 the Town 06 Queen~-
bUlLy and all othelL lLelated olLd~nanc.e~.
5. That ~u~table plant~ng OIL ~c.lLeen~ng ha~ been lLequ~lLed a~
Su~table ~c.lLeen~ng and plant~ng wa~ de~c.IL~bed by the
6. That ~uc.h ~e ~~ 06 the ~ame genelLal c.halLac.telL a~, OIL w~ll
not be ~njulLiou~ to, the ~ulLlLound~ng ne~ghbolLhood OIL d~~tlL~c.t.
VARIANCE NO. 700 - Vonald Mabb - ~-4 Zone.
MIL. Vonald Mabb plLe~ent. MIL. Mabb w~~he~ to opelLate a c.alL ~ale~
066~c.e 61L0m dwell~ng and plac.e 2 OIL 3 c.alL~ 601L ~ale on lot ~n an
R-4 Zone, on the plLopelLty ~~tuated at HowalLd StlLeet.
MIL. Al6ILed GlLeen 06 HowalLd StlLeet wa~ plLe~ent and objec.ted to the
plLopo~ed plan. Stat~ng "thelLe welLe enough unlLeg~~telLed motolL veh~c.le~
on that ~tlLeet". MIL. TUlLnelL lLead a lettelL 61L0m MIL. Claude GlLangelL
aÙo 06 HowalLd StlLeet who wa~ aga~n~t MIL. Mabb opelLat~ng a "~ed c.alL
lot" 0 n H owalLd StlLeet.
MIL~. Goetz made mot~on 601L d~~applLoval, ~ec.onded by MIL. PIL~me. Mot~on
c.alLlL~ed unan~mo~ly.
RESOLVEV: The BoalLd ~en~ed th~~ u~e valL~anc.e. The lLequ~lLement~
06 a u~e valL~anc.e c.annot be met. The home oc.c.upat~on
a~pec.t c.an be met pelL lLequ~lLement~.
SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 96 - Betty and Je~~~c.a K~ng - NOlLth ~~de 06 Route
149, we~t 06 FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road, R-2 Zone.
MIL. K~ng plLe~ent. Reque~t ~~ to plac.e a c.amp~~te ~n an R-2 Zone on
Page 4
MalLc.h 1 8, 1 9 8 1
the plLopelLty ~~tuated on nOlLth ~~de 06 Route 149 and we~t 06 FlLenc.h
Mounta~n Road.
MlL. K~ng ~ubm~tted map 06 plLopo~ed c.amp~~te~ wh~c.h would ~nc.lude
174 "~pac.e~". He expec.ted a tUlLnovelL 06 at lea~t 100 veh~c.le~ on
any g~ven weekend.
Noone appealLed ~n 6avolL 06 th~~ c.amp~~te.
The 60llow~ng ne~ghbo4ð appealLed ~n oppo~~t~on to th~~ plLopo~al:
1. Raymond K~lmalLt~n, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road.
2. ElLla and John Oakley, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road (c.edalL hOU6e).
MlL. Oakley ~ubm~tted map and made plLe~entat~ondeta~l~ng the
p40po~ed c.amp~~te and ~~t e66ec.t on the ne~ghbolLhood. (A c.opy
06 MlL. Oakleyt~ d~~~elLtat~on wa~ g~ven to eac.h membelL 06 the
BoalLd and ha~ been ~nc.luded ~n the 6~le~).
3. Lou~~ Mabb, l~ve~ ac.lLO~~ 61Lom MlL. K~ng (beyond pond, CedalL
M~ll ~~de)
4. Sc.ott Newell, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road (lL~ght ~~de)
5. Joyc.e and Allen M~llelL, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road (1U4:.t hOU6e on
le6t) .
6. AlLt NOlLton, U6e~ b~ke tlLa~l~ ~n alLea.
7. CalLol and Ron GlL~me~, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road (wh~te hou~e on h~ll)
8. John V. Ell~ng~wolLth, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road (la~t lot on we~t ~~de)
9. GablL~el and Thoma~ Vaughn, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Road (th~lLd hOU6e ~n)
10. Un~dent~6~ed, FlLenc.h Mounta~n Raad
11. Ken MatÄon, non-lLe~~dent - land~c.ape alLc.h~tec.t
Motion to deny made by MlL. TUlLnelL, ~ec.onded by MlL. S~c.alLd.
Mot~on c.alLlL~ed.
RESOLVEV: The BoalLd den~ed th~~ Spec.~al U~e PelLm~t.
1. Suc.h u~e w~ll be plLejud~c.~al to the c.halLac.telL 06 the alLea.
2. The BoalLd detelLm~ne~ that thelLe ~~ not applLoplL~ate
plLov~~~on 601L ac.c.e~~ 6ac.~l~t~e~ adequate 601L the e~t~mated
tlLa66~c. 61Lom publ~c. ~tlLeetÄ and/olL h~ghway~ and that thelLe
alLe no pede~tlL~an walkway~ ~o a~ to ~n~ulLe publ~c. ~a6ety
and to avo~d tlLa66~c. c.onge~t~on.
V A RIA N C E NO. 70 2 , U. S . C . 1 ., a V ~ v ~~ ~ 0 n 0 6 C. R. B alL d ,In c.. -
RobelLt StewalLt, E~q. and MlL. Tom BalLd~n plLe~ent. C.R. BalLd w~~he~
to U6e an ex~~t~ng bu~ld~ng (StalLl~ne Manu6ac.tulL~ng) 601L l~ght
manu6ac.tulL~ng 06 medic.al dev~c.e~ ~n C-3 Zone. PlLOpelLty ~~tuated
at the we~t ~~de 06 Route 9.
Pag e 5
MaJLc.h 18, 1981
MJL. Tom MUJLphy and MJL. V~c.k Hav~tand we4e at40 pJLe4ent and weJLe
~n ßav04 oß the p40p04at.
The Town Ptann~ng Boa4d 4ec.ommended appJLovat, p40v~ding a c.eJLt~ß~c.ate
oß oc.c.upanc.y ~4 obta~ned ßOJL the bu~td~ng ßJLom the Town oß Queen4buJLy.
-"The County Ptann~ng BoaJLd JLec.ommended appJLovat oß 4ame.
Mot~on by M4. C04nwett to app40ve p40v~d~ng U4e be t~m~ted to
appt~c.ant and theJLeaßteJL w~tt 4eVeJLt to C-3 a4 zoned, 4ec.onded by
MJL. S~c.aJLd.
RESOLVEV: The BoaJLd gJLanted th~4 U4e Ua4~anc.e 4ubjec.t to
appt~c.ant obta~n~ng tea4e and te4m~nat~on at
exp~4at~on oß lea4e.
VARIANCE NO. 703, U.S.C.I., a V~v~4~on oß C.R. BaJLd, Inc.. -
RobeJLt StewaJLt, E4q. and MJL. Tom Ba4d~n p4e4ent. C.R. Ba4d w~4he4
to U4e an eX~4t~ng bu~ld~ng ßOJL t~ght manußac.tuJL~ng oß med~c.al deV~c.e4
~n a C-3 Zone on the pJLopeJLty 4~tuated at the 40uth 4~de oß QuakeJL
Road between MeadowbJLook Road and EveJLt4 Avenue (ßOJLme4 BoaJLdman
Bu~ld~ng .
The Town Plann~ng BoaJLd JLec.ommended appJLoval oß th~4 vaJL~anc.e, a4
d~d the County.
Mot~on by MJL. C04nwelt to appJLove th~4 vaJL~anc.e pJLov~ded U4e be
t~m~ted to appl~c.ant and theJLeaßteJL w~lt JLeve4t to C-3 a4 zoned,
4ec.onded by MJL. S~c.a4d.
RESOLVEV: The BoaJLd gJLante~ th~4 vaJL~anc.e 4ubjec.t to
appl~c.ant obta~n~ng lea4e and teJLm~nat~on at
exp~JLat~on oß tea4e.
The meet~ng wa4 adjouJLned on a mot~on by MJL. C04nwell at 11:15 P.M.
K~JLkham COJLnwelt, Cha~4man