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Regular monthly meeting of the Queensbury Zoning Board of
Appeals was called to order December 15, 1982 at 7:30 P.M.
by Chairman Cornwell.
Present: Hrs. Goetz, Hr. Griffin, .Hr. Turner, Hr. Cornwell,
Hr. Sicard and Mr. Prime
Absent: Mrs. Richardson
The first matter before the group was the approval of the minutes
subject to any additions or corrections of the november meeting.
Mrs. Goetz mentioned that on Variance 799-Mr. Sicard voted for
this he did not abstain Hr. Prime had abstained.
Motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mrs. Goetz, all voting
affirmatively that the minutes subject to corrections are herebv
approved for the month of November, 1982.
Variance No. 800 - Mead's NNursery, Inc.
360 Ridge Road
Mr. Mead represented himself stating his proposed plan to construct
a 2 phase addition to a pre-existing area. Phase I, would be
144' x 30' building and Phase II another addition same size as
Phase I. The new buildings would be used as accessory buildinqs
to the existing commercial business.
Chairman asked just what would be placed in the new buildings.
rnr. Mead said that his maintenance equipment such as trucks
would be in the first and in the proposed second addition would
be a repair shop.
Chairman mentioned that Mr. Mead is asking for approval of Phase I
and Phase 2 at just one meeting, he then asked Mr. Prime if this
would create any problem.
Hr. Prime answered that he could forsee no problem with this
Meeting opened to the public. No one present either for or
against request, public meeting closed.
The Town
Planning board recommended approval and
Board con(õ ~;h the ~'
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December 15, 1982
Chairman mentioned that it would be an asset to the business
to have all their trucks, etc. out of the yard.
Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by .Hr. Griffin all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED that the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals hereby
approves Variance 800 for the construction of a Two Phase
accessory buildings - Phase 1 to be completed winter 1982-83
and Phase II 1983-84.
Variance No. 801 - Sweet Road Bakers, Inc.
Route 9 and Sweet Road
Raymond Buckley represented the firm stating that the would
like to place a cooler with 18' setback in lieu of the required
50'. The present existing building is 5' from the property line.
Chairman said that there was a letter from the Queensbury
Beautification Committee with a request to refer the applicant
to their committee prior to the granting of the application.
It was the opinion of the Zoning Board that it was not necessary
to refer this applicant there was no reason to delay .
The Town Planning Board recommended approval
Thermeeting was opened to the public with no one present either
for or against the request.
The questions asked by one ofdthe members were not pertinent
to the request before them and were answered later.
One question asked that did pertain was would trle cooler be on
the property itself or within the buildjng with Mr. Buckley
stating that be within the building that they wanted to use the
heat that would emanate from it.
Hotion by ~1rs. Gaetz, seconded by Mr. Sica.-rd all voting affi rma-
RESOLVED that the Queensbury Zoning Board of appeals approves
Variance No. 801, there has been a practical difficulty shown.
Variance No. 802 - Raymond W. Frey
Bronk Drive
West Mountain Park, Section 1.
Mr. Steves was present representing Mr. Frye. He spoke of the
20,000 square footage requirement due to the new ordinance.
The lots in question here tonight are 15,000.
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December 15, 1982
Mr. Steves also mentioned that Mr. Frey is an absent owner.
He has pwospects to purchase the lots. This is generally the
same situation as waat was brought before the Board last month.
C~attman asked if there was water forlthe lots.
Mr. Steves said there was Town water.
Chairman opened the meeting to the public.
Mr. Ed Arsburger, West Mountain Road asked to have this drequest
explained. His questions were only because he did not understand
the request.
Michael Sommo, Braydon Avenue wanted to be sure that the lots
were the stated 15,000 square foot.
Chairman mentioned this came about in 1959 when it was made a
subdivision. Mr. Frey owns the three lots togehher, he could
comply by making the three Ions into two.
Katherine Chesney, West Mountain Road said the lots are two,c...
small for three houses.
Public hearing was closed.
Town Planning Board recommended approval and the County Planning
Board also approved the area variance to allow for sale three
lots at 15,000 sq. foot each.
Motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Sicard, all voting affirma-
RESOLVED that the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals hereby approves
Variance No. 801 the request for sale fhree lots that do not meet
the 20,000 square fot lot size and are not covered by Grandfather
provisions. These lots are No. 16, 17 and 18, residential
construction only.
Chairman explained his yestvote this month against his no vote
of last month.
Interpretation No. !w
Bruce Fence
They plan to open a retail fence store for the same of wood fence
and chain link fencing. Property considered is across the road
from the Peking R staurant, Northeast corner.
Chairman read the list of the permitted uses for the area.
Steve Lynn of the Building Department mentioned here that the
Planning Board intended to ammend the ordinance to make it
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December 15, 1982
clearer where operations would come such as this.
Chairman asked if they intended to manufacture the fences there.
The representative said no it would be done at their plant in
Cohoes. There would be a display on the property of the
different fencing available.
It was mentioned that fencing could be classified as farm equip-
men t .
Mr. Griffin also asked if there would be wood stoves for sale.
Representative said they had no plans at this time to se~l
that type of product. Their only plans were for the retail
sales and display of fences, there would be no factory there.
A survey was taken by the chairman as to feelings that retail
sale of éance products would fall within the allowed use of
Highway commercial voting as follows:
Mrs. Goetz-No
Mr. Griffin-Yes
Mr. Turner -Yes
Mr. Sicard -Yes
Mr. Prime -Yes
Chairman -Yes
General feeling of approval if it would only be for retail sales
and display of fences no factory or manufacturing plant. No
fabrication of any kind.
INTERPRETATION-Retail sale of fencing and the display of the
fences would be permitted under the highway commercial. Only
retail sales and the assembly of the pre-manufactured parts.
Mr. Prime wanted to note for the record howkhe Chairman moved
the meeting àlong this evening with all business conducted and
approved with the adjournment corning before 9:00 P.M.
Motion for adjournment from Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Sicard,
all voting affirmatively
Meeting Adjourned - 8:35 P.M.
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