updated septic ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN • PARTNERSHIP, LLP. 900 Route 146 Clifton Park,NY 12065 lop 111/ (P)518.371.7621 (F)518.371.9540 edpllp.com Shaping the physical environment August 12, 2020 ,c Town of Queensbury Buildings & Codes I ��, ►�� 1aj ; /iJJ ! 742 Bay Road ppi -- % Queensbury, NY 12804 t...� �USJ"� ;�..r. M1}L!`._; i t',{ .:, t Attn: Mark Smith FDO Re: Ross Residence L- O o a —2C2. O 153 Sweet Road Dear Mark: At the request of Michele &Tom Ross, owners of the property at 153 Sweet Road, I was asked to provide an analysis of the wastewater system following some modifications that were recently completed. Existing Conditions and Project Background Following a telephone conversation with Tom Ross on August 11, 2020 I visited the site the morning of August 12, 2020. It was my understanding that during the installation of a swimming pool the excavator encountered a portion of an existing absorption field. The Town was notified by the Contractor. Town records indicated that the wastewater system consisted of an absorption field of 5 —60 If long trenches, substantially more than what was needed for the original residence. A decision was made to shorten the laterals to a point that they would be in compliance with the 10' setback requirement of absorption field to the actual pool structure. This resulted in the Contractor removing 20 If from each lateral, leaving reportedly 40' per lateral or approximately 200 If in total. When I arrived onsite this work had been previously completed and backfilled. I did observe photos you had taken during that prior excavation. My task was to determine what lateral length was still in place and if that satisfies the needs of a three-bedroom wastewater system in those conditions. To that end we found the end of the existing septic tank and determined the location of the discharge piping leading to the d-box. We did not locate/uncover the d-box but the location of the discharge piping determined the amount of area and length of field that could be in place to the end of the 'shortened' laterals. This determination confirmed the 40' length that resulted from the original 60' trenches being shortened by two— 10' pipe lengths each for each lateral. Prior to my observations, Engineer Mackenzie Pelton of Rusinski-Hall Architecture had been onsite July 20, 2020 and conducted a perc test which resulted in a stabilized rate of 8 minutes—43 seconds for a 1" drop. This test was conducted in soils between two of the existing laterals. A copy of her email is included for the file. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LIP. 900 New York 146 Clifton Park,NY 12065 Shaping the physical environment (P)518.371.7621 (F)518.371.9540 edpllp.com Summary The following summarizes the findings: • Effluent from an existing concrete septic tank discharges by gravity flow to an absorption field through a series of five conventional 2' wide stone and pipe trenches. • The original trenches were shortened based on the location of the swimming pool; The resulting area was confirmed to be approximately 40' in length that piping could be in place up to the 10' (min.) setback to the pool. Five trenches of 40' each total 200 If of remaining existing trench. This is consistent with the removal of 20' of piping from the original 60' long trenches from documents from the Town file. A sketch on the original Town file plan is provided with this letter. • The perc rate of the soil was determined to be in the 8 — 10 minute/inch design range. • A three-bedroom design with a 330 gal./day flow rate would require 184 If of trench length in the absorption field as per the NYS Department of Health Individual Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems Design Handbook (1996). • The remaining 200 If+/- of trench is more than the minimum required 184 If • The existing remaining system as located meets the required horizontal separation distance. • The absorption system, as is, satisfies the requirements of a system serving the three-bedroom residence. Please contact me should you have further questions. Sincerely, Dennis MacElroy Dennis MacElroy, PE NYS License# 077367 attachments cc: Michele & Tom Ross 2 MacKenzie Pelton<pelton.mrae@gmail.com> Wed,Aug 12,10:09 AM (7 days ago) to me Dennis, On July 20th,at 153 Sweet Road, I completed a percolation test between 2 existing sewage disposal laterals and concluded that the perc rate stabilized at 8 minutes 43 seconds per inch. Please let me know if you need anything else. Sincerely, MacKenzie Pelton Jr.Civil Engineer, EIT Rucinski Hall Architecture 518-741-0268 Clarkson University'16 ---r-,4 -1,l 'rib ,©cam.»—} ,=a F `✓1 20 t. a ..1) G_ . 0. RMrs�ft�1� rKb{� , Qc tvt.4op UZ -< 1�[ ��`R1-'N tT F11-� \I rc.AGH L-.�+"i"'��R1�t--''E 1 t ‘ or •- i t o`er -1-7-o r2 \/ doom alm+ A i 153 5‘,. ' - 1 I Ko'>t Ft C -i c:11� `J , k. to!* `I 4 I% J At�'�.vP1.G. 1M. "-to) i • -4 Ross Wastewater System-153 Sweet Road % 4 I. 1 : { This plan represents the layout of the wastewater system serving the residence at 153 Sweet Rd. As a 1 ;) J q i i result of installing an inground swimming pool in the I back yard a portion of the existing absorption field --I { has been removed to maintain a compliant S f,C1' I t separation distance(10' min.) to the pool location. ' "�'-''= t..., �'sd. Because the original absorption had been originally t over-built(5-60'laterals)the shortening of the cl, '� i laterals by 20'each leaves a total of 200 If of tt. a -- •- ----- -•-- -------•-- ----'-- trenches. Based on a 3 bedroom flow rate(330 gallons/day)and a perc rate in the 8-10 design rate �'���` ti 1 Ncr a total of 184 If is required. The remaining system at 200 If of trench length is adequate to satisfy regulatory stands. ge)4.1-S 6:1--. • 153 °INJEET14. , ATE►-oi rrioi4 FIE 1.3j , ��,.t,a► o -L- `1 1y%%C)IPA c•A rt ove%' S,-►vt i -r,�.t_�E�tc•.�-1- Au�:utl�'t" 12 , 2OZO