Meeting of the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals held
Wednesday, February 19, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.
lvlr .
Behr, ìJIr. Griffin, ¡'JIrs. Goetz and WIre Sicard. Îrùf~
Turner and Mr. Muller. )
First item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of
the Jr1rl1lr1r,y 1118eting:
Motion by Mr~ Sicard, seconded by Mrs: Goetz, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting COrlau.c ted ,.J;"1.rluary
21, 1986 are hereby approved.
VARIANCE NO ~ 1051 - r1ead' s Nul" sery, 360 Rid ge Road - to
construct a 30 x: 96 ft~ greenhouse for an existing
nursery/garden center in Urban Residential 10 Zone.
~ representative from Mead's explained the greenhouse is in
the back of the prOp(3rty and that it woul(i be used from
1VIarch through the early summer months at this time.
Public Hearing opened and closed.
Mr ~ Sicard asked if this would be the end of building on
this property since there has been another variance on this
property~ The representativeêro1ll Mead's stated he couldn't
be sure:
~varren County Planning Board approved '\.vi thout additional
Motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Sicard, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1051 be approved as an extention
of a non-conforming use and there is no adverse affect on
the neighborhood.
VARIANCE lifo: 105).. - Kathryn Barlow, 93 Lower D ix Avenue - to
add an additional rental apartment and retail craft store to
'- building in Highway Commercial 15 Zone.
Represented by the owner Kathryn Barlow.
Questions were raised about the parking. ~rs. Barlow stated
there ì.rrere only a few parking spaces in front but that there
were numerous parking spaces at the rear of the property.
Public T{earing opened.
Patricia Jamison spoke neither for or against the proposal
but would like to know how many parking spaces there are.
Mrs~ Barlow stated there was room for six cars in front and
for several more in the rear of property. Mrs. Jamison
asked if there were going to be any improvements to the
outside of the building. Mr s~ Barlow explai ned she "TO l:tl:1
eventually like to put vinyl siding on the building but it
wouldn't be immediate hecause she could not afford to do it
at this time.
Public Hearing closed.
Warren County Planning Board approved ìrri thout addi tional
co Cflillen t.
~r~ 8icard asked if the Beautification Committee had been
notified~ Be seemed to remember something about a variance
before for the print shop and that the Beautification
Committee had made some stipulations then~ Mrs. Barlow
stated they had not been notified.
Motion by Mr. Kellley, seconded by Mr. Sicard, all voti~g
affirmatively, it was
RESOTJVED TBAT Variance Wo. 1052 be approved. This is not
detrimental to the ordinance. It is a lessrestrlctecl llse
than the commercial use that could be there. There is ample
parking. In terms of traffic this israore desirable than a
commercial expansion. This approval is contingent upon this
applicant appearing before the Queensbury Committee for
Bea':l.tific'3.tion for any recommendations~
V~RIANc-Ji.: No. 1053 - Dr. John A. Tata, Lot 30 Grant Acres,
\Vild\,.,ool I'laee - to plaGe an inground sì.rrimming pool in the
side yard in lieu of the required rear yard placement of a
Represented by the owner, Dr. Tata.
Dr. Tata stated that if the pool were to be put in the back
of l;hø house the underground electrical cables would have to
he rllOVe'l ~
Warren County Planning Board approved with no comment.
Public Hearing opened~
Mr~ Ed Grant stated he was the owner of the development and
he thought Dr. Tata's proposed positioning of the pool was
aesthetically cor['ec t~
Public Hearing closed~
Motion by Mrs~ Goetz, seconded by Mr. Griffin, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED TH~rr Variance:'ro~ 1053 be approve(l as a practical
difficulty has been demonstrated and it will have no adverse
effect on the neighborhooci.
V,A.B.IA."WliJ NO. 1054, !1arvery rr:'l/[aille, north side Route 149
east of Route 9L - to construct a restaurant in Surburban
Residential 1 Acre ~o 1'1:'3.
Q(3p'e-esented by the owner, f1r. f'1aille and Attorney Nealon.
The property has been for sale for quite some time. There
have been no oefers.
W[r ~ Behr 8.s1.ced. if tihere was a restaurant behind the VIP gas
station: Mr~ Maille replied there is a building there but
it is now vacant:
~ttorney 0Tealon stated that Hr. Maille has contacted the
Beautification Committee~ (Letter only)
Mr~ Maille pointed out that the property is located in arl
area that already has several cOI"Qruercial businesseø.
Letter from Beautification Committee was read.
Mr. Behr as1recl hmv far back off the road the res baue-ant will
be and where will the par1ring be~
~\[r~ M8.ille stated the building would be 100 ft: from the
road and parking would be on all four sides.
Mr. Behr asked about the proposed house on the property and
where it would be located.
Mr~ Maille replied it would be to the back of the property.
Public Hearing opened and closed.
¡'varr>en Cou.nty "Planning Board approved without comment.
Mr. Kelley asked what the building would look like. Mr.
Sicard noted that it would have to conform to the Quildi ng
Motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mrs. Goetz, all voting
affirmati vely, it was
RESOJJVED THAT Variance No. 1054 be approved as the applicant
has demonstrated unnecessary hardship. This property has
been for sale for some time and the surroundi ngs are
commercial~ There is no adverse effect 0n the neighborhood.
The stipulation will be that the applicant appear before a
formal :Beautification Committee meeting and that hefolloì.rr
any recommendations that they may have.
VARIANCE l\TO~ 1055 - Dunham's Bay Lodge, Rou.te 9 T)unham',g Bay
- to add an indoor swimming pool complex to an existing
resort in Rural Residental 3 Acre Zone.
There was some ~uestion whether this project should be
handled as a Variance or a Site Plan Review~
Represented by the owner, John Salvador.
(-iT' . Salvador stated they i3ubmitted the V8.r i ance appl ica tion
at the request of Mack Dean, the Building Inspector.
Mr~ Behr asked if Mack had indicated some objection. Mr.
Salvador replied that basically a lodge such as Dunham's Bay
does not conform to the Zoning. If the lodge does not
conform than anything associated \rrith the lOilge (ioes not
Mrs. Goetz questioned whether the pool would be rented out
for parties~ Mr. Salvador explained thr1t that was not the
inten'tion~ He stated that they h'3.ve 'rfer1ili.rlgs, r'eiji.r'ernerlt
parties, etc; and that for those events the people would
have the option of usirlgthe pool complex if they wanted to.
Mr. Behr asked if the construction would be identical to the
building that is already there. Hr. Salvador said the "lain
building would be extended 16ft ~ to pick IIp the èÌlHIHe rliti ø,j
of the pool, such as to ilet s, changing r oorns, locker roo illG,
etc. The pool buillLL ng i tseLf."vill he perpenl icular to the
main building and of the same type construction.
fv1r~ Kelley asJced whYl'¡1r: Salvador \.,a9 askL(lg for a bl.:tilding
permi t that was dated from September 1 , 1986 thru April 30,
1989; Mr: Salvador replied that they would be doing the
construction in phases: Th'3yreally do (lot ',r:'1i1!j the
facility torn up in the summer 'when their guests are there.
Mr. Salvador stated 'that a complete set of plqns ~ill be
submitted before the building permit is issued.
Warren County Planning Board approved with no additional
Publ ic He ar ing opened.
WIr~ 'Williamfi'inch owner of the cottage adjacent to the lodge
was not opposed but did ask about the SOlJ.rce of the I."atel~
supply for the pool. Mr. Salv'1.iÌ.or ('eplierl i i~ \vèÌ¡3 ',vells d,lld
that they have never had a problem so they don't expect any
no w.
PU.bl:Lc Hear'ing (JloiêH'}iL
Nlotion by WIr~ Sicard, seconded by i'tr. Kelley, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No: 1 055 be approved ~ ThisL3 tIle
only reasonable location for the pool; Stri(J t ;3..i?pl.ie'1.tio'l
of residential use would be a hardship. This is an
adjustment in extension of a non-conforming use. A complete
set of project plans with accompanying timetable will be
presented to the building inspector before the building
per~i.t is issued ani this building permit will be valid from
September 1 ~ 1986 thru April 30, 1989.
V~RIANCE NO. 1056 - Donald Rozell, Mason Road, Cleverdale -
to construct a one-family dwelling wi th 40 ft ~ setback fron
lake:3hore i'1. lLeu of the required 75 ft. lakeshore setback
in Lakeshore Residential 1 Acre Zone.
Represented by Attorney Stew~rt and the owner, no~ qozell.
There was a long discussion by the Board as to where exactly
this property is located.
Motion by Mrs~ Goetz, seconded by Mr. Griffin, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RBJSOJJV-8:D THAT Variance No. 1056 be tabled so that the stakes
of the actual proposed building can be marked on the
property at 40 ft ~ setback from the lake so the neighbors
and the Zoning Board of A.ppeals members can get a better
idea of \rrhat the proposal is. Also so a set of plans can be
looked at ~
Tabled ~
Mr. Behr stated that before the meeting was closed he would
like the records to show that the Boa('(l rnakes tí^,O reCJ.uests:
1. That all applications show dimensions
~. Clearly rlefine exact location of properties.
Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Griffin all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOJJVED THAT the meeting adjourn~
Correction to Zon ng Board of A.ppeals 7'1eet ing held
February 19, 1986
First page, second paragraph - T1r: Kelley's name was omitted from
those listed aspresent.