II "L.
Meeting of the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals held June
18,19867:30 p.m.
Present: Mr. Behr, Mr. Griffin, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Turner,
Mr. Sicard, Mr. Muller and Mr. Kelley.
~irst item on the agenda was the approval of the May, 1986
Motion by Mr. Behr, seconded by Mr. Turner, all voting
afêirmati vely, it was
11.1i]9I)TJVY)T) rrT{~rr the minutes of the May, 1986 meeting are
hereby approved subject as corrected.
V~RI~rifCE "f0. 1078, I.r{ayne Pelak, Imperial i\10tel.
Represented by Attorney ,Jim Davies and the o\iĊ¸ner, 'iVayae
~ttorney Davies stated that a new plot plan has been
submi tteri to th,~ oo;.:¡,ril ~3hoW'L'1.g thE~ ex:A.(~ Ij locA.tion of the
proposed swimming pool, also showing the location of the dry
\,,¡ell s, the aelrr blA.c k top <9. r i ve\,¡ay, storage shed and the deck
of the pool.
Mr. Behr questioned the distance from the units to the pool.
1\IIr. 'Pelak stated. that (iistance was approximately 30 feet.
'Public Hearing Opened.
~ttorney Michael O'Connor representing Mrs. Liapes who lives
next to the motel. Mrs. tiA.pes still opposes this plan.
~ttorney O'Connor stated he still does not see where Mr.
Pelak hA.S proven hardship. ~o practical difficulty exists
other than 'rrhat '1r. Pelak has created himself.
~ttorney Davis stated that a swimming pool is an accessory
use in TR.-5. The Beautification CorarrÜttee has hee'1.
consulted in this matter since the last meeting.
\_/ The letter from the Beautification Committee that met ,June
9th 1Ñas read
"')ue to the narrowness of this property the applicant has a
problem of placing his proposed pool. The print he has
prepare'l shows the 01 <i 10c8.tion where the pool could
possibly be placed. ~long the easterly boundary of the
property there is several trees and shrubs which seeì11 to
effectively screen the property from the home next door.
Beyond that house and just about opposite where the proposed
pool house is to be placed there is an opening on the
property line. ~pplicant has agreed to plant honeysuckle
bushes to fill that gap. The shed will also be blocked from
view. Outside the pool fence on the south and east
ever gree ns are to be planted intermingled wi th annual s to
provide color. I'1.cidently on the north side of the new
addition honeysuckle bushes will be planted to fill in a
Motion by WIre Kelley, secon(ied by ~J[r. ""'fuller, two negative
votes, Mr. Behr and Mrs. Goetz, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1078 be approved. We're
approving because 6e have already granted an increased
commercial use there. No reasonable return as zoned as
pertaining to the UR-5 portion. The h~rdship has been
brought on by spli t zoning. They arbitrarily put zone line
across property. It is not detrimental to the purpose of
the ordinance. 1.'he hours of pool operation \rrill be daylight
~ hours and the Beautification Committee recommendations will
VA.~I~~CE ~o. 1079, ~ichael Williams, 6 ~pplehouse Lane.
Represented by the owner, Mr. Michael Williams.
Mr. Turner stated that this was an excessively large garage
for this piece of property.
1VIr. Williams stated that it is a kit. The kit is for a 24'
x 24' garage.
lVIr. \,>Till iams st ated that he ne edecl a garage tai s 1 arge
because there is no storage in the house and that is what he
is going to use a large portion of the garage for. 1.'he
garage that is now located 11nder the house will be tl1rtled
into a den.
Mr. Behr asked if the garage could be attached to the house.
Mr. Williams stated that it would interfere with the deck
that is already there.
T-.1:rs. Goetz asked about plltting the garage in the back 0 r: the
yard which is very large. Mr. Williams stated that he would
rather have the garage attached to the house an(} thB.t the
back is not a good place because of the water rl1'1.O ff froln
the mountain in the spring. The garage would have a river
running through it at those times.
~.,yt'. Williams stated that he could possibly have someone
construct a garage for him but that the cost would be
-prohi bi ti ve to hi m. He pr efer s to use a Ì{ it because of the
lesser cost.
Public Hearing Opened.
Mr. Charlie _' neighbor, stated he is not opposed to
a variance of three to four feet.
Warren County Planning Board approved a 25 x 25' garage.
Public Hearing Closed.
~, Motion by ~-.1:r. Griffin, seconded by ì-.1:r. Sicard, all voting
affirmatively, it was
~~SOLV~D THAT Variance No. 1079 be approved. The approval
is based on the fact that applicant demonstrated practical
difficulty. ~pproval is for a 22' wide garage which will be
approximately 3.2' from the 10' sideline requirement.
8ideline setback will be 6.7'.
V~BI~NCE NO. 1080, Thomas and Ginger Springer, West Side Bay
~uòlic ~earing Opened.
This variance was tabled last month to get Town counsel
opinion. Case Prime's letter was read.
liAs directed by your letter of TJIay 21, 1986, I have reviewed
the above application for a variance and the Zoning Board's
request for an opinion if the proposed dance school, as
described in the application, would be a permitted use under
Type II Site Plan Review of our Ordinance.
The property in question is apparently locate(i on the west
side of Bay Road, approximately 1,500 feet south of Walker
Lane and in a UR-5 Zone. The only permitted use in a UR-5
Zone is duplex housing. ~ccordinly, the zone is basically
residential. Certain incidental uses are permitted under
Type II Site Plan Review, which are listed in the Zoning
Ordinance, but I do not find that any of the uses listed are
appropriate to this application.
The dance studio, as described, is basically commercial,
even thou.gh it is characterized as "professional". The fac t
that there may be 0 ther cornmercial uses in the area,which
for the most part predate the Zoning Ordinance, does not
help the applicant in that regard and it is my opinion that
the dance studio is commercial and can only be perrni ~ted. by
Public Hearing Closed.
1\~r. i~ Mrs. Springer had no comment.
'Vlotion by WIr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Behr to deny, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1080 be denied. The letter from
counsel is self-explanator-y. ~rle ['eel ~he appl icant C!'in
locate in another area which can meet the criteria for this
use. It doesn't meet the criteria of this variance.
1\TE'rl BUSI1\TlilSS
Variance No. 1096 was moved to the head of the list by Mr.
VA.B.I~NCE NO. 1096 -Paula 'Lutz/Tom Bridge, south side
Lm~erne Road, 1 /2 mile east of 1Ñest Mountain Road -to
construct addition to dwelling with less than the req11ireil
side yard setback in Suburban Residential 20 Zone.
Represented by Attorney Wayne Judge and the owners Paula
Lutz and Tom Bridge.
A.ttorney Judge stated that this addition was designed by an
architect and laid out 15' from the sideline. ~t this time
it was discovered that the line most commonly used was
actually closer to the existing structure and plan structure
than the not commonly used line. The shed on the property
in Question has been in continuous use by the owners for the
last 6 years. There is also a well on the property that
makes it impossible to locate this addition at another
Mr. Kelley asked if the lot next d.oor to the property was
vacant to which Attorney Judge answered yes. It is a very
heavily wooded lot and is not for sale at the present time.
Public Rearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Motion by Mr. Muller, seconded by Mr. Griffin, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED TH~T Variance No. 1096 be approved. Because the
applicant has shown practical difficulty. There adding to a
preexisting structure and it would be unreasonable to ask
them to move the structure. The sideline request is 6' 10"
instead of the 10' requirement. This request is reasonable.
Vt\B.T~1'ifC'Ð NO.1 085 -8dward and "1ary Cardinale, 16 Old Forge
Road - to place a swimming pool with 10' rear yard setback
in lieu of the required 20' rear setback.
Represented by the owners, Edward and Mary Cardinale.
Mr. Turner asked what size the walkway around the pool woullì
be to which Edward Cardinale ans'rrered. 4t'eet.
Mrs. Goetz asked if more trees would have to be taken down
to which Bdward Cardinale answered no.
Mr. Griffin asked if the stockade fence was on the line in
the rear. Mary Cardinale stated that it was very close to
the line.
·~r. T{elley inquired about the septic system. Bdward
Cardinale stated that they were on the city sewer system.
Public Hearing Opened and Clo se<i ,rrith no p 11blic c Oìn¡l1e n t.
Motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Turner, all voting
affirmatively, it was
~ R~S0LVBD TH~T Variance No. 1085 be approved. Practical
difficulty is the shallow lot. There is no other area to
put the pool. Situation of the pool would give an 11 ft.
setback from the back line.
VARI~NCE NO. 1086 - Devinder Kapoor (Ponderosa Restaurant),
east side Route 9, Miller Hill - to place an oversize
free-stand i ng si gn in Hi ghway Commerc ial 15 Zone.
Represented by the owner Devinder Kapoor.
Mr. Behr stated that all signs must comply to the ordinance
by !\ugust 1986.
~rs. Goetz stated that she thought that this proposal was
totally out of line. Mrs. Goetz also stated that the Zayre
sign across the street will be reassessed in ~ugust of '86.
~r. Kapoor stated that the sign he is proposing will be 50
ft. from the highway. The actual imbosslnent is only 12 x 2
and the sign will not flash. Mrs. Goetz stated that they
have to consider the whole sign not just the imbossrnent.
~ctual sign will be 7'1" x 15' 7".
Mr. Kapoor stated that this is the Internationally used
?onderosa sign. If sign is any other size it must be custom
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Beautification Committee objects to sign.
Warren County Planning Board at their June 11th meeting
disapproved. 50 s~. ft. sign is appropriate for this
Motion by Mrs. Goetz, seconded by WIr. S icardto deny, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED TH~T Variance No. 1086 be denied. There is no
prac tical di fficulty. There are feasible al ternati ves. The
cl1.ange would be substantial relative to the ordinance. The
request is more than double the requirement and there would
~ be an adverse affect on the neighborhood character.
VARIANCE NO. 1087 - John Cornell, off Hall Road and on Glen
Lake - to replace an existing summer camp with year-round
dwelling - new dwelling will have 45 ft. setback from
lake shore in lieu of the required 50 ft. lake shore setback
in a Single Family Residential 30 Zone.
Represented by the owner, John Cornell.
Mr. Cornell stated that if he places the new camp at 50 ft.
his view of the lake will be obstructed by the neighbors.
!VIr. Kelley askeci about the septic systern.
stated that a new septic system was added
the old camp. The existing septic system
and the new camp will be placed there.
"JIr. Cornell
10 year s ago to
will be dug out
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
~tlarren 80unty Planning Board approved.
~r. ~uller asked what the distance is between the existing
carnp that vr111 remain and the rear portion of the proposed
building. That distance will be 40 ft.
Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Muller, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance i~o. 1037 be approved. The drastic
improvement over what is there benefits the area.
VARIANCE NO. 1088 -1VJ:eadowbrook I'Uni Storage, ìv'J:eadowb'roo1.c
Road - to construct mini-warehouse storage in Highway
Commercial 15 Zone.
~epresented by Attorney O'Hare.
·,1r. Behr asked about the access from ~v'J:eadowbrook Road.
~ttorney O'Hare stated it was for the driveway only.
~ttorney O'-qare stated that the office structure which would
be the closest to fronting on Meadowbrook would be 50 ft.
from the right-of-way from ~1eadowbroo1.c ~oa(i.
NIr. Behr asked what was adjacent to the property line.
A.ttor'1.8Y O'Hare stated that on the Quaker road side there is
vacant land owned by Mr. Robert Nolan.
. '--.../
~JIr. Behr asked what the operating hours would be.
O'T{are stated the hours would be 9:00 a.m. to 6:00
There will be a locked gate closing off the entire
after 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Turner asked what would be stored. Attorney O'Hare
stated that the storage is intended for private individuals.
It will be contained storage. The largest storage area will
be 20' x 20'. The smallest storage area will be 5' x 5'. It
is all intended to be personal, private storage. There will
be no industrial or cornmercial storage.
A.ttorney O'Hare also stated that all buildings will be one
story. The 0 ~eice cannot be located any other place because
of the cuI vert and the stream. Trying to keep the office as
far alÑay from the residential property as they can.
Public Hearing Opened.
Mr. Mitic, the contractor, presented The Board with colored
photos of the proposed structure.
~r. Bill Morton representing the Queensbury Citizens for
Outdoor Recreation and Environment stated he is concerned
about the fill for this area. Mr. Turner informed him that
there is a permit from DEC. The culvert must be put into
the stream. Mr. Morton stated that his organization has
submitted a letter to DEC for a determination on whether or
not this land is considered a wetland. Mr. Morton asked
that this proposal be tabled until such time as they hear
one way or another on this. Attorney O'Hare stated that the
question was raised in December of 1985 and it was
determined not to be a freshwater wetland and because there
was a Class ~A. stream involved a permit from DEC is required
which is attached to the materials submitted to the Board.
Public Hearing Closed.
The Queensbury Beautification Committee disapproves.
Motion by Mr. Kelley, seconded by Mr. Griffin, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLV8D TH~T Variance No. 1088 be approved. Approval is
based on the unnecessary hardship. Ordinance does not spell
out storage as such. This use seems to be less intense than
what is allowed in Highway/Commercial. This use is not
detrimental to the ordinance. The stipulation vdll be that
they comply with the Beautification Committee
recolnmeni.iations and this approval is subject to DEC or any
other agency that has juri sdiction over th is property.
V ARIAl'ifCE NO. 1089 - King Fuels, Inc., corner Quaker and Bay
Roads - to place a storage building at rear of store with
less than the requirei.l 50 ft. setback from a residential use
in Highway Commercial 15 Zone.
'Represented by Attorney Ted J. Luce.
i\ttor'1.8,y TJl1ce stated that the reason for the storage
building r,¡as because of the bottle law.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
1,varren County Planning Boari.i modi fied. ~ppl icant agreed to
(nove the building to a more suitable location. Move to the
east end with a 17 ft. setbac~.
Motion by Mr. Muller, seconded by Mr. Turner, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1089 be approved with the
condition that the building will be locatei.l \rrhere the 'lvarren
County Planning Board suggested. Practical difficulty is
that a 50' setback just doesn't exist. The proposed revised
location is better than what we originally proposed.
V A'RI~NC1iJ l\T0. 1090 -81 izabeth Kenny ,west side Ridge Road
south Oneida Corners - to construct a dwelling with less
than the 30 ft. front yard setback in Suburban Residential
30 00ne.
Represented by ~ttorney Tarantino and the owner, Elizabeth
Attorney Tarantino stated that when "1rs. Kenny had the
property surveyed she discovered that the first 40' of her
property is actually owned by the State of New York.
Mr. Behr stated that this proposal does not meet any of the
criteria. rrhe only reasoneor placing this building where
it is now is for personal likes. All the criteria can be
rnet bec~use the property is very large.
P 11b 1 Lc ~{ear Lng 0 pened.
~r. Jerry Beckwith who lives two houses down from the
proposed house is opposed to the plan. He would like to
kno\Ñ why the garage cannot be put to the rear of the house
rather than forward of the house.
Public Hearing Closed.
Warren Coun'ty Planning Board disapproves. !\pplicant could
meet the appropriate setbacks with the amount of land that
is available.
Motion by Mr. Behr, secondeel by r'ir. Kelley to (leny, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1090 be denied. There has been
no hardship proven. It does notrneet any of the criteria
that would need to be considered.
V~RIANCE NO.1 091 - James L. Radliff, 39 Cottage Hill Road -
to construct an attached garage with 5' 211 side yard setback
in 1 ieu of the requi r eei 10' side setbac1.{ in Urban
Residential 10 Zone.
Represented by the owner, James Radliff.
Mr. Behr asked where the front of the garage would be. Mr.
Racllifr stateel that it would be in line with the front of
the existing house.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by ~J[r. Griffin, all 1J0ting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1091 be approved. The practical
difficul ty has been proven. The pree5CistiYlg, nonconforming
lot size and the lot size leaves no other alternative.
V~RIANCE NO. 1092 - Sieco Partnership, 40 Dix Avenue Ext. -
"---'- to construct a warehouse and o~ ice on lot wi th 1 ess than
the required one acre in Li ght Industrial 1 Acre Zone.
Represented by Mr. Phillip Kopak.
Mrs. Goetz asked what the actual business was. Mr. Xopak
stated that they are a industrial power transmission supply
company and that they have been in the Glens Palls area for
the last 9 years.
Mr. Sicard asked if there was any manufacturing done on the
premises to which the answer was no. The hours of business
being rrom 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Warren County Planning Board approves.
Beautification COr11I11ittee disapproves.
Motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Muller, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOIJV1~D THNr Variance ¡'ifo. 1 092 be approved. The practical
difficulty is the triangular shape of the lot slightly less
than one acre. rehe proposed building meets all setbacks.
Stipulation that they meet with the Queensbury
Beautification Committee again to resolve.
ìTA.B.I~"ifCB WO·. 1093 - qobert Burch, Burch Road - to place a
mobile home on lot outside zone designated for single site
mobile home placement in Suburban Residential 20 Zone.
Represented by the owner, Robert Burch.
Mrs. Goetz asked if the mobile home was already there. Mr.
Burch stated yes but that it was not being lived in at this
Mr. Turner asked if Mr. Burch planned on putting the home on
a foundation. 1VIr. Burch replied that he did.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
1 2
Motion by Mr. Behr, seconded by Mr. Turner, all voting
afrirmatively, it was
RB8()TJVED TB:~T Variance No. 1093 be approved. It will not be
detrimental to the area~ Will be in harmony with the
surroutlci ing neighborhood. The whole area is mobile homes.
VARI~1'ifCE 1'if0. 1094 - Ernest Horowitz, off Birdsall Road on
''ilea TJI1K:e - to construct a single-family dwelling on lot
that does not front on a public road in Single Family
Residential 30 Zone.
Represented by the owner Ernest Horowitz and the architect
A. 1 fr e(l 'P ar is.
Mr. Sicard asked if the house were going to be 4 stories
high. Ernest Horowi tz stateli that the house was two stories
Public Hearing Opened.
~nn Carson, neighbor, stated that she would be most
fielighted to have Dr. Horowitz as a neighbor.
f1;.'trk 'taul, neighbor to the other side, wondered about the
right-of-way to his property. He wants to make sure that it
is kept open so he can reach his property. Dr. Horowitz
stated that the right-of-way would be much enhanced over the
one that is presently there. Mark's mother already
presented Dr. Horowi tz with a letter saying she approves of
this plan. Mark Maul stated that he approved of this new
plan ror the right-of-way.
'Public Hearing Closed.
Warren County Planning Board approved with conditions.
Stipu.lation that the applicant mu.st meet wi th the Warren
County Soil and Water Conservation District to develop a
management plan to address soil erosion, precutting and
cleari nt?; and bank stabl ization 'before, during and after
Dr. Horowitz stated that he had contacted Carolyn Stevenson
of this organization and he was told that there was no
problem. Dr. Horowitz told her that when construction
I 2. c.¡.
starts he would again contact her an <1 that he\vol.:tld follov{
any recommendations that her organizatiol'l hall.
Motion by 1VIrs. Goetz, seconde(i by WIre Behr, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED rrH~T Variance !'ifo. 1094 be approved. Practical
difficulty has been proven. There is no adverse affect on
the neighborhood character. ~ll recomne ndations mentioned
by the Warren County Planning Board will be i no orpo rateci 80S
a stipulation.
VARIANCE NO. 1095 - Michael J . Nichols, West ~JIountain R.oad -
to operate a sporting goods catalog sales business from
dwelling in Suburban Residential 1 Acre Zone.
Represented by·Tames TJa\rrl i sswho is l'JIr . Nichol's partner.
Mrs. Goetz asked if Mr. Nichol's was the gentleman who
worked at R.ay Supply. The answer was yes.
f1rs. Goetz asked what kind of business this is. Mr. Lawliss
stated that it was a catalog business centered mostly on
firearms and ammuni tion assoe iated \Ñith there competition
shooting hobby. There will be no firearms or black powder
stored on the property. There will be no need for
addi tioVJ.al parking~ They do not expect more than 10
oustomers a month. This is to be a word of mouth business.
'Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Warren County Planning Board approved.
TJIotion by Mr. Muller, seconded by Mr. TUr ner to deny, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1095 be denied. No hardship has
been demonstrated.
VARIANCE NO. 1097 - Henry C. Knoblauch & Sons, east side
Connecticllt A.venue - to continue commercial use of property
as business rental property in Urban Residential 5 Zone.
Represented by Kim Knoblauch.
Mr. Behr asked if there would be any manufacturing or
repairs done on the property. Kim Knoblauch aaswered no.
Mrs. Knoblauch stated that she has two businesses that are
interested in the property. One that makes fishnets and the
other is a courier service (Ledfoot).
There are several other small businesses in the area.
~r. Turner inquired what the distance was
the building to the road. Mrs. Knoblauch
distance to be approximately 25 to 30 ft.
room for parki.ng.
from the front of
stated that
There is enough
Mr. Behr stated that the board should know exactly what kind
of business is going to be there before they pass a
'P 11bl ic Hearing Opened.
Dexter Campbell, neighbor adjacent to this property. (North
side) Not against lite commercial use of this property but
is against heavy use.
Clayton Campbell, neighbor on the other side. Bedroom is 15
ft. from builcì.ing. Would like any business to at least keep
it quiet at night.
~otion by Mr~ Turner, seconded by Mrs. Goetz to table, all
voting affirmatively, it was
B.BSOTJV1J]D reHA.T Variance No. 109'7 be tabled for further
VARIANCE NO. 1098 - Charles and Barbara Ingraham, west side
Sunset Avenue - to place a mobile home on lot outside zone
designated for single si te mobile home placement in Urban
Residential 10 Zone.
Represented by Barbara Ingraham.
Mr. Behr asked if this mobile home would be tied into the
business across the street in any way. Mrs. Ingraham stated
that the business across the street belonged ·to her
~ husbands' uncle and would not be tied into the mobile home.
12 ÚJ
1 5
Mr. Turner asked what size the mobile home would be. Mrs.
'~ Ingraham stated the dimensions would be 70 x 14.
1VIr. Kelley asked if they owned property on either side of
this proposed mobile home. Mrs. Ingraham answered no.
Mr~ Behr asked if there would be room for the leach field.
The answer was yes.
Mr. Kelley asked if the property on either side could be
purchased. Mrs. Ingraham stated that they had checked with
Mr. ~iapes and that he wanted $1 ,000 per lot but that now he
has increased that amount to $2,000 per lot. This sum is
prohibitive for the Ingrahams.
~ublic ~earing Opened.
Mr. Frank Hermance,
from the Ingrahams.
this property would
the board deny this
he owns the property directl~ across
He -feels that putting a mobile home on
devaluate his property. He asked that
Mrs. Ingraham stated that the mobile hor11e has a pi tched roof
and will have a full foundation under it to make it look as
much like a house as possible.
~ublic Hearing Closed.
NIotion by!VJ:r: Muller, seconded by Mr. Sicard, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1098 be tabled for more
i nfor mat ion.
Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Turner, all voting
affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT the meeting adjourn, 11 :30 p.m.