1986-08-27 SP
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Queen8b~ry Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held August 27,
1986 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mr. Behr, Mr. Griffin, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Turner,
Mr. Sicard, Mr. Muller and Mr. Kelley.
Also sitting in on the meeting was R. Case Prime, Town
Attorney and Mr. Eddy, the Chairman of the Beautification
VARIANCE NO: 1115 - M~ T. Minogue, Inc., Quaker Road.
Represented by Attorney Bruce G~ Carr and John Minogue,
President of Minogue's.
Attorney Carr stated that they are asking only that the sign
stay where it is until such time that Quaker Road is widened
by the County an(lthen the sign will have to be moved
The size of the sign conforms. The sign at the present time
L separates the entrance and exit.
Mr~ Behr asked if the sign also conforms in height. Attorney
Carr stated it does.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Warren County Planning Board approved. "The applicant must
comply when Quaker Road is improved."
Motion by Mr. Griffin to approve, seconded by Mr. Turner,
all voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No~ 1115 be approved. There is
practical difficulty, the size and height conforms. This
should be allowed until Warren County needs the land for
expansion~ The variation from the Ordinance is minimal.
VARIANCE NO. 1117 - Montcalm Restaurant, west side Route 9
,~ north Exit 20.
Represented by Attorney Robert Stewart and the owner, Mr.
Attorney Stewart stated that the existing wall signs are now
being adjusted to conform. The sign they are concerned
about at this time is the free standing sign in front of the
building~ This is a very expensive sign to replace. The
sign as it stands is propor tional to the building which is
enormous~ Attorney stewart went on to say that if the Board
cannot grant a Variance for the size or the sign perhaps
they could consider granting a Variance for the location.
The Ordinance stipulates 15 ft. from the property line. This
sign is 5 or 6 ft~ from the property line. The reason for
this distance is that the sign was placed many years agp
before the widening of Route 9. The sign cannot be moved
back towards the restaurant itself because this area is very
narrow to begin with. This is also the area where the cars
are picked up and delivered by the valet parking service.
There is barely room now for one car coming and one gOing.
The sign has also been improved with a massive stone
foundation planter~
Mrs~ Goetz asked how big the sign was now. Attorney Stewart
said it was approximately 150 sq. ft~ Mrs. Goetz said that
she has a big problem wi th the size but the location is OK.
Long discussion followed on the ingress and egress from the
Mr. Behr asked about the sign on top of the building.
Attorney Stewart said that sign would come down to comply.
Public Hearing Opened~
Mr~ Ray Bodenwiser~ He feels that if this sign were to be
moved it would be detrimental to the business at this
Public Hearing Closed.
Warren County Planning Board approved but modified wi th
conditions~ "Continue at present setback but must meet area
Motion by Mr~ Muller to allow setback variance, seconded by
Mr. Kelley, all voting affirmatively, it was
RBSOTJìTED ~liA~ Variance !'fo. 1117 be approved. Will allow the
Variance from the setback requirement. The applicant has
demonstrated practical dLfficulty: The size must conform to
the Ordinance.
VARIANCE NO. 1118 - Roger LaFountaine dba Martha's, west
side Route 9 across from Great Escape.
Represented by Attorney Robert stewart and the owner, Roger
LaFount at ne ~
Attorney stewart stated that there are three distinct
businesses on this property, a restaurant, a motel and a
soft ice cream stand. These businesses have separate
employees and they operate entirely different periods of the
year~ Attorney stewart stated that as he understands the
Ordinance this entitles Mr~ LaFountaine to have two 50 sq.
ft~ signs per business~ Attorney Stewart stated that the
sign they would wish to keep is the one with the chicken on
top. Mr~ LaFountaine would be willing to give up his right
to have other free standing signs if he were allowed to keep
the chicken.
Mr ~ Behr stated he questions the JOact that Attorney stewart
keeps referring to this as three distinct businesses because
on the application the dba states Martha's which is one
Mr. LaFountaine stated that one business has its' own
trademark (The Ice Cream Business). None of the employees
are the same, the hours are d i:fferent, the seasons 8.re
different and there are three separate sets of books.
Long cliscussion ensued on one business ITS. three:
Long discussion on the significance of the chic1.{en.
Mr~ Griffin asked if the proposal could be addressed again.
Mr. LaFountaine stated that the two si gns 0 n e i the r end o~r
the property with Coke on the top are to be taken down. The
chicken sign to be kept but the arrow on the sign to be
removed~ The ice cream cone sign goes up in the morning
when they open and down at ntght when they close. It's not
a permanent sign~ (The chicken has been there for thirty
year s~ )
Mrs. Goetz asked if the chicken could be placed somewhere
else on the property~ Mr~ LaFountaine said he has been
thinking about that for weeks and he cannot think of a
place~ The house, which he lives in, hides most of the
property coming north.
Mr: Turner asked what would be done with the cone on top of
the ice cream building. Attorney Stewart stated that they
would make this sign comply with the Ordinance. They will
either take it down completely or lower it below the roof
line depending on what a sign man would tell them they could
physically do.
Mr~ Behr asked the chairman, Mr~ Turner, if the Board was
going to consider this one business or three. Mr. Turner
sfiated ibwou.ld be treated as one business.
Another long discussion on which signs would stay and which
would go ~
Public Hearing ftpened.
fY'<tD-'y O\,l.t,lP
Attorney Thom.as ,J. Mø»I1.l1tHi: has law offic es 0 n Route 9 south
or" the area~ He stated that the sign was used as a
<1esignatingrnarker -f'or a lot of people who are asked for
references to go somewhere~ The rooster shoulcl he left
there because it causes no problemß to anyon8~ He also
believes that this application should be treated as thre(3
separate businesses~
Attorney William Nealon. He stated that he also believes
that this should be considered as three separate bQsinGsses.
Mr. Bodenwiser operates a motel directly across the street
from the chicken sign~ He stated that it does not bother
him and that people actually come to his motel because they
remember the rooster not the name of the motel. The sign
has brought business to his motel for the last 18 years. He
stated that the property is always neat and clean and so is
the chicken. He also believes that it would be a very big
expense to Mr: LaFountaine to replace this sign~
Mr~ Harry Troelstra, owner of the Silo~ He believes that
the rooster should stay where it is. He said that he also
operates several businesses in one location and that he is
allowed only one sign for them. He thinks thats the way it
should b e ~
Public Hearing Closed.
~ttorney Stewart stated at this time that if what he needed
to establish 3 different businesses at this location was 3
different dba's he would apply for them tomorrow morning.
Warren County Planni ng Bo ar d (1 isapproved with no addi tio nal
Motion by Mr ~ Sicard to approve with stipulations, seconded
by Mr. Griffin, one negative vote (Mr. Behr), it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance NO. 1118 be approved with the
~following stipulations. The Hletal free standing signs at
the north and south of the property will be removed. The
rooster free standing sign will remain but the arrow will be
remove(l so that the size eK:cluàing rooster will be 51 sq.
ft~ The sign will remain at the present setback. The neon
cone on the building will be adjusted so that it cloesn't
protrude over the roof line~ The removable wooden ice cream
cone by the road will remain at the present setback.
Since Warren County disapproved this vote must be a majority
plus one~ Vote 6 yes - 1 no
Approved with conditions~
VARIANCE NO~ 1124 - Ferraro Entertainment, Inc. dba
Skateland, Route 9:
Represented by Attorney William Nealon and the owner, Mr.
Anthony Ferraro~
Attorney Nealon stated that the skating rink and the go kart
track are under separate corporations. They would like to
maintain the one sign that now exists for both businesses.
Mr~ Behr asked if the property line and the right-of-way
line are one and the same. Attorney Nealon stated he did
I Long discussion followed on the property line and the
right-of-way line~
Attorney Nealon asked the Board to keep in mind that these
small family oriente<1 businesses do not have the fund s to
invest in large billboard signs that some companies 1.H3e on
the highW'ay;
Another long iiscussion ensued on where the exact property
lines ar e located:
Mr~ Muller stated that Mr. Eddy did not see fit to site Mr.
Ferraro with a setback violation. Mr~ Muller's opinion is
that this variance application is dealing only with the
area. He also stated that if, at a later date, they come to
find out that they did not have all the facts in terms of
setback, it would have to be dealt with at that time.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Warren County Planning Board disapproved~
Motion by Mrs~ Goetz to disapprove, seconded by Mr. Behr,
all voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1124 be disapproved. No
practical difficulty demonstrated. The free standing sign
will conform to the Ordinance as to size~
VARIANCE NO~ 1127 - Mohican Motel, west side Route 9 north
Route 149 has been tabled.
VARIANCE NO. 1128 - James and Rosemary Walker, Jr. db~
Samoset Motel and Cabins, west side Route 9 has been taà¡~d.
VARIANCE NO~ 1129 - D'Ella Pontiac-Buick, Inc~, Quaker Road.
Represented by Michael Della Bella, President of D'Ella
Mr~ Behr~ asked how big the sign was. Mr~ Della Bella
stated he was not sure~
Mr ~ Della Bella stated that he was told when he came here in
1983 that he could not do anything with the sign except
change the facia because it was in the right-of-way. He was
also informed at that time that when the County widens
Quaker Roacl the sign would. have to eOril8 (10''Ýn. He aske(i 0 '1.ly
for permission to leave the sign until such time when Quaker
RQad is widenecl ~
Public Hearing Opened and Closecl 'with no public èor11ril8nt.
Warren County Planning Board approved with concl i tions.
"Applicant must comply when Quaker Road is impro ved."
Motion by Mr~ Sicard to approve, seconded by Mr. Muller, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1129 be approved. The sign has
to be removed from the right-of-way when Quaker Road is
wirlened ~
VARIANCE NO. 1130 - French Mountain Motel, west side Route 9
north Exit 20 has been tabled.
Tabled ~
VARIANC~ NO. 1131 - Hi-Way Most Motel (David Kenny), east
side Route 9 south Route 149 has been tabled~
Tabled ~
VARIANCE NO. 1132 - Noble True Value Home & Hardware Center,
Upper Glen Street - Route 9.
Represented by Attorney Robert Stewart and Mr. Noble.
Attorney Stewart stated that they were not aware of the
Ordinance~ They were told there would come a time when the
sign would have to be reduced in size but they were not
aware that it would be a year. This has not been a good
corner for a business~ Although there have been several
businesses at this location none of ,them have been
successful until the Noble Hardware was put in here.
There business is doing fairly well now and they think some
of it is because of the present sign. Attorney Stewart said
they realize that the sign must come down at some time but
they are asking if the sign could be left as is for one more
"v1r'~ TIJ.rn(·H· aslcerl how large the sign is~ Attorney Stewart
stated that the sign is 160 sq~ ft~
The question of right-o,!:'-way vs. property line came up anc} a
lO'1.g discussion ensued:
Public Hearing Opened.
Nancy Warner - Asked why if a very large sign (Northw8\)T
Plaza sign) were approved because it matched the decor, why
not this one? Mr: Behr suggested that perhaps it was
bec~use it was for a plaza with several businesses and this
is for just one business.
Mr~ Noble stated he was not made aware of exactly when this
Ordinance would go into effect:
Mr~ Harry Troelstra, owner of the Silo. He stated that he
is opposed to letting this sign up~ He believes that if you
are going to give one person more than everyone should have
more~ He believes all signs should be 50 sq~ ft.
Warren County Planning Board disapproved.
Motion by Mr. Kelley to deny, seconded by Mr. Behr, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1132 be denied. No practical
difficul ty.
Because of a possible conflict of interest the next three
hearings will be chaired by Mr. Behr and Mr. Turner will
VARIANCE NO~ 1133 - Howard Johnson, 117 Aviation Road.
Represented by At-!;orney Robert Stewart~
Attorney Stewart stated that this sign was 232 sq. ft: and
that it was 40 ft~ in height~ This sign attracts an
enormous amounb or: business f:'roft} the Nor!;hway. A.ttorney
stewart stated that because it is a corner lot the
restaurant itself is entitled to one free stan¿ling and two
wall signs or 264 sq~ ft. Although there aret;wo bU.sinesses
on the property, owned by two different peopl e, there is an.
agreement between the tÍ/<Toror aclvertising both businesses on
one sign~
Long discussion followed on how many signs are allovTe(l on
th1s property.
r~I': Behr asked when this sign was put up~ Attorney stewart
stated around 15-18 years ago when the property was
Public Hearing Opened.
Mr~ Harry Troelstra, owner of the Silo. Opposes~ He
believes that the large sign should come down and that each
individual business should have 1 50 sq~ ft~ sign. If these
peopl e can have alar ger sign why can't he?
Mr: Behr stated that this would be treated as one applicant.
(Howard Johnson)~
Public Hearing Closed.
Warren County Planning Board approved but modified with
condi tions. "Recommend that the owner s 0 f the Blacksmith
Shop, Howard Johnson Motor Lodge and Gatsby's Lounge agree
in writing not to be allowed any additional signs, even
those permitted."
Motion by Mr~ Kelley to deny, seconded by Mr. Muller, all
voting affirmatively (Mr. Turner abstained), it was
RSOLVED THAT Variance No~ 1133 be denied~ This is a
restaurant only and not on a corner lot~ It's on Aviation
Road. It's the Zoning Board's duty to uphold the Ordinance.
~ No practical difficulty demonstrated~
Denied ~
VARIAWCE NO. 1134 - ~ed Coach, Route 9.
Represented by Attorney Robert Steïrrart~
Attorney stewart stated that this sign was 140 sq. êt. J'~r.
DeS~atis, the owner, is at the present time leasing the
r~aachise for the Red Coach. This lease will expire in
approximately 2 1 /2 years. The ehance s are very go od that
he will lease the building after this period but are very
s11m that he will continue with the Red Coach franchise.
Theret'oretW'o years from now this sign would have to be
replaced again.
Mr ~ Behr asked how long the sign has been there ~ Attorney
Stewart stated that he did not know. Mr. Eddy said that his
information indicated that the sign has been there for 20
i\.- Mr ~ Kelley inquired about other signs in the area
advertising the Red Coach. Attorney Stewart indicated that
there was a sign to the north of the Red Coach indicating
that it was 400 ft. ahead. Mr. Eddy also indicated that
there was a billboard sign on Route 149 and another one on
the Northway~
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Warren County Planning Board disapproved~
Motion by Mr ~ Muller to deny, seconded by Mr. Kelley, all
voting affirmatively (Mr. Turner abstained), it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1134 be denied. No practical
difficul ty demonstrated for allowing an over'sized sign a't
that location~
VARIANCE NO; 1135 - Great Escape, Route 9~
Represen·ted by Attorney Robert stewart.
S +-e-Wd!"/' +
Attorney ßtc·....arà stated that the size of thi s sign is in
proportion to the size of what is on the property. This
sign was granted by Varianee in 1979. Exisl;irlg sign is
1 ,480 sq. ft~
Mr ~ Behr stated that one oJ' the stipulations o.î: th~t
Vartancewas the removal of the billboard, \'1hich \rr~s <lone,
anrI thr~ polesth8ot supported it, which was not done ~ Any
r1(HT V~J·t~rW<-,~T()I.tl(l not 1H~ granted unless the stipulation is
pu.'; Ln that t1'lOS9 sI1pporbs be removed.
Mrs: Goetz stated that she does not have a problem with
1 ttO tho to b . 1 '1 0 11'" "" 0 0
e lng·. lS one con -lnl1e eCal.1Se sne ()(-',.J.e\TOf3 Gn;'1.IJ l,rlU3 U3
a special situation considering the expanse of the bl..t.sine;3~3
and the property~ But she would like to see the stipulation
from. 1 979 c~rJ·-ï.erl Ol1t ~
Mrs~ Goetz believes that it is probably just an oversight by
the Great Escape but she would like these poles taken down.
Mr; Behr asked how far from the road the building was.
Attorney Stewart said he did not know;
Mr~ Eddy stated that there are several points that have not
been brought up~ According to his records there is one
small free standing sign, on medium free standing sign, one
large free standing sign and two billboards. They are only
~, allowed two 50 sq~ ft: signs. He recognizes the size of the
'~ operation but stated the rules say two 50 sq: ft~ signs.
Mr ~ Griffin asked Attorney Stewart what kinrl or signs these
were~ Attorney Stewart said he w.as aware of the Great
Escape free standing sign and the billboard sign.
There was a lon~ discussion on exactly what kind of signs
are on the property. No one was exactly sure what is there.
Mr~ Eddy stated that he believes SOll1eone should. check on the
exact number of si gns 0 n the proper ty b e~or'e a V aI' L;ltlc:e L <3
p'3.S serlo
Motion by Mr~ Sicard to table, seconded by Mr~ Muller, all
voting affirmatively (Mr~ Turner abstained), it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1135 be tabled so that the
Zoning Board of App(3als narl t!;(7nli.'¡J(-) é:JLsrlt1 on Ij}l(~ property.
VARIÞN CE NO~ 1136 - Saxe Brothers dba 1\11' ~ B's Best, Upper
~ Glen Street - R.ou.te 9:
Represented by Attorney Robert Stewart.
r'1rs. Goetz stated she vrould like to adùress JGhe~act in the
applioatiot1. that states other non-conforming signs for fast
food restaurants~ She asked At'torney Stewart if they were
thinking of McDonald's when they stated that fact. Mrs.
Goetz stated according to her records when McDonald's
received a Variance in 1978 for there free standing sign one
of the stipulations to that Variance was that the free
standing sign would have to conform in August of 1986. Mr.
Eddy also added that Mr. Greg Stevens of McDonald's has
assured him that he has a contract to replace that sign with
a 49 sq~ ft~ sign which includes a drive thru panel.
Public Hearing Opened and Closed with no public comment.
Warren County Planning Board approved but modified~
"Recommend approval for setback but recommended deniel for
-the area Variance on size:"
T1otion by rtr ~ Griffin, seconded by Mr ~ Sicard, all voting
1 2
affirmatiively, it was
'-' RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1136 be denied. No practical
difficulty demonstrated for the Area VarianGf3 ~ The setba.ck
Variance requested is allowed.
J)eni etl ~
VARIANCE NO~ 1137 - Chalet Susse J\1:otor Lodge, Big Boom Road.
Repre sented by Attorney Will iam Montgomery ~
All.. "'1 I I I 1 ' . ,... f t'
AGG ür ney' on Ii gOJrWl'Y :3 G~,:¡' G 81 8. 1!131~;I Q L g~l ...013 ('<) enlJ age 0 ne
business for this location comes from its sign being seen
from the Northway and. Coeiniih Rowl.: The Si.grl \ý~:¡,s La
compliance wheYl it\rra.s putup~ The sel.footage or. thia alg'l
conforms the height does not. The Mo·tor Loclge is completely
hidden from view from all angles. Th.E3 only t rl(U(}~l.ti.o n lihat;
it is there is this sign.
Mr ~ Eddy inquired about the size of the sign on the building
which does not conform~ Attorney Tv1ontgomery stated. that
they would be willing to conform with this sign.
Mrs~ Goetz asked if they had considered a lower and bigger
sign~ Attorney Montgpmery stated it was not the size of
the sign but the visabilty from the roads~
Public Hearing Opened~
Mr~ David Kenny~ (He owns another hotel in the area.) He
stated that the motel was built before the sign ordinance
went into effect and that it was built on good faith. He
doesn't believe that the business can exist without the
Public Hearing Closed~
Warren County Planning Board approved~
Motion by Mrs. Goetz to approve, seconded by Mr. Turner, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1137 be approved. The practical
difficulty is the dip in topography~
Approved ~
VARIANCE NO. 1138 - Trading Post Restaurant, corner Route 9
and Glen Lake Road.
Represented by the owner, Dorothy Latham.
This sign is only 12 1/2 sq~ ft; but is on therl(lge line
which is nol~ allowed in the Ordinance~ Sign has been there
for approximately 40 years~
HI's~ Latharn si;ated !jhat; i;her'e Is llO plaee roC' th(3 slg'1.
anywhere around the huilrling where it\rrould be visable.
Mr; Behr asked if the property line was the CIIJ'b line i;o
\vhtc:h f}[¡>ø: L~1.i~h;..t.lll H,r18"T8r'ell yes.
f1,~ ~ B3hr as1ced about the small sign that was hanging on a
piece of' pipe; Mrs; Latham stated that sign had not been
'lS(~rl for y(~a('8 H,n¡l ijh;"1.ti. t v¡Otlld he taken down.
Mr~ BehI' asked. LF.' all other signs would be taken down. Mrs.
IJa J~hara aaswered yes.
1\~rs: Goetz aslced it· the old sign cou..ld beij>tken ¡lo\J\Trl ~30011.
],!J:rs~ Latham said it probably could be taken down withia 24
hour s ~
Puhl:Lo T-I(3ar Lng Opened and Closed with no publ ic comment.
Warren County Planning Boarcl approved:
Motion by Mr~ Behr to approve, secondecl by l'lr: Gri:fî:i..rl, H.ll
voting affi rina ti vely, i..tlAras
RESOLVED THAT Variance No~ 1138 be approved~ The practical
difficulty is that there is no place in the front of the
property to put a free standing sign that would be visable
from the south and north. This approval is for a ridge
sign; Approval conditioned upon the removal of all other
exterior signs;
Motion by Mr; Sicard to adjourn, seconded by Mr~ Turner, all
voting affirmatively, it was
RESOLVED THAT the meeting adjourn. 12:30 p.m.
The meeting was reopened to give the attached Interpretation
for Variance No. 1105.
August 27, 1986
Variance No. 1105 - Gretchen Sunderland & Keith Wrigley,
Country Club Road - to construct a physical therapy facility
in a Urban Residential-5 Zone.
With reference to Variance No. 1105 it would be my (Mr.
Muller speaking) intent to clarify a motion previously made
on the hearing date after the public hearing was closed on
that application. I would like to, in fact, clarify that
motion by 'making findings in fact on which this board can
rely in making it's decision whether to vote in favor or
against. The finding of fact that I would make is that the
applicant represented that the facility would be a one story
building of approximately 3,500 sq. ft., 30 parking spaces,
used to conduct the following activities: fitness classes,
bad back classes, arthritis classes, pregnant women classes,
nutrition counseling, workshops on stress management, weight
control programs and other activities to improve human
health and well being. Within that building the applicant
also made a presentation, and I would make this a fiI)..~ing of /
fact, that therø would be a therapy pool, there woul~/~
within the building for physical therapy equipment and an
exercise floor. I also would make a finding of fact that
the applicant represented that the staff in that facility
would include a physical therapist, exercise physiologist,
which in fact the applicant represented herself to be, and
others trained in physical fitness. There also was a
representation by the applicants Attorney. I'd make a
finding of fact that we relied upon that Attorney Kafin
indicated that on the staff there would also be people who
~o hold licenses to practice there professions, such as
registered nurses and physical therapists. Those were his
examples. Eased upon those representations and those
findings of fact, I feel that it is consistent with an
Interpretation that what is proposed by the applicants
in this application would be a health related facility and
if, in fact, it is a health related facility, then it would
be appropriate in a UR-5 Zone to have a Type II Site Plan
Review for the health related facility.
This motion was presented by Mr. Muller and 2nd by Mr.
The vote on the clarification was:
One no vote - Mrs. Goetz
Mr. Behr, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Kelley.
Mr. Muller, Mr. Sicard & Mr. Turner
all voting yes.