Regular Meeting Held: Wednesday, June 15, 1988 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Theodore Turner, Chairman
Gustave Behr
Daniel Griffin
Jeffrey Kelley
Susan Goetz, Secretary
Michael Muller
Charles o. Sicard
Lee York, Sr. Planner
David Hatin: Building & Codes, Zoning Administrator
Mary Jane F. Moeller: Stenographer
R. Case Prime, Counsel
Chairman Turner called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Behr moved approval of the May 18, 1988 minutes.
Seconded by Mrs. Goetz.
Passed Uaaaiaously.
The April 27, 1988 Special Meeting minutes will be discussed at the
July 1988 meeting.
Elainals Beauty Boutique
Mrs. Goetz ~tated that this is for the renovation
dwelling and garage, 51 Aviation Road, UR-5. The
floors, office upstairs and beauty boutique downstairs.
letter to the Board from Blaina Bissell, Owner (on file).
of a single family
garage will be two
Mrs. Goetz read a
Mr. Robert Stewart, Attorney, represented the application and reviewed
the March 1988 presentation to the Board, which was Tabled pending Supreme
Court rUling. For many years, there were restricted covenants, which
prevented use of the site for any purpose other than Urban Residential,
when the Northway was constructed, it cut the parcel in two. Since that
meeting, the New York Supreme Court has issued a finding, which eliminates
the restricted covenants and renders the property available for use as a
Commercial nature, insofar as the Courts are concerned.
The neighborhood is not residential anymore, with the Mobil station,
churches and schools in the nearby vicinity. In addition, on the East is
the Northway, on the South is the Northway ramp, on the West is the Queens-
bury School system, and directly in front is Aviation Road. On the north
side of Aviation going west, the closest residence is .5 miles, on the
south side the mileage is.4 miles. This is not suitable for a private
residence, there will be no change in the neighborhood character. The
site meets all setbacks and there seems to be adequate room, there is a
one-way in and out.
Mr. Stewart verified that Warren County Planning Board approved the
application, and that Mrs. Bissell does not have to return to the Board.
This fact was confirmed by Ms. Lee York, Sr. Planner.
Mr. Ronald Shank, property owner, said that the off-premises sign will
be removed upon sale of the property. Ms. Bissell rents the spot by the
The Board expressed its concern regarding the traffic flow and safety
of vehicles and pedestrians, specifically school traffic. However, Mr.
Shank said he has not had a problem, people slow down when he signals a
turn. Ms. Bissell stated that her boutique hours are at peak when the
schools are either in session or dismissed for the day. The business
hours are 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon, there is a lull until about 3.00 p.m.,
and then the professional clientele come in anytime after 4.30 p.m. and
leave about 6.30 to 7.00 p.m. Ms. Bissell explained that this business
and traffic is not new to the area, but already established down the
street. There will be a maximum of 12 customer/employee cars, there is
extra room for additional parking. The proposed enlargement of the garage
does not get into area violations, the house viII stay the same.
In terms of the reasonable return question, Mr. Shank stated that he
purchased the house about 11 to 12 years ago, and the house has been for
sale through a real estate agency. However, there has been no interest,
basically due to the noise, proximity to the school, gas station, etc.
PUDlic .earing Op8l1ed. Support
Robert Crannell. Manor Homes, representing the Shank's.
perty as
perty, and
Shank's gave Mr. Crannell an open listing on
He had unfavorable response vhen attempting to
residential. There is a ·SLOW· sign when leaving
the speed limit is 25 m.p.h. until 6.00 p.m.
the subject
sell the pro-
the Shank pro-
Opposed. None
Public .earing Closed.
Mr. Kelley moved APPROVAL of Use Variance No. 1288, Elaina's Beauty
Boutique. There has been evidence of necessary hardship, it was zoned
UR-5 residential when the house was built. The Northway was constructed
and rendered it to have a different position than the businesses and
schools surrounding it, therefore, a residential home in the area is out
of place. The property owner has experienced a hardship in that he test-
ified that the house has been for sale and no one has shown interest, the
owner cannot yield a reasonable return as zoned. Rejuvination of the
property and changing the outward appearance of the building would make
the application not detrimental to the area or the ordinance. Approval is
with the stipulation that the applicant be required to go to the Beautifi-
cation Committee and meet any specfic requirements. If and when the pro-
perty is purchased, the off-premises sign will come down.
Seconded by Mr. Sicard.
Passed. 5 Yes (Kelley, Muller, Sicard, Turner, Griffin)
2 No (Goetz, Behr)
Ruth Kouba
Mrs. Goetz stated that the application is to create a lot with no
frontage on a public road at 35 N. Sweet Road, SFR-30. The applicant
proposes to provide a deeded easement to the public road. This Variance
was approved in March 18, 1987. The applicant did not act upon the
Variance within the year time limit, therefore, a new application has to
be made. The applicant is requesting to reinstate the expired, approved
Variance dated March 18, 1987.
Ruth Kouba represented the application. There was concern regard-
width of the road, however, Ms. Kouba stated that it is 50 feet
large enough for emergency vehicles. Ms. Kouba said that her
large home is far back up the road, she wants to sell that home
a smaller home at the base of the driveway. Last Fall she built
going to the larger house. There will be a new road branching
main road, when the smaller house is constructed.
ing the
which is
and build
the road
off of the
Correspondencez Letter from George Kouba requesting the application
be readvertised because he felt were conflicting application statements
(on file). Mrs. Kouba verified that she has had no complaints from her
Mr. Griffin moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1364, Ruth Kouba. The
approval is to reinstate the expired approval of an earlier Variance
pa.sed on March 18, 1987.
Seconded by Mrs. Goetz.
Pa.... Unaat.Gu.ly.
Derek Richardson
Mrs. Goetz read the proposal for a garden shed 12 ft. x 12 ft. at 29
Twicwood Lane, SFR-30. The slab has been poured and the walls are
framed. The applicant did not realize he needed a variance or a building
permit. The shed is set back 4 feet from the north property line, in lieu
of the required 15 ft.
Mr. Richardson represented the application and verified that he
directed the contractor to set the shed in the present position. He
stated that he reduced the size of the shed to 10 ft. x 12 ft, it is on
the same slab and 4 feet from the line. Mr. Behr remarked that a good
deal of the neighborhood has excessive material in their yards, including
a neighbor whose shed is on the property line. Mr. Richardson said the
the closest neighbors do not object to the four-foot variance. The shed
will be 12 feet deep on the east/west side and 10 feet wide on the north/-
south side, and eight feet at the peak instead of 12 feet. Mr. Kelley
suggested that the shed be turned the other way, so as to be a more con-
forming structure. The setback will remain the same.
Pu~lic Rearia, Opeae4, Support.
Marthan Couglin, 27 Twicwood Lane
Mrs. Coughlin stated that she owned the green shed to which Mr. Behr
referred, and she has no objections to Mr. Richardson's shed.
Opposition, none.
Public Rearing Clo..4.
Correspondence, Mrs. Goetz read a letter dated 6/13/88 from Mr. Dana
Bray, 15 Twicwood Lane (on file). After receipt of the letter, Mr. Bray
called Mrs. Goetz and stated that he and Dr. Richardson had discussed the
situation and that there was an agreement that the peak would be 8 feet
instead of 12 twelve feet. He no longer opposes the application, if it
10 feet by 12 feet. Mr. Bray does realize that the slab will not
There was no agreement on the angle of the peak.
Again Mr. Kelley suggested turning the shed and Dr. Richardson said he
did not know what difference that would make. However, Mr. Kelley felt
that what was being discussed is an Area Variance before the Zoning Board
of Appeals, and the requirement is 15 feet. In actuality, the Board could
demand the 15 feet, however, it is trying to get as much relief as pos-
sible as a compromise. Dr. Richardson stated that his shed is directly
behind the Coughlin shed. As Mr. Turner pointed out, the lot is 110 feet
x 200 feet, and there is no need for the shed to be that close to the
line. Again Dr. Richardson argued that he did not see a difference in two
feet one way or the other. After further discussion, Dr. Richardson said
he would abide by the Board's decision, however, he was also trying to
abide by his conversation with Mr. Bray. One of the reasons he situated
the shed on the present site, was to preserve some trees.
Mr. Muller moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1365, Derek
Richardson. The building will be four feet from the property line. This
is to balance the minimum relief necessary with the wishes of Mr. Dana
Bray. A compromise has been worked out with Mr. Bray, as to the place-
ment, height and size of the building. The dimensions are 10 feet north/-
south, 12 feet east/west, and 8 feet in height.
Seconded by Mr. Sicard.
pas..d. 6 Yes (Kelley, Muller, Sicard, Goetz, Griffin, Behr)
1 No (Turner)
George and Virginia Ferris
Mrs. Goetz read the application for the construction of an addition
(approximately 30 feet by 38 feet), 38 Clark Street, SFR-10. The existing
garage will be demolished/removed, and a two-car garage and entrance way
will be constructed. A bedroom will be built above the garage. The
addition will also consist of a small family room (approximately 28 ft. x
14 ft.) located behind the new garage.
Mr. George Ferris represented the project. Mr. Sehr discussed the
stakes along the rail fence adjacent to the Niagara Mohawk property, that
the front stakes were a lot closer to the proposed garage than the back
stakes, although the diagram showed the front to be 7 ft. 8 in. and the
back 2 feet. Mr. Ferris verified those distances and said that when he
purchased the property, he was was not aware that the property line
slanted. The line cants in going from north to southwest, and the stake
is the actual property line. The rail fence is on the Niagara Mohawk
right-of-way, but belongs to Mr. Ferris. The next door neighbor and Mr.
Ferris have a lease to take care of the Niagara Mohawk property. At the
time of the purchase of the house, Mr. Ferris thought the property line
was straight, the house is not square with the road. Coulter & McCormack,
Land Surveyors, did confirm that the property line to be as stated. Be-
cause of this confusion, the original house rendering was directly on the
property line, therefore, a new design had to be made to fit the property,
yet provide a bedroom over the garage. From the road to the west corner
of the proposed addition is approximately 80 feet.
Pu.blic Bearingl no comment.
Correspondence I Warren County Planning Board approved.
Mr. Ferris explained that the reason the proposed addition could not
be situated in the back of the house is because of a septic system has a
double leach field system. Contractors were consulted and they felt that
the present design was the best. The decking will not be removed.
Mr. Behr moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1366, George and Virginia
Ferris. The practical difficulty being the way the house was originally
placed on the lot, which is at an angle. The variance is forI
8 ft. setback
garage) ,
2 ft. setback at
8 ft. setback at
from the front end of the proposed addition (2-car
the back corner of the garage (SE corner),
the back corner of the family room.
Seconded by Mr. Turner.
Passed ...ni~.ly.
Pierre Dumoulin
Mrs. Goetz stated the application
single family home that was destroyed
Road, Glen Lake, SFR-30.
is for the reconstruction of a
by a fire in February 1988, Jay
Mr. John McCormack of Coulter & McCormack, Land Surveyors, represented
the project and stated that the proposed home is a two-story, single
family residence of 1400 feet. The front line setback of 6.7 feet from
the southwest corner of Jay Road is the reason for the Variance. Mr.
Dean, Building Inspector, said the building is to be constructed within
the existing foundation lines and a variance would not be needed. After
the purchase of the property, it was discovered that no Building Permit
had been issued for the additional addition to the original structure.
The new owners felt the property was pre-existing, non-conforming. Jay
Road is the front of the house. The existing septic system will be re-
used, the water comes from the lake.
Public Heariag. Support.
Mr. Richard Crow. Jay Road/Glen Lake.
The proposed plans provide for a much more pleasing site, compliment-
ing the structures of the neighborhood. If his home burned down, he would
hate to think that he would not be able to rebuild with a structure of
similar dimensions.
Ms. Margaret Callahan. Next door neighbor.
No objections to the home being rebuilt. However, she does emphasize
that there be room for parking, the garage was a workshop and the cars
were in the road.
Mr. Turner said that the parking area is 37.4 feet.
Mr. Michael Lyford. Neighbor.
Has no objections.
Opposed. none
Public Heariag Closed.
Correspondence. Warren County Planning Board approved.
Mr. Griffin moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1367, Pierre
Dumoulin. The applicant has proved that the size of the lot is the prac-
tical difficulty, it is pre-existing and non-conforming. The variance is
for a 6.7 feet setback at the southwest corner.
Seconded by Mr. Sicard.
Pass.. UDaRi~u.ly
Stephen K. Matte
Mrs. Goetz stated that, due to a mistake, the builder constructed the
single family dwelling 1 1/2 feet too close to the east side line, Lot 33
on Hidden Hills Drive, SFR-10.
Mr. Earl Matte, Attorney, represented the application, and said the
error was discovered when the house was built (roof, walls, etc.) and
construction was stopped at that point. Apparently the people doing the
cellar and foundation had the plot plan with them but miscalculated. The
right front of the building is 13 1/2 feet from the easterly line, this
was checked by a surveyor. The right rear is 15 ft. 3 inches, the house
is 66 feet wide.
Pu~lic Heariag Op..e.. no comment.
Public Hearial Closed.
Mr. Behr moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1368, Stephen K. Matte.
This is a contractor error, and is a minimal relief of 1.5 feet from the
east side line.
Seconded by Mr. Muller.
pa.sed Uaaat.øusly
Robert Harris Kahan
Mrs. Goetz stated that this is for the construction of a 20 ft. x 22
ft. garage at a 6 to 8 foot setback from Knox Road, Assembly point,
LR-1A. This is in lieu of the required 30 foot setback.
Mr. George Boivin represented the project and said that there are
remains of a former garage. The rear wall of the garage will probably go
in front of the stone wall, the garage is 22 feet, and to the road is six
to eight feet. The house is not used year round, and there is no inten-
tion for that use, as it would be very difficult to winterize. There will
be two small cars in the garage, or maybe storage on one side. The build-
ing will have a peaked roof, no sleeping at the top and no water avail-
able. There might be boat storage in the winter.
Public Heariag. no comment.
Correspondence. Warren County Planning Board approved.
Griffin moved
The practical
APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1369, Robert Harris
difficulty is that the garage could not be placed
anywhere else on the property because of the steep drop off from the road
down to the lake. There is no adverse affect on the neighborhood charac-
ter. The variance is for setbacks of 6 feet on the north and 8 feet on
the south.
Seconded by Mr. Turner.
pass.d Uaa.iaously
Charles E. and Barbara Seeley
Mrs. Goetz stated that the application is for the operation of a
machine shop as an accessory use on the north side of the premises,
adjacent to the Northern Homes Lumber Yard and Show Room, Glenwood Avenue,
approximately 200 feet south of Quaker Road, HC-1S and SFR-10.
Mr. William Nealon, Attorney, represented the application. Mr. Turner
advised Mr. Nealon that the property was never Light Industrial, it has
always been single family residential (Exhibit A). Mr. Nealon said Light
Industrial was not his understanding from the Building Inspector. The
property had been used previously as an enterprise, it was the headquar-
ters and office facilities for the A. C. Warner Lumber Co. which was
merged into Warner Pruyn. When the Seeley's acquired the property, they
had to take down telephone lines and other items relating to the A. C.
Warner business, the residence structure had to be renovated for living
purposes. There is a 300 foot setback from Quaker Road. The subject pro-
perty is wedge-shaped intruding into the 300 foot zone back from Quaker
Road. The existing shop where the welding is located was built in 1979.
The Seeley's went before George Leifus, applied for a building permit and,
at that time, it was indicated for Light Industrial Use. Consequently,
the activities being conducted there today have been going on since 1979,
when the garage was built and before the Zoning Ordinance was adopted.
Mr. Nealon presented pictures to the Board which depicted operations
in the nearby vicinity a parking lots and Builders' Outlet across the
street, to the north is the Sawhorse Parking lot, to the northwest is
Gleaners, in addition to a picture of the residence which has been oper-
ated as such since 1972. The property is screened visually from the west
by a fence. The existing welding shop is within 300 feet from Quaker
Road. According to the new zoning, the commercial enterprises across the
street and those westerly of the Seeley's on the other side of Glenwood
Avenue are circumscribed out as Highway Commercial zone. There is an
existing visual screen in addition to the fence and existing residence,
but also existing garage. The subject property is not in the typical
single family residential zone. Mr. Nealon reiterated that it is import-
ant to note that both he and the applicant relied on statements from the
Building Inspector regarding the property being in a Light Industrial
zone, therefore, this small welding.operation has been in existence since
1979. It is not a noxious, high volume business with comings and goings.
Acetylene is used for the business. The Seeley family relies on this
business as its income, which was started approximately 10 years ago. Mr.
Seeley retired from another full-time position 1 1/2 years ago to continue
this present operation.
Mr. Turner stated that research has proven that the area has always
been single family residential, and the Highway Commercial line ends at
the property line of Northern Homes, this is according to the tax maps.
The Board expressed concern about the number of cars in the area and
preserving the residential character of the neighborhood and not letting
encroachment continue. And, if this is a successful business, it would be
best to move into a business zone. The SFR zone is the most restrictive
zone in town.
Charles Seeley: 49 Glenwood Avenue:
Mr. Seeley said that he has been welding in the area since 1972, and
George Leifus showed him a map that specifically showed that the area is
Light Industrial, and the business has been there since then. The permit
received was for the garage, which is now a barn and is single story. He
further stated that the garage rafters went up immediately, and that he
did work out of the garage which is associated with the residence. Mr.
Nealon insisted that there is a degree of responsibility that can be
spread not only to the Seeley's, but to the Town itself, in that it is not
fair for a citizen to receive incorrect information, rely on that informa-
tion from a Town Officer, proceed with the permit and then be in the posi-
tion in which the Seeley's are in presently.
Mr. Seeley reiterated to Mr. Muller that he first started welding in
the location in 1972 for mostly business purposes. The existing house was
restored to a home after A. C. Warner used it for business purposes, the
existing garage/workshop is where the business was conducted in 1972, the
existing business building is the one closest to the Sawhorse. Today both
buildings are being used for the business, the number of employees are 3
to 4 part-time. He does any type of welding, cars are his hobby. Work is
brought to the site. Mr. Muller pointed out that part of the problem
zoning-wise is that Mr. Seeley has expanded at that location. In 1979 Mr.
Seeley received a permit to build a two-car garage.
Public Hearing Opened: Support: none
Robert Stewart: Attorney
Mr. Stewart's presence is on behalf of Mr./Mrs. Harwood Beatty, owners
of the property immediately to the south. Mr. Stewart presented a request
by various neighbors on Glenwood Avenue to oppose the Variance. Before
the Seeley's bought the property it was owned by Mr. Harold LaRose, who
purchased the property in 1959, sold it to the Seeley's in 1972, and dur-
ing that time the property was single family residential and there was no
business conducted on the property. Mr. LaRose stated that it was his
understanding that, as long as he owned the property, that the boundary
line between the Highway Commercial and Single Family Residential is the
southerly line of Northern Homes. Mr. Stewart stated that Mr. Seeley's
original work in 1972 was a hobby of restoring antique automobiles. He
feels that perhaps in 1979 George Leifus indicated that the Highway Commer-
cial dipped into the property by a few feet, but not that there was a
Light Industrial zone. The application that was granted in 1979 was for a
two-garage, which was legal. From 1979 on the business began to grow,
until now it is a full-time business. Much of the work is done outside
the two buildings, on the lawn in-between, sparks are flying, there is
Mr. Stewart presented to the Board pictures of Mr./Mrs. Beatty's
home. In discussing the zoning in the area, he strongly emphasized that
the Ordinance defines single family residential as being ·strictly pre-
served.· He pointed out that the Seeley's property is being used as a
single family residence, and the problem is that the applicant wants to
put a double use on the property. single family residence and industrial
lot. Industrial is the most aggravated-type variance for which to apply
next to the residential homes. Two Stop Work Orders have been issued by
the Building Department, but the business is still in operation (Exhibits
Judy Strohmeyer. two houses south of Seeley's
review of
1987, she
does not
Strohmeyer stated that in 1978 she felt that a business was being
on the property and called the Zoning Department. After a
the site, the Zoning Department said there was no business. In
called again for another review of the site. Mrs. Strohmeyer
believe that the Seeley's property was zoned other than residen-
Bob Whiting. 37 Glenwood Avenue
Mr. Whiting said that area already has a bus garage, and that Mr.
Seeley's business will lower the value of the property.
Public Hearing Closed.
Mr. Nealon brought out the fact Mr. Beatty operates a very lively real
estate appraisal business out of that property, and there are any number
of cars parked at site. The Seeley's have improved the property and they
have screened any offensive activities.
Correspondence: Warren County Planning Board disapproved; Beautifica-
tion Committee approved with stipulations (Exhibit C). Mrs. Goetz com-
menced reading an unsigned letter from neighbors; however, Mr. Nealon
respectfully requested that it be withdrawn on the grounds that it is
highly improper.
Mr. Muller moved DENIAL of Use Variance No. 1370, Charles E. and
Barbara Seeley. The applicant has not demonstrated hardship in the form
of dollars and cents proof that the property cannot show a reasonable
return as a single family residence, especially since presently the prem-
ises is being used as a single family residence. The Board has not heard
enough to make any bindings regarding a pre-existing use, and is not
grounds for granting a Use Variance. In 1979 and after the renewal, the
Building Permit application indicates that it is to be a two-garage and
workshop; and that it does not indicate any other use. There has been
testimony that the Beatty Real Estate appraisal office is next door in the
Residential zone, if that is so, then Mr. Beatty stands in violation of
the Zoning Ordinance and he should be cited for the violation. If that is
so, it does not enhance Mr. Seeley's application. The Zoning Board of
Appeals has gone on record that it wishes to maintain the single family
residential zone in Glenwood Avenue.
Seconded by Mrs. Goetz.
pas..d Uaaniaously
(p -15-88
Dunham Shoes
Mrs. Goetz read that this is to add one 2.5 ft. x 10 ft. metal panel
below the -Handbag Store- sign at the corner of Routes 9 and 149, HC-15.
This would be for a new tenant.
Mr. Louis Alfonso of Alfie Sign Co. represented the project and stated
that this is a situation where there will be no further requests, because
there is no more property involved. Mr. Turner reminded Mr. Alfonso that,
according to the ordinance, allowable signs are one free standing and one
wall sign for each business, and have to be coordinated as to color, size,
lettering, etc. Mr. Behr questioned if a variance was obtained for the
sign which is five feet from the property line. Mr. Alfonso stated that
he did erect the sign and did receive a permit. Mr. David Grover, Dunham
Shoes, clarified the situation that the approval for the sign came when
plans were submitted for the plot plan. Mr. Grover explained that
presently there is no indication of what stores are in the plaza, until
one gets in front of the building. They hope to get signage for the bus-
inesses to avoid confusion traffic-wise, by people stopping in the middle
of Rte.
does not
9 to turn into the location. Where the sign is located now, it
obstruct anything, the requested sign will be under the present
Mr. Kelley verified that there will be three signs. The building has
been made bigger, there is one common entrance for the shoes and the hand-
bags, and a separate entrance to the south for the new tenant, ·Casual
Male,· all entrances face Route 9. Mr. Grover explained that, Dunham
Bros. being the landlord, negotiated in the lease allowing Factory Handbag
tenant to have as much signage as the Town would allow. As far as Dunham
cutting its sign down in size, it could be done but at great expense. Mr.
Muller suggested that Dunham research the sign rules and regulations, and
perhaps devise a total sign package that would be coordinated with the
rest of the businesses and, at the same time, be legal.
Mr. Turner moved to TABLE Sign Variance No. 1370, Dunham Shoes. A
total plan package is necessary including setbacks, coordinated-color
scheme, sizes of the signs, etc.
Seconded by Mrs. Goetz.
Mr. Grover did state that he understood that he was to call the Build-
ing Inspector's Office to see what the maximum opportunities are.
pas.ed Unanimously
Harley V. Hermance, Jr.
Mrs. Goetz stated that Mr. Behr will chair the meeting for Use Var-
iance No. 1372, as Mr. Turner as a conflict of interest.
Mrs. Goetz read that this is to construct a garage (5,000 +/- square
feet) for storage of trucks, containers and parts on Sanders Road, W.
Glens Falls, LI-1A. Also, to repair trucks and containers on the prem-
ises, owned by H , B Trucking Company.
Mr. Earl Matte, Attorney, represented the application. Mr. Matte
stated he could not find in the Zoning Ordinance where it is necessary for
Mr. Hermance to have a variance, but he guessed it was necessary to come
before the Board to find out 1) if he needs a Variance, if that is true,
2) why, and 3) will the Board grant a Variance. Mr. Hermance's business
has been at least 40 years in existence and is presently located on
Connecticut Avenue, the lot is 90 ft. x 100 ft., less than 1500 square
foot building, there are five trucks plus a pickup, no office .pace, no
maintenance space, there are six employees. The trucks need maintenance
and cleaning, the present area is completely overused. Mr. Hermance has a
Variance for the area, which is Residential.
The proposed land is approximately 2 1/2 acres and, if it is permis-
sible with the proper permits, Mr. Hermance will build a building approx-
imately 50 ft. x 100 ft. containing six bays and an office. One of the
bays will be larger than the rest, because it will allow the mechanical
work on the trucks. There is no intention of doing mechanical work for
trucks other than those designated for H , B Trucking. It is felt that
the appropriate designation for this use should be Light Industrial, it is
a depot or large garage used for storage, maintenance and cleaning with an
office adjoining to run the business. It is not a freight terminal or
warehouse. One of the bays in the building will have the facilities to
hose and clean the trucks. Trash is not stored, except when forced to: 1)
on a Sunday/holiday when restaurants have to be collected and the landfill
is closed, 2) when a truck might break down.
Mr. Matte did note that on the corner of VanDusen and Sanders Roads is
a used car/-junk yard.- Trees will be used for buffering.
Harley Hermance: owner H , B Trucking:
Mr. Hermance said he has been looking for land, basically because he
is in a residential neighborhood and is growing. He further stated that
in the past 5 to 7 years, there have been only two or three incidents
where there have been odors. There have been very few comments from the
neighbors, and they are 100' closer than the neighbors would be at the
proposed site. All the trucks would be kept in the garage, he has not
experience rodents or complaints from the neighbors in this regard. He
does not know what will happen to the old facility. Mr. Hermance said
that he would leave as much of the land buffered with trees as possible.
Hours of operation are approximately 5:00 a.m. and until dusk in the
winter and a little longer in the summer.
A discussion ensued regarding the feelings that there is no specific
area in the Zoning Ordinance that would cover this business. Mr. Matte
emphasized his feelings that -every municipality has to make room for
everything that is necessary to make that municipality function.- If this
Board is going to advise the Building Inspector that a Variance is not
needed and a permit may be issued, then that would solve the problem. If
not, the Zoning Board has to take the responsibility and make a decision.
The Board showed concern about the odor from the trucks emitting out to
the residential neighborhood. Mr. Matte stated that the business is not a
product, it is a service. And, the fact that some refuse may be left in
the trucks, is part of the nature of the service.
Public Hearing Ope.eds Support - none
Robert ClarkI owner of the -Junkyard-
Mr. Clark is in opposition because of the smell and the rats. He
presented pictures to the Board. Contrary to Mr. Hermance's statements,
the neighbors have spoken to the Building Inspector's office, and have
been told that the rats are the neighbors' problems. In July and August,
the smell is very strong. Mr. Clark said one of the H & B drivers has
-backed over- a child on West Mountain Road, the reason for bringing that
point up is because there are many children in the site area. He sub-
mitted a petition of over 25 names of persons.
Richard Phillipsl Sanders Road.
Mr. Phillips presented a petition of everyone who owns property living
on Sanders Road, who are against the project. On the proposed changes,
the entire area will revert to Suburban Residential 1A from Light Indus-
trial. Mr. Phillips questioned if trees will stop the odors. Concern was
shown about hazardous wastes that would be on the site. He also referred
to the Use Variance requirement that proof must be shown that the land can-
not be used/sold as zone. Mr. Phillips contended that the land could be
sold as zoned, because several people including himself have shown inter-
est in the land, just to stop some unfavorable Light Industrial business.
He also felt it was negligent of the neighbors, at the time the area was
changed to Light Industrial, that they did not make sure the area stayed
Residential. Mr. Phillips said that most of the lots in the area are over
one acre, and that the proposed zoning should be taken into consideration.
However, he did agree that Mr. Hermance's application is to be considered
as the zoning is today.
William Nealonl Attorney
On behalf of Mr. Phillips, he contacted Mr. Turner and his attorney,
R. Case Prime, and expressed an interest in acquiring the subject pro-
perty. He feels no proof has been presented as to any hardship. Health
concerns of the neighbors is another issue and relate to the fact that the
area is not sewered, and he does not know if there is any intention for
sewers to go into the area. Whatever is cleaned from the vehicles is go-
ing to go into the ground water, from which the neighbors draw their drink-
ing water. Mr. Phillips said there is Town water, but not too many people
have hooked into it.
Glen GregorYI Luzerne Road, W. Glens Palls
Mr. Gregory is opposed because 1) it will be rezoned in the very near
future as Residential, 2) he prefers to use well water because it tastes
better than the Town, no chlorine, etc., 3) the trash sitting in the gar-
age will create a hazardous smell. One neighbor at the present location
has had maggots.
Robert Sandersl Sanders Road
Mr. Sanders opposed the project because of health concerns for his
family and neighbors. He stated that he feels that the Board does not
care for the health of others. Mr. Sicard did not agree with his state-
ment, and that the Board is concerned about the residents' concerns and,
if there were an alternative, it would be taken into consideration. Find-
ing appropriate sites for this type of business is a common problem. Mr.
Sanders felt there should be a town comaittee to work on the trash plan.
Marilyn Gregory. Luzerne Road
Mrs. Gregory said she has lived in the area for 25 years and it was
not Light Industrial at that time. (Light Industrial zoning was effective
1982.) Most residents had lived there prior to 1982, perhaps with the
exception of a junk yard.
Since finding appropriate sites for the sanitary business is such a
problem, Mr. Gregory suggested that a portion of the landfill be set aside
for the trucks. Presently, the land is wasted because no buildings can be
Mr. Hermance advised the Board that parking the trucks is a problem.
Some outfits have trucks parked at houses, others have a spot for the
trucks. Mr. Heraance states that his present location is unsightly, be-
cause he has no room for the trucks, parts, etc. He is trying to locate a
spot on which to put a building, the Town is growing, his business will
continue to grow, and he has lost business because he cannot handle new
customers in the way they should be served.
Regarding the
has specialists
plan for the waste water, Mr. Hermance stated that he
who will put the business on an up-to-date disposal
PUblic .eeting Closed.
Mr. Matte asked the Board, as part of its deteraination, render a
decision whether or not the use that has been described is a Light
Industrial use. Mrs. York suggested that the applicant apply for an
Interpretation, because in the current Ordinance categories such as
freight terainals or warehousing are not defined. The Zoning Board has to
make a deteraination as to whether the applicant's business fits into the
categories that do come into the Light Industrial zone.
Although the Board has the right to render decisions on Interpreta-
tions, a formal request must be made and public notice is issued, and the
public has a right to be heard. Mr. Matte made a request that the appli-
cation be TABLED until the July 20 meeting, to give the applicant time to
ask for an Interpretation.
Mr. Muller requested that the Board have opinion of Counsel to help
them interpret the application, in Mr. Heraance having counsel. Mrs. York
said that she will request that Paul Dusek, Town Attorney, be contacted
regarding the Interpretation.
Mr. Sicard moved to TABLE Use Variance Mo. 1372, Harley V. Hermance,
Jr. until the July 1988 meeting. The purpose of the request is so that an
Application for an Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance can be filed, to
determine whether the proposed use is considered a Light Industrial use
and not need a Variance.
Seconded by Mrs. Goetz.
Pa.... Yes 6 (Kelley, Muller, Sicard, Goetz, Griffin, Behr)
Abstain 1 (Turner)
USE VARUlICE 110. 1373
The Langan Group
Mrs. Goetz stated this is for the construction of a sales and service
facility, Langan Motors, on the south side of Quaker Road, PC-1.
Mr. Thomas Rydzy of Richard B. Jones Assoc., represented the project
and clarified the location of the site. It is on Quaker Road, approxi-
mately 600 feet west of Dix Avenue intersection. There is some area which
is fill, there are not three curb cuts, as the middle one has been elimin-
ated, the Beautification Committee recommended trees and shrubbery, there
are provisions, such as ramps, for handicapped persons. Mr. Turner ad-
vised that the new zoning will be Highway Commercial, this particular
business will be permissible.
hblic: lleariD, Ope.acla no comment.
h1Dlic llead.., Clo....
Warren County Planning Board .aid to see Site Plan Revision regarding
the eliminated curb cut. Beautification Committee approved (Exhibit C).
Mr. Behr moved APPROVAL of Use Variance Mo. 1373, The Langan Group.
proposed zoning in the Town of Queensbury is for Highway Commercial
The use is consistent with what has been allowed there. The appli-
will abide by the Beautification Committee recommendations, and to
elimination of one curb cut as recommended by the Warren County Plan-
Seconded by Mr. Kelley.
Pa.... V_ÚIØ1I.ly
Edward and Betty Sandsmark
Mrs. Goetz stated this is to demolish the existing dwelling and to
rebuild a single family dwelling on Brayton Road, Assembly Point, RR-3A.
The lot is a pre-existing, non-conforming lot. The non-conforming set-
backs will be improved. The existing dwelling is old and cannot be
Mr. Gene Christian, Professional Engineer, represented the applica-
tion, and stated he was retained to ascertain the value and condition of
the house in Harris Bay. There is an existing house and shed there today,
the house is in a terrible state of condition, footings are inadequate,
World War II vintage structure, floors are under rot condition, the foot-
ings for the fireplace are inadequate, and has started to go. Mr.
Christian advised the Sandsmarks to raise the house and rebuild. The new
building would be minimal in size, have one bedroom edifice, and the
setbacks diminish what was there, in one case meet (lŒ corner) the
setback. The reason for the Variance is the addition of corners onto the
new structure at the lakeside and backside of the house, which do not
follow the original footprint. In every case, the new building is the
same as the outside, existing dimensions of the old house. Therefore,
there will be a 818 square foot house, which stays in the inside of the
outside footprint. There will be off-site sewerage disposal.
P.blic Bearing OpeDed. Support 1 none
Opposed 1
Robert Walden 1 neighbor next door.
Mr. Walden has lived in the area for 24 years, and stated that he is
angry that Mr./Mrs. Sandsmark had never explained their plans, they are
not present this evening. Mr. Walden does not understand why the new
owner cannot use the old footprint for the new building. The square foot-
age of the existing building is livable. 483 square feet, open porch of
169 square feet. The proposed house is a very delicate-looking house from
the lake, and the property in the cove is important to the entire look of
all the neighbors, any box-type of residence constructed would depreciate
the entire look of the properties. He feels that the application should
be denied based on the aesthetics of the area.
Mr. Christian showed the neighbors a diagram of the house. The plans
are for a single-bedroom cottage, gable front with semi-circular window in
the upstairs, the upstairs will be unoccupied (attic area, no loft), the
back will be simple, the sides will be well-window, awning-type windows on
both sides of the picture window. It does shrink back (in feet) the
proximity to the neighbors' properties, to the lake and to the roadway.
Mr. Walden felt that the house will be too dominant for the property, the
existing shed is ugly, the house will be much higher.
Architectural facts on the house are, roof pitch will be 7/16, the
gable will be 12/12 pitch, conventional 8 foot ceiling with a 12/12 pitch,
there will be six feet of loft above the single story. The actual height
of the ridge from the bottom of the first floor will be 16 feet. That is
not higher then what is there presently.
Thomas Nesbitt, Grandson of the builder
Mr. Nesbitt agreed with Mr. Christian that the house does need to be
replaced, at least repaired to the point where it is habitable. His con-
cern is that the character of the neighborhood be maintained in the aesthe-
tics, as one of the long-standing landmarks is the subject camp. He
offered corrections, the present building is 12 feet high, and it is on
stilts (post), he suggests that a condition be put on a Variance approval
to prohibit an increase in height, and a surveyor verify the dimensions of
the lot.
Mr. Christian stated that VanDusen and Steves were retained to survey
the property. To answer Mr. Walden regarding the applicants not being in
attendance, they live in Monroe NY and have retained Mr. Christian to re-
present them. It was not possible for Mr. Walden to attend the meeting
and return for work in the morning.
Public .eariag Close..
Correspondence, Warren County Planning Board approved.
Mr. Muller moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1374, Edward and Betty
Sandsmark. The applicant has demonstrated practical difficulty by showing
that an undersized lot that pre-exists, no contiguous parcel owned by the
same owner. Mr. Christian, Professional Bngineer, has proposed the follow-
ing, 1) the side setback on the westerly side will be 10 feet, and the
side setback from the easterly side will be 24 feet. Setbacks from the
lake will be,
Northwest, 19 feet from the
Southwest, 25 feet from
front of house)
Northeast, 19 feet from the
shoreline of Lake George
the shoreline of Lake George (center of the
shoreline of Lake George.
This would allow a footprint of a single family residence of 33 feet x
26 feet, which is the minimum relief necessary to allow construction of a
dwelling on that lot.
Seconded by Mr. Sicard
P..... VaaniM..ly
Mobil Oil Corporation
corner of
asking for
No. 1139.
Goetz read the application to maintain the ladder design at the
Routes 9 and 254 (Aviation Road), PC-1A. The applicant is
a change from the Variance approval of 9/25/86, Sign Variance
Mr. John Carusone, Attorney, represented the application. He stated
that, in 9/86 when the Variance was granted, the Board allowed Mobil to
have two free-standing signs and one Mobil sign to remain. Mobil became
confused because they thought they would still be allowed to have the
signs that the law would otherwise allow, they thought that the Mobil wall
sign would be allowed and would therefore have allowed them one additional
wall sign, because they are on a corner. They have Variances for two free-
standing signs, and therefore thought they would be allowed one free-
standing sign that the law allowed. There was additional confusion which
existed on the other signs that they were asked to remove, and a question
of three other Mobil stations in the community. Mr. Carusone said he, Mr.
Eddy, Mr. Richardson and Ms. Romano from Mobil, went to all the Mobil sta-
tions in the community and noted what had to be dODe.
Mr. Carusone does not recollect that the free-standing sign before the
Board was requested to be removed. Unfortunately Mr. Eddy's letter con-
cerning the signs was directed to the File instead of Mr. Carusone. This
created a time lapse of approximately 13 mODths. He clarified that the
reason for the sign is to advertise the Mini Mart, it tells people what is
for sale inside, what is on sale, what the specials are, it is a snap-lock
PaÞlic Beari.'1 no comment
PuÞlic Bear1a, Closed
CorrespondeDcel Warren County Planning Board took no action (5 Op-
posed the action, one was in favor, 6 are needed for action). Mr. Eddy of
the Beautification Committee recQ8mended disapproval (Exhibit E).
Mr. Turner moved to DENY Sign Variance No. 1375, Mobil Oil Corpor-
ation. There is adequate advertising at the site, as requested by Vari-
ance No. 1139, September 1986. This represents a total increase in the
size of the ladder that was there before and previously denied.
Seconded by Mr. Kelley.
P..... 6 Yes (Kelley, Sicard, Turner, Goetz, Griffin, Bear)
1 Abstain (Muller)
SIGII VUIAllCB øo. 1176
Inside Edge
Tom Jacobs
Sign Variance No. 1376, Inside Edge, vas TABLED for one month at the
request of the applicant (Exhibit P).
1J1a:f~ /*'~
Minutes vere transcribed by Mary Jane P. Moeller, Stenographer.
~~"l "
No. 7274
PERMISSION is hereby granted to Charles and Barbara Seeley
OWNER of property located at
49 Glenwood Avenue
Street~ Road ~r Ave.
in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Two-Car Detached Garage.
at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and
approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance.
1. OWNER'S Address is I .
49 Glenwood Avenue
Glens Falls, New York
Same ,
5. ARCHITECT'S Address
6. TYPE of Construction - (Plu" indicat. by XI
( XWood Fr.m. I I Masonry ( ) St.1I I I
7. PLANS and Specifications Renewal of buildinq.perm1t for 2S'x40'
No. two-car detached qaraqe. Original permit '6205,
issued 12-3-79.
8. Proposed Use
'1'wo-Car Detached Garage
, .
~ .,.~. ...
$ 10.. 00
November 1
(If. longer p.riod is r.qulr.d an application for an .xt.nsion must be mad. to the Buildin and Zoning inspector of the
town of Q.i'lInsbury blfor. the .xpiration dati.) .
Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 14th
,- ~.. "f"'~., .,
. .' . \
.. \, .-Þ }
Day of
,." .-¡ ''':" / I-
i .i ,.""'\ /,. . . rf , .
-Build¡,\¡¡ and ZoninlnspeClor
for the Town of Queensbury
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Jown 0/ Queenjbut'1j
TELEPHONE: (518) 792-5832
April 29, 1988
{-VI sj
Mr. Charles Seeley
49 Glenwood Ave.
Queensbury, N.Y. 12801
RE: Tax Map No. 105-1-37
Dear Mr. Seeley;
This department has received several complaints concerning a
business being operated from your location at 49 Glenwood Ave. This
property is located in a SFR-I0 Zone (Residential Zone).
In the original Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, dated 1967,
this property was zoned as a Residential Zone. Thus, any business
that has b~en conducted from this location since 1967, was not legal.
On February 11, 1986 you were sent an "Order to Remedy" Violation
Notice covering this same complaint.
We arc, therefore, directing that you remove all equipment; remove
all appurtenances connected with the business from this location. You
will be allowed thirty (30) days to accomplish this. Failure to comply
could rcsult in c~urt action by this departm~nt.
YOur/flY, /' /'
Bert Martin
Code Enforcement Officer
cc: Steve BQrgos, Supervisor
Mack Dean. Zoning & Bldg. Codes Administråtor
W. ßodcnweiser. Fire Marshal
Ron Montesi, Councilman
Jo~n 01 Queen:Jburr¡
.....-.-.-.-.. ---.--..- .
TELEPHONE: (518) 792-5832
April 28. 1988
Mr. Charles Seeley
49 Glenwood Ave.
Queensbury, N.Y. 12801
RE: Tax Map No. 105-1-37
Dear Mr. Seeley:
This department has received several complaints concerning an
<¡wte ~r1 i. Iht:l,. being run at your 49 Glenwood Ave. location.
~. ~ ,ú/Ar()
Since this is located within a SFR-10 zone. conducting a business
from this location is illegal. We ask that you cease your operation
at once. Further inspections will be conducted to assure compliance.
Bert Martin
Code Enforcement Officer
cc: Mack Dean, Zoning & Building Codes Administrator
Robert L. Eddy, Chairman Mrs. Arthur J. Seney, Secretary
11 Owen Avenue 8 Queensbury Avenue
"Queensbury, N. Y. 12801 Queensbury, N. Y. 12801
To I (x) Warren County Planning Board . Date I 6/3/88/
( ) Quee,nsbury ToW11 P.lanning Board
(x) Queensbury Town Zoning Board of Appeals
ex) Applicant
-...-/ '
Rei Variance #1370 - Charles and Barbara Seelye
49 Glenwöod Avenue
We have reviewed the request fori (x) Variance, ( ) Site Plan Review,
( ) Other - and have the following recommendations I
(x) Approval ( ) Disapproval
A machine shop is being operated at this location in a large
garage near the property line with Northern Homes, about 80 feet
from the residence and real estate ,office of the neighbors to the
south. The building is only 12 feet from the adjoining property
to the east zoned as residential. This 12 feet is wooded and will
remain as is. ' If the business grows much more, it will be necessary
to seek a new lQcation.
An eight foot fence screens off view from the neighbors to the
south and their garage.
Mrs. Seeyle informed the Committee that sculpture spruce will
be installed in front of the house and plantings will be installed
in front of the garage (machine shop).
In addition to the above landscaping, screening and planting provisions,
the Committee wishes to go on record that it does 'not approve I
1. Non-conforming signs,
2. Plastic or artificial trees, shrubs or flowers.
In approving the above (or attached plans), the Committee has the expressed
or implied agreement of the applicant to replace immediately dead trees,
shrubs or plants, and to give proper maintenance to all plantings. All
rubbish containers or dumpsters shall be screened, all plantings shall be
mulched and trees shall be retained'or planted, as agreed.
Robert L. Eddy, Chairman
17 Owen Avenue
"Queensbury, N. Y. 12801
(x> Warren County Planning Board
(~ Queensbury Town Planning Board
(>ð Queensbury Town Zoning Board of Appeals
( >ð Applicant
Mrs. Arthur J. Seney. Secretary
8 Queensbury Avenue
Queensbury, N. Y. 12801
, Da te I
Re. Site Plan #25-88 & Variance #1373
The Langan Group
Quaker Road
We have reviewed the request for. Oc) Variance, (x) 5i te Plan Review,
( ) Other - and have the following recommendations.
( ~ Approval ( ) Disapproval
The building and grounds follow specifications of Mazda Cars.
The foundation plantings consist of Sargent's Junipers and
Green area is 33%.
There will be 188 parking spaces, sufficently divided to
conform to Section 7.071 (c) of Queensbury's Zoning Ordinance.
MUlching with either fiber-glass mat and/or shredded wood
tailings was agreed upon.
The Committee was concerned that the proposed grass behind the
upper right section of the building would turn into a storage area
for junk cars, but we wére assured that either Langan Group or Mazda
inspections would not allow this or other storage of junk cars on
the premises~ This problem exists ~t, other car dealerships and
repair garages in-Town and The Beautification Committee is concerned
with this problem.
The representative of R. E. Jones Associates was urged to ask
the applicant to plant low growing shrubs or evergreens in the
grassed area between the road and the front parking areas.
This area is lacking in trees, but this was not insisted upon.
In addition to the above landscaping, screening and planting provisions.
the Committee wishes to go on record that it does not approve.
1. Non-conforming signs.
2. Plastic or artificial trees, shrubs or flowers.
In approving the above (or attached plans), the Committee has the expressed
or implied agreement of the applicant to replace immediately dead trees.
shrubs or plants. and to give proper maintenance to all plantings. All
,- rubbish containers or dumpsters shäll be screened, all plantings shall be
mulched and trees shall be retained or planted, as agreed.
c:;:ec U11 r):~i.
"Robert L. Eddy, Chai
F~fIr- n-O
HLII "'" ::I"¡i~¡., Y
, ~ LìJ.jr,
Zoning Board of Appeals
Re: Sign Variance #1375
Mobil Oil
This sign variance should be denied
Mobil Oil has not proven they are a
cooperative corporate citizen. Their
canopy sign was taken down only recently
as disapproved under sign variance #1139
on September 25, 1986, and then,
obviously, to obtain this variance.
This ladder sign was to have been
removed at that time and still remains in
place. The sign is not needed, as there
is plenty of evidence of the products for
Signs at other locations do not
conform ,to Queensbury's Sign Ordinance
and there is no evidence Mobil Oil
intends to conform.
Non-conforming signs were placed on
this property without permits and the
Zoning Board granted non-conforming set
backs where Mobil Oil could just as well
have placed conforming signs with proper
permits. Variances can not be justified,
just because the signs are in place.
Please deny this application.
r,LE COpy
624 Glen StreBt · Glens Falls, NBw York 12801 · (518) 793-5676
June 8, 1988
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Mr. Ted Turner, Chairman
Town Planning Board
Town of Queensbury
Town Offices
Bay & Haviland Roads
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Dear Mr. Turner,
The Inside Edge Ski and Bike shop would like to request
that the Queensbury Board of Appeals table our sign variance
application for one month. I apologize that I must be out
of town on business.
On Monday, June 6th, 1988, the Warren County Planning
Baord moved for no decision on my request for a sign variance.
I hope thab you can find my request a legitimate and honest
request. I understand that asking for a 'table' has been
abused, However, I can assure you that this request is done
with the best intentions.
Thank you for your consideration.
I!L~ Gates .
cc: Tom Jacobs