1988-07-27 SP
SPECIAL Meeting Wed~esday, July 27, 1988 at 7130 p.m.
Present I Theodore Turner, Chairman
Gustave Behr
Daniel Griffin
Susan Goetz, Secretary
Jeffrey Kelley
Paul Dusek, Counsel
Daniel Ling, Asst. Planner
Mary Jane F. Moeller, Stenographer
Absent I
Michael Muller
Charles o. Sicard
Mr. Turner called the meeting to order at 7130 p.m. and announced that
Use Variance No. 1385, Clark's Used Auto Parts, is TABLED per the request
of Garfield P. Raymond, Esq., pending receipt of relevant documentation
from Niagara Mohawk Corporatio]o.
Champlain Oil Company
The proposal is for a cant:)py over the existing pump islands on Route 9
Mr. Anthony Cairns repr,asented the project, and verified that there
are two islands, 26 ft. x 50 ft., to which there will be no changes made.
There are two signs I 1) 3 ft. x 3 ft. free-standing sign, which is
pre-manufactured and lighted from the interior, and 2) a Colonial Mart
sign on the building. Wh,an the road was widened, five feet were taken
from the property. If the clorrect setback of 20 ft. is taken, the canopy
would be placed in such a manner that customers would not be able to
remain dry in inclement weather. The canopy is intended to cover 10 feet,
6 ft. for a car and 2 ft. on ,either side for customer movement. Pumps can
be approached from either side.
Mr. Cairns explained that the primary reason for the canopy is competi-
tion. During rain, snow, e·tc. customers will make their purchases else-
where, and this has caused a hardship. The end of the canopy would be
where the concrete ends. The ¡pumps are pre-existing to the present owner.
Public Bearing I no comment
Correspondence. Warren County modified the request by recommending a
20 foot front setback.
Mr. Behr moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1383, Champlain Oil
Company, in that there is no new setback distance established for the re-
quest for the canopy, because the pump structure is already at that dis-
tance. There is no other effect on the area. Signage will conform with
the Queens bury Sign Ordinance.
Seconded by Mr. Griffin.
Passed Unanimously
The Design Function
Edward F. Ostberg
The proposal is for a second story addition and attached garage at 4
Connecticut Avenue, UR-S.
Mr. Edward Ostberg represented the project and explained to Mr. Behr
that there is a three-story addition on the back of the building. When
the second story on the front is built, the same roof line will be con-
tinued to the back and the third story will be removed. The plan is to
provide four employee parking spaces on the property, no special allowance
is made for customers, because most of the business is conducted by tele-
phone and a FAX machine. There is a septic system on-site. Mr. Ostberg
explained a correction to the submitted drawing, the septic system is in
front of the house, but the contractor stated that some of the leach pipes
go to the back of the property, under the proposed garage. The septic
system will not be under a paved driveway.
Design Function is an
of in-house production,
advertising agency and conduct a minimum
such as silk screening, logos, signs for
Mr. Turner explained that the septic system is in violation of the
Sanitary Ordinance, as it cannot be in the driveway and no traffic can be
driven over the area. The concrete septic tank is pre-existing. Mr.
Ostberg said that the garage will be used for storage of equipment and be
used as a shop. No trucks will be stored in the facility, however,
vehicles would be driving over the septic system. The reason that applica-
tion requests construction for a garage is because a large door opening is
needed, in order to move large signs in and out.
Town water is supplied to the facility. Requested changes from the
first Variance have been made. Mr. Ostberg explained that, when the com-
pany moved into the location, there was no heat, water, or any other
improvements. There was a discussion regarding growth of the business and
Mr. Ostberg said that moving to another location is presently a financial
impossibility, he verified that there is no more room for growth with this
building and does not anticipate requesting another Variance at this
Public Hearing.
Barbara Campbell. next door neighbor.
Ms. Campbell felt the site would be an improvement, if it is completed
as per the design. She had questions regarding the septic tank and the
timetable for the project. Mr. Ostberg said his plans would be to make
the alterations as quickly as possible, because his business is in opera-
tion. The contractor indicated a month to six weeks.
value of
tion to
Ostberg indicated that the proposed changes would make the resale
the property higher, and also improve the house. He has an op-
purchase the building, which depends on the outcome of this Use
He has been searching for a year to find another suitable loca-
Dexter Campbell. next door neighbor.
Regarding the septic system, Mr. Campbell said the drainage field does
not run per the sketch. There are two drain lines that run west to east
toward Skellie's" there are 75 feet of line and the contractor had to add
150 ft. of drain. One leg of the system would be outside the line of the
garage, and one would be under the garage. The septic tank is about where
it is on the sketch (in line of the driveway). Since no vehicle is per-
mitted to drive over the septic system, Mr. Campbell suggested a curb at
the road edge, grass the area, and then carry the merchandise to the
garage. He agreed that the proposed work per the sketch would be an
improvement, any further development should not take place as the property
is only 60 feet wide. Mr. Ostberg verified there would be no living
Regarding parking, Mr. Turner advised that, if the business is
commercial, six parking spaces would be needed. There is 4000 square feet
in the building. The front room is 26 x 40 feet and there are two (2),
with a 27 x 16 ft., three-story addition on the back. Designer Function
utilizes two stories of the building.
Mr. Turner summarized that a Variance was granted two years ago to
operate at this location, the hardship was shown. Now the applicant is
asked for expansion of the use. The site has been used for storage by the
owner, Henry Knoblauch, but has not been used as a residence.
Correspondences None
Hr. Griffen moved APPROVAL of Use Variance 1384, The Design Function.
This is an expansion of a pre-existing, nonconforming use. A Use Variance
was previously approved and the hardship was established at that time.
When completed it will improve the appearance of that area. There is no
adverse affect on the neighborhood character. There will be one stipula-
tions the applicant has indicated he would provide a curb to extend the
line of the building, in order to maintain a green area.
Seconded by Mr. Kelley.
Passed unanimously
Joseph Sanzone
The application is to maintain the existing nonconforming shed at 3
White Pine Road, off of Sycamore, SFR-20.
Hr. Joseph Sanzone represented the project and explained that the shed
was installed last year. He was not aware he was in violation, until his
home was re-assessed. The shed is 12 ft. x 16 ft. and will be used for
storage. Hr. Sanzone said he was unaware of the setback requirements.
The 6 ft. fence is not on the property line all the way around, it is 1
1/2 feet inside the line at the location of the building, and 8 feet in on
the other side. There is a concrete floor with wood flooring over the
There was discussion regarding the setback requirements
which is 192 sq. ft.. For a building under 200 square feet,
ment is 20 ft. from the rear line and 15 ft. from the side.
building is 1 1/2 ft. from the rear and 8 ft. from the side.
of the shed,
the require-
The present
PUBlic B~in9's no comment.
Correspondences None.
Hr. Sanzone mentioned that if he has to move the shed, the entire
bottom will have to be destroyed. It cannot be broken up, as there are 2
x 6's are on the outside, and 2 x 4's ~nning above that. The concrete is
all the way under it and into the 2 x 4's. He did not understand why the
shed would have to be put 20 feet inside his property (ies safety?). Mr.
Sanzone said he received calls from six of his neighbors, who stated that
the shed does not bother them.
Public R~ing Re-Openedl
Keith Coel 34 Willow Road
Mr. Coe said that his property line shares that of the applicant and
that the shed does not bother him. The shed is approximately 6'4- to 6'6-
in height, one corner is hidden by trees.
Public R~ing Closedl
Mr. Kelley moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1386, Joseph Sanzone.
The hardship is that the structure is 12 ft. x 16 ft, which is a good
sized building. If he would be forced to move the building 20 ft., it
would be a sizeable task, because of the construction of the floor.
Moving it would ruin the bottom of the structure. It is close to the
property line, but the neighbors do not object.
Seconded by Mr. Turner.
pa.... 4 Yes (Kelley, Turner, Goetz, Griffin)
1 No (Behr)
2 Absent (Muller, Sicard)
Adirondack Animal Hospital
The application is for the expansion of the nonconforming use of the
Adirondack Animal Hospital, 395 Ridge Road, SR-30.
Robert Joy, Architect, and Dr./Mrs. James R. Glendening discussed the
Variance. Mr. Joy reviewed that Dr. Glendening's initial Variance for the
Master Plan, Phase I, was 10 years ago, timing was over a five-year per-
iod. The proposed expansion is similar to Phase I, expanding 10 feet to
the front, sUrgery area to the back, outdoor runs will be enclosed. The
goals are to increase in number and improve the layout of the examining
rooms, Provide a more convenient reception and waiting area, improve
traffic flow on the property, DOT has sent a letter of approval in the
concept and layout. The applicant is seeking five specific items I
1. expansion of a nonconforming use in accordance with Article 9, this is
pre-existing the ordinances,
2. consider apProval of phasing the project, because some areas have to
be built before others, in order for the business to be run on a con-
tinuous basis,
sq. ft.,
from/or interpretation of parking requirements, Article 9,
7.072, closest definition is that this is a professional
but does not meet or need the parking requirements of 1/100
4. request exemption from minimum parking space requirements of 10 x 20
ft., Article 9, Section 7.071,
5. relocation of existing signsl on the building and a free-standing sign
in front that does not meet setback from Ridge Road.
There are no setback or permeability problems. Approval has been
received from Warren County planning Board, NYS Department of Transporta-
tion, appearances will be made at the County and Town planning Boards in
August for site Plan Review.
Dr. Glendening discussed the phasing and mentioned that, although
Phase I was for a five-year period, construction and interest rates slowed
completion. He emphasized that each one of the construction areas is
interrelated, when one part is being built, another area has to be set up
to carry out that particular function. In addition, he wants to stay in
business during the construction period and, with no phasing, this would
be impossible. Therefore, another five-year phasing period is being
requested, and the primary thrust is the front portion.
Mr. Joy clarified the reason for the phasing. In fairness to the com-
munity, the applicant did not want to go back to the neighbors year after
year, without advising them of the long-range plan. For the same reason,
the applicant did not want to constantly have to appear before the Boards.
Business would also not be run smoothly and efficiently, without interrup-
tion to the clients.
concerning employees, Dr. Glendening said there are three doctors and
a practice. There are two examining rooms, the national ratio is at least
one more examining room than there are doctors. Presently, due to space
limitation, clients are seen in the surgery room, x-ray table, outside on
a car, if necessary. The hospital is still functioning with the same Wait-
ing Room, it needs to come up to date.
Mr. Joy explained that none of the mature maples in the front will be
cut down. Nine or ten pine trees on the north will have to come down to
make the driveway. There are a group of four pine trees that are being
incorporated into an island with a patio, at the front entrance, in addi-
tion to relocated and new landscaping on the front.
There was concern about the dip in the road at the driveway entrance.
Mr. Joy explained that there is a drainage swale that runs along Ridge
Road, DOT indicated that that would have to remain. The applicant would
like to lower the dip at the north end, however, in order to determine the
feasibility, a topography map is needed. A culvert was suggested, but the
State would have to agree to it.
Regarding the outdoor runs, Dr. Glendening emphasized the concerns
with animal runs: insect control, ventilation control, seasonal use.
During inclement weather, the runs cannot be washed down and disinfected,
therefore they cannot be used. Two reasons for enclosing the runs are:
1. EarltoVDa projection of noise backwards (away from the neighbors).
Neighbors will be in the back and animal sounds must be contained.
2. Increased Use:
of the year.
Enclosure means the runs can be used for more months
The runs will be totally enclosed, with windows for ventilation.
There are two signs: one on the building and a free-standing wood
sign. The wall sign would stay on the building. The proposal is to
re-locate the free-standing sign by the northern trees, so that it can be
On a regular basis during calling hours, the average number of employ-
ees is about 12 - 15. Hours are approximately 6 am to 10 pm. The work-
force will not change with Phase 11. The reason there are 18 Waiting Room
seats is so that animals are separated, even though the people may be back-
to-back. Mrs. Glendening stated that information received at a recent
veterinary Conference is that the ratio of seats to clients is 4:1. On an
average, there are approximately three to five clients at once in attend-
ance at Adirondack Animal Hospital. It is inadvisable to have too many
animals in the Waiting Room at once, because of unfairness to the clients,
chance of mishandling in the area, and disconcerting noise to the entire
building. Booths are proposed to keep the clients as calm as possible and
to offer privacy, this also would eliminate a middle aisle.
Regarding parking in the low density area, Mr. Joy explained that
presently there is random, unmarked parking. Requirement for parking is
1/100 sq. ft., if the business is to be considered professional and not
commercial. The nearest house to the parking area is approximately 300
ft. away. The proposed parking will be more than what has been removed
(16 spaces). Dr. Glendening emphasized that he does not want parking out
front, because it would disrupt an attractive building and site. If more
spaces are needed, then Staff would be requested to double park in back.
Right now, he feels comfortable with the proposed parking and that the
traffic flow will continue to run smoothly. There is 240 feet in the back
which could be used for parking expansion. If the code is followed, 50
spaces would be needed, proposed are 29 paved spaces on the north side of
the building and a few spaces in back. Mrs. Glendening feels that so much
of the building does not deal with generating parking spaces. All solic-
itors are scheduled and do not arrive during busy hours.
Public Rearinga
George Jameson: 393 Ridge Road
M~. Jameson e~plained he is the closest neighbo~ to the property, and
is in suppo~t of the Va~iance and submitted a lette~ (on file).
pUblic B~iDg Close.a
Co~~espondencea M~. Jameson's letter of suppo~t was ~ead (on file).
Wa~~en County planning Board app~oved.
Mr. Joy noted that, in his 12 years of Practice, he has never done a
10 ft. x 20 ft. pa~king space. He ~efe~~ed to three documents verifying
national standards, the Architectu~al Graphics Standards is conside~ed the
architect's -bible.- The difference between a 10 x 20 ft. space and a 9 x
18 ft. space is 23' in area. Either you get 23' less pa~king in an area,
o~ 23' mOre site area out of green space, both of which he feels is
counte~p~oductive. Another facto~ is there is no cu~bing, there a~e no
obst~uctions and the~e is no head-to-head pa~king. The real hardship in
this case, other than ~educing the cars lengthwise, is that it would cut
into the buffer zone, which is already tight given the fact that the appli-
cant wants to maintain the trees. M~. Joy feels that there is a practical
consideration in conside~ing smaller-sized parking spaces. Mr. Behr
pointed out that one of the documents stated 8 1/2 foot wide spacing, as a
minimum width. The design is based on smalle~ sized ca~s.
M~. Kelley moved APPROVAL of Use Variance No. 1388, Adirondack Animal
Hospital. This is an expansion of a Pre-existing, nonconforming use that
had a Master Plan previously apProved by the Zoning Boa~d of Appeals, July
1978. It seems to be an improvement of the original Master Plan, as to
the f~ont setbacks. In this SFR-30 zone, it would be difficult to make
this site into anything othe~ than what it is now, it does not appear to
be able to be used as a ~esidence. The Use Variance is not detrimental to
the Ordinance, and that the closest neighbo~ approves and likes the
changes. phasing would be ove~ a five-yea~ pe~iod waiving a one-yea~
Previously this Board has made an Inte~~etation that this would be
considered a p~ofessional use. The Board would allow a deviation from the
O~dinance in the parking requi~ements. The parking requi~ements would bea
50 spaces to be requi~ed, 29 will be paved at Present. The~e is suffi-
cient area in the ~ear of the building to p~ovide additional parking, if
needed. The Present signs will be utilized in the new plan. The free-
standing sign, which is p~e-existing and nonconforming, will be re-
located, but will need the same setback va~iance, the setback is noted on
the p~esent sign pe~mit.
Seconded by Mr. Tu~ne~
passed Ðnant.ously
Pete~ Fraser
The Proposal is to const~ct a single family dwelling on the vacant
land, with a 12 ft. setback on each side in lieu of the required 20 ft.
minimum. The location is on Ridge Road, east of Lake George, RR-5A.
Mr. Ling
property, it
ground water
stated to the Board that there are no DEC wetlands on the
is quite a distance away. The PrOpe~ty is very wet and the
level is perhaps one to two feet deep, over most of the
Peter Fraser represented the Project and said he CUrrently does not
own the prope~ty, John Aust is the owner. Mr. Fraser has an option to
buy. The Property is 50 ft. x 150 ft. and a variance is needed for side
setbacks of 20 ft., which are shown as 12 ft. Mr. Fraser said that David
Aust owns the property next doo~, which is vacant, in addition to the
adjoining property on which his residence is situated. There is an arte-
sian well on the land to the west, and the well flows through a stream in
back of the property, which flows south behind the Aust land that joins a
brook. With the fields growing into the stream over the years, Mr. Fraser
feels that a sUrface moisture has been created. If Proper care is taken
in making the stream more effective, a lot of the ground water could be
Mr. Fraser dug test holes and found that there is much sUrface water
accumulating, but not much below. The holes did not really perce Holes
were dug four feet until solid rock was hit, the size being approximately
4 ft. x 6 ft.. Some water did seep aCross the bedrock, but not much. In
the location of the proposed house another hole was dug, and there was
minimal water noticed on top of the bedrock and a lot less on the sUrface.
There is a rock ledge, where the mountain comes down.
Public H~in9' Opened.
David Aust. owner of properties to the south.
M~. Aust mentioned that he owns the vacant lot next door, which is the
same size as the proposed lot, and a 100 ft. x 150 ft. lot where his
residence is. There is all bedrock in the area and, as far as the water
table is conce~ned, he did verify the stream which M~. Fraser previously
discussed. The stream ~ns all year long. Mr. Aust is in favor of the
application and has no problem with the 12 ft. setback. He has never had
a Problem with his septic system, which was pre-existing to his occupancy,
he has owned the house ten years. The well is a drilled well through the
rock, 64 ft. down with 42 ft. of water all the time, there have never been
water Or septic problems. The road height is higher than 150 feet back
from the
in the
road, when the water comes off the mountain, it tends to back up
fields instead of flowing to the ~ainage ditches at the road
M:t;7. Aust
the:t;7efore, he
lot next doo:t;7.
stated his long-range plans are to combine his two lots,
would not conside:t;7 selling to Mr. Fraser the 50 ft. vacant
All of the lots along the :t;7oad a:t;7e na:t;7row.
Mr. Kelley exp:t;7essed concern about the size of the lot and the 12 ft.
setback on each side, when conside:t;7ing the floor plan for the house. Mr.
Fraser explain that he would like a three bedroom house, but the layout
will be contingent upon what the septic approval would be. There are so
many feet of leach/bedroom and there may be necessity of a septic var-
iance. The Building Department has to inspect the site. Mr. Fraser did
confi:t;7m that it would not be feasible to build a ga:t;7age, and there would
not be one in the future. Buying the lot is contingent upon the outcome
of this Va:t;7iance and the decision of the Building Department.
P\lbllc He8J;.'ingl no comment.
Co:t;7respondencel Warren County planning Board approved. Mrs. Goetz
read a letter from Mr. Robert Schultz, neighbor, stating no objections to
the 12 ft. setback, but he did express concern about the sUrface water and
waste wate:t;7 (Exhibit A).
Mr. Griffin moved APPROVAL of Area Variance No. 1389, Peter Fraser.
The applicant has demonstrated practical difficulty in that the lot is 50
feet wide, and he is asked for an 8 ft. relief of a 12 ft. setback. This
is a pre-existing vacant lot of record. There will be no adverse affect
on pUblic facilities, and there is no feasible alternative.
Seconded by Mr. Kelley.
pa.sed Unanimou.ly
DU:t;7ing the meeting, Mr. Behr expressed his conce:t;7n about not being
able to locate sites to be inspected. Mr. Griffin expressed the same
concern and asked if the applications could be better ma:t;7ked, perhaps with
a map, neighbors' names, street signs, intersections, distances, etc.
Mr. Ling said he is cognizant of the situation and will take steps to
improve directions.
M~. Turne~ adjou~ned the meeting at 9&45 p.m.
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