USê Variancê No. 12-1990 David E. Williams l.
USê Variancê No. 13-1990 J. Paul Barton 4.
dlbla Docksidêr Rê S t.
Arêa Variancê No. 14-1990 J. Paul Barton 13.
dlbla Docksidêr Rê S t.
USê Variancê No. 15-1990 E & T O'Connor Constr. 14.
Arêa Variancê No. 16-1990 E & T O'Connor Constr. 16.
Arêa Variancê No. 17-1990 Tiêrnan, Bêrnstêin, and 17.
7:30 PM
January l7th, 1990: Page 21, Variance 2-1990, down on the bottom where Mr. Mathias
is talking, sib Collector Streets; Page 24, same Variance, middle of page, where
Mrs. Collard states, you didn't get six lots, you got site plan approval to build
sib two buildings; Page 26, same Variance, third paragraph from the bottom, where
Mr. Bean is speaking, first sentence at the top sib a bird sanctuary; Page 31,
Variance 3-1990, at the bottom of the page where Mr. Jordan's is talking, next
to the last sentence sib building; Page 32, same Variance, middle of page, Mr.
Kelley's speaking, sib Ramsco; Page 33, same Variance, middle of page where Mr.
Turner's speaking, sib Henry Sleight; Page 37, Variance 4-l990, sixth sentence
down, Mr. Chase speaking, sib change of plans; Page 46, Variance 5-l990, top of
the page, Mr. Turner's speaking, sib 25 feet, not 20 feet; Page 47, Area Variance
6-1990, second paragraph down, Mrs. Goetz's is speaking, sib carport, not carpool;
Page 53, Variance 7-1990, middle of page, Mr. McMorris speaking, sib land
assessment stayed the same, not stated the same; Page 8, middle of the page, Mrs.
Goetz's speaking, sib for the holding tank, not in the holding tank; Page 9, bottom
paragraph, Miss Weber speaking, Catskill, sib Katskil1; Page 12, towards the bottom
of the page, fourth paragraph up, Mrs. Goetz's speaking, septic to sib inserted
after where was the lot that they said they were going to pump the; Page 36, Jake
Dugree sib Jake Doughrey; Page 42, halfway down, Mrs. Goetz is speaking, sib Nigro,
not Nigral; Page 11, John Matthews speaking, ninth line down, folks sib Foulks
(peoples name)
17TH, 1990: Introduced by Charles Sicard who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Susan Goetz:
Duly adopted this 28th day of February, 1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr, Mr. Turner
ABSENT: Mrs. Eggleston
MR. WILLIAMS-Stated I believe you said 3 acres here down here.
6.85 acres.
I really have
MRS. GOETZ-Stat~d ok, right, you hav~ 6.85 acr~s, but th~ zoning is rural
r~sid~ntial 3 acr~s.
MR. WILLIAMS-Stat~d y~s, w~ did purchas~ this property as comm~rcia1 prop~rty
to mov~ our busin~ss on to and w~ had a lot of straight~ning up to do with th~
prop~rty wh~n w~ first got it and, th~r~for~, w~ could not put our building up
for our busin~ss, right away. Wh~n w~ did g~t r~ady to put this building up,
w~ found that it had b~~n chang~d to r~sid~ntia1.
MR. TURNER-Ask~d, wh~n did you purchas~ th~ prop~rty?
MR. WILLIAMS-Stat~d it will b~ thr~~ y~ars ago, May 1st. Th~ building is going
to, hop~ful1y, b~ put 75 f~~t back into th~ tr~~s, mor~ or l~ss, so w~ can s~~
th~. . up front. W~ hop~ to k~~p th~ charact~r of that corn~r looking as it is,
mor~ or l~ss. Th~r~' s no high vo1um~ of traffic. Our busin~ss is out on th~
road. W~ hav~ good acc~ss to th~ highway. Oth~r than that, I don't know what
~ls~ you'd lik~ to h~ar.
MR. TURNER-Stat~d wh~n you purchas~d th~ prop~rty in '87, that was highway
comm~rcia1, but th~ usag~ you hav~ th~r~ wasn' t al10w~d und~r highway comm~rcia1
to start with. I look~d through th~ old book, right h~r~, ...th~ us~s in highway
comm~rcial and that's not a list~d p~rmitt~d us~ in a highway comm~rcia1 zon~.
So what you'r~ proposing tonight is a light industrial us~ in a rural r~sid~ntial,
3 acr~ zon~. You'v~ got to prov~ that you can't r~aliz~ a r~asonab1~ r~turn on
th~ prop~rty as zon~d or for any p~rmitt~d us~ in that zon~.
MR. WILLIAMS-Stat~d w~ll, th~ zon~s I don't fully und~rstand, th~ light comm~rcia1
and what not. Lik~ I say, th~r~'s no busin~ss to b~ conduct~d, so to sp~ak, on
th~ prop~rty. It's th~ typ~ of busin~ss that work is down away from th~ prop~rty.
MR. TURNER-Stat~d y~s, but what you'r~ proposing is a light industrial application.
MR. WILLIAMS-Stat~d y~s.
MR. TURNER-Stat~d and that's not allow~d. Und~r highway comm~rcia1, th~ p~rmitt~d
us~ b~for~ was fast food r~staurants, din~rs, and bars, plac~s of public ass~mb1y,
prof~ssional offic~s, offic~ buildings, gr~~nhous~s, social clubs, mot~ls and
hot~ls, fir~ stations. Typ~ II was public garag~s and gas stations, driv~ in
th~at~rs, amus~m~nt c~nt~rs, golf driving rang~s, miniatur~ golf cours~s, r~cr~ation
faci1iti~s, prof~ssiona1 offic~ buildings ov~r 5 units, dw~lling units in
combination with p~rmitt~d us~s op~rat~d by th~ r~sid~nts and..trav~l trail~r
parks, offic~ buildings ov~r 5 units, hospitals, nursing hom~s, and h~a1th r~lat~d
faciliti~s, day car~ c~nt~rs, auto r~pair shops, auto sa1~s and s~rvic~, boat
storag~, r~pair, and sa1~s, farm and construction ~quipm~nt sa1~s and s~rvic~,
mobil~ hom~ sa1~s, that's what you w~r~ al1ow~d th~r~ b~for~, wh~n you purchas~d
the prop~rty. Now, und~r th~ n~w r~gu1ation, your p~rmitt~d use is singl~ family
dw~lling, that's for 3 acr~s and und~r th~ Typ~ II Sit~ Plan R~vi~w you 'v~ got
group. . .min~ral, grav~l, and sand ~xtraction, dog k~nn~l, riding stabl~, animal
husbandry and agricultural us~, prof~ssional offic~...of th~ r~sid~nts, golf cours~,
school, church, planning or d~v~lopm~nt of comm~rcia1 gr~~nhous~, privat~ boat
hous~ and dock, s~asona1 produc~ stand, thos~ ar~ th~ us~s now. So, th~ us~ that
you'r~ r~qu~sting is a light industrial use.
MR. SICARD-Ask~d, do you und~rstand that, John, what transpir~d h~r~, th~ chang~
in zon~, tim~ wis~ and ~v~rything?
MR. ROTHERMAL-Stat~d I didn't know that th~y had a r~striction as to
right now that prohibits th~m from putting up a storag~ building.
what it is is a storag~ building. It's a 1arg~ garag~.
what ~xists
Bas ica lly,
MR. TURNER-Stat~d it's a storag~ building and a r~sid~ntial zon~, a distribution
c~nt~r, in r~lation to th~ ~quipm~nt that you' r~ going to s~ll, so that puts it
in a light industrial zon~.
MR. ROTHERMAL-Stat~d as it is now, it's us~d as a two car garag~ and it's pr~tty
w~ll jamm~d up, which is a r~lativ~ly unsaf~ condition. I didn' t r~a1iz~ th~
storag~ building would b~ that
MR. TURNER-Stat~d what I'm saying is, ~v~n though h~'s using it now for what h~'s
using it for, it's not an al1ow~d us~ right now, but, pr~vious to th~ chang~ in
th~ ordinanc~, that wasn't an a1low~d us~ anyway, just r~sid~ntial and thos~ it~ms
that ar~ list~d in highway comm~rcial, but now it's r~sid~ntial.
MR. ROTHERMAL-Stated right, residential, period.
MR. TURNER-Stated period. I'm just elaborating on the points that you've got
to bring up. I don't think we'd be satisfied.
MR. SICARD-Asked, Mr. Chairman, if the previous zone permitted what he tried to
do then he would have
MR. TURNER-Stated then he'd have some preexisting, nonconforming use. Now he's
light industrial.
MR. SICARD-Stated even at that time it wasn't permitted.
MR. TURNER-Stated no. Even at the time when he went in there and he thought it
was permitted, it wasn't.
Memorandum to the Zoning Board from Pat Collard, dated February 27th, 1990 (on
file) Memo dated February 26th, 1990, from John Symanski (on file) Letter dated
February 23rd, 1990, from Scherer's Antiques, corner of Rt. 149 and Bay Road:
Dave and Joan Williams are very good neighbors with a well kept and clean yard
and lawn. Dave's company trucks and vans are always lined up side by side and
clean, with no junk or garbage lying about. We have no objection to their building
a storage building.
Notes from Stuart Baker, Assistant Planner (on file)
Warren County Planning Board approved
MR. KELLEY-Stated one question for Mr. Williams. Do you presently live in this
MR. WILLIAMS-Stated yes.
MR. KELLEY-Asked and you've lived there since you bought it in '87?
MR. WILLIAMS-Stated yes.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, that's your single family residence and it's not a two family
or anything like that?
MR. WILLIAMS-Stated no.
Jeffrey Kelley who moved for its adoption, seconded by Michael Shea:
The applicant is asking for a use variance to place a light industrial use in
an RR-3A zone. The applicant doesn't pass all the criteria necessary to pass
the variance. He presently lives in the single family residence and has lived
there for the three years since he bought the property. It is an allowed use
there. The light industrial use here would be detrimental to the ordinance.
The residential qualifications say that he should be providing openness. A light
industrial building here wouldn't be conducive to the residents near by. The
hardship is self imposed. The property was highway commercial when it was
purchased. The use that he wants now wasn't allowed then. This should remain
as a residential lot.
Duly adopted this 28th day of February, 1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr, Mr. Turner
ABSENT: Mrs. Eggleston
MR. DEAN-Statêd good êVêning. My namê is Mack Dêan with Morsê Enginêêring
rêprêsênting Paul Barton of thê Docksidêr Rêstaurant. Also hêrê tonight is Paul
Barton who 1ivês on thê propêrty. Wê havê somê displays hêrê for thê Board.
MR. BARTON-Statêd good êVêning. Oncê again, my namê is Paul Barton. I'm thê
ownêr of thê Docksidêr Rêstaurant. I'Vê bêên thê ownêr for fivê Yêars as of this
Junê 15th. I'm a lifê long rêsidênt of thê Lakê. I rêalizê thê importancê of
thê propêrty and thê businêss as bêing a positivê part in thê G1ên Lakê community
and I rêspêct thê rights of my nêighbors. I am mêmbêr of thê G1ên Lakê Protêctivê
Association and SêrVê as a mêmbêr of thê Board of Dirêctors. I havê bêên a mêmbêr
of thê Bay Ridgê Vo1untêêr Rêscuê Squad for 10 Yêars, which SêrVêS this arêa and
now SêrVê as Assistant Captain of that Rêscuê Squad. I am a mêmbêr of thê G1ên
Lakê Park Association which owns thê park dirêct1y across thê road from mysêlf.
I havê a good rê1ationship with thêm as far as its uSê. I havê prOVên that I
am vêry concêrnêd about thê quality of thê Lakê and thê safêty of thosê that USê
it. I rêalizê I havê thê only major aCCêSS to thê Lakê and havê, in thê past,
prêvêntêd pêrsons from having that aCCêSS in ordêr to prêsêrvê that quality and
safêty. Six months aftêr I purchasêd thê propêrty I, with thê ok of thê Town
of QUêênsbury, put in a sêptic systêm which was vêry badly nêêdêd and it cost
mê monêY that I didn't havê and I was vêry lucky to find somêonê that would lênd
mê thê monêY to gêt it donê. It would takê mê a Yêar and a half to payoff.
That madê mê fêê1 much bêttêr onCê I had takên carê of that prob1êm. I'Vê takên
grêat pridê in thê aêsthêtics of my propêrty in êVêry way possiblê in ordêr to
plêase my nêighbors as wêll as thê customêrs. Numêrous f10wêrs arê p1antêd êach
summêr. Thê lawn and groundsarê maintainêd vêry wêll. I havê oftên, on numêrous
timês, gonê onto Town propêrty which is adjacênt to mysê1f. I havê mowêd it,
I havê wêêdêd it, and I'Vê rakêd it. I do not havê any thoughts of sêl1ing this
propêrty. I hopê to maintain and kêêp it for quitê somê timê. I'm hoping to
makê thêsê changês in ordêr to makê my businêss morê profitab1ê and functional
as wêll as attractivê and a positivê focal point to thê G1ên Lakê community.
I havê briêf1y madê my own list of rêasons for thê projêct and I will try to makê
it as briêf as possib1ê. Thê biggêst conCêrn, of two main concêrns, is thê
unobstructêd viêw of thê Lakê from virtually êVêry sêat in thê rêstaurant. I
havê pêop1ê that will comê in to thê rêstaurant and want to sit in thê front room,
cannot and lêavê. Thê othêr big conCêrn is a safêr, 1argêr, morê functional
kitchên. I nêêd room for morê êquipmênt in ordêr to incrêasê thê turnOVêr ratê
bêcausê pêop1ê arê gêtting Upsêt bêcausê it's taking so long to gêt thêir food
bêcausê thê kitchên is so small. I nêêd morê frêêzêr arêa. A lot of this has
bêên mêntionêd in thê application so I won't go OVêr it again. I nêêd bêttêr
insidê aCCêSS to thê dêck for patrons and waitpêrsons in ordêr to gêt to thê dêck,
as wêll as insidê flow of traffic. Rêstrooms arê in bad nêêd of rênovating, nêêd
c1êanêr sêrvicês and incrêasêd numbêr of fixturês and also handicappêd accêSS.
Morê storagê is nêêdêd for bêêr caSêS, ... papêr products, êxtra êquipmênt, and
businêss rêcords. Thê êxpansion would ênab1ê mê to host small groups, approximatê1y
40 pêoplê, in privatê rooms and still havê a rêgu1ar arêa for customêrs and thêir
viêw. Thêrê has bêên numêrous timês that I havê turnêd away pêop1ê, groups of
40, 50 pêop1ê, who would likê to havê a function and I havê had to turn thêm away
bêcausê I did not havê thê room. Thê cocktail loungê arêa and bar will bê locatêd
away from thê majority of thê dining room sêating which makês pêOp lê fêê1 morê
comfortab1ê and has a divêrsê arêa for thêm to êithêr êat or drink and êat. It
will also hê1p mê providê a morê dêfinitivê smoking and nonsmoking sêction which
is now rêquirêd by law. To upgradê thê sêptic systêm, a grêasê trap will bê addêd,
two morê tanks will bê installêd to hold thê solids and liquids, givê mê an
incrêasêd capacity. All thê plumbing will be all in onê cornêr of thê building.
It will not bê spread out from onê sidê to thê othêr which will makê it much morê
functional and, last but cêrtain1y not lêast, I do p Ian on doing structural
maintênancê to thê êxisting building, to makê it safêr for êVêryonê invo1vêd.
Rêcêntly, in thê last 10 days, I havê put a complêtê Sêt of plans, which you havê
hêrê, thê samê plans, up for disp lay for 10 days in thê rêstaurant and I postêd
a noticê for public mêêting this past Monday at 7 0' clock for anyonê that would
1ikê to attênd. I also madê phonê calls to all thê rêsidênts within thê 500 fêet
boundary from thê propêrty, as many as I could gêt a hold of, to 1êt thêm know.
If thêY did not comê to thê
mêêting, I havê ta1kêd to quitê a fêw of thêm and I bêliêvê you havê in thê rêcords
thêrê a pêtition that I had in thê rêstaurant that's signêd only by pêOp lê who
1ivê on thê Lakê. Forty pêop1ê I think, roughly, havê signêd it and ê1êvên pêOplê
arê within that 500 foot zonê from my propêrty, thê pêoplê that havê signêd it
or sênt lêttêrs and I just hopê for your vêry carêful considêration. Thank you.
MR. DEAN-Statêd I think I'd likê to êxpand on what Paul has a1rêady touchêd on
in têrms of thê morê têchnical aspêcts. Onê of thê rêasons that thê building
proposêd is thê sizê of which Wê arê proposing, first of all, this arêa
hêrê(rêfêrring to map)I hopê êVêryonê can Sêê it fairly wêll. This arêa's basically
thê original, êxisting building. Mêchanica1 room, storagê arêa is in thê arêa
now shown as thê kitchên. I bêliêvê YOU'Vê all had an opportunity to look at
this. Originally, Wê had startêd with a dêsign that was no morê than, I think,
38 fêêt. As soon as Wê startêd looking into NêW York Statê codês as to handicapPêd
rêquirêmênts, êVên suggêstêd sizês for kitchêns basêd on numbêr of sêats availablê,
first of all, handicappêd rêquirêmênts. Wê had to dêsign a bathroom...at minimum
sizê as shown, that dictatêd SiZê of thê bathroom spacê. Kitchên spacê is dictatêd
by thê numbêr of sêats avai1ab1ê and thê turnOVêr ratê for two mêa1s a day, that
1êft thê proposêd dining arêa at about onê third thê êngrossab1ê arêa of thê
addition, that obviously is thêrê to hê1p pay for thê cost of thê rênovations.
Building COdêS did havê a lot to do with thê dêsign. Wê havê providêd amplê
êmêrgêncy êgrêss arêas with morê than ênough êxit doors. Thê spacês bêtwêên thê
tab1ês shown arê, pêrhaps, a littlê bit morê than minimal rêquirêd by.. .but what
Wê fêêl safê. Thêrê arê also provisions for thê additÍ()n of a portab1ê salad
bar and thêsê tablês could bê movêd slightly about thê salad bar and still havê
thê nêcêssary .. from the tab1êS. On thê handicappêd êntranCê into thê building,
it is proposêd to bê on thê sidê of thê building by mêans of a ramp. It's in
a rêasonab1ê location for that. Entrancê to Mr. Barton's apartmênt and thê storagê
arêa abovê and thê small officê spacê will bê locatêd bêtwêên thê kitchên and
thê bathroom. Thêrê is a minimum amount of storagê arêa providêd. Wê had, rêal1y,
no dêsirê to mOVê closêr to thê nêighboring propêrty ownêr. Mrs. Sullivan and
Ann Sullivan havê bêên good nêighbors of Paul's for a numbêr of yêars. Wê want
to maintain that 50 foot sêtback. Wê nêêdêd to maintain it to concêivê thê sêptic
systêm, which is on thê shêêt. Thê sêptic systêm tanks will bê locatêd in that
arêa. Thêrê a numbêr of vêry nicê Birch trêêS and othêr Hardwoods, Pinês and so
forth in that arêa and Wê rêally wênt through a grêat dêa1 of planning to p 1acê
thê tanks and thê sêptic systêm in an arêa with a minimal amount of cutting
nêcêssary. Original dêsign had movêd thê proposêd kitchên arêa to thê rêar most
portion of thê building, as c10sê to thê sêptic systêm as Wê could possibly gêt
it. Wê would havê to maintain a 20 foot sêtback from thê building to any privatê
sêptic systêm, 10 fêêt from thê sêptic tanks. Thêrê was just no way Wê could
go any furthêr back, but it kind of left us with a situation with a 12 foot
êxpansion towards thê Lakê, 12 fêêt bêyond thê êxisting building, considêrab1y
lêss than thê êxisting dêck. Originally, Wê had lookêd at thê possibility of
rêbuilding thê kitchên in its prêsênt location, but that also would havê put us
bêforê thê Board tonight, looking for an arêa variancê. Currêntly, I bêliêvê
wê'rê, approximatê1y, 30 fêêt from thê Lakêshorê to thê êxisting building. So,
in any rêspêct, any placê Wê nêêdêd to add on, would'vê rêquirêd a variancê,
including thê rêar of thê building which facês thê parking lot...parking lot arêa.
I think, rathêr than ramblê on, pêrhaps thê Board has somê qUêstions.
MR. CARR-Askêd, Mack, Mr. Barton was just saying, maybê it was you also, that
thê sizê by which êVêrything has bêên situatêd has basically bêên thê numbêr of
sêats or sittings this rêstaurant can hold bêcausê you nêêd that sizê kitchên
for that amount of tab1ês. Havê you considêrêd, instêad of having 30 or 40 tablês,
stations, cutting it down a 1ittlê, maybê shrink thê wholê proposal?
MR. DEAN-Statêd if Wê shrink thê proposal, your cost of construction not only
would prêc1udê thê cost of doing businêss, this rêa1ly is a rêasonab1ê numbêr
and it's almost a minimal numbêr of sêats to continuê.
MR. CARR-Askêd do you know how long thê pay back is êXpêctêd to...1ikê a 10 Yêar
MR. DEAN-Statêd that dêpênds considêrably on thê... and thê pricês.
arê very compêtitivê.
Thê pricês
MR. CARR-Askêd, arê thêrê any projêctions now, Mr. Barton, as to whên you would
havê this paid for, thê addition.
MR. BARTON-Statêd thê only contact I'Vê had, so far, with thê bank, it would
probably êxtênd to 15 yêars as far as what I would takê out as paymênts on this.
It dêpênds,
a1se, en the cest ef the preject which I cannet really ceme up with at this peint
because there's ne sense trying te find eut what the cest ef the preject is until
I find the size ef the building, the censtructien, the architectural dimensiens
that are geing te be a1lewed. As far as the seating gees, I weu1d enly add that
I had mentiened the greups that I am turning away, small parties, weddings, greups,
rehearsal parties, there's numereus things, bew1ing banquets and a let ef them
are right areund the area ef 40, 50 peeple and that's where it weu1d help me greatly
as far as helping te pay fer the medificatiens and additiens te the building.
MR. SHEA-Asked, Mr. Barten, what's the present seating capacity ef the building?
MR. BARTON-Stated 50.
MR. DEAN-Stated I weuld be very surprised if the size ef the additien was larger
than this reem. It may seund like a let ef space, 1800 square feet, but it's
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, it's the size ef this reem?
MR. DEAN-Stated it's net a let bigger than that.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated I think this reem is big.
MR. DEAN-Stated it is big, but when yeu fill up the space with kitchen, bathreems.
Yeu're new leeking at less than 600 square feet ef usable, that's if yeu add a
few square feet here fer the back area, but, basically, yeu' re 1eeking at 600
square feet ef dining space that's being added te the building.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, was the eutside deck added by variance?
MR. DEAN-Stated yes, that's cerrect.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated se when yeu say that yeu' re net ceming eut as far as the deck
is eut, true, but that deck was by variance.
MR. DEAN-Stated that's cerrect. A1se, yeur setbacks that are established te the
deck, yeur building line was a deck, er balceny er..
MR. SHEA-Asked, when was the deck censtructed?
MR. DEAN-Stated 4 years age.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated I just weu1d like te make the peint that it already has been
expanded ence in seme way.
MR. DEAN-Stated it's well taken.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, reugh1y, new, what is the square feetage ef the bathreems that
MR. DEAN-Stated abeut 40 square feet.
MR. KELLEY-Stated alright, and what is the reugh area ef the new enes.
MR. DEAN-Stated we're 1eeking at, reughly 8 by 18 in the wemens reem.
16 by 8 in the mens reem.
I'd say
MR. KELLEY-Asked, 16 by 8 in the mens reem and the ladies reem is semething similar?
MR. DEAN-Stated 18 by 8.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, is there presently handicapped access?
MR. DEAN-Asked, te the building?
MR. KELLEY-Stated yes.
MR. DEAN-Stated ne. There are ne handicapped tei1ets, ne handicapped access.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, and yeu said the bathreems that yeu prepesed in the new, are
the minimal te meet the new cedes and handicapped access and se ferth?
MR. DEAN-Absolutely, the numbers of fixtures plus handicapped requirements.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, can you give me some kind of a comparison of what the current
kitchen square footage is and compare it to what the new is.
MR. BARTON-Stated our kitchen, I believe, is close to 500 square feet. The kitchen,
currently, is split between the two rooms. It's closer to 357, the proposed kitchen
is about, with the walk-in cooler, basically we're looking at, well, this says
27'-9" by 17'-6" that's to the walk-in cooler and the freezer, that's, basically,
work area, functional space. It's about 4 and a half square feet per seat.
MRS. COLLARD-Stated Mr. Chairman, the permeability requirement in the zoning is
65 percent and they will be requiring a variance from that.
MR. BARTON-Asked, why is that?
MRS. COLLARD-Stated the permeability on that property as is, doesn't come close
to that.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated I think, if I could just clarify that. Historically, the
Planning Board and the Zoning Board have not considered gravel parking as permeable
area because our consulting engineer has discussed this significantly and, after
gravel or stone dust type of parking lot is driven over several times and oils
drip on it and what not, it becomes, basically, a solid, paved area and the water
simply runs over it. So, basically, the green area would be what's considered
permeable area.
MR. DEAN-Stated I don't quite understand.
neither does SEQRA.
You're reg's don't express that and
MR. GORALSKI-Stated if you read our definition of permeable area, that would fall
under the definition and that's the way it's been considered, historically.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, the first time that came up, was that the motel on Aviation
MR. GORALSKI-Stated that was the first time it came up in front of the Zoning
Board. It had come up before, in front of the Planning Board.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated and at that time, we made that determination.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated right.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, what percentage of permeability can they meet?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated well, their existing permeability, if you consider only the
green area, I would say would be about 35 to 40 percent.
MR. DEAN-Stated I'd say 37 percent.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated ok.
MR. DEAN-Stated however, to my knowledge, for the last several years, having been
on the property during and after a number of rainstorms, the water seems to have
disappeared and it certainly hasn't run into the Lake, nor has it run onto
neighboring property and I would submit to you that a gravel parking lot is
certainly a permeable area. Perhaps not 100 percent permeable that we may find
strictly in a grass or a meadow, but I think there is a necessity, here, for some
way to understand it, that your reg's do not specify gravel areas as being hard
surface and, traditionally, hard surface has been...building or something of that
MR. CARR-Asked, John, what was decided with the Aviation motel?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated since October of '88 or, actually, I can say since November
of '88, any time that a gravel parking area was proposed, in front of this Board
or in front of the Planning Board, that was not considered as permeable area.
What happened before that, I don't know, but, for example, the motel on Aviation
Road received a permeability variance because they could not include the gravel
parking as part of their permeable area.
MR. BARTON-Stated the only thing I would add to that is, being there for 5 years,
after any storm, whether it's even in the winter time when the snow melts, there
are definite puddles there. The water's got to be going into the ground. They're
not running into the Lake and that's been a big problem that I've had is the water
that does congregate there, kind of goes into the ground. The majority of it
does not run into the Lake and that's just what I've seen from my years of being
MR. SHEA-Stated Mr. Barton, I have a question with regards to reasonable return
on the property. At it's present level and capacity, is the business profitable?
MR. BARTON-Stated I am making a profit, yes. (TAPE TURNED) now, I wouldn't be
borrowing money for five years just to keep it afloat.
MR. SICARD-Asked, Mack, could a test be taken, in that particular location, for
permeability? I think every parking lot is different.
MR. DEAN-Stated that's correct. Percolation rates will vary from one area to
another, whether it's a parking lot or not.
MR. SICARD-Stated I'm acquainted with that particular parking lot and what you're
saying is true,...what's there and I'm thinking, probably, every parking lot,
soil differentials in Queensbury vary. Some places are.. .other places are rock
and that particular place just happens to be one that, even when I see boats go
out of there many times and the water coming off the boat puddles for just a short
time and what I'm thinking about, there must be some kind of permeability test
that could be taken for that particular parking lot.. to be restricted to this
MR. DEAN-Stated yes, we can certainly have a the form of a percolation test.
MR. SICARD-Asked, percolation test?
MR. DEAN-Stated it might be a little difficult with the stones. The stones are
MR. SICARD-Asked, wasn't there quite a bit of stone dust in there, at one time,
as far as gravel and dirt?
MR. DEAN-Stated yes,
stone. The danger in
is use a larger size
the...as the dust.
I believe Paul has, at least once a year, has had crushed
using any kind of dust, what we recommended in the past,
stone. It doesn't have a tendency to compact as much of
MR. SICARD-Stated it wou1d...in the winter time, anyway.
MR. DEAN-Stated in addition to that, we've also proposed the parking area, in
our storm water drainage calculations, is a bit of a retention area and the addition
of 4 to 6 inches of crushed stone as a retention area.
MR. TURNER-Stated Mack, lets talk about the parking.
MR. DEAN-Stated ok.
MR. TURNER-Stated.. spaces are 10 by 20, but there's not a 20 foot clear drive
between the spaces.
MR. DEAN-Stated I'd like to apologize to the Board in that the parking plans
submitted with the app lication, the parking plan that I have before you tonight
contains 52 spaces. Each space is 10 by 20 with a minimum of 20 feet from the
driving lane, some areas 30 feet..so from 22 feet to 25 feet on the westerly driving
lane and a 20 foot minimum along the easterly driving lane. I became aware of
the problem with the previous design. One of the inherent problems with a diagonal
parking line such as that is, basically, with a gravel lot, it's hard to regulate
how people park. If you had a straight lot and you put your diagonal lines in,
you have a better chance, at least in the winter time. We have met and exceeded
the required parking numbers of 2. Aside from using some of the lawn area, I
think what we're looking at is about 52 spaces, based on the 10 by 20, it would
be 200 square feet per vehicle.
MR. DEAN-Stated I would like to stress one thing to the Board and it's really
imperative for anyone who hasn't been to the Docksider what the existing layout
is for, in terms of precedent. You have separate dining areas, very difficu1t..by
the staff and I think what we're really looking at is to provide more comfortable
dining for the customers, but also a safe and workable environment for the owner
and his staff and to provide them an area of privacy for any group that may wish
to use that area. It will be closed off in the winter time. It will not be used,
to conserve energy in that respect. I think we could have come to the Board tonight
with a much larger expansion proposal. There's no doubt in my mind we could have
come with a larger proposal. We sat down, figured the cost of construction,
projected return, and whether it was worth it, what are we actually providing?
You can make an income any number of places, but it has become almost a necessity
in the neighborhood. It may sound a little funny, but it is very much a
neighborhood gathering spot and we'd like to continue to be able to provide better
service than I think we could without it.
MRS. ROURKE-Hi, my name is Susan Rourke on Jay Road, Glen Lake. I just want to
say, as a neighbor and a patron, we are in favor of the project.
MRS. SULLIVAN-My name is Ann Sullivan and my property adjoins the Docksider.
My family's enjoyed a friendly relationship with Paul Barton. I reviewed the
building addition and have no objections to the expansion of the building.
MRS. DIEHL-My name is Marianne Diehl and I live within the 500 foot area of the
Docks ider. I res ide, in the summer, at a camp north of the Docks ider and I'm
wondering about adverse effect on the neighborhood character. As you know this
is placed in a residential area. People have lived in this area for many years
or for the summer for many years, like I have and I think the main goal of the
people coming to that Lake was to find peace and quiet and I find that, even though
Paul is a good neighbor, he's very helpful, I find that this peacefulness is
gradually eroding, with the increasing of traffic, with the boats that are
continually coming into the Docksider and I noticed that, at night, when you want
to sit out on your porch, or if you have the windows open that, even though I
am, like, 500 feet away, what I find is that the voices are carrying over the
water. If anyone has been near a lake, they know how easily that sound carries.
I find that peop 1e getting in and out of their boat, even though they aren't
intentionally talking loud, it seems like they're right next to me in my camp
and I find that, when people are sometimes even sitting on the dock that's there,
it's a lovely dock and if you've been there, you'd really enjoy it, but I find
I can sometimes hear their voices too and I do find it's very noisy and sometimes,
when Paul is having activities in the outside area adjoining the restaurant, I
find that the parking space that he has is not adequate and, as a result, they
are parking all along the roads on both sides and the road is very narrow to begin
with and there really isn't any place for people to pull off the road unless they
park on our property and I notice sometimes that you'll have to watch it on weekends
if there's something going on because somebody will come and park in blocking
your driveway or park on the land that is yours and, if you've ever been in that
area when both sides of thß road has cars on it, you'll notice how dangerous it
is if therß was an ßmergßncy vßhicle to go through or if there's two cars trying
to pass each other. That's a vßry narrow road to begin with, and with the cars
parked on each side, I think it makßs it a safßty hazard and also it makßs it
an inconvenißncß for the pßople living in that area. Then I noticed that it was
mßntionßd that you could've had a largßr proposed addition and if that should
happen in thß futurß, we'd eVßn havß more pßop Ie frequenting that area which has
been rezoned which was originally a residßntial area.
Notes from John Goralski, Planner (attached)
MR. GORALSKI-Stated (rßfßrring to his notes) Mr. Chairman, in thß next to last
paragraph about evidßncß of a reasonablß return, in the application I was reviewing,
the explanation that thßY had given was not in there for somß reason. So, I don't
know if it fßll out in our file or if it just wasn't in the filß, but it is in
the other applications. I just wanted to point that out.
Warren County Planning Board approved
MRS. GOETZ-Stated there are several pages of petitions in support of the Docksider
Restaurant expansion proposal with many signatures.
Letter from Baldwin Brothers Refrigeration, Dar Baldwin: I have received
notification from the Town on the proposed expansion of the Docksider Restaurant.
I have thoroughly reviewed the plans and, after doing so, I feel this project
to be a great asset to the Glen Lake area. Therefore, I am definitely in favor
of the expansion and renovation of the restaurant.
Letter from William J. and Jean S. Sullivan: Please be advised that we live across
the Glen Lake Road from the Docks ider and that we have seen the plans for the
extension of the building. We are part of the family that previously owned the
property which was then called Sullivan's Pavilion. We approve, wholeheartedly,
of the planned expansion. Mr. Barton's operation of the restaurant has been a
credit to the area. He has maintained the property and he's run a very respectable
business. Mr. Barton's interest in the Glen Lake area covers many years and I
am sure that he always has the best interest of the Glen Lake area uppermost in
his mind. We would appreciate it if you would grant the variance. We would be
at the meeting if we were in town.
Letter from Gary Evans, Birch Road, Glen Lake: This letter is to express my
personal support for the proposed expansion and renovation to the Docksider
Restaurant. I have resided at approximately one half mile distance for this past
seven years. I have personally known the proprietor for more than a dozen years.
I have frequently been a patron at the restaurant. The restaurant and its attires
have been maintained in a clean type of state since Paul began operations in here.
He has done much to the existing facility to improve its appearance. The Docksider
is an asset to the area as well as a convenient service to the neighborhood.
I have personally seen the proposed plans and believe the proposal will benefit
the community as well as Paul Barton. The appearance will be improved. The parking
will be brought up to requirements. More exits will be provided. Water and septic
systems will be upgraded. Provision will be made to accommodate handicapped access.
The landscaping and grounds appearance will also be enhanced. In short, this
proposed renovation expansion will allow the Docksider to better serve its clientele
as well as become a more attractive neighbor in the Glen Lake area. I urge careful
consideration of this matter, believing the proposal meets the requisite concerns
of the immediate community. I would ask the appropriate review agencies approve
this project.
Letter from Neil McPhillips: I am writing this letter in favor of approving plans
to expand the Docksider. There are numerous circumstances which I think are very
particular to this appeal for a variance. First of all, the history. The Docksider
was once known as Sullivan's Pavilion. Growing up on Glen Lake, Sullivan's Pavilion
was not only a bar and restaurant, but it was a community meeting spot. During
the week, the area children would meet at the Pavilion to buy candy and soda while
their parents went to the restaurant. On Saturday night there would be dances
and then on Sunday mornings the local families would meet at Sullivan's for church.
Once a year, the Glen Lake Association would have a field day for all the children
in which the children would compete for prizes in different events. The Pavilion
was also a spot where many of the Glen Lake Association meetings were held. The
second reason is community. For anyone that has been in or around Glen Lake,
they understand just how lucky the people of Glen Lake are. Not only do they
live on a beautiful lake, but they have a very tight knit family-like community
associated with this Lake. Not to be redundant, but going back to the history,
the Pavilion has been a hub for this community and this family type relation.
The third reason is the owner. Paul has been life time resident of Glen Lake.
This community has seen his dedication with the Bay Ridge Fire Department, the
Glen Lake Association, the Glen Lake Park Association and numerous other community
activities. When Paul purchased Sullivan I s Pavilion, he pushed his budget to
make some changes that were important to the ecological life of Glen Lake but
not demanded by any building codes or law. I don't believe that Paul would do
anything to harm Glen Lake. To sum up this letter, I feel that the Docksider
Restaurant is vital to the bloodstream of this community. I don't believe its
expansion will, in any way, harm the Lake and, in the long run, will help the
Lake. To keep this a viable business, some changes will have to be made and the
owner is willing to make the financial commitment to make it advantageous, not
only to himself, but for the Glen Lake community. Allow the Docksider to take
that next step into the 1990' s and continue to be the hub of activity. Please
do not allow it to go the way of other Pavilions such as Sunnyside, only a memory
of the past.
L~tt~r from Elain~ and Wa1t~r Riv~t: As r~sid~nts of G1~n Lak~, w~ would lik~
to comm~nd John Paul Barton on his plans in r~novating and improving th~ ~xisting
quality of this ar~a by th~ r~mod~ling of th~ Docksid~r Restaurant. We have ta1k~d
ext~nsive1y to him and revi~wed his proposed plans in regards to what this...would
mean to the Gl~n Lak~ ar~a. It is our opinion that this would be a positiv~ mov~
towards the b~autification of our Lak~. Being a lif~ long r~sident of Gl~n Lak~,
J. Paul Barton has always showed concern about the quality of the Lak~. With
~ach improv~m~nt h~ has already accomplished, his first concerns w~r~ always of
th~ Lake. Th~y hav~ had nothing but a positive impact to our area. We support
J. Paul Barton, who1eheart~d1y, on his continuing effort to improve the appearanc~
of the restaurant.
L~tter from Robert and Edith Hughes: We have studi~d th~ plans for th~ propos~d
r~novations and addition to the Docksider with a great deal of enthusiasm. We
have been summ~r residents of Gl~n Lake for more than 30 y~ars and th~ prospect
of bigger and other facilities at the Docksider for docking our boat, dining,
and ~nt~rtaining our guests is particularly app~a1ing. We urge you to giv~ your
approval to th~ Docksider proposal.
MR. TURNER-Stated sinc~ this is a Type I action, I would propose that instead
of the Zoning Board being the lead agency, that it be passed on to the Planning
Board, sinc~ they're going to r~vi~w the whol~ sit~ plan anyway and those ar~
th~ issues that are in th~re. Rather than act on it right now, wait until it
comes back and th~n w~'ll act on the application once it comes back from th~
Planning Board.
MR. BARTON-Ask~d, are you addr~ssing, specifically, th~ Use Variance?
MR. TURNER-Stat~d yes, just th~ Us~ Variance.
MR. GORALSKI-Stat~d I'm just overhearing your conversation, I think, and mayb~
I could ~xp lain what this procedure is going to b~. The policy of th~ Planning
Board is not to act on any sit~ p Ian unless it is ~ither in conformance or has
r~ceiv~d all th~ required variances. Und~r SEQRA, the Zoning Board can't act
on this until the l~ad agency reviews the environm~nta1 ass~ssment form. So,
what will happen is, if you vot~ to table this application, it will then b~ r~f~rred
to the Planning Board. If they acc~pt lead agency status, th~y will r~vi~w th~
long ~nvironmenta1 assessment form and th~n they will eith~r make a positiv~
d~claration, meaning that ther~ ar~ ~nvironmenta1 impacts, or a n~gativ~
declaration. If they mak~ a n~gativ~ declaration, then this application will
com~ back in front of the Zoning Board for you to revi~w th~ Use Variance. After
you have r~vi~w~d th~ Use Variance, if you approve it, it will th~n hav~ to go
back to th~ Planning Board for them to vote on th~ sit~ plan.
MR. CARR-Asked, this needs a long ~nvironmental assessment form?
MR. GORALSKI-Stat~d that's right.
MR. CARR-Stat~d we do not hav~ on~ here tonight, I mean, ~v~n if we accept~d lead
ag~ncy status, w~ couldn't vote anyway.
MR. GORALSKI-Stat~d you could not vot~ anyway b~cause the Planning Board would
hav~ 30 days to make comments.
MR. CARR-Stated ok.
MR. GORALSKI-Stat~d so, ev~n if you acc~pted l~ad ag~ncy status, you could not
vot~ on this tonight.
MR. CARR-Stated I just don't want to bounce Mr. Barton around lik~ a ping pong
betwe~n these two Boards forever.
MR. GORALSKI-Stat~d what will happen is, in th~ month of March, they have alr~ady
submitt~d th~ir sit~ plan application, they will be on the first Planning Board
m~~ting for March. Th~n, aft~r that, we can place them, if you wish, on your
first Zoning Board meeting for March. So, they would be at th~ Planning Board
on Tuesday night and back at the Zoning Board on W~dn~sday night, if a negativ~
d~claration was passed at the Planning Board.
MR. KELLEY-Ask~d so, they'r~ not going to see any real big delay?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated I really don't think there's going to be a large delay unless
there's some determination that there are going to be environmental impacts.
I have not reviewed the long environmental assessment form, so I can't say at
this point.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, what about the question of a permeability variance?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated I think that should be discussed with the Zoning Administrator
and she would have to make a determination as to whether a variance was needed.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, because say it does need to be addressed, doesn't that have
to be advertised?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated yes, it would.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, what about a deadline to be on the March agenda?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated well, the deadline was today, for March's agenda. If the
Board wishes to waive that deadline, that would be up to them, but, as far as
the Planning Department is concerned, we cannot accept any new app lications for
March's agenda.
MR. CARR-Asked, that would be an area variance?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated correct.
MR. CARR-Stated there is an area variance for this applicant for us tonight.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated right, for a shoreline setback.
MR. CARR-Asked, if we don't act on that tonight, can we just add permeability
to that application, right now?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated well, it would have to be readvertised.
MR. CARR-Stated yes, it would be readvertised, but then, he'd make the deadline,
technically, I mean, it's still today.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated the deadline is at 2 o'clock today.
MR. DEAN-Stated I think there's some engineering and, perhaps, some zoning questions
that we discussed. We may have to come back, at a later date, with another variance
app lication.
MR. CARR-Stated that's ok with me.
MR. DEAN-Stated no, it's not, but if we have to do it.
MR. GORALSKI-Asked, can I just ask one more question about that motion? Could
you specifically state, in that motion, that you're tabling the application and
could I also ask that the applicant agree to the tabling?
MR. DEAN-Stated we'll agree.
Introduced by Theodore Turner who moved for its adoption, seconded by Susan Goetz:
This is a Type I action. We are tabling to propose to pass the lead agency status
to the Queensbury Planning Board as these matters are under their expertise.
We will act on it after the Queensbury Planning Board satisfies the SEQRA review.
A long EAF form is necessary. The applicant has agreed to the tabling.
Duly adopted this 28th day of February, 1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr, Mr. Turner
ABSENT: Mrs. Eggleston
MRS. GOETZ-Stated I think we should wait on this one because we need to get the
input from the Planning Board. (TAPE TURNED)
MR. SICARD-Asked, when are you going to start? When would you like to start?
MR. DEAN-Stated our original hopes were to start this spring, however, due to
circumstances, some of which are beyond our control, it will probably be in the
fall, that's the schedule we're shooting for. That's the fall of 1990.
MR. SHEA-Stated I think that the Board, here, is trying to demonstrate willingness
to cooperate and not, as Bruce says, bounce you back and forth and, therefore,
Ted was suggesting to us that we maybe rule on the area variance, but given the
fact that you probably won't be starting this project until the fall, we'll probably
table both variances for this evening.
MOTION TO TABLE AREA VARIANCE NO. 14-1990 J. PAUL BARTON, Introduced by Theodore
Turner who moved for its adoption, seconded by Michael Shea:
We are waiting for the SEQRA review and we will consider all the issues at that
time. We can't move forward on the area variance without the SEQRA review.
MR. GORALSKI-Asked, could I ask that you instruct the applicant to meet with the
Zoning Administrator to settle the permeability question and I would also like
you to instruct the Planning Department as to what we should do about accepting
an application, whether you're going to put them on for April, whether you want
to accept the application late, that's up to the Board. As I said, we, at this
point, cannot accept the application.
MR. CARR-Asked, can I ask you a question?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated sure.
MR. CARR-Asked, if they need a permeability variance. Ok, he goes to the Planning
Board, there's no negative impact, lets just assume, it comes to us, lets assume
that he gets his Use Variance and Area Variance, it goes back in April to the
Planning Board, they won't act if 'he doesn't have the other variance?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated that's correct.
MR. CARR-Stated but my feeling would be that we'd want to do this all at once.
I mean, anything that's before us, all the variances that are needed, do it all
at once instead of coming back month after month, that's just going to waste
everybody's time and a lot of pub lic notice. I would feel that, I'd ask Mack
to talk to the Zoning people tomorrow to settle the question, or to agree to the
question, whether or not you will accept that a variance is necessary and maybe
file the application. At least get something in writing to the Planning Department
so that you can give public notice and maybe extend it for one day. Mack, is
that ok?
MR. DEAN-Stated I think we could work it out.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, but do you need the Zoning Board to tell the Planning Department
it's ok to put it on the March agenda?
MR. TURNER-Stated yes.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated exactly.
MR. COLLARD-Asked, can he just amend his area variance application to include
the permeability?
MR. TURNER-Stated just amend it.
MR. CARR-Asked, John do you have any other questions?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated yes, I do have one other question. This has to be readvertised
in the Post Star and I'd like to know who's going to pay for the readvertising.
MR. CARR-Asked, who paid for it to begin with?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated the $50 app lication fee covers the advertising and sending
out the public notices.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, well whose mistake was it that the permeability question wasn't
picked up? I think we need to be fair about it.
MR. CARR-Asked, how much does it cost?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated I don't know. If you'd like, what we can do is determine
what the actual cost of the advertising is and, instead of the $50 fee assess
them whatever that actual cost of advertising is.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated we've added a bit to this motion.
The applicant has been requested to meet with the Zoning Administrator on March
1st, 1990 to settle the permeability variance. The Zoning Board of Appeals requests
the app licant to amend his Area Variance 14-1990, if necessary, to include any
necessary permeability variance request. This Variance, 14-1990, could be
considered at the March ZBA meeting. The applicant will be assessed the actual
cost of readvertising the Variance, 14-1990.
Duly adopted this 28th day of February, 1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr, Mr. Turner
ABSENT: Mr. Eggleston
MR. STEVES-Stated good evening. My name is Leon Steves. I'm here representing
the 0' Connors. With me tonight is Brian 0' Connor. As we have stated in the
appFcation, the business has existed on Meadowbrook Road since 1958. The first
house, residence, in the area was in 1955, 1956, on this land just to the north
of us. This is the second parcel... on Meadowbrook and we're talking, bas ically,
on the west side of the road between Quaker Road and Cronin Road. There really
were very few houses in there, in the '55 era. ...three, one on the corner, brown
or hill house and then below that. So this has been, historically, used as a
commercial use prior to any zoning and it's now, we are in a different...zone.
MR. TURNER-Stated it was UR-5, before then it was commercial.
MR. STEVES-Stated this is true, but the zoning didn't come until 1967.
MR. TURNER-Stated yes, right. I agree with that.
MR. CARR-Asked, was the shop and the small shed there in '57, '58.
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated when we bought the property, the shop was built.
MR. CARR-Asked, when was that?
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated approximately the time that the property was bought
MR. CARR-Asked, which was?
MR. TURNER-Asked, 1958?
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated yes.
MR. TURNER-Stated the two sheds in the back, what they did,
property...two car garage and they've added on to it since.
a commercial use, before zoning.
they bought the
I think that was
MRS. GOETZ-Stated but not a commercial zone.
MR. TURNER-Stated not a commercial zone.
MR. STEVES-Stated the plan that I've showed on the board is for display purposes
only. It's not any part of this plan you have, but rather an enlarged master
plan for demonstration purposes only. The addition I've outlined here in red,
so you can see the.. Your plan shows the house on...which is the nearest adjacent
owned property. The other house is to the south and some 300 feet away.
MR. TURNER-Stated (referring to map) that used to be a residence at one time.
MR. STEVES-Asked, here?
MR. TURNER-Stated that house, before they started using it for an office. I think
Mrs. French lived there.
MR. STEVES-Stated ...French bought it in 1957 and ...sold it
MR. TURNER-Stated yes.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated when I read the application, I neglected to mention its present
zoning is Single Family Residential and the Lot Size is 1 acre.
Notes from Stuart Baker, Assistant Planner (attached)
MR. TURNER-Asked, the other lots, as far as the Quaker Road, are owned by O'Connor?
MR. STEVES-Stated yes, they are. That's a different tax map parcel, but they
are owned by O'Connor, which gives some value, if you will, because the front
of the lot, as you know, it's all wooded... The back..
MR. TURNER-Asked, of that lot?
MR. STEVES-Stated yes, in this square. This lot we I re talking about there's no
woods, no trees at all.
MR. TURNER-Asked, that closest resident is to the north?
MR. STEVES-Stated yes it is, Mrs. Bruce.
MR. CARR-Asked did you happen to speak to Mrs. Bruce about this, so she knows?
MR. 0' CONNOR-Stated we spoke to the neighbors. Actually, my father did and he's
in Florida, now, and they had no objections to any expansion.
MR. KELLEY-Asked how many people currently work in that office?
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated we have two full time estimators. We have a full time
secretary. We have a part-time secretary in the summer, when we're busy and my
father I s office is also in there, which he's currently sharing with one of our
estimators. So, that's, generally, five people and the building that we've got
now is only about 800 square feet, between 800 and 900. It's pretty cramped in
there when you get your filing cabinets and planning boards.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, you said it currently has two people?
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated yes.
MR. KELLEY-Asked and bathroom facilities?
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated yes.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, do you have kitchen facilities?
MR. O'CONNOR-Stated no, we don't.
MR. KELLEY-Stated so, you can't eat your lunch there unless you put it on your
Bruce Carr who moved for its adoption, seconded by Theodore Turner:
The applicant's demonstrated, through his application, a reasonable return on
the property is not available without the minimum relief of 575 square feet of
addition. We believe the applicant has demonstrated that the circumstances of
the lot are unique and it has been commercial property at least 10 years prior
to the existence of any zoning, 1957 to present. We believe there will be no
adverse effect on the character of the neighborhood and the short EAF Form shows
no environmental impact.
Duly adopted this 28th, day of February, 1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr, Mr. Turner
ABSENT: Mrs. Eggleston
SECTION 4.020, 9.014
MR. STEVES-Stated the reason for the variance sought is that the intent is to
project the northerly side of the present office building in a westerly direction
and that being the worst scenerio, if you will, because of.. .If you projected
that straight, that raises them to 13 and something off the property line, which
necessitates the variance.
MR. CARR-Asked, it's on the northerly end of the house?
MR. STEVES-Stated yes it is.
MR. CARR-Asked and you put the extension on the southerly end, they said there
was a problem with the entrance?
MR. STEVES-Stated yes, the entrance, itself, to the building that's there now,
it's right here in this corner, and that makes it proper, then, for it to be a
smooth flow into the addition, as well as a drain for the entrance right here
in the same corner, for the entire building. We're not changing the present
building use, we're only planning for the proposed use.
MR. CARR-Stated I guess, the thing is, if you move it, just shift it all the way
down, you may not need the variance, but
MR. STEVES-Stated but then we'd have to go....that would be impractical.
MR. KELLEY-Stated I was going to say, it would be a major expense. If you kept
it off the property line 20 feet, it would be a real disaster.
MR. STEVES-Stated yes, and I think you can see the difficulty of that. In entering
the prop erty, by vehic ie, and your parking is in this area, to come into the
building now, you come in right here. If the new addition were at this end, then
you'd have to walk in through here, eliminating parking spaces to get into the
building. If you could flip flop that, you still would need the addition from
the entrance right at that point.
MR. KELLEY-Stated I think you stated earlier that that building was there when
the O'Connors bought it.
MR. STEVES-Stated yes.
MR. KELLEY-Stated. . you placed the building that close to the property line. You
bought that way and that's the way it was.
MR. STEVES-Stated that's correct.
MR. KELLEY-Asked, it's on a sewer?
MR. STEVES-Stated yes, it is.
Notes from Stuart Baker, Assistant Planner (attached)
by Jeffrey Kelley who moved for its adoption, seconded by Charles Sicard:
This is an area variance. The required sideyard setback is 20 feet in the SFR-1A
Zone. The applicant will be 13.17 feet from the northerly property line. The
applicant has demonstrated practical difficulty. When he bought the property,
the current office building was existing and is 13.99 feet from the northerly
property line. This is a narrow lot, 80 feet wide. He is asking for minimum
relief. If he were to move the proposed addition to the required setback, it
would create a difficult floor plan for the new and old office building. It would
be expensive. This wouldn't be detrimental to the ordinance. There appears to
be no negative effects on public facilities. This is a Type II action. No EAF
Form required. Present use preexisted zoning.
Duly adopted this 28th day of February, 1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr, Mr. Turner
ABSENT: Mrs. Eggleston
SIZE: 4.06± ACRES SECTION 4.020-J, 4.033
MR. CARR-Stated I know that Mike and I are two new members to this Board. Could
somebody just give us a little background on Variance 111-1989 so we know what
was presented at that meeting and what was discussed?
MR. TURNER-Asked, do you have the old one in the file?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated I can also include that, if you want, very quickly in that
presentation. It's entirely up to you. I was certainly going to mention it and
I can give you any details if you want. We have the old plan with us also.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated the old file is also in there.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated I'll read the motion. This was September 13th: Motion to Approve
Area Variance No. 111-1989, Introduced by Michael Muller who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Charles Sicard: This would allow the construction of a bank that
would be 41 feet from Quaker Road rather than the 75 feet required for an arterial
road. Th~ propos~d r~tai1 spac~ would b~ allow~d to b~ situat~d within th~ 75
foot s~tback. Th~ app licant has shown that th~r~ hav~ b~~n thr~~ doz~n plans
for moving th~ bank s~v~ral diff~r~nt ways. Th~ us~s availab1~ to this parc~l
in an HC zon~ ar~ an important asp~ct to consid~r. A bank is a mor~ suitabl~
us~. W~ ar~ conc~rn~d about th~ visual asp~ct. This will b~ addr~ss~d by sit~
plan r~vi~w. w~ hop~ th~ plann~rs ar~ conc~rn~d with th~ fact that w~'r~ on th~
ATM. Now this p Ian would improv~ th~ sit~ b~caus~ th~ ~xisting building is
unsightly. It is unfair to d~ny th~ applicant r~asonab1~ us~ of th~ prop~rty.
It s~~ms to b~ box~d in by th~ s~w~r lin~s.
AYES: Mr. K~ll~y, Mr. Mu11~r, Mr. Sicard, Mrs. EggI~ston, Mr. Turn~r
NOES: Mrs. Go~tz
MR. SCHACKNER-Ask~d, can I just add for th~ r~cord, I think that was S~pt~mb~r
27th, not S~pt~mb~r 13th.
MR. TURNER-Stat~d y~s.
I was looking at th~ wrong on~.
I was looking at th~
MR. SCHACKNER-Stat~d for th~ r~cord, I'm Mark Schackn~r from Mill~r, Mannix, and
Pratt, and I 'm h~r~ r~pr~s~nting Ti~rnan, B~rnst~in, and Pinchuk, th~ applicants
for this varianc~ and I think, unlik~ most proc~~dings that ar~ b~for~ this Board
and most that I'm involv~d in b~for~ this Board, I think W~ can b~ fairly
straightforward and simp1~ as long as w~ r~m~mb~r th~ proc~dural light in which
w~ ar~ sitting h~r~ and that, as Mr. Carr just m~ntion~d, is that w~'v~ alr~ady
b~~n grant~d th~ ar~a varianc~ that w~ initially sought. W~' r~ h~r~ m~r~ly to
s~~k a slight modification of that varianc~ and I don't think th~r~'s any n~~d,
although w~' r~ c~rtainly willing to answ~r any qu~stions of th~ Board m~mb~rs,
I don't think th~r~'s any n~~d nor, frankly, do I think it would ~v~n b~
appropriat~, to r~consid~r, from squar~ on~ if you will, all th~ issu~s that w~nt
into th~ d~cision that Mrs. Go~tz just r~ad. All w~'r~ trying to do is modify,
slightly, th~ ar~a varianc~ that was a1r~ady grant~d and ~sp~cially for th~ b~n~fit
of Mr. Sh~a and Mr. Carr, th~ n~w m~mb~rs, I'll highlight just th~ chang~s that
hav~ occurr~d. W~ hav~ h~r~ th~ curr~nt plan and, b~n~ath it, w~ hav~ th~ plan
that r~c~iv~d the approv~d ar~a varianc~s in S~pt~mb~r. What happ~n~d sinc~ th~n
is, w~'v~ ~nt~r~d th~ sit~ plan mod~ and in th~ sit~ plan mod~ it was discov~r~d
that th~r~ was an additional constraint on th~ prop~rty that was pr~vious1y not
known of, which was basically a flood zon~ s~tback r~quir~m~nt and that r~quir~m~nt
is d~pict~d by th~ r~d 1in~ on th~ north~ast sid~ of th~ parc~l on our curr~nt
sit~ plan. So, ~ss~ntia11y, and most simplistically d~scrib~d, all that's happ~n~d
is that th~ buildings hav~ b~~n push~d furth~r w~st. Now that's a littl~
ov~rsimplifi~d in that th~r~ has also b~~n a slight r~duction in th~ squar~ footag~
cov~rag~ of th~ buildings. Again, for th~ b~n~fits of th~ two n~w m~mb~rs, w~'v~
alr~ady d~t~rmin~d that, und~r this plan, with its 18 p~rc~nt cov~rag~, w~ m~t
th~ standards for practical difficulty to r~c~iv~ th~ ar~a varianc~. W~'v~
actually, b~caus~ of the n~w constraint, slightly r~duc~d th~ lot coverag~ from
18 p~rc~nt to 16 p~rc~nt. W~'v~ r~duc~d our squar~ footag~ by about 100 squar~
f~~t, almost ~xact1y. So, ~ss~ntia11y, what's occurr~d is th~ buildings hav~
b~~n mov~d slightly to th~ w~st. Th~ oth~r diff~r~nc~, r~a11y, of not~ is th~
r~duction in squar~ footag~. W~ hav~ not d~cr~as~d our s~tback from Quak~r Road.
w~ hav~ a1r~ady r~c~iv~d a varianc~ to b~ 41 f~~t back from Quak~r Road and we'v~
r~main~d 41 f~~t back from Quak~r Road with a slight modification.
MR. CARR-Ask~d, Mark, that's for th~ bank, right?
MR. SHACKNER-Stat~d th~ bank, corr~ct.
MR. CARR-Ask~d, now on th~ building going north south th~r~.
MR. SHACKNER-Ask~d, th~ w~st~rn building?
MR. CARR-Stat~d y~s, that on~.
of a varianc~?
Has that r~c~iv~d a varianc~ or is it in n~~d
MR. GORALSKI-Stat~d y~s.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stat~d th~ west~rn building has now b~~n mov~d clos~r to Quak~r
MR. CARR-Stat~d that's what I thought.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stat~d right, that's abso1ut~ly corr~ct and th~ r~ason for that
is w~ want~d to com~ up with som~thing at l~ast r~asonab1y clos~ to our cov~rag~,
but w~' v~ obvious 1y got a sma1l~r si t~ now and w~ hav~ to hav~ parking conc~rns
and w~'v~ got to allow amp1~ room to park and that's th~ r~ason that that building,
which is th~ w~st~rn most building on th~ sit~ plan, has b~~n mov~d slightly north.
Now, it has not b~~n mov~d clos~r than th~ varianc~ for th~ bank building which
is th~ 41 f~~t. In fact, it's 51 f~~t from Quak~r Road, so it's an additional
10 f~~t and you should also b~ awar~ that th~ imm~diat~ adjac~nt n~ighbor, which
is th~ prop~rty own~d by Mr. Gavita and Miss Howard, it's Northway Floor I think
it' s call~d, th~y ar~ at 50 f~~t, so w~' r~ at th~ sam~ s~tback from Quak~r Road
as that building. In addition, th~y ar~ supportiv~ of th~ varianc~ and I 'v~ got
a l~tt~r that I can submit, from th~ir Council, to that ~ff~ct. So, that's anoth~r
chang~. Mr. Carr is abso1ut~ly right. Thos~ ar~ th~ principal chang~s and I
don't think th~r~'s much mor~ to it. I would lik~ to point out that, in th~ Staff
comm~nts, which you hav~ not y~t r~ad, but will r~ad, Staff s~~ms to agr~~ that
th~ proposal is a b~tt~r sit~ plan than what was pr~viously approv~d. Th~ major
f~atur~ I gu~ss I want to ~mphasiz~ and chang~ is, obviously, w~' r~ significantly
furth~r away from Gl~nwood Av~nu~. I assum~ that's obvious, but I just want to
r~it~rat~ that, but I would also submit that in Staff's comm~nts, th~r~'s a r~qu~st
to r~hash som~ of th~ issu~s that w~ alr~ady d~cid~d in S~pt~mb~r which w~ do
not think is appropriat~. W~'r~ h~r~ sol~ly to g~t a slight modification of th~
ar~a varianc~. Staff' s comm~nts that Mrs. Go~tz will r~ad in shortly, I b~li~v~
you'll find, agr~~ that this sit~ plan is pr~f~rab1~, but also ~xpr~ss, again,
th~ points rais~d back in S~pt~mb~r and includ~ a sp~cific r~qu~st to hav~ thos~
points r~r~ad into th~ r~cord. Th~y' r~ alr~ady in th~ r~cord. Th~y' re alr~ady
part of th~ ordinanc~, but I don't s~~ th~ n~~d to r~hash th~m and I would submit
that's not appropriat~. I think that' s th~ highlight of this situation. It's
just a minor modification. With m~ ar~ Nancy Al~xand~r and K~ith Manz of C. T.
Ma1~, th~ proj~ct' s consultants, as w~ll as two of th~ principals, N~il Pinchuk
and Dr~w B~rnst~in. If th~r~ ar~ any qu~stions, w~'d b~ mor~ than happy to answ~r
MRS. GOETZ-Stat~d if w~ w~r~n' t r~ading th~ Staff Input, I would most lik~ly b~
bringing up thos~ points, so I'm glad that th~y'r~ in th~ Staff R~port and r~qu~st
it to b~ r~ad. Wh~n was th~ prop~rty purchas~d?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stat~d January 31st, of 1989.
MRS. GOETZ-Stat~d I'd just lik~
r~qu~st that th~ s~w~r lin~s b~
th~ Town to put th~m th~r~, right?
to r~vi~w that th~ own~rs of th~ prop~rty did
p lac~d wh~r~v~r th~y' r~ p 1ac~d. Th~y r~qu~s t~d
MR. SCHACKNER-Stat~d not ~xact1y. Ultimat~ly, y~s, but again, this ~xact1y what
I don't, w~ w~nt through this for an hour and forty minut~s, approximat~ly, in
S~pt~mb~r and sinc~ all w~'r~ h~r~ for is s~~king a minor modification, I don't
s~~ th~ n~~d to r~hash this. I'll answ~r, v~ry bri~f1y, but I'll again stat~,
I think it' s inappropriat~, in fact, to go back and r~hash this. Th~ curr~nt
own~rs w~r~ not awar~ of th~ ~as~m~nt. It's my und~rstanding that th~r~ was an
agr~~m~nt r~ach~d that it was anticipat~d that th~ agr~~m~nt with th~ Town was
going to b~ r~cord~d and that that agr~~m~nt was not r~cord~d by th~ Town. I
discuss~d this with Mr. Dus~k, prior to our S~pt~mb~r m~~ting and h~, basically,
agr~~d that it was anticipat~d to bê r~cord~d, that it had not b~~n r~cord~d.
In addition, and w~ discuss~d this at l~ngth in S~pt~mb~r, th~y sp~cifically ask~d
th~ s~ll~rs of th~ prop~rty about th~ ~xist~nc~ of such an ~as~m~nt and th~ s~ll~rs
r~pr~s~nt~d that th~y had not sign~d any agr~~m~nt and it turn~d out th~y had
sign~d an agr~~m~nt and you can und~rstand th~ frustration of th~ curr~nt own~rs
in that situation, but Mrs. Go~tz is absolut~ly corr~ct in that on~ of th~ r~asons
that w~ sought th~ varianc~ initially was b~caus~ of th~ r~location of a Town
s~w~r 1in~ ~as~m~nt. Sh~'s absolut~ly corr~ct.
MRS. GOETZ-Stat~d ok, thanks for r~vi~wing that.
MR. KELLEY-Ask~d, Mark, in th~ original plan, what was th~ distanc~ of th~ w~st~rly
building from Quak~r Road?
MR. SCHACKNER-Ask~d, from Quaker Road?
MR. KELLEY-Stat~d y~s, now you say th~ n~w building is 51 f~~t, what was that
MR. SCHACKNER-Stat~d ok, Mr. K~l1~y, th~ original distance was just und~r th~
75 foot n~~d~d and in r~spons~, sincê YOU'Vê ask~d that qu~stion, I'v~ r~fr~sh~d
my memory. I believe one of the members, maybe Mr. Carr, asked if we had received
any variance for that building initially and I wasn't sure. The answer is, we
did, it's depicted on the previous site plan. It's a very small variance, as
you can see, of several feet, as opposed to the larger one we seek now.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated I don't remember it, now.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated I reviewed the minutes before the meeting and there's a
statement in the minutes, I can direct you're attention to it, where former Board
member Mr. Muller, I believe, asked, is that the only variance needed and I
responded no, there's also a slight variance needed in the northwest corner.
It's on page 14 and it's the second comment from the bottom of the previous minutes
and you'll see Mr. Muller responding: Doesn't think this is a problem. Did you
find where I'm referring to?
MRS. GOETZ-Stated there's a second sentence in this motion.
MR. CARR-Stated it's clear that you are granted some setback so we can only assume
it was the couple of feet.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated ok, you may not have been perfectly articulate, I understand,
but it was Mr. Muller, and we did discuss it and, as I said, it's the second comment
from the bottom on Page 14, as well as, the last comment on Page 14 of the minutes
of September 27th.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated but we have to be concerned with the motion.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated sure.
We would encourage you to be more specific if you
MRS. GOETZ-Stated well, it's for your protection too.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated that's why we're encouraging it.
MR. CARR-Asked, Mark, you're asking for the variance on that westerly building,
basically, is what you're asking for, right, because you've made it closer to
the road?
MR. SCHACKNER it's not really closer to the, well, ok.
MR. CARR-Stated the bank stayed the same.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct.
MR. CARR-Stated we aren't talking about the bank's variance.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct.
MR. CARR-Stated we're just talking about the western building. Is that the only
variance we're talking about?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated yes, with respect only to that building, but it's not only
from Quaker Road, it's also the setback to Mr. Gavita's property.
MR. CARR-Asked, ok, which is supposed to be 30 feet off?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct and it's 20 feet, so there's a 10 foot setback variance
MR. TURNER-Asked the bank's still...
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct.
MR. CARR-Stated that's not even under discussion.
MR. KELLEY-Asked the original approval, was that 30 feet from the sideyard?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated on that western boundary, yes, it was, Mr. Kelley. Exactly,
and it's necessitated by having to push it all further west to get further away
from Glenwood.
Warren County Planning Board approved
Beautification Committee approved(on file)
Notes from John Goralski, Planner (attached)
MRS. GOETZ-Read Staff Input from September 27, 1989 (on file) In September the
County Planning Board disapproved and the Beautification Committee disapproved.
MR. CARR-Stated I'm disregarding what the Zoning Board did in September, on that
westerly building because it was minimal, at that point. I don't see this as
a minimal relief or request(TAPE TURNED) I feel that there's more than is necessary
at this time. Speaking directly to this application, it is my feeling that he
has a reasonable return on the property by meeting the front setback. I don't
have a problem with the sideyard setback because of the flood zone and everything
being pushed to the west. I can see where they have a practical difficulty with
stores having to be so many feet deep or whatever, but I do have a problem with
the front setback along Quaker Road. I don't think it's necessary for them to
have a 20 foot variance and still have a reasonable return or use of the property.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated I would agree. Regarding this particular application, I think
it's a self-imposed hardship. They knew what they were buying when they bought
the property.
MR. KELLEY-Stated I believe, Mark, you said the square footage of the two retail
stores is now less than what is was when we approved it before. Is that correct?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct, about 100 square feet. It goes from 28,671 to 28,582.
The Zoning Ordinance allows 29 percent lot coverage. We had previously granted
approval, 18 percent coverage, we're now down to 16 percent coverage and if I
could just refresh your memory, Mr. Kelley, and this is sort of unfair to Mr.
Carr because he was not present previously, but we presented dollars and cents
proof, we actually submitted, if you remember, financial data, to the Board which
we went through in a laborious fashion to demonstrate that we had dollars and
cents proof of no reasonable, financial return, keeping in mind that this is in
a zone, as was mentioned earlier, split zone, plaza commercial, highway commercial.
So, not withstanding any personal opinion with regard to the availability of
commercial space in the Town of Queensbury, generally speaking, this is an allowed
use in the zone and we submitted hard data, dollars and cents proof, demonstrating
that even what we sought then, for approval, was the minimum relief necessary
to enjoy a reasonable return. Now we've cut that back further, obviously, to
the detriment of the applicant and with respect to Mrs. Goetz comment, with all
due respect, the applicant did not know what they were purchasing because there
were misrepresentations made by the seller, number one and number two, a sewer
line easement, which was agreed upon with the Town of Queensbury, evidently, was
not recorded.
MR. CARR-Asked, but, Mark, what's the sewer line easement have to do with 75 foot
setback that was in place on January 31st, 1989?
MR. SCHACKNER-Asked, which 75 foot setback?
MR. CARR-Stated on Quaker Road, I mean that was the Ordinance in effect at that
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated if you're talking about your concern about the western building
in this northwest corner, it has nothing whatsoever to do with that. The point,
in response to your comment, Mr. Carr, is that your suggestion would be,
essentially, to lop off the northern most portion of the western building and
what I'm trying to state is that we have already gone to the absolute minimum
total square footage, that we've demonstrated that with hard, dollars and cents
proof of no reasonable return if we complied with the Ordinance previously. The
sewer line setback issue, certainly, does not effect that specific concern, but
the point is that our total
square footage already met the standard for practical difficulty in September
and now we're cutting it, albeit slightly, but we're reducing it even further.
Now we're down to almost one half of the lot coverage that the Zoning Ordinance
would allow as a right.
MR. CARR-Stated if you had a perfect lot.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated if we
but in terms of coverage,
approximately 29 percent.
had a
lot without certain constraints and
Zoning Ordinance coverage allowed
would be
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, where was the research, when these people were attempting to
purchase the property, like finding out about the flood plain problem? Were you
involved in this? I don't think you were.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated not at all. If you remember, when I was here last time,
I said that it's easier for me to say all these nasty things about people not
doing these things because we did not represent them at that time.
MR. CARR-Asked, Mark, ...a consensus based on 100 percent occupancy?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated all that information is in the old file that you have up there?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct.
your old file, but I'm sure
on 100 percent occupancy.
I'm only taking Mr. Goralski's word that it's in
that's true and I'm stating that it's correct based
MR. SHEA-Stated apparently the variance was granted for the bank building for
relief from the 75 foot setback.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated correct.
MR. SHEA-Stated my only point is, to go on record as saying that, with new
development in the Town of Queensbury, it would seem to me that the developers
and planners should go to practically all lengths to comply with those variances.
I can see a practical difficulty, in most cases or in many cases, with existing
properties that have to be redone and reconfigured. Some of those that were before
us earlier this evening, but I would like to see an extra effort made to comp ly
with all of the variances on the books with regards to new construction and, given
the fact I was not here back then, but I can tell you my intentions or my feelings
on it, that I probably would not have voted for the variance with regards to the
75 foot relief of the setback there. I, therefore, would like to see some kind
of effort being made to comply with the most westerly building. The other is
a question that, in pushing all the buildings to the west, if you have reduced
the total square footage by two percent, is that correct?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated approximately, yes.
MR. SHEA-Stated so, the question now is that, is that two percent the difference
between this project becoming profitable or successful and not becoming successful?
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated well, I guess, I've got also a question and a comment and
I might refer that specific question to one of the principals. My question is,
Mr. Shea, it seemed, to me at least, that you were suggesting that applicants
strive to comply with all the variances in the Town. I'm wondering if you meant
all the setbacks.
MR. SHEA-Stated the setbacks, I did and I asked Mr. Kelley because I was not
involved in this at the time, obviously, why that was and I guess there were some
extenuating circumstances with regards to the sewer and things of that sort.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated right, and I guess my comment, before I get back to your
question, is twofold. First, if you recall, Mrs. Goetz read the motion that was
adopted back in September and I believe that motion makes explicit reference to
the fact that the app licant has shown that there have been three dozen plans
pivoting the bank several different ways and I would submit that that demonstrates
and, Mr. Kelley, you may recall, you asked about this back in September, that
demonstrates that the applicant did strive, in every way possible, to meet the
applicable setbacks and couldn't find a way to do it with reasonable return.
MR. SHEA-Stated with regards to the bank.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated right and I understand, I'll get to your question about the
western building in a moment. Let me try to address that now. You can't really
isolate the bank from the rest, in the sense of, it's a project, the project
encompasses the entire parcel and, as was submitted back in September, we took
square footage for all three buildings, assumed tenancy, assumed they're rented
out, and demonstrated, even then, lack of reasonable return if we were to comply
with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. Now that we find out that the Zoning
Ordinance requirements are even more onerous, clearly we can't make a reasonable
return in compliance with them. One factual point that it sounds like at least
some of you may not be aware of is that there is an existing building on the site
that's already as close to the two roads as we're proposing the new buildings
to be and, again, in the minutes, Mr. Muller commented on the fact, and he commented
sort of negatively in terms of the aesthetics of the existing building, I think
he called it an ugly, existing building or something to that effect and he pointed
out the merits of replacing it with some type of more, his word was upscale,
project. I guess, to get back to the question you most recently asked, I think
that we submitted hard, dollars and cents proof to show that at 18 percent coverage,
we just barely had reasonable return so 16 percent we have even less so. I don't
know if there's anymore articulate way of answering your question. I am not aware
of any Board anywhere that imposes zoning to the point where a business they know
in advance, can't make it and can't cover it, but I can't think of a more articulate
MR. KELLEY-Stated one of the things, Mark, as you were
I think I remember discussion here that a permitted
McDonald's or Burger King and this is much more
talking, that came to mind,
use there would be like a
desirable than a fastfood
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated right, there was a lengthy discussion about that, you're
absolutely right.
MR. KELLEY-Stated and I do remember
separate from the other buildings.
of thing and, if I remember right, it
make it and we had to go back and I had
there was a comment about the bank being
They wanted their own identity, that sort
seems like we made a motion and it didn't
to change my vote, at one point.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated well, you didn't have to, but there was an earlier motion
and there was a reconsideration.
MR. KELLEY-Stated it was because my concern was, was this the best plan and I
didn't feel that enough effort had been put into it and then, upon discussion,
we said, well, there ,were dozens of plans and apparently somebody spent a lot
of hours.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated right and let me just add to that, point out that, all we're
seeking is a slight modification to that plan and that I don't think anyone,
including Staff, disagrees with the proposition that this site plan is better
than that site plan.
MR. SHEA-Asked, is there any consideration given to the amount of setback in an
instance like this with regards to fire protection? I mean this is a long building.
MR. GORALSKI-Stated I might be able to just make a comment on that. We have
reviewed that as far as access for fire apparatus and the proposal meets all of
the requirements for access to the rear of the building both from the Glenwood
Avenue side and the Quaker Road side.
Introduced by Jeffrey Kelley who moved for its adoption, seconded by Theodore
The applicant previously received a variance from the ZBA in relation to a proposed
bank which would be 41 feet from Quaker Road in lieu of the 75 foot requirement.
New information on the flood zone boundary existing on the property made it
necessary for a new plan and this plan is a proposed retail building on the westerly
s ide of the prop erty. It would be 50 feet from Quaker Road in lieu of the 75
foot requirement. We feel this is a minimum relief based on the fact that the
total retail square footage has been reduced from the original plan. Dollar and
cents proposal has shown that they needed as much square footage as possible.
They are p lacing the building 50 feet from Quaker to meet their monetary return.
The 50 feet requested is still greater than the distance approved on the bank
building. This is reasonable request. The site distance is not effected. Public
facilities will not be effected. This is minimum relief to make the project
feasible. Regarding the side yard setback, the requirement is 30 feet. The
westerly building is shown
to b~ 20 f~~t from th~ w~st~r1y prop~rty lin~. This is a m1.n1.mum r~li~f. Th~
r~ason for th~ sid~ yard s~tback was causfòd by thfò flood zonfò existencfò. This
is a Type II action and we won't n~ed the short EAF.
Duly adopted this 28th day of Ffòbruary, 1990, by thfò following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shea, Mr. Sicard, Mr. Turner
NOES: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Carr
ABSENT: Mrs. Eggleston
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, Jeffrey, the part about thfò flood plain was not know to exist,
can we say not known by applicant because the Town knew it existed.
MR. KELLEY-Statfòd alright, not known to exist by thfò applicant.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated I can't
Town would havfò told us that
you can leave it that way.
the case.
imagine that the Town realizfòd it or, I assume the
we were building in a flood zone. If the Town knew,
It I S up to you, folks, but my guess is, that's not
MR. GORALSKI-Stated we knew that it was a flood p lain. I, personally, and no
one in the Planning Department, knew that it was a flood zone and that a building
could not be constructed and I'd just like to point out that that's not a Zoning
Ordinance regulation.
MR. SCHACKNER-Stated right.
MRS. GOETZ-Askfòd, what is it?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated I believe it's a Building Code regulation.
MRS. GOETZ-Asked, Town law?
MR. GORALSKI-Stated no, a Building Code, a StatIO Building Code.
MR. TURNER-Stated New York State Building Code.
MR. SCHACKNER-Statfòd that's definitfòly not an oVfòrsight of thfò Town Department
because it I S not in the Town Ordinance. I don't mean to wreak havoc on your
minutes, but during the corrfòspondence, I think I should have handed you the lettfòr
from Mr. Gavita's legal representative.
MRS. GOETZ-Stated this letter is from William Bacas, representing Gavita-Howard
Property: This office represents Joseph A. Gavita and Ela Howard, owners of rfòal
property on Quaker Road which property adjoins that of the applicant. Neithfòr
Joseph Gavita nor Ela Howard are able to attend the hearing upon the instant
application, howevfòr, thfòY have authorized this office to advise the ZBA that
there arfò no objections on their part with rfòspect to thfò application presented.
I have been askfòd to mfòntion that thfò parking arfòa dfòsignated to thfò rear of the
Gavita-Howard property is approximately 18 inches above the Gavita-Howard property.
They have requested that this property bfò lfòve1ed to the height of thfò Gavita-Howard
On motion meeting was adjournfòd.
Mr. Theodore Turner, Chairman
P1anning Department
· NOT E T 0 F lL E ·
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Date: Februarv 27. 1990
By: Stuart Baker
Area Variance
X Use Variance
- Sign Variance
:= Interpretation
Subdbision: Sketch, _ Preliminary,
Site Plan Renew
- Petition for a Change of Zone
- Freshwater Wetlands Permit
Application Number:
Use Variance No. 12-1990
Applicant's Name:
David E. Williams. Sr.
Meeting Date:
Februarv 28. 1990
The applicant woold like a Use Variance for the coostruct ion of a building to contain an
office, shop, garage, and in loading dock. The applicant's property is currently zoned RR-3A, and
is adjacent to a HC-IA zone.
Please note that the attached referral fran the Zoning Administrator describes the project
as coostruction of a storage building only. Mrs. Collard has reviewed the actual project as
subnútted with the application and has determined that an Area Variance is needed as ~ll. (See
the attached letter.)
The application does not appear to lÆ!et any of the foor necessary criteria- as ootlined in
Article 10 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Any hardship experienced by the applicant by strict adherence to the Ordinance woold appear
to be self Í1TpOsed. Wlen the applicant purchased the property, it was zoned as Highway
Canœrcial. His proposed use was not allowed in that zone under the previoos zoning, nor is it
an allowable use in a Highway Ccmœrcial zone under the present Ordinance.
The proposed building \,¡aÜd be roore suitable in a light industry zone, tJ'Iere it woold be a
permitted use. Such a use in the proposed location may be detrÍIœntal to the canœrcial and
residential character of this neighborhood. Denial of this variance request woold not deny the
applicant of any property rights applicable to sirnálar lots in RR-)A zones.
Proof of an inability to achieve a reasonable return on the property fran allowable uses
rrust be subnútted by the applicant.
Pl<llnning Department
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Date: February 28, 1990
By: John Goralski
Area Variance
Sign Variance
== Interpretation
Subdi.œ.on: Sketch. _ Preliminary.
Site Plan Reriew
- Petition fer a Change of Zone
- Freshwater Wetlands Permit
Application Number:
Use Variance No. 13-1990
Applicant's Name:
J. Paul Barton - Docksider Restaurant
Meeting Date:
February 28, 1990
Becétuse this proposed expansion of a cOIT,mercial lIse takes place within a
Critical Environr.lenta1 Are;: and a Use VariÐnce is required, this should be
treated as a Type I action. The Board shoulG consider if they wish to act as
Lead Ap,ent or if they wish the Planninp, ROBrd to act as Lead Agent. Also, a
Long Environmental Assessr.;ent Form should be subrni tted by the applicant.
One of the reasons for reviewing expansion of nonconforming uses is to be
sure that all of the proper facilities are provided. The applicant is
upgrading the sept ic systeP1 to provide for the expanded use. ; There is,
however, a problem with the parking facilities. The parking spaces indicated
are not 10' x 20' and there is not a 20' Hide clear drive hetween the spaces.
No variance from these requirenents has been requested~
The Zoning Ordinance states that the Z.B.A. must find that the property
cannot yield a reasonable return without a variance. It does not appear that
any evidence has been provided to support such a claim.
I \-Tould recommend that the Board not take any ac t ion on th is applicat ion
until SEQRA is satisfied.
p);lnning Department
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Date: February 28, 1990
By: Jdm Goralski
Area Variance
-.-:¡. Use Variance
Sign Variance
== Interpretation
Subdirision: Sketch. _ Preliminary.
Site Plan Reriew
- Petition for a Change of Zone
- Freshwater Wetlands Permit
Application Number:
Arø~ V~r;~n~ø Nn lá-lqqn
Applicant's Name:
J. Paul Barton - Docksider Restaurant
Meeting Date:
February 28, 1990
This request is for a
requirement. I recommend that
respect to SEQRA.
this be
from the
75' shoreline setback
a Type II action with
There is no evidence that the applicant would not have reasonable use of
the property if the variance is not 8ranted.
This request does not appear to be the minimum relief necesshry. I feel
that minimum relief would place the addition no closer to the Lake than the
existing building. This would minimize the visual and aesthetic impact on the
shoreline .'1
As long as the required parkinp, can be provided I do not think this will
have any impact on public facilities or services.
p.=-nning Department
f J l E
(U P i-
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Date: FphrllSlry 77 _ I qqO
By: Stuart Baker
Area Variance
X Use Variance
-Sign Variance
== Interpretation
SubdiTision: Sk.etch, _ Preliminary,
Site Plan Review
- Petition for a Change of Zone
- Freshwater Wetlands Permit
Application Number:
Use Variance No. 15-1990
Applicant's Name:
E & T O'Connor Construction
Meeting Date:
Februarv 28. 1990
The applicant is request ing a Use Variance for the expansion of a
commercial construct.ion company office. as required by Section 9.014 of the
Zoning Ordinance. The Board should use this opportunity to re-evaluate the
existing nonconforming use as it prepares to expand.
The application submitted appears to satisfy the "uniqueness" and
"neighborhood character" tests required in Article 10. The applicant must
demonstrate an inability to achieve a reasonable return before a variance can
be granted.
fit E
PJ=-nning Department
· NOT E T 0 F I-L E ·
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Februarv 27. 1990
Stuart Baker
X Area Variance
Use Variance
- Sign Variance
== Interpretation
Subdi.-ision: _ Sketch, _ Preliminary,
Site Plan Rmew
- Petition fer a Change of Zone
- Freshwater Wetlands Permit
Application Number:
Area Variance No. ]6-1990
Applicant's Name:
E & T O'Connor Construction
Meeting Date:
Februarv 28, 1990
The applicant is requesting approximately 6.87 feet of relief from the
required 20 foot side setback required in a SFR-IA zone. Such relief would
allow for the addition of approximately 525 sq. ft. of office space.
Special consideration should be given to this application. The Board
should consider what. if any, limits should be placed on the expansion of
nonconforming, uses - especially those in residential zones.
The "reasonable use"
are three different uses
and a maintenance shop.
reasonable use of the land.
test should be carefully reviewed. Currently there
on the property: office space, equipment storage.
It appears as if the applicant 2urrently has
ptSlftfti"8 Department
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Date: February 28, 1990
By: Jàm Goralski
--L Area VU"ÎaDce
Use Variance
== Sip Variance
_ Interpretation
Subdi'risioa: Sketch. Prelim'
- - mary.
Site Plan Reriew
== Petition far a ChaDge of Zone
Freshwater WetlaDda Permit
Application Number:
Area Variance No. 17-1990
Applicant'. Name:
Tiernan, Bernstein & Pinchuk
MeetiDg Date:
February 28, 1990
I have attached a copy of my notes on Area Variance No. 111-1989 dated
September 27, 1989. This application was approved.
This new application does provide better site distance and visibility at
the G1enwood and Quaker intersection. In this respect I feel this is a much
better plan that the one that was previously approved.
All of the other comments on Area Variance No. 111-1989 still apply to
this application. I would like to request that these notes be read into the