2005-565 Ninety Nine Restaurant TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20050565 Application Number: A20050565 Tax Map No: 523400-302-005-0001-092-011-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: NINETY NINE RESTAURANT For property located at: 578 AVIATION Rd HI 41 in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: PYRAMID MALL OF GF NEW CO, 4 CLINTON Sq HI #1 Sign Total Value SYRACUSE, NY 13202-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2005-565 NINETY NINE RESTAURANT& PUB 72.55 SQ FT WALL SIGN Space C104 $145.10 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at th own Que `u ; dnesday, July 27, 2005 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement ' WC'D J U L 2 5 2005 F aueaing&Cedes Office-Ceportmont of Community Development-Town of Glueensbvry PERMI7 NUMBER 742 Bay Rood.O,ueensbiry.NY 12804 Dove hctin,Director Codes@aueensbUry.ng t FEE PAID I.- (SIS;,tiI-$z;b FAX; (5)8)745-4437 J Sign Permit Application Application&plans are subject to review before issuance of a valid permit for placement of a sign. Instructions: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this opplicetion must be completed and must appear on the application form. �p ,n'1 6 Applicant/business {a �i to IIJ ner l address: -_3 Address: Home Phone: t �v Home Phone: Email Address: .tJ rN (T As,I+- -§7441nnail Address: Cell Phone: `-t L^'a/I Cell Phone: u -Wg0AtK. `_AX Phone: '?? - ?v u FAX Phone: y $-� 4-P i 3 20 Z`7 Person responsible for supervision of,"ork with respect to Sign Code compliance: S i%� �w Q9 Name:{ S\C,rt Address: �`t?, C 0 o ti A �. �r Phone_ __7`I_—q-3.T Ema'l Address: Rt�y S R{�,i 4 c � - C`-e-a (( c _ocation of proposed insta)lation: Legal Address: y9 Suite No. Business Complex/Plaza/Moll Name: Business Name: tv 1 Nr�.TT t 1 C k�� �r�u y2 AN Vj Tax Map Number: Type at sign proposed: _freestanding �wall _ awning ^projecting s gn is+o be illuminated,ulPose indicate. Intemal-External _Incandescent `Neon _Other Do signs currently exist on the property? .Yes / _lie o If YES,list all existing signoge: _ The oppilceti creates a change in the following existing site conditions: fill in all applicable spaces New ___Change in number of signs from to _Change in setback for sign from to ___Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy from to Sign wording/Cops: `, ge-4 1-�m4Cti e Sign size: Length____x Width_____=Total Sq.ft. ' � Sign Height(freestanding sign) Color ono.&Aoterial to be used: 9,E a -14e LUQ 1 t s \0 jA ���e-1_j-�S -ANTE f_NJ•�t tje0;,3 Lt 1,, :kV bknj:, _ o� 6x71+ a ' �{ 1� Proviije 2 copies of tAcaled Jawing or surveyed plot pion with the following irstormation: location of sign(walls signs: drawing of the fagade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on fa(;ade) height of freestanding sign depth of projecting sign distances from front and side property lines. Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. Prp Aae F.opiicani and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building), Deciaratlon: Please sign,below after you have carefully read the statement: Te'he best of my knp e,the sto'ements contained in,the application,together with the plans and s^ecificn,ions sub I ted,or true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises end ih all provisio of the Zoning Or finance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied witY,whether s ecified or note ,a d that such work is authorized by the owner. �o A°f�LhP.NT';IGNATURE� � c -DA�: lereoy crhorize the applicant ro place d sign on my properly or building. DATE: a l 'Sde b[erninguro;;Duilc; Pormit.FORAMS;gr,PermitApplicati AOC - %Uii.i.it1)l YF3 Oc:60 IIH.L B00Z11LZ11 TO 09:32 FROM-Barlo Signs �- 1603882i680 T-575 P 02/0;' F-481 _x r REC'D J U L 2 5 2005 Attenfion Town/City oaf_ _ Q `�(!2 � � Date: ,Tune 21, 2005 Qty/5WT.er/-ip:.- - .. ...............-,- - --- -- ••-- -- •-------•---.....,...,.---._...,....................................................I--..........................Landlord Authorization Form - FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY OWNER OF PROPERTY As owner of _570 Avis#ian Rd. c ee,Mbury NY I 28 4 k1-M er[y AQOMe Sl { hereby authorize Jen it+o "oho d I Kris LoHijbito t Carol Bu 4 gpavl Hseh ns. or an authorized rsrpresentative of arl 5iGns of NudsQn, NH: A►f RL Y ' N for this site. q`1 s 18A) Owner's Signature: John, M- Barrera } owner's Printed Name: pYr ama.c3Representative Mall Of Gl enS Falls wc,?.�. L �. A owner's Address: mho -1 gtnv F.Xs:bgnr-c�..--.�...A� 4 C11"ton Square Y lqz .�+w}Mwr• .g r --ILIA sy—raz Rid•#i#rAw wr aw■ii■rtw■w waww.,.ww.ww,.,lrrrarr�#w'■aa�ww■w.a*r.aw■www■■wwwrww�+w....,.w+..,ws As QWner of &vlation Rd., Q eeng4uEX NY 9289A _ �,_ tpraparty A&ko ) i hereby authorize Jenn RnbiMagj or Authorizag SeREggiseliWt� of BarlS Signs of Hudson. NH, to APPEAR E3EF0 THE PLANNiNg BOW andfor SIGN- R,EYL W BOARD 2n1l0r thQ ZBA for this site. Ownees Signature: John M. Barrera tev-wj Repxesen a Tva Owner's Printed Name' P�lramid Mall of G1gris a 1 &egQQ- x4.. . �i .,. PEA.A •.Ilr1f■.Y� A��`M��. lhia E-jiijt�n ��{C�Sa11w s• wr. �.e+�.�rw..r r a cll-nran SYA„racu2g.,, New YRTLC . .. •#A■���ftA#w#erwat#ors#■r#•■r#w�awwr,r�a■#a#■##rf Pwtw..aww.■ra■##awrR.aliws.w.�»...w..A Reference JOB NAMF'„99 Wit Cannot apply for permits air hearings until we mcolvs your Re authorization, PLEASE. (1) FAX BACK to Vdx if 603-S82.7660. Ann: Kathy SOW" Fteference Jod Ito: f�19flSAA amp(a)MAIL OMOINAL-TO: 5ario Signs, 1x6 Greeley Street, Hudson, NI-i 03451- lP you navy 7ny questions, plfvasa call me at 1-800-227-56.74 ext-�!39 THANK YOUI t Cho Gl�. REC® J u L 2 5 M5 I� 1• i Art PAGE 1 rMM A 1Brye MAIJUFi'hCTUR.Z 63ttIP: nNE El'ANDARD!iEl-!Ir t�GL'�3 LAGO 11 PACE Y MEN s tte tnrr PAGE Y ITEN C E Able IMM I.e� teit'o IBM *Alamo KEcFn e IN5TAU A50VE ITEM5 �;,ElE\/ATION-EXTERX3R ttt l 19-il 62. Cabeiet SEND-GL�6ULT T-- � //� Re*W wm-,,EA oG 5 i. Fain B1G.ry{,A�F SPY 1RIYL t fiW TRAM. t P.t.ft CIA A44JANLE WLWN5 119 w Fear E4W*LLMV FACE - i Trtn: aeorrus m , - L - _ n Naac YELLOW NEON `0 I i tI ' i RwA u ' V J F U �� �. �i Raking: WIrM USA MM45 VM TRANS. ' 950 TRANS,J Faux 2J95 RE.Q FI=X �'72130 TR:tNS. p]T*n: BLACKIM 7— �.tk RED 15" 1WLRestaurant ' • ub Rwlmg: f-------- -< F— Winn Eb rj Te— REDRIA j U NMN: vkm NEON _____________ c_______- 'NIA ONE SET NIQL,St.LOW i - 'P?e soft _______ cm-twb*1 Ua oft D SC.ALF-3B'a T-a ------! F______----------------------- O rasi Q a.arp �ilQi MtaNN••n OW iyIMIt111RtIRIH gq�1111�t roe the Iftmm lftftft trerrllasirlraiggtlr JOIN= momm(MIL��lNItR: toter ltir�ar p� w tr/ pow era tie iLL(rrll' li� ".ABF 578RWSY31i R6./�1EENSBI�C HY Rlitrigi slat Urt a'aa�Dx- rsrtis�siahrtleltsYGr Yriw f1 tnd11A ditafa�l�■ am pr IMNMNM T"tie PLu tk aw Ifthokbt MA Bgtc 5' I.rac ~` w►law:rarrlmaw� tiPwM- P ie 4tt .065 ALUM. P— 1g T5DA.15 evgain um:uaaalgar a a� ! tM�7G'�(j lomt d-mm rc JrW i vhbF C%U%uok va-q FA 1O••a w.r ��� xra�c diP -a$ltLrrt'rc7a05fk1 r �� V `ai EMU %WW 0—W. tlr. MRtal <tlb ale . ad. up— t �r � � � asrtaz Ufi,,U5•'2QU5- TUIE 1:.: iU FAX 518 745 4437 ToQ Community be elopv�e�; + tie fgn • Parking Signs • eon • e er Y I%, • t» Q }may } Avenue �/p}� p �+.}� �+. �-( A,'�( -, .� C7 �I�� IIQI �Y�71 lug c e ectody, I V 1 123 .W R" REC"D Ju - 5 ao Your Full Service UL A0 �pproVed Sign ny ! �? 518-377-1371 Fax 377-2704 �_ t �s _ DATE TO ATTEN?i4N ; a c TIME T.� OF PAGES Q? SENDER Q ' 7 � allrn LI J • Cast & Piistic Letters * Permits • Electric Signs Instalic fi�)ns • TO 3OVd