2005-589 Sprint TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20050589 Application Number: A20050589 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-054-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SPRINT EXPRESS For property located at: 730 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: DECOGLEN LP 25 CORPORATE Cir Sign Total Value ALBANY, NY 12203 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency RAY SICTN_ INC. 28 COLONIAL Ave SCHENECTADY_ NY 12304 Plans&Specifications 2005-589 SPRINT STORE EXPRESS 17.50 SQ FT PANEL SIGN TO BE PLACED ONTO THE EXISTING FREESTANDING SIGN $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensb ;1 Fri ay, August 26, 2005 SIGNED BY (0'- for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building& ode orcement REC'D AUG 1 - 2005 Building 8 r odes Ort�e-Deportmen'G of Community Darvelopment-Town of Ouaensbury PERMIT NUMBER 742 Bay IN 1 aueensbury,NY 12BD4 D< 00 Dave Hatin,Director godes0aueensbury.ne t FEE PAID Phone: (51 8)7 6 1-82 56 FAX: (518)745-4437 Sign Permit Application APplication&mans are snbiect to review before issuance of valid permit for oiacement of a sign Instructions: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. Applicant/Business Ray Ri ecru Owner: $,print Stare exrireSS Address: Ave. Address: 4�O firmer s len s u i t L 3 Home Phone: SC enectadv.N.Y_ 12 3 CiAome Phone: _ Email Addre'1"a V S • Email Address: Cell Phpne: Cell Phone: FAX Phone: �7 7 2704 FAX Phone: 69E)—E)31 Person responsible for supervision of work with respect to Sign Code compliance: Name: RiiGc Ha7Pn T?axr Ci an a' Address: 29 colonial�ve.-Seheneetadv.N.`T-r.f OSE14 377-1371 Ema'i Address: Location of proposed installation: Legal Address:7 30 Upper Glen ST. Ub117t" _, Business Complex/Plaza/Mall Name: Business Name: Sprint Stc)rne Tax Map Number. Type of sign pra tjopAJ$t�,9ndeXistin%afreeSt &na S1Qnprojecting 411r, 0 1 2005 If sign is to be illuminated,pie❑sz indicate: }_Internal _External _incandescent _Neon _Other__ po signs currently exist on the property?K..Yes / _No if YES,list oil existing signoge: _ The oppllcQt!.'PA creates a change in the following existing site conditions: fill in all applicable spaces -,'New _Mange in number of signs from to _Change in setback for sign from to _Change in size of sign from to _Change in height of sign from to ._Change of wording/copy from to Sign wording/copy: � t,�' S`tvR.e— 3Y�3O Sign size: Length x Width 2L.Total Sq.ff. 1-7 05S t554ign Het4�ht(freestanding sign)_ ! Calcr aria MC Carat To be used: U. tgo s igi.) i=!-4c:c_ a t umt S i i e A�w�r (� �� k Rou Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: FR location of sign(walls signs: drawing of the fogode the 4n will be located on,indicate sign on fagade) height of freestanding sign depth of projecting sign distances from front and side property lines. Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). 3 0®ciaatct*Qn: Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications subm e a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that II provis ns of the oning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied wiri,whether pecifie noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT;IGNATUR . DATE: 7 f a�.Z /!J`J' i hereby authorize the applicant rn place a sign on my property or building. OWNER SIGNATURE - - DATE - T.:tiya ldmnii;gu•ay�uildu-i�.Parniic.FORA4S�S�gli PerrmtAppiicz6on,doc -- - -- - - - - - - V z0U zoliz YVd 0L':60 11U 900z/1z/T0 REC'D AUG 1 — 2005 N.{ T—O" sir, r:q ��,n� 0 Jack American ai r 0 Store xpress 2 3 COLOR CODE: (1) PMS 485 KED (2) BLACK (3)WHITE ADD ONE INTERNALLY ILLOWINATEO DOUBLE FACED 2'X T UNDER EXISTING JACK'S 3'X T SIGN.THIS SIGN WILL BOLT TO EXISTING PLATE ON TOP OF POLE AND THE JACKS SIGN WILL BOLT TO IT.THE Y" k a71o5 NAME SPRINT EXPRESS RAY REVISED APPROVED FOR PRODUCTION JCS.NO. LCCfnON RT.9,QUEENSOURY,NY �'A M R-1 7l26/05 CHANGE SIZE OF LOWER SIGN SALES RUSS DATE 6/30/05 APPROVED BY: PROJECT# 530 SCALE 3/4"wl"Ow SALES: 28 C. W14:brf/al Avo- SChsnsclady NY 12304 DRAWING* 530 o+Yo_By LEE MOST I cusToMER: 518-377-1371 THIS DESIGN IS THE ORONAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF OUR COMPANY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED,COPIED,OR M BRED IN ANY FASHION WRHOVT WR N CONSENT FROM AN AVTHO M OFFICER OF THE COMPANY �Oz /s 5 4ti+ t��U � 44) w UPPER GLEN STREET (NYS RTE. 9) � N 39' 58' W 151.0' N I EXISTING PAVEMENT 0 m C IIv�m I Z o I I- 4 � I it I ----- ---- - ------ - I l II -7 I � I I I I I i L- I II I II 4361 I I I \/��.. ®� I 0 RE ED I II �Yi 41A� 6004 I U1 O I Z 1°OW�1FOF (),UEI NSSURY o