7421 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 7421 0 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 1-1 PERMISSION is hereby granted to Gary Finger OWNER of property located at Assembly Point Road Street,Road or Ave. tA (D in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Crib Dock at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 19 Juniper Drive Glens Falls, New York 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Horning Construction 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address N 8 Webster Avenue 5 Glens Falls, New York 1-4 4. ARCHITECT'S Name ro 0 r 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 7:1 O sal 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( 1 Wood Frame ( ► Masonry ( )Steel ( 7. PLANS and Specifications construction of an "L" shaped crib dock that will No. attach to an existing crib dock to create a "U" shaped dock per plot plan and application submitted. 8. Proposed Use Dock tr n $ 10. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Feb. 1 19 R� b (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the 0 town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 6th Day of July 1g 82 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Buil ng and Zoning Inspector TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (Space inside block to be filled in by WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Building Inspector) Application for .\1)1>lication No. • pP Permit Issued 19 BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT l.,.rmi( Expires. 1(. 7, iiiit District . \uluc' uI Work$ THREE (3) Copies of a PLOT PLAN, Drawn to scale \ills"`c.cl by showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built 16'iu.1)Kf upon, The exact size, and location on the lot of the building to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB- MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. -- 1 — I ( 4. -Y(//ty TOWN OF QUEENb U ''1 - . • - . . R E 0 E DATE B A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORKNB? ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING. jou P.M. The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to do the following work A.M. 7181911.0111112)11213141516 which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifi- , < cations, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. ,}'� tvms;/,0127, a The owner of this operty i _, ' INA''E1 IP0 el" The person responsible for su rvis,er.of the work 'nsofar s the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance apply is: (NAME) IP O ADDRESS) Name of Builder l ' bi--)n4 Address Name of Plumber Address Name of Mason Address Lot Number Unit Estimated value of proposed work S /.Cr GGG Name of Village Name of Street Side of street: north 0, east 0, south ❑, west 0 Nearest Cross Street Distance from this -ross street Ft. Property is north ❑,south ❑,east Et,west ❑from Cross Street If on Corner, which corner, northeast ❑, northwest ❑, southeast ❑. southwest (Designate by marking with an "X" in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY ❑ Construction of a new building. Main Building 13 One-family dwelling ❑ Addition to a building. Two-family dwelling El • Alteration to a building. ❑ Demolition of a building. -family apartment house ❑ Store building ❑ ar.atta ed garag . . . . . . . . El (� Cott Other: tc . C 1-. . . ��`" Accessory Building One-car detached garage O Other work. Describe Two-car detached garage ❑ Private chicken house ❑ Private storage building El Other: ZONING SPECIFICATIONS. Fill in for new building, or addition to existing building,or a change of occupancy. Indicate on the plot plan street names, the location and size of the property, the location, size and setbacks of pro- posed buildings,and the location of all existing buildings. NORTH Show proposed building(s) in dotted line and existing buildings) in solid line. Size of property ft. x ft. Size and use of existing buildings, if any h F N a m Size of proposed building ft.x ft. Height(from grade to ridge) ft. Front yard ft. Side yards ft. and ft. Rear yard ft. SOUTH If on corner,setback from side street ft. Note: All distances are net, as measured from street side line to nearest part of building. (OVER) 7-73-M (coned.) BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS., Kind of construction: Wood frame,fire safe, tc.?. .6•L'r4'c'� .. S-A tv z g set,� d c K Will any second-hand lumber be used? . . U • - . . . If so, for what Material of foundation walls . . �,'.-:lC • .it• S/0 AA/' Thickness Depth of foundation walls below grade Continuous foundation? Will there be a cellar? If so, material of cellar floor Type of roof: Sloped or flat? Material of roof Size,wood studs "x ",spacing "o.c.,length ft. Size, floor beams, 1st floor "x ",spacing "o.c.,span ft. Size, floor beams,2nd floor "x ",spacing "o.c., span ft. Size,ceiling beams "x ", spacing "o.c.,span ft. Size, roof rafters or beams "x ", spacing "o.c.,span . . . . . . . . . . . . ft. Exterior finish With what material? Finish of interior walls If garage is to be attached,of what material is wall between garage and main building to be constructed? Is there to be an opening between garage and building? Kind of heating system . • • • • • . Oil burner or coal? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . Will a flue-lined chimney be provided? Depth of chimney foundation below grade Height of chimney above roof Will there be a fireplace? . . Depth of fireplace hearth . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will a toilet be installed?. . . . . _ Will a kitchen sink be installed and connected to water supply? Water supply(public water supply or pump) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . Distance of cesspool from any private well . . . . . . .. ... • . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . ... . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . feet Will drainage system be provided with required traps,eleanouts,and vents? Town of Queensbury AFFIDAVIT County of Warren State of New York I swear that to tt, beerof my knor+lledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and'pacification,sub- mitted, are a true and co.l.plete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described ptemtees and that all of the BUILD- ING CODE,THE ZONING ORDINANCE,and all other laws pertaining . the proposed w shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. ' Sworn to before me this Signature �` / OW ER.O EA'' ENT,ARCHITECT,CONTRACTOR day of 19 / _,- NOTARY PUBLIC,WARREN-COUNTY,N.'1'.. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: • By TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department inspectors Report Date 7-1 3 Name y 3-4/t 2- Location /¢S / BG i►' F T" (44 e6 Die. Permit No. 7 2/ Vimer Remarks Excavation Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing 1/ �'t A.)) C4 Sheathing Roof Felt (Orli Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Relief Valves Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval Floors Insulation Foundation Walls 'Ceiling • � Building Inspector REMARKS k 5 . �.' T d usyaWn ol QtteerOluly Iiirr Vili! ; b QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING -" _. BAY AND HAVILAND ROADS. R. D. 1 GLENS FALLS. NEW YORK. 12801 BUILDING AND ZONING Dr'-PARTMFNT TELEPHONE: (518) 792-5832 POLICE DEPT. 793-2555 HIGHWAY DEPT. 793-7771 June 15, 1982 Mr. Gary Finger 19 Juniper Drive Clifton Park, New York 12065 Dear Mr. Finger: We have issued a building permit for a one—family dwelling on your lot on Assembly Point Road which was submitted by your builder, Lee Horning. We can now issue your dock permit and ask that you return the application for the dock that we returned to you on May 13, 1982. We are enclosing a blank building permit application form in the event that you do not have the original form. Mr. Horning paid the $10.00 fee for this dock permit so all that we need to issue the permit is a completed building permit application. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Very tyour ,,:r.,74. 4A7/ Stephen F. Lynn Building Inspector SFL:eb encl. SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE o Qtteen3Litty E vf-* r 1 ! I QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING BAY AND HAVILAND ROADS, R. D. 1 GLENS FALLS. NEW YORK. 12801 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE: 4518/ 792.5832 POLICE DEPT. 793-2555 HIGHWAY DEPT. 793-7771 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY May 13 , 12E DJ GEovE Mr. Gary Finger MAY 2 0 1982 19 Juniper Drive A.M. 442) Pt&Clifton Park, New York 12065 71819110114121112/3141516 4 I • I •• II a a Re: Building Permit Application for dock consiruction4d, doeit at Assembly Point property - Tax Map No. 8-9-11 ' Dear Mr. Finger: This is to formally advise you that your building permit application for the construction of a new U shaped crib dock on the above property has been denied. The basis for the denial is as follows: Your property is located in an R-1 zoning district. The permitted principal use in this district is a single family detached dwelling. For the purpose of the Queensbury Zoning a dock is considered to be an accessory structure. Article 3 , section 3 .201 defines an accessory use or structure as a use or structure subordinate to the principal use of a building on the same lot, and serving a purpose customarily incidental to the use of the principal building . Therefore, in the absence of the principal use as described above there can be no accessory structure constructed on a parcel of property. However, the new proposed Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Queensbury has a provision for lake shore properties that will allow the construction of a dock on vacant legal size lots. We are anticipating the enactment of the new Ordinance later this month or early June. I suggest that you resubmit your application at that time. Very truly yours, Stephen F. Lynn Building Inspector SFL: eb encls cc: Lee Horning SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE awn, of Qtteert.Jttly prIti, 4114' QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING SAY AND HAVILAND ROADS. R. D. I GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK, 12801 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE: (518) 7 793 921:3332 POLICE DEPT. 3.7771 HIGHWAY DEPT. 79 May 13, 1982 Mr. Lee Horning 8 Webster Avenue Glens Falls, New York Dear Lee: In accordanceId .1g with our conversation of in the e amount yeiserday the building per11t f I am rof $10.00 for the dock for 1Gary Finger on Assembly Point. I am enclosing a copy of the letter I have sent to Mr. Finger explaining this matter. Very truly yo9s, 7 / /71-1,7 Stephen F. Lynn Building Inspector SFLeb encl. SETTLED 176a . 1-404E OF NATURAL BEAUTY A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Dwn 4Queeni GL!^ 1 QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING r. BAY AND HAVILAND ROADS, R. D. 1 GLENS FALLS. NEW YORK. 12801 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE: 1518) 792-5832 POLICE DEPT. 793.2555 HIGHWAY DEPT. 793-7771 December 1, 1981 Mr. Gary R. Finger 19 Juniper Drive Clifton Park, New York Dear Mr. Finger: We are in receipt of Notification of Availability For Review from New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation for construction of an "L" shaped crib dock that will attach to an existing crib dock on the east side of Lake George off Assembly Point on Harris Bay. You will need a permit from the Town of Queensbury and we are enclosing Building Permit application form for your use. Also, we will need a plot plan showing the location of this construction with the setbacks from property lines. The fee for this dock permit is $10. 00 and check should be made payable to the Town of Queensbury. If you have any questions please contact this office. Sincerely, /4. )540,1: , Stephen F. Lynn Building Inspector SZL: eb encls. SETTLED 1763 HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE :4-12-2 6 81 NEW YORK ST-VTE DEPARTM1 N f OF FNVTRoN'TENTAL CONSERVATIO`. 4 NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY FOR REVIEW ,. ( A A INITIATING UNIT: ! tt/ c-, l 'j till l'-'"; Contact: _*"Li1G M% i '1 OTHER a -- — f DATE ISSUED I l I 2-5 t 't _ _ #� I)� S 641' 7I1 .1161 . DATE DUE 11-- Cl l OEHF;R# �' OTHER '��a6� €�N DEC# 1.' �" CC J Eli ,.. ..„ PURPOSE FOR WI IF AI'06,1/ V RITY: 4yip l.'.. l AY tie, . r_,, „..., , , , L,.% APPLICANT: q rvy-y g- I"t h y ( q tA tptr Dr , C1ik foil PcVk11\JY iic PROJECT NAME/DESCRIPTION: COIS461(}1\ Z .14 Lit - Sh k'`S c v-1 11 .___AL -- )11' . - ' i -1 aNi -t ii3finti C v 1 b d o ck- At, c A zr t - 519 ;d dock. r PROJECT LOCATION: E T- 5 1 C Lt Gec ill lio i ,Ync. beltCity/Village Town: weei 1- County: t aY' USGS Quad: (Attach a location map) REMARKS: h TION L G P C� 1/1 J t\t ! � t 15),eY1 ) 1¶ (A, �/ DIS�TRrBU I . r , vac)t y 1 e.„co `i• C a i\a F- 12- • -.Cf no comments ❑ comments attached ❑ RESPONDING UNIT: BY- — --— — -- --- (name%unit'date) Envi''orine tat Conservation Registration i:ttmber --- Zdarr. nsb_Irg, t e..w York 1nS5 7.. ,11: Construction or Installation of Wilai Es in Lake George Recreation Zone . Rend )_utr:'-i:Lions on back before completing this application. Please type or print C e irly in in'.. Use separate addendaand exhibits to provide all required data and i -`_,plan;L ions for which space on the form is inadequate. . - s h - / , Article 9, Title 1 (Lake George Zone Regulations) (Construction of wharf pursuant to 6 r CRR Part 646) 1,4Article 15, Title 5 (Protection of Waters) . - see note below (Construction of wharf pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 608 - _____ 1. Name of Applicant: , '� m ` 2. Applicant is a/an: /X/ Individual / / Partnership' ./ / Association . • / / Corporation / / Municipality f / Governmental Agency Name of applicant signing application: ' - ram. Street or P1 .0. Box: / C lc.-( /-/ 7 _ ( A=' ` Post Office: (7 f--,:. aj 7-/- State: /)• .( Zip Code: / lr'', 6, ,� Phone: �� / ! (,,C/ .-/ i---- 4- ,,m:- & address of owner (if not applicant) : Phone: • • Street or P.0, Box: - Post Office: - State: Zip Code: - 5. Project Location: , NOTE: Article 15 box must_ be checked and City or Village: Q _triJS Co;'4 appropriate application fee must be included Town (7,_i`{ ,t)c {q, uCounty z1 i< -(t�,r if: a) Wharf involves the excavation of materia __ _ or the placement of fill such as stone, 6. Proposed Use: / / Private / / Public sand, gravel, concrete or similar / / Commercial material below the mean high water level 7. Proposed Starting (elevation 320.2 feet above mean sea Date: 1 v �'ft." ? C1 i `y`•-— - - level) or, . --- ' '�, �- - b) Wharf is built on floats, columns, open- _. Approximate 9, Fee Enclosed $ timber, piles or similar open-work Completion (Required only for Dates Article 15,Title 5 supports and is larger than 200 square e. -� applications) feet and is not removed in the fall . �-avar (by September 21) 10. Name and address of official newspaper of locality where proposed works are located: - mil r,' , C c f 1 s r c (-,Ti: '%:'�_ V'/ \j C: ,—;` /1 i 4,L`� 11. Is any portion of the activity for which a permit is sought now begun or complete? / / Yes 14 No If "yes", explain in addenda, giving reasons and dates,- and show existing work on drawings or map. _ . i IR 12. CERTIFICATION: � - r' fituuU � , j' t - U 11(J�, 2^ 70 . I hereby affirm that the-,i �rr �, ocl" ro . ed on this form and all attar:h,:.cnts submitted herewith is true toy the 4es,t, T I t �:rledge and belief. As a condition to thel Yd�i' a�?permit, the applicant accepts ful legal responsibility for all damage, direct or� iirc-ti0a,M whatever nature, and by who.%e'er suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to i.nde_:nify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages arid costs of every name and decr i pt ion resulting from the said project . ,. a Sid, nature_ - R f. • t ....y • „r=/V SJiI 1�' t �- t wry` 1f t t • . • , . , t • . • t , t . . , ,. .. • • . • e .. . •• ., . . . • t . ...ft.,,,,,,....... ...........„ ,' , . , 0 ....,.. ••....-,• • -......... , ......,,, ....... ' , ... . , . . , , , , • I -4.,7--- —a j__________.,,,__,____>.Mpl ,. 1 ., P .„---.,-- ,,--- • : , . . , 1. ...„ ..__.... L il 4 0 I ) , ..... . . 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