AUGUST 17TH. 1994
Area Variance No. 39-1994
Robert & Joan Mahar
1 .
Sign Variance No. 40-1994
Wi I I iam & Rose Minarchi
Brown's Motel
Use Variance No. 41-1994
Ned & Joyce Crisl ip
~ ~
AUGUST 17TH. 1994
7:3B P.M.
8/1B/94 LOT SIZE: 34.16 ACRES SECTION 179-13
Notes from Staff. Area Variance No. 39-1994. Robert and Joan
Mahar. Meeting Date: August 17. 1994 "APPLICANT: Robert and
USE/AREA REGULATIONS: Section 179-13C requires ten (10) acres
per lot in the Land Conservation-10A zone. Applicant seeks to
APPLICANT: The seven (7) acres involved I ies across the road
from the remaining twenty-seven (27) acres. making it of limited
use to the appl icants. They wish to sell it as a bui Iding lot.
FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES: It may be possible to uti I ize a strip of
the larger parcel to create the additional three (3) acres. but
it would be an unusable strip of land across the road. IS THIS
RELI EF SUBSTANT IAL?: Given the circumstances. it does not seem
not appear that there would be adverse effects created by the
creation of this lot. IS THIS DIFFICULTY SELF-CREATED?: The
location of Clendon Brook Road is the major factor in this lot
size request -- someth i ng the app I i cants had no contro lover.
PARCEL HISTORY: The entire parcel was owned by Mr. Mahar
commencing in 1959. and by both appl icants as of January. 1992.
STAFF COMMENTS AND CONCERNS: There is an unpaved part of Fuller
Road running through the seven (7) acre parcel. Paul Naylor. the
Town of Queensbury Highway Superintendent. has recommended that
this piece of road be abandoned and has referred the issue to the
Town Attorney. Whether abandonment occurs or not. there appears
to be adequate room to site a house. A letter from the
Adirondack Park Agency was secured by the appl icant. in which it
was stated that this two (2) lot subdivision is not
jurisdictional by the Adirondack Park Agency. SEQR: Unlisted.
Short Form EAF must be reviewed."
MR. TURNER-Do you want to read that letter into the fi Ie. so
everybody out there knows what they're talking about. what the
APA is talking about.
MR. THOMAS-A letter
7. 1994. Robert
from the Adirondack Park Agency. dated July
and Joan Mahar. regarding Jurisdictional
- 1 -
Determination J94-3Ø5 "We received your Jurisdictional Inquiry
Form on May 12. 1994. requesting a jurisdictional determination
from the Agency. We apologize for the delay in responding to
your inquiry. which is due to the large number of such requests
currently being processed. The facts. as presented by you are
recited below. If the project changes. or if the facts differ
from those recited. an Agency permit could be required for your
proposal. Please also note that this determination is based
solely upon the presently existing laws. regulations and Park
plan map administered by the Agency; if the laws. regulations or
map are amended prior to substantial commencement of the proposed
project. this determination may change accordingly. 1. The
property is a 34 +/- acre nonshorel Ine parcel located in the Town
of Queensbury. County of Warren. on both sides of Clendon Brook
Road and both sides of the Fuller Road. (aka Peggy Ann Road). Tax
Map Designation 123-1-19. 2. The property is owned by you both.
as described in a deed recorded January 3. 1992. in Liber 842 of
the Deeds. page 315. in the Warren County Clerk's Office.
although you indicated that Mr. Mahar individually owned the
subject property since 1959. 3. According to information you
submitted. the subject property was not part of a larger parcel
as of May 22. 1973. the enactment date of the Adirondack Park
Land Use and Development Plan. nor did Mr. Mahar. the owner at
that time own any adjoining property on that date. The subject
property is improved by a single fami Iy dwel I ing and garage. both
of which were constructed prior to 1973. The dwell ing is located
on the 27 +/- acre portion of the property westerly of Clendon
Brook Road. a publ ic road. You now propose to convey a vacant 7
+/- acre portion of the subject parcel easterly of Clendon Brook
Road in its entirety. The 7 +/- acre parcel would be located on
both sides of Fuller Road. also a publ ic (town) road. No further
subdivision. land use or development is proposed. although we
assume for purposes of this determination that a single family
dwell ing wi II be bui It on the 7 +/- acre parcel to be conveyed.
Based upon the above facts. I can state the following: (a) The
property is located in a Rura I Use I and use area on the
Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map. (b) Agency
staff has determined by the examination of Official Wetlands Maps
for Warren County that there are no wetlands subject to Agency
jurisdiction on the property. (c) The property is not located
in a statutory 'critical environmental area'. (d) The property
is not located in a designated river area pursuant to the New
York State Wi Id. Scenic and Recreation Rivers System Act. (e)
The Town of Queensbury administers an Agency approved local land
use program. which means that the Town has authority over Class B
regional projects as well as local. non-regional projects. and
adm i n i sters shore line restr i ct ions. The I oca I deve I opment
administrator or zoning officer should be contacted in order to
determine project requirements. and standards to be followed.
The Adirondack Park Agency retains its authority over Class A
regional projects. wetland projects and rivers projects.
incorporates the local regulations and consults with the planning
board in its review of these projects. Determination The two-
lot subdivision project whereby your entire ownership on one side
of a publ ic road would be conveyed as described above. does not
require a permit from the Adirondack Park Agency provided the
facts are as stated above. Further. a single fami Iy dwel I ing may
be constructed on the vacant 7 +/- acre parcel to be conveyed
without an Agency permit again provided the facts are as stated
above and the project compl ies with the conditions specified
below. This determination only appl ies to the project proposed.
Any other design of a project may generate the need for more
information and a different determination. Conditions 1. Any
new on-site sewage disposal system shal I not be located closer
than 1ØØ feet from any body of water. including intermittent or
seasonal stream or wetland. Sewage disposal system setbacks are
measured horizontally along the shortest I ine between any point
of the seepage pit. drainage field or other leaching faci I ity and
the mean high-water mark (the average annual high-water level. in
essence. the ~ water mark). Any new on-site sewage disposal
- 2 -
system should comply with the standards promulgated by the New
York State Department of Health: a) shal I not be located on
slope in excess of 15%¡ b) shall. not be closer than 1ØØ feet
from the source of any water supply system. 2. No structure
shal I exceed 4Ø feet in height, exc~pt residential radio and TV
antennas. Please be aware that height is measured from the
highest point of a structure to the lower of either natural or
finished grade. Finally, your proposal may require permits or
approvals from other governmental entities. It is therefore
recommended that you check with the authorities of the Town of
Queensbury and with other Stat~ agencies, particularly the
Departments of Environmental Conservation and Health, to obtain
al I necessary approvals prior to commencing your project. If you
have any questions,-please do not hesitate to contact the Agency.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely,
Eleanor H. Duffus Project Administrator"
MR. TURNER-Mr. Mahar, do you have anything to add?
MR. TURNER-Is the subject lot, do you have an option on that, for
the sale of it, at this point?
MR. MAHAR-Tentatively, not confirmed.
MR. TURNER-The fact that the APA wasn't jurisdictional unti I
after he owned the property kind of takes him right out of that.
MR. MENTER-Yes. I think that, basically, they said, we don't
have anything to do with it.
MR. MENTER-It seems as though the APA letter was simply stating
that they have no jurisdiction.
MR. TURNER-Only if he changes the project from what he stated.
AI right. I'll open the publ ic hearing.
MR. ROLAND-Curt i s Ro I and. We're interested in
property to build on. We're kind of waiting to
purchasing the
hear the result.
MR. TURNER-Okay. Thank you.
MR. TURNER-Okay. Any comment from the Board?
MR. CARVIN-I know we've had simi lar requests. Is there any way
that you can configure 1Ø acres, to bring it into compl iance with
~he Town Ordinance?
MR. MAHAR-Not very eas i I y. I f you use that map there, it goes
right up steep, where the road separates. Our driveway runs
right badk across the Town road, a long side it, aøø foot. it's
the only way you can get up that hi I I. It's al I on a steep
incl ine. There's only a couple of flat places on the whole area.
MR. CARVIN-Well, again, as I have said, we've had a number of
other folks come in, and I'm surprised we haven't got a lot of
public opposition, because they've been pretty insistent upon the
1Ø acres out there.
MR. MAHAR-It's the terrain. haven't seen anybody bui Iding much
up there. We're the only ones on the road.
- 3 -
MR. CARVIN-We had a case. was it earl ier this year1
remember when Kelly Carte was.
I can't
MR. TURNER-Kelly Carte. last year. late last year. November.
MR. MAHAR-You're not talking about the other party on Fuller
Road. are you. down at the bottom1
MR. TURNER-Yes. that's what he's talking about. That was a
different scenario. He wanted to cut 1.65 acres out of some 32
or 33 acres.
MR. MAHAR-It's a little different. rocks and stumps.
MR. TURNER-We al I went up there.
MR. KARPELES-What are you going to do with the land that your
house is on1 Are you going to subdivide that anymore1 Are you
going to leave that al I in one piece1
MR. MAHAR-To tell the honest truth. I don't know what I'm going
to do. I may sell the whole darn thing. .some day. or hang on to
it. That's hard to tell at this point. I've only had it 30
MRS. MAHAR-It's harder to bui Id where we are than it
is down
MR. MAHAR-Well. I don't know about
whole bunch of new circumstances.
in there anyway. It would probably
than it would be worth.
your APA. if you get into a
It would be hard to put roads
cost more to put the road in
MR. TURNER-Yes. You'd have to spend some money up there to do
much of anything.
MR. CARVIN-Well. again. I think the only that reason you're
asking the rei ief is because the road happened to be there. Now.
if the road happened to be three acres north of your position.
you wouldn't have a problem. So we're just kind of going by an
artificial boundary line. Is that correct1 I mean. that's the
only reason that ~ can see that he's seeking the rei ief. Right?
just because the road does wh~t it does to the
MR. CARVIN-Had the road moved three acres west. now he'd be in
compl iance.
MS. CIPPERLY-I think what he was trying to avoid
trying to avoid having a skinny strip on the other
was he was
side of the
MR. CARVIN-I'm just saying that the only reason that you're
seeking is because the road. which is an artificial boundary line
at this point. you're just going to the road. I mean. I'm just
saying if the road was. I'm not saying move the road. I'm just
saying that if happenstance had moved this road three acres to
the west. you'd have your ten acre south lot. or east lot there.
MR. MAHAR-(Iost word) if you tried to come up any farther. then
you're running right into our driveway. See. our driveway goes
right back across the opposite way. The Town road goes up sort
of I ike this. and our driveway is back I ike that.
MR. CARVIN-Yes. but what ~ saying is we're just putting down
boundary I ines. and I don't know if they're. and we're just going
by the road at this point. and I just don't know whether a line
could be made to pick up that extra three acres that would be in
- 4 -
compliance. whether it can be bui It on or not. I mean. it's not
going to change the fact that the house is sti I I going to be down
on the lower portion there.
MR. MENTER-Well. then you'd be deal ing with a right-of-way or
something like that for.
MR. CARVIN-Well. don't know that. I mean.
sketch here. and. I mean. I don't know if it
that it would be in compl iance.
I've got just a
can be surveyed.
MR. MAHAR-That wouldn't change anything there.
bottom is wetlands, or. not wet. but it's.
The land on the
MR. CARVIN-I'm just saying that you coutd run a three acre strip
up along side of this. and be in compl ¡ance. as long as that
south lot had 10 acres. or I should say. east lot. See. we're
just putting down lines on a map. and the only reason that you're
ask i ng re lief is that there j u'st happen,s to be a road that goes
right there very conveniently.
MR. MAHAR-Well. I'm asking relief because I figure that's been
there enough years~ and we kind of I ike what we've got. and (lost
word) to sel I something where somebody's got to (lost word).
MR. CARV I N-I know. but our prob I em is that we're creat i ng a
nonconforming lot. and what do we do when the next guy comes in
and says. gee whiz. I've got 30 acres. and I just want to lop off
five acres because the Town road goes through here.
MRS.. MAHAR-The APA wi II let him know (lost word).
MR. CARVIN-That's because it's zoned.
MR. MAHAR-I don't get the
because the APA approved
enough room for one house.
drift of this whole thing. actually.
it and all. Eight acres ought to be
MR. TURNER-The only reason they approved it is because they
weren't empowered at the time you bought the property.
MR. MAHAR-We've got. right around us. if you 10 over (lost word).
they've got two. three. five acres. Luzerne is all spl it down
behind us over there. two and three. and a lot of eight acres.
MR. CARVIN-Okay. but I'm not sure that they were created.
they were,created before. if they were preexisting.
or if
MR. TURNER-There's a lot of new homes on Tuthi II Road. isn't
there? They've got to have 1 0 acres. If it's in a 1 0 a c r ez 0 n e .
they've got to have 10 acres. Tuth ill five?
MR. THOMAS-Here's Tuthi II Road right here.
MR. TURNER-Yes. yes they are. Yes. most of them are. Chris is
right. Those are all five acre lots. in Land Conservation 10
MRS. MAHAR-We're the only one out there that's got to have the 10
MR. TURNER-We I I. just to throw you out some information. when
they did the Ordinance over. tn '82. Land Conservation 10 Acre
was the zone there then. In 'SS.Land Conservation 10 Aore was
the zone again. They never changed it. It's never been changed.
Never been changed since the APA came into power.
MRS. MAHAR-The guys on Tuthi I I had theirs changed.
MR. MAHAR-That's who he's talking about. I think.
- 5 -
MR. MAHAR-They're not on 10 acres now.
MR. TURNER- know. but I don't know the circumstances.
MR. MAHAR-I remember at that time. because there was eight. and
they cal led up and they. don't know. they were going down to
three or something. and some of the people didn't I ike it. of
course. and they went to five now.
Does anyone else have a comment?
MR. THOMAS-'d say 7.7 is close enough to 10. for me.
surveyed. but
be more.
not sure of that either. I've got to get it
it' I I be right in that neighborhood. It might even
MR. MARESCO-Did you say al I that 7.7 was flat. or no?
It slopes
MR. MAHAR-No. There's some that's flat. but it's not as flat.
it's not as steep as the rest of it. Most of it is flat. Up
above (lost word). They've got two roads running right close
MR. MARESCO-Pretty near flat acreage.
MR. MENTER-Is the Town currently maintaining Fuller Road?
MR. KARPELES-It's not maintained very wel I.
I drove up the other
MR. TURNER-Yes. There's a common band on that part of the road.
MS. CIPPERLY-The part that goes through his property. Paul Naylor
has referred that to the Town Attorney. and he's suggesting that
that be abandoned.
MR. TURNER-How long ago did he do that?
MS. CIPPERLY-Three months.
MR. TURNER-Three months ago.
MR. MAHAR-That road wasn't taken care of unti I three. four years.
Before that. they didn't plow it at all during the winter. and
then they started. I was talking to Paul. there. one day. I
talked with Mr. White at that time. too. before he died. and I
was tell ing them. as far as we're concerned. leave it just the
way it was. It's al I right. He said he'd I ike to get a couple
of roads up in there incase (lost word).
MR. TURNER-Did they plow it last winter?
MR. TURNER-They did.
MR. MAHAR-They had a hard time.
MR. TURNER- know. Okay.
MR. CARVIN-Well. I wonder what the acreage is on this. I mean.
here's another example. we've got a spl it lot. Suppose a guy
comes in and says. you know what I'm saying? I mean. he could
come in and say. gee whiz. the road has divided it there. I just
think. The Town Ordinance says that it has to be 10 acres.
mean. if you had 10 acres. there wou I d be no prob I em.
- 6 -
MR. MAHAR-We wouldn't be here. then.
MR. CARVIN-That's what I'm saying. and I'm just saying. you could
lop off another three acres. whether it's up the side of a cl iff.
and nObody. you can't put but one residence on a 10 acre lot
anyway. That's the Town Ordinance. So it's not going to be
subdivided any further. and my feel ing is. we're supposed to
grant minimum rei ¡eft and I think this is an arbitrary rei ief.
I n other words. ,just because the road happens to go there. and
I'm not arguing that it probably is a very. very logical way to
subdivide it. but the problem is that there's a lot right across
the way here wh~re there's 8.72 acres on one side of. I guess
this is Fuller Road. and there's another. you know. the larger
portion's on the other side. and what's to prevent that guy
coming in and saying. look. you just did it up here. and I want
to sell that 8.72. and there goes the whole i'dea for zoning. Now
I don't mean to put a hardship on you.
MR. MAHAR-I don't see why we should be tied in there.
MR. CARVIN-Wel I. everybody's tied in with the zoning. and we're
here to grant rei ief. That's the whole idea.
MR. MAHAR-Yes. understand all that. b.ut. I mean. what I'm
saying. we're the only ones on that road. to start with. We're
the only ones that have been there for over 25 years.
MR. CARVIN-I know. but you haven't proven ~o me. anyway. tha~ you
couldn't configure a 10 acre lot out of your 27 acres. or 37
MR. MAHAR-We I I.' you look it over. then.
taking the extra ground off7
Where would yo~ suggest
MR. CARV I N-We II. I don't have a survey map.
again. I can't give you the figures.
but certainly. and
MR. MAHAR-You've got the topographic map right there.
MR. CARVIN-Okay. but I'm just saying. it doesn't. the topographic
has nothing to do with the us~. beca~se you could draw a line
right here. and that may be enough for the three acres. and
you'll st i II have your frontage on the town road. You see. I
don't know but if it can't be configured where you could be in
compl iance with the Town Ordinanoe.
MR. MAHAR-I just figure that.
there in the beginning was to
went up there. that was quite
Things have changed a lot since
that was the logic of being up
have some room. because when we
a Ion g t ¡me b ac k. 25 . yea r sag 0 .
MR. TURNER...,Yes.
You're rigbt.
MS. CIPPERLY-That doesn't mean that anybody can build a house
there. It does mean that they could walk on it.
MR. MAHAR-No. no.
MR. CARVIN-Because they don't have the 10 acres.
come for a variance. and they'd have to go
They'd have to
through that
MS. CIPPERLY-And can see your point. too.
your land on one side of the road. and you
somebody walking ~p one side of your yard.
about. you've got
don't really want
MR. CARVIN-Yes. I'm not arguing the road. but the road is just
an artificial I i·ne. I mean. i·f the road had been. lets say the
road had been just a I ittle bit further to the west. and it just
happened to be 10 acres down there. then the road would have been
- 7 -
a natural boundary, and you would have been
that's all I'm saying is, just make your line
of the road.
in comp I i ance, and
on the other side
MR. MAHAR-I just figured the road was a good place to break it.
MR. CARVIN-I know,
grant a variance,
configure 1Ø acres
don't know what, how
but for me, that's not a good enough excuse to
because you can configure, or possibly could
out of this lot, but I'm only one vote. So I
the rest feel.
MR. MAHAR-We I I, I've pa i d taxes on
asking for much, it doesn't seem
people I ive on over eight acres of
people I ive on ground under eight
Town green and a I I, not deve I op i ng
it for years, and we're not
I ike. I don't know how many
ground, but I imagine a lot of
acres. They want to keep the
even I ess taxes.
we're saying. I
don't see why you
but if you got rid of 1Ø acres, you'd be paying
Are you sure that you can't do it? That's al I
looked at it, but when I look at this map, I
couldn't come up along ,the, where is that?
MRS. MAHAR-Off Clendon Brook, off toward our driveway?
MR. KARPELES-And come up and create another three acres on that
other side of the road, and not bother you any, and sti I I not
interfere with your driveway.
MRS. MAHAR-I don't see us how that's going to help the green for
Queensbury. That would put a strip up the side of our driveway.
MR. MAHAR-Well, I don't know. I kind of got out there in the
beginning because I I iked it and had the room, and maybe I don't
fee I t hat way. I mea n , i f I' ve got to S e I I some t h i n g rig h t up
close to the driveway, just to get rid of the piece of property,
then (lost word).
MR. TURNER-But you've got to sit over here, too, because we face
a lot of people that have the same problem you've got, on that
same road, and they come back to haunt us.
MR. MENTER-We' I I have a guy, in two weeks, whose neighbor is
going to try to subdivide into smaller lot that's not zoned, and
he won't be happy because he can't maintain what he has.
MR. MAHAR-I'm just bringing
in business pertaining directly to
MR. TURNER-I understand, but when we do something I ike that, just
I ike he stated to you before, when you've got a piece of land on
this side of the road here that's down below your lot, and
another one on the other side of the road, what's to prevent that
guy from coming in, and arguing the same point that you're
arguing, that the road bisects your property?
MR. MAHAR-Well, it was originally there, there wasn't all
rules and regulations here.
MR. TURNER-I know. I'm not arguing that point, but now the rules
are here. Now we've got to deal with them.
MR. MARESCO-You certainly make a lot of sense. We understand
your .problem, and the stand that you're taking, but unfortunately
we have certain standards and rules that we have to abide by.
either way.
don't know.
,I'm not going to I ive or die
MR. TURNER-Well, if there's no further comment about it, then a
motion's in order, but you're not in a position to make a comment
- 8 -
as to the additional acreage to make the 10 acre lot, take it off
across the road?
MR. MAHAR-The only comment I can make is, I don't know if I want
to sell it that way. I mean. what's the s ens e ' 0 f be i n 9 'w a yu p on
a mountain, having a lot of ground to start with, if you're going
to sti I I be bound right in? Because we've got a lot of ground
behind us" that goes right up to the top'of the mountain.
MR. TURNER-I know.
MR. MARESCO-There's no way you could tie in three of those acres,
three acres that pretty much don't mean anything?
MR. MAHAR-Like we were saying earlier, (lost word) the ro~din.
MR. CARVIN-Yes, but you're not subdividing. You're just adding
thr~~ acres to th~ seven to bring it intocompl iance. That's al I
I'm saying.
MR. MARESCO-Just three
anything, and never wi II.
acres that are pretty much not
There would be no problem.
MR. TURNER-We I I, how close are you to the road?
MR. MAHAR-Well, the driveway, it runs close to it.
MR. TURNER-How close are you, down in here, to the road?
MR. MAHAR-Where our driveway turns and goes óut,
far, just about the same as the other road.
not too darn
MR. CARVIN-See. Ted, I don't see why, again, H he were to get an
accurate survey map, and I'm sure that he could probably run a
three acre strip just right up, right up there.
just on this edge of
it, right on the outside
MR. MENTER-The south side.
MR. CARVIN-And it has no material
what I'm trying to say.
effect on the building lot, is
MR. TURNER-It has no material effect at al I.
MR. CARVIN-The bui Iding lot is sti II going to be down here, and
if this is just junk land, well, fine, then you just create an
extra three acres and you add it on to there. end of problem.
MR. MAHAR-Why is it you're holding us to 10 acres, and everybody
else down there is not on 10 acres? They've got eight acres or
less, a lot of them. I'm not saying they all are. I know
there's 40 acre chunks, too.
MR. CARVIN-Because that's what the Town
Unfortunately, that's where our hands are tied.
MR. TURNER-Well, you know, I can't answer your question as to the
five acre lots in, the Tut hi I I area, but it can be researched and
found out why.
MR. MAHAR-We had owned before that.
lived up there.
That a I I went
in since we
MR. TURNER-Well. obviously, if they're cut up into five acres,
they had to probably be owned at the same time as before, when
you bought yours. So, now, but the rules changed since '59.
MR. MAHAR-'73, wasn't it, APA?
- 9 -
MR. TURNER-We I I. when ~ bought it. You bought it
didn't you. according to the letter here.
in' 59.
MR. TURNER-So the APA wasn't in jurisdiction unti I '73.
MR. MAHAR-'73.
MR. TURNER-Yes. So you don't feel comfortable that you want to
give up three acres on the other side of the road. on that. it
would be on the south I ine7
MR. MAHAR-I'd rather not.
too. when it's surveyed.
It might come out better than that.
You might get eight. eight and a half.
You might have more there than you think.
MR. MAHAR-I can make sure that at least
it goes over eight
MR. CARVIN-Would you want to table this unti I you have it
surveyed. and look at a couple of options there7
MR. MAHAR-No. I'd like to get
get it over with.
it done and know where I stand.
MR. MENTER-I think if we're going to vote on it now. we're
probably not going to vote for it. We're not going to pass it.
So the thing to do might be to table it. You could get a survey
done. See how much. exactly. you have across the road. in
addition. to see what it is that you could cut out of your side.
if that was something you wanted to consider.
MR. TURNER-Then you wouldn't have to file the application again.
pay another $5Ø. and it would give you time to look at it.
MR. MAHAR-I don't know why you people have got to be so hard on
somebody that's I ived so long in the Town. went along and paid
their taxes. worked. only ask some simple. I ittle variance. and
al I of a sudden. we're some kind of outlaw or something. We're
trying to get away with something.
We know you're not trying to get away with
MR. MAHAR-You people went out there and rode around. You must
have seen the situation. The City owns next to us. That's all
strictly just trees and stuff. and they own on the bottom.
You've got a couple of other properties coming in there.
MR. TURNER-Yes. but. you know. the law says if you have an
alternative to the problem that you've got. that you have to
explore the alternative first. That ~ an option.
MR. MENTER-It looks arbitrary from where you are. but it's not.
There are certain. specific things that you need to consider. and
if certain things are not the case. then you have no options.
MS. C I PPERLY-As I reca I I in my
property was never. you don't have
property. right7
conversation with you. this
a survey map of your entire
MR. MAHAR-No. I was talking to
get ~ straightened out first.
MS. CIPPERLY-I think one
order was if this didn't
the expense of getting it
to sell it. So. that was
a surveyor. and we figured we'd
and then we'd get the bottom
of the rea~ons for doing it in this
turn out right. he may just not go to
surveyed if he's not going to be able
the thinking there. think. was get
- 1Ø -
some feedback from the Board one way or the other. and maybe
tabl ing it is a good idea. I don't know.
MR. TURNER-What do you think? Do you want to table it. to take a
better look at it? You can ask to have it tabled. We'll table
it for 6Ø days. and after 6Ø days. if that isn't enough time.
just submit a letter requesting it be tabled further.
MR. MAHAR-If you table it. you people don't vote on it?
MR. TURNER-We don't vote on it.
MR. MAHAR-In other words. it's just?
MR. TURNER-It's in I imbo right now. unti I you provide us with the
MR. MAHAR-What information is that?
MR. TURNER-Wel I. which way you want to go.
know which way I'd I ike to go.
MR. TURNER-I know you do. but what we're trying to tel I you is. I
don't think the votes are here to support your appl ication. and
you don't have the circumstances here to back your appl ication.
We're dealing with an unknown figure as to what the actual size
of t hat lot is.
can tell you. it'll be about what I said.
MS. OIPPERLY-You may be able to take it to a surveyor and they
could give you a better idea. based on. maybe. some lots around
MR. MAHAR-That's where I actually got that from.
McOormack & Ooulter.
That's from
MR. MAHAR-They were up there surveying Sevard's property.
MS. OIPPERLY-lt may help if you had a more exact figure.
came out to be 8.9 acres. and it was closer to.
If it
MR. OARVIN-You may want to have a surveyor configure
chunk. even if It's just a strip up along t~e ene side.
be much more tenable than going the route that you want.
a 1Ø acre
That may
MR. MAHAR-You probably saw .where the driveway started. if you
were up around there. You're cutting right back and going right
straight across to the o~her side of the lot and then coming in
the back of_the house. .
MR. OARVIN-Yes. but what I'm saying is that there sti I I may be a
viable. al I you need to do is just put. whether it's one foot by.
MR. MAHAR-It's going to put it right up to the driveway.
MR. KARPELES-~ don't think you're hearing what we're
there's a possibl.lity. along this property line here.
you come up there and st I I I I eave a I I th i s I·and between
and the road there. between your driveway and the road.
MR. OARVIN-If you come back with an accurate survey map that
shows that that's not a feasible situation. well that wi II lend
credence to your argument that you need the re I I e1. but if it
comes back that there's four acres between your driveway and the
boundary line. then you could actually configure the 1Ø acres.
and that's why I think it would be wise of you to seek out a
- 11 -
MR. MAHAR-So. in other words. as it stands right now. you people
aren't going to grant it?
MR. KARPELES-That's the way it looks.
MR. MENTER-We're not sure that we would be justified in granting
MR. TURNER-You haven't really
enough information to really
fact that you've got a lot
property. that's on the west
a road which is nothing but
about maybe abandoning it.
suppl ied us. in a sense. with
ascertain your position. only the
across the road. across from your
sid&/of the road. that'sbts&cted by
a boundary. Now the Town's talking
MR. MAHAR-We just thought that was a clean place to break it.
MR. MENTER-Well. I ike Fred said. if the numbers come back.
there's no way that three acres could come out of there without
being inordinantly close to your existing house, then it's
another issue. and that's something that we'd take into
consideration. too.
MR. MAHAR-But we already know that.
MR. MENTER-Wel I. we don't know that. We don't know that.
MR. MAHAR-No. but I thought that (lost word).
said. just shoot a long strip way up the side
just separate the two properties.
I ike you people
of the mountain.
MR. TURNER-Yes. that's all. Then if you can pick that uP. you
don't have to come back. If you transfer that piece of property
to the other. to the prospective buyer. you don't have to come
back here.
MR. CARVIN-See. because the prospective buyer. I'm assuming. just
wants this section down here. but if they own three acres up
there that are dead land. I mean. I don't know if that's going to
be a problem or not.
MR. TURNER-I'a I ike to see you table it.
I think that would be the best bet.
MR. TURNER-Go back and do a I ittle more research on it. and you
might not even have to come back here. if you dec i de. A I I right.
So. do you want to table your appl ication?
MR. TURNER-You have 60 days on the tabl ing motion. and then after
that. you can just write a letter to the Planning Department
asking for an extension. We' I I entertain that extension.
MR. TURNER-AI I right.
MR. MAHAR-Wel I. thanks a lot.
MR. TURNER-Okay. AI I right.
Introduced by Theodore Turner who moved for its adoption.
seconded by David Menter:
- 12 -
For further information from the appl icant as to the size of the
existing lot and the prospect of picking up additional acreage on
the lot which is bisected by the road to the west.
Duly adopted this 17th day of August. 1994. by the following
AYES: Mr. Menter. Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Carvin. Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Maresco. Mr. Turner
MAP NO. 78-2-18 LOT SIZE: 1.81 ACRES SECTION 148-6
Notes from Staff, Sign Variance No. 4Ø-t994. Wi II iam & Rose
Minarchi. Meeting Date: August 17. 1994 "APPLICANT: Wi II iam
and Rose Minarchi PROJECT LOCATION: Route 9. Brown's Motel
REGULATIONS: Existing sign conforms with height. s.ize. and
setback requirements of Chapter 14Ø. Appl icant proposes to move
e,xistingsign to within five (5) feet of the front property line.
u,t i I i zing part of an ex i st i ng planter as a base. Sect ion 14Ø-6
requires a setback distance of .fifteen (15) feet from any
APPLICANT: The applicant bel ieves business has declined due to
th~ distance his current sign is set back from the road. The
original sign stood alongside the road. and the appl icant feels
that his business would pick up again with the sign in the
original place. FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES: The appl icant's sign
blends in very well with. the surroundings and is poorly
i I I urn i na.ted. The app I i cant cou Id draw more attent i on to his sign
with a change of color or illuminating his sign ina way. to draw
attention to it. IS THIS RELIEF SUBSTANTIAL?: The reI ief being
sought is sixty-seven (67) percent of the required setback. The
rei ief sought is ten (1Ø) feet. EFFECTS ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD OR
COMMUNITY: There is no apparent adverse effect on the
neighborhood or community. IS THIS DIFFICULTY SELF~CREATED?:
The original location of this sign was almost where the appl icant
is proposing to. move it to. When the Sign Ordinance was p.assed.
the former owner took down the original sign and destroyed it.
The app I i cant had a I ready bought the mote I and had to rep I ace the
sign with a new one that met the Ordinance's requirements.
PARCEL H I STORY: Th i s parce I had an Area Var i ance i.n Nove.mber.
1983. unrelated to signage. The parcel was purchased by the
Ap.p I icant in December. 1986. I n September 1993 a map change
in~orpQrated Section 7Ø. Block 2. Lot 9 into this parceL. STAFF
COMMENTS AND CONCERNS: Signage along this stretch of Route 9 is
genera I I Y set back in accordance wit h the Ord i nance. The
appl icant has cited two other reasons why he would I ike the sign
moved. On-site traffic flow is a problem and the applicant feels
by moving the sign. the situation would be improved. In
addition. the current location of the sign and planters would
preclude possible future modifications the appl icant is
considering for the building. SEQR: Type II. no further action
MR. T.ItOMJ\S~W~.C'.r.en County PlannLng..Board._ onAl.Lgust 1Øth., ,"At a
meeting of the Warren County Planning Board. held on the 1Øth day
of August 1994. the above appl ication for a Sign Variance for a
- 13 -
freestanding sign at zero foot setback from the front property
I ine was reviewed, and the fol lowing action was taken.
Recommendation to: Disapprove Comments: The Warren County
Planning Board concurs with the Queensbury Sign Ordinance."
Signed by Thomas Haley, Chairperson.
MR. TURNER-Any further comment?
MR. MINARCHI-The only comment would be, at the Warren County
Planning Board, I completely overlooked it myself, when they had
talked about a zero foot setback, and that would have been in
error. It's actually, where the front of the sign would be
hitting would be five foot back from the property 1 ine, which
would be actually on the inner part of the existing old pedestal
that was there, or planter. So there was an error. I don't know
how t hat got by me. 1 never even rea I i zed. I thought t hey had
the same information I submitted, but apparently they didn't,
because they're talking about zero foot, and that is in error.
It would not be zero foot.
MS. CIPPERLY-Judging by their decisions in past cases, they
usually disapprove. They don't I ike to usurp the jurisdiction of
the Town. So I'm not sure that the actual footage would make a
difference, and I think the zero setback came from the fact that
the planter itself was at the zero setback, but I'm not sure that
that difference in footage would have made any difference,
because this is a typical response.
MR. TURNER-All right. Anything further?
MR. KARPELES-Well, I'm having trouble with this map. When you
look at the map, it looks I ike the sign is just being moved
laterally. It doesn't look I ike it's being moved any closer to
Route 9. Is that right or wrong?
measurements, we would be
front of the sign to the
foot, and so when you're
illusion of the distances.
the measurements, and I did those
moving it toward the road. From the
back of the sign is almost an eight
looking at it, it gives a different
MR. CARVIN-In other words, you're going to maintain
planter here?
it in the
that',s there, if
planter around the
I get
What I'm going to do is the planter
permission, would add an additional
MR. CARVIN-Could you come up here and maybe show us right on the
picture, here?
MS. CIPPERLY-Yes, that picture that was included with the notes.
MR. MINARCHI-Yes. This one here, she did an excel lent job.
MR. CARVIN-Okay. Well, I'm just curious.
sign. The planter kind of bends around
assuming you're going to be moving your sign
and then you're going to be adding on to the
This is the
this way.
all the way
So I'm
up here,
wanted to add it on to here.
MR. CARV IN-That's what I was go i ng to ask, if you were go i ng to
come out here to this entrance sign.
MR. MINARCHI-No. The post would be right here, on this. This is
where the post would be, right here. This post would be right
here. Then the new one would be right in here.
MR. CARVIN-So you're coming off this entrance sign.
- 14 -
MR.. MINARCHI-Off of here to here. yes. and then right at this
point. if you notice how everybody's going this way. you can see
the tire trBcks right now in here. What's happening is that if
an individual happens to pull in this way. some guy's making a
turn here. and they're going to kiss. just as soon as. w.'ve had
peop I e a I ready do that. and act ua I I Y get into an acc i dent. and
then after that the pol ice are there. the sher iff . and that ties
up the whole mess. I had hoped to. by moving this here. these
two posts. one h.ere and one here. and extending this planter.
this would then direct traffic more thLs way. instead ,of using it
as a turnaround.
MS. CiPPERLY-One thing t~at's confusing. this planter right here.
that's the existing planter.
MS. CIPPERLY-That's ~Lready into the DOT eight-of-way. Wbat he
wants to do is extend this planter. This would be the front post
of the sign. the rear post of the sign. and that's what we tried
MR. CARVIN-Okay. Would the entrance sign be gone. though?
MR. CARVIN-Okay. Because my feel ing is. when I go by there. that
this sign is really out there. It is right on the highway. the
entrance sign.
MS. CIPPERLY-There's two drawings on this page. two different
MR. MARESCO-So not only are you going to move the sign. but you
want to extend the planter?
MR. CARVIN-Going back.
MR. MARESCO-Going back.
MR. CARVIN-In other words. apparently. here's your planter. and
that'll come back this way. and your signwi II go right here.
from the pole to
t h r.e e f. e e t. 0 k a y .
in there. So. in
this pole. this telephone pole.
the front of that planter's got
and then there's another stub of
a way. the planter is. protecting
the distance
to be about
a pole right
that pole.
MR. .CARVIN-This is where the sign would come. The pole would go
here. I ike so. and this would come back. This would come. out.
but the problem is this sign is real close to the highway. You
go by there.
I pass by it every day.
MR. MI.NARCHI-They're coming in this way. instead of coming up the
road and going .around this way and into here. Wet I. this,is the
exi t part of it. and so what happens is that when peop I e are
coming in here. .and if someone's going around the other way.
they're going to meet. and that's another problem I have. I was
hoping to try toal.leviate some of those problems by having the
sign back where it originally was. This entrance sign.
originally. if you notice right over here. was on a bump. All
the way in the back was the (lost word). That's where originally
was the entrance.
MR. CARVIN- didn't have a problem.
concern is. but I don't think that has
sign. I really don't. because the
compl iance with the others down through
I understand ,what
anything to do with
sign. I think. is
- 15 -
MR. CARVIN-And. I mean. I don't know. if you put a picket fence
down there or something. in other words. just to block it. as
opposed to putting the sign out there. to del ineate it. I'm just
saying. or a barrier of some sort.
MR. MINARCHI-I know what you're saying about a picket fence.
MS. CIPPERLY-What about the idea that Matt mentioned in his notes
that. of making the sign. right now it's sort of tan with brown
lettering. Have you given thought to making.thesign a little
MR. MINARCHI-I did. I had two choices. I talked to Tom. who is
North Country Signs. and we're looking at a cost of sign of
anywhere between $45ØØ to $5. øøø. In mov i ng It. it wou I d be
under $1.ØØØ. and since this year my business in July was off by
2Ø percent. Ton i ght I have abso I ute I y no bus i ness at a I I. none.
not even one car.
MR. TURNER-Yes. but I think that's the trend al lover the County.
That's allover.
MR. MINARCHI-Not with no business at all. because I'll tell you
something. across the street. my competitor. the Sunset. is
MR. MENTER-You know why he's booked. L know why he's booked and
so do you. You don't want to rent your rooms for that little.
MR. MINARCHI-Wel I. talked to Mary. and Mary has. out of 15
rooms. she's got 12. and I talked AI ice of the Greycourt. before
I came in here. and Alice isn't hurting too bad. She's got 16
MR. MARESCO-But do you think the reason is because of the sign?
MR. MINARCHI-I don't know.
MR. MARESCO- finct that hard to be I i eve that the sign is the
MR. MINARCHI-I don't know. When you're in business. you try to
grasp at straws or anything to say to yourself. why me. what am I
doing wrong?
MR. MARESCO-You're not doing anything wrong. specifically.
MS. CIPPERLY-Another that .L had as an alternative. also. is. I
don't know. you also would be entitled to a wall sign on. for
instance. the end of your bui Iding. a 1ØØ square foot wall sign.
I don't know if that would make you more.
MR. M I NARCH I-There was a s i.gn on t he one bu i I ding t hat says
Motel. I took that down. We had just that one sign up. We have
no other signs on the property. There's just that one sign.
MR. KARPELES-You know. I travel both north and south. and I had
no trouble whatsoever seeing that sign. In fact. ooming south.
it looks to me I ike you would be hurting yourself if you moved it
out to the road. because the road turns there. and the trees
would block it.
MR. MINARCHI-Yes. it does. but coming up off the
looked for it myself. Well. I know where it Is. so I
to look for it. but I have people that have been there
caught up in the traffic. and when they start to
position. you can't look for signs. You have to watch
hill. I've
don't have
before get
jockey for
the road.
MR. CARVIN-Wel I. that may be because the road narrows there.
- 16 -
mean. right by Gambles.
MR.MLNARCHL-I just thQu.ght that maybe by putting it back where
it was for the last aø years. really.
MR. CARVIN-If you want my honest opinion. whenL go by there. and
I was looking tonight. and with the traffic coming. I think your
entr.nce sign is more of a hindrance than. it is anything else.
because all of a sudden. I real ized that that sign was so darn
clQse to the highway. because I was looking at all of these signs
up t h r Q ugh the re. and a I I 0 f a ~ udd e n I a I m 0 s t ran 0 v e r t hat
entrance sign. So. I mean. that was n impression of how far out
that really is.
MR. TURNER-Do your cl ients. when they come to the Motel. do they
come ,from the south?
MR. TURNER-More than they come from the north?
MR. ,MINARCHI-They come from the south.
MR. TURNER-A I I right.
MR. MARESCO-Get off Exit 19 and they just shoot up there. Yes.
MR. CARVIN-I don't think there's any curb up through there. is
the r e? I t h ink it's a I I pre t tym u c h f I at.
MR. MINARCHI-There is a curve. it
Restaurant .comi ng up to ,Gambles Bakery.
starts at the Chinese
MR. CARVIN-No. a "curb". I think that's all flat.
there's any curb in there.
I don't think
MR. MINARCHI-There's a concrete curb at the
is. Right in front of the planter there's
also there's another concrete curb in front
corner. Keith's house. The curb goes right
and it goes right along up through Charlie's
pole. where the pole
a concrete curb. and
of the house on the
up to Apple Annie's.
and Radiator shop.
MR. THOMAS-I can see where the curb starts. here. and then goes
MR. KARPELES-Is there any light on that sign?
Is it illuminated?
MR. MINAR CHI-It's (lost word) lights. At night time.
well I it up. Really. there's no problem in (lost word)
it's very
it up.
MS. CIPPERLY~Fred. were you saying that the entrance sign was
b I 0 c kin g you r vis ion of his s i g n. 0 r was i t jus t d i s t r act i n g ?
mea n . I t h ¡Ok it's ve r y d i s t r act i n g .
sign. then.
you're saying
MR. TURNER-Yes. it is.
MR. MINAR CHI-I' I I move that back where it was. then.
MR. CARVIN-I'm not sure if it's the sign or the planter. I think
the who let h i n g . ¡ I mean. you' ve go tau n i que sit u,a t ion the r e .
There's no two ways about it.
MR. MINARCHI-I know I do. and I wish I could get it resolved one
way or the other.
MS. CIPPERLY-One thing that is also coming down the road is there
- 17 -
wi II be a I ight there. within the next. well. whenever the Sweet
Road intersection and Wal~Mart happen. there wi I I be a traffic
I ight there. which may help. because people wi I I stop.
MR. TURNER-Is that a positive statement7
traffic light there7
There lA going to be a
MS. CIPPERLY-There wi II be a traffic I ight there when the road
gets real ig~ed. The studies that the Town has been doing of
Route 9/254 intersection. the recommendation is that Sweet Road
and Weeks be al igned. and that there be a I ight there. That is.
that's the most certain thing to come out of the traffic study.
and it's tied up. to some extent. with Wal-Mart. which. just this
week. we've been having meeting with Wal-Mart about how many
I ights. and who's going to pay for what. and that's really as
specific as I can be. That's the most definite of all the things
to come out of the traffic study. and I would say that probably
the al ignment of Weeks and Sweet wi I I happen whether Wal-Mart or
not. It just may be paid for differently. DOT has plans to put
a I ight there.
MR. MARESCO-That might help the situation a I ittle bit. slow
traffic down.
MS. CIPPERLY-I would think it would slow the traffic down.
MR. TURNER-His point. where the sign is now. the sign is really
useless. because in a sense. they're beyond you before they
real ize they've gone by you. and their sign should be down at the
southern entrance of your property. but 15 feet back. and I think
your problem would be solved.
MR. CARVIN-I. personally. think if you move that sign up. you're
going to be defeating yourself because that sign is too high.
MR. MINARCHI-So you're saying if I move the entrance.
MR. TURNER-If you move it to the south.
that power pole right there. you're going
it out where ~ want to move it. that
obscure. probably. part of it.
and you get it beh i nd
to see it. I f you move
power pole is going to
MR. MARESCO-But you sti I I have to be 15 feet.
MR. TURNER-That's what
be behind.
I'm saying. put it back 15 feet and he'd
MR. MINARCHI-If I put it back 15 feet. I'm right at the pool.
I've got the measurements. How far am I from the property I ine7
MS. CIPPERLY-It looks I ike from the pool to the property I ine. it
look s I i k e 21.
MR. TURNER-He's got 1Ø feet there. but
that 217 I don't know where he stops
or does it stop here7
I wonder if that includes
here. Does it stop here.
MR. CARVIN-I think the problem is that people go by that because
they're concentrating on that traffic funnel i~g into one lane.
and you're conscious of traffic and not the surroundings. So I
don't think a sign is going to necessari Iy.
MR. MINARCHI-See. with the sign right here. people are coming in
and overshooting the. I don't know if they see the entrance or
not. but then they come in this way.
MR. TURNER-Yes. because where your sign is. they go around your
sign because they think the entrance is on the other side of it.
- 18 -
MR. CARVIN-My guess is If you el iminated the entrance sign and
moved that back, you'd· probably increase visibi I ity.
MR. MINARCHI-I was going to put that entrance sign back to where
it originally was on that deer, with the new side over here. I
said, wel I maybe then the flow wi I I go this. way instead of going
this way. and sometimes I get people gOing this way.
MR. T~RNER-You've got 21 f~et right to the edge of your patio.
MR. TURNER-A I I right.
feet, and you've st ill
So you could put the sign
got 10 feet for your patio.
back there 15
So your sign
MR.. MINARCHI-You mean put it right here?
MR. TURNER-Yes. That's where it belongs. really. How much use
does that front patio get?
MIL MINARCHI-This. it gets. in the summer, time.
MR. TURNER-Does it get a lot of use?
MR. CARVIN-You mean put the main sign right there?
MR. TUHNER-Put it right there. because that's what's happening.
His comment was they're going by it. because the sign is way over
here.andyou think the entrance is over here.
MR. MINARCHI-So they're overshooting it.
MR. TURNER-They're over shooting your Motel.
MR. MINARCHI-Some people end up in Apple Annie's. They come into
mine thinking I'm part of Apple Annie's.
That's why. because the. s.ign Ls in the wrong
MR. CARVIN-Well. I think this is the thing that's probably
throwing them off. too, is the entrance sign.
MR. TURNER-Yes, that entrance sign.
MR. CARVIN-Because they would naturally. they see the entrance.
and you're I.ooking.
MR. TURNER-I think if you just take that entrance sign out of
there and move that sign back over there. 15 feet back. p~t it
up. I think it'l I solve your problem. as far as your sign goes.
MR. MINARCHI-But it says 15. Could I do any better than that.
instead of haul ing it right to the teeth.
MR. TURNER-No. I don't think so. We'd be setting an awful
precedent. We've made everybod~ maintain that 15 foot.
MR. MINARCHI-Do you want to know something that's interesting? A
lot of people move their signs. a lot of them. and they did get
the.i r var i ances.
MR. TURNER-Some of them did. and a lot of them didn't.al1.da lot
of them took us to court. Some of them won. some of them didn't.
and that was it.
just happened to be. Chari ie torched it down.
had to I ive with it, but I'm trying to fol low
- 19 -
your rules as set up by the Sign Ordinance with the 15 foot
MR. TUANER-Fifteen foot back I think would be more beneficial to
you, because of the power poles. I think you should put it right
there, because that'll catch their eye, and then they're going to
go in there. That's Brown's Motel. That's not, they're not
shooting by you then. Where you've got it now, they go right by
you before they real ize they've gone by you.
MR. CARVIN-And then put your entrance sign maybe in the same
same area.
You could put the entrance sign right in the
MR. CARVIN-Because that would give them time to slow down, and
then they probably would see what they're deal ing with.
MR. MINARCHI-So how far off of this property I ine do I have to
MR. MENTER-The side property line?
MS. CIPPERLY-It says 15.feet from the front
don't think it says anything, probably
set back is.
property I ine, but I
whatever the regular
MR. TURNER-I don't think
whatever the setback.
it addresses the side line.
MR. MENTER-The regular setback is substantial there, isn't it?
MS. CIPPERLY-The side back there is a minimum of 2Ø, but I'm not
really certain that that would apply to a sign, because it may
not be considered a structure.
It's not a structure.
MS. CIPPERLY~One possibi I ity we could
back and look at these alternatives.
come back, or if he wants to do a
doesn't have to come back.
do is let Mr. Minarchi go
table it ,i f he wants to
conforming sign, then he
MR. MENTER-Yes, that's true, because you're not talking about
affecting anything in t~e short term anyway.
MR. MINARCHI-It depends upon what they say, how far off of here
we have to be, because right now we do have a I ittle green area
in here, some trees.
MR. MENTER-The side of the pool, right?
MR. MENTER- don't know how far that is, 1Ø, 15 feet or
MR. MINARCHI-It's about right, it's close to 21 feet, because
that planter I was going to add on to it was another 8 foot, and
then the planter that's existing is 9 feet.
MR. MENTER-It says right here, setbacks from all property lines
shal I be a minimum of 15 feet.
- 20 -
MR. MENTER-That's C and M,zones.
MR. TURNER-What page are you on. Dave?
MR. MENTER-No. That, was looking at specific.
MR. TURNER-What Section. 140 and what page?
MR. MENTER-Section 14Ø-3K{2>. which K is regarding different
types of signs. though. advertising. lease or rental of premises.
MS. CIPPERLY-Like a For Sale sign on a piece of property.
MR. MENTER-Right. but it did mention side setbacks.
MS. CIPPERLY-I think that',s the only place in the Ordinance that
mentions a side setback for a sign.
MR. THOMAS-L mentions setbacks. too. for projects not
illuminated. developer. architect. engineer. contractor on a job.
MR. TURNER-That only refers to those signs. project signs. sale.
I ease or renta I.
MR. MENTER-R¡g~t. That doesn't apply.
¡ i
MR. TURNER-Well. at this point. would you I ike to table it and
reconsider some options and come back. if you have to come back?
MR. MINARCHI-Yes. I would I ike to do that. We could table it.
and get some information.
MS. CIPPERLY-On the side setback.
want to ask the Zoning
MR. MINARCHI-We can do that. and
I can get
in touch with Mr.
MR. MENTER-Ted. look at 140-6B. setback
number. freestanding signs. setback.
freestanding signs shall be a minimum of
property line.
feet from
MR. TURNER-Yes. that's it.
MR. MENTER-It is 15 feet.
MR. MINARCHI-So that would be interpreted as being 15 f·eet from
the front. side.
MR. TURNER-Yes. whatever.
MR. MINARCHI-From any property I ine. Okay.
MS. CIPPERLY-So. if you can go and see what you can do.
MR. MINARCHI-Wel I. I want to see where it wi I I sit. from the 15
foot and how it would sit. draw up another sketch.
MR. THOMAS-It says something about 64 squa~e foot has to be 25
MR. TURNER-Back from the front property line. and 15 from the
His sign
is. what's the square footage on
- 21 -
yours? Thirty-two.
MR. TURNER-Thirty-two.
MR. MINARCHI-Right now, it does conform to the 15 foot.
MS. CIPPERLY-You may end up needing or asking for rei lef from the
side setback rather than the front one, or something I ike that.
MR. MINARCHI-The rei ief from the side,
more feasible.
think, would be much
MS. CIPPERLY-Wel I, see what you can do.
MR. MINARCHI-Let me talk to Tom, talk to .!!!.y boss.
MR. TURNER-Okay. So it's your request to table then?
MR. TURNER-Remember, you.'ve .got 6Ø days, and if you don't do it
in 6Ø days, write a letter asking for an ex·tension, and we'll
entertain that lat'ter, and if the Board so moves, then we'll
extend it. AI I right.
MINARCHI ,&ROWN'S MOTEl., I ntroduced by Theodore Turner who moved
for its adoption, seconded by Anthony Maresco:
For further information from the appl icant with respect to the
location and the repositioning of the sign and the other
pertinent alternatives that were brought up by the Board.
Duty adopted this 17th day of August, 1994, by the following
AYES: Mr. Maresco, Mr. Menter, Mr. Karpeles, Mr. Carvin,
Mr. Thomas, Mr. Turner
MR. MINARCHI-Thank you very much for your input.
MS. CIPPERLY-Ted, you need to do something with the publ ic
hearing on this.
MR. TURNER-I'll leave it open.
MR. TURNER- didn't open it anyway, but I'll leave it open,
because we didn't get to that point anyway.
55-1-12.4 LOT SIZE: 1.75 ACRES SECTION 179-19
MR. TURNER-Mr. Carvin wi I Chair this one.
with this appl ication.
I have a conflict
Notes from Staff, Use Variance No. 41-1994, Ned & Joyce Crist ip,
- 22 -
Meeting Date: August 17. 1994 "APPLICANT: Ned and Joyce
App I i cant proposes to i nsta I I a commerc i a I sign on an ex i st i ng
lamp post in a residential zone. CONFORMANCE WITH USE/AREA
REGULATIONS: Section 179-19. Suburban Residential. does not
include signs as an al lowed use. REVIEW CRITERIA. BASED ON
The appl.icant isexperiencingdifficul~y in conducting a bed and
breakfast without benefit of a sign. particularly sinoe tnere are
now two such businesses in close proximity to each other. The
bed .and breaktas~ is .al lowed by variance. 2. IS THE ALLEGED
hardship could also apply to the other bed and breakfast. but not
to the other residential uses in the area. 3. IS THERE AN
It does not appear that this particular sign would have an
adverse effect on the neighborhood. At 3.5 square feet. it could
not be considered visually obtrusive. A residence is normally
al lowed a 2 square foot sign with the name of the residents on
it. but no advertising message. 4. IS THIS THE MINIMUM VARIANCE
This does appear to be the minimum variance necessary to
accompl ish the appl icant's purpose. PARCEL HISTORY: Variance
No. 932 was granted to:. oper¡¡¡.te a ,¡,Bed aq.d.Breakfast .at th i s
I ocat ion in AU,gust. 1,984. STAFF COMMENTS, AND CONCERNS: I.t· does
not appear that this request wo~ld be more effective than
utilizing the mailbox. as is currently done. especially
considering.the curvature of the road and the speed of traffic at
this point. There are other commercial uses in this area which
have signs so this would not be the only one. It is possible
that the other bed and breakfast might make a simi lar request if
this variance is granted. SEQR. Un I isted. Short Form EAF
review is required."
MR. THOMAS-From the Warren County Planning Board. "At a meeting
of the Warren County Planning Board held on the 1Øth day of
August 1994. the above application for a Use Variance to install
a sign on an existing lamp post in a Suburban Residential zone to
advert i se Bed & Breakfast was rev i ewed. and the fo I low i ng act ion
was taken. Recommendation to Approve. Comments: ~oncur with
local conditions." Signed by Thomas Haley. Chairperson. and the
Short Environmental Assessment Form is. attached.
MR. CARVIN-Okay. Mrs. Crisl ip. is there anything that you'd like
to add to the app I i cat i on1
MRS. CRISLIP-Nothing that I can think of.
MR. CARVIN-Are there any,questions?
MR. TURNER-let me just bring you up to speed on this one. When
tl::ley fj rst came fQr, is bed & breakfas:t. they were tt:le .f. i rs,t I,bed &
þreakfast, in .t.,bat, IIre,a. and the-V haid "to cQme.for ,a\la,[' i ance
~e~a~se the Town ~had.nQ place in any, zone fOr~4 bed & breakfast.
,and " they st.ated t..-he i r "case and .obv Lou.sl·.Y. wegranted.t.hemt hat.
but a1; tbat time.",we., didn't allow them to h·ave a sign. and I
don't have the m¡nu~es in front of me.
MRS. CRISLIP-We've operated 1Ø years withou~ a sign.
MR. TURNER-Right. without a sign. and
place. but that's the history of it.
for a bed & breakfast in the Town of
since then. the Town has establ ished
it is difficult to see the
There was no permitted uses
Queensbury at the time. and
zones for those.
MR. MENTER-Was there discussioflS of signs at the time?
- 23 -
MS. CIPPERlY-Not on this appl ication.
MR. TURNER-No. on this application.
one up the road. here. that Fred can
MR. CARVIN-Yes. I'll get into
if there was any questions by
Crisl iP. before we open up the
We have the minutes of the
read to you. in reference to
that. I just wanted to find out
any of the Board members of Mrs.
publ ic hearing.
MR. KARPElES-The sign is only facing in one direction on your
ma i I box now. I s that right?
MRS. CRISlIP- bel ieve it's just on one side. At one time we had
it on both.
MS. CIPPERlY-1 think there's also some trees right next
mai Ibox. isn't there? It's really difficult to see
you're coming from the north to the south.
to your
it when
MR. THOMAS-How far away is the other bed & breakfast from you?
It's at the foot of Chestnut Ridge.
MR. TURNER-Five hundred feet.
MS. CIPPERlY-lt's the Colonial that's right out. almost on the
road. in fact. it's ca I I ed Sanford's Ridge Bed & Breakfast.
MR. CARVIN-I don't remember looking at their mai Ibox. I did a
year or so ago. The other bed & breakfast. they have a mai Ibox.
Is it on top. or is it on the side? I don't remember.
MRS. CRISLIP-It's on the top.
It is.
I checked that out. too.
MR. CARVIN-That's what remember.
Have you explored the possibi I ity of
on top of Y2.!:!..!: ma i I box?
but that was a whi Ie back.
putt i ng someth i ng like that
MRS. CRISLIP-We've had a sign on the
the top of it. There's no lights.
You're out in the country.
side of it forever. not on
We have no I ights at night.
MR. MARESCO-The other
mai Ibox? Is that what
from the mai Ibox~
two bed & breakfasts have signs on the
we're saying. or they have separate signs
MRS. CRISLIP-We've had it directly on the mai Ibox before. and
every winter. the snow plows and the snow pi les up enough so that
they peel off. the paint comes off.
MR. MARESCO-I mean the other bed & breakfasts.
signs on?
Do they have
MR. CARVIN-Yes. let me kind of bring you up to speed on that.
When the Rudolphs came in about two years ago. they were
requesting a Use Variance w~ich was. after much discussion.
granted. As part of the original motion. they were limited. by
motion. to just a sign on the mai Ibox.
MR. CARVIN-So that is a stipulation that they have in their
motion. So. again. we're deal ing with kind of a unique situation
here. beoause bed & breakfasts are not an al lowed use in that
particular zone. I think they're only allowed in one zone now
anyway. So these are Use Variances. So we're out on some virgin
- 24 -
ground here. as far as signage is .concerned.
MR. MENTER..,Just to continue with .that a I ittle bit. ,the s.ignage
that t.hey are a I lowed at the Sanford's Ridge is a sign on ÌQ.J2. of
the i r ma i I box?
MR. CARVIN-Limited to the mai Ibox.
MRS. CRISLIP-That's because we only had one on our mai Ibox.
MR. CARVIN-And the basis was ~ mai Ibox. So now it's back in
their court.
MR. KARPELES-There's a difference. though.
variance. right?
Yours is a permanent
MRS. CRISLIP-No. It's a grandfathered.
MR. CARVIN-Yes. You have a permanent Use Variance. but Rudolphs
is a temporary. for two y.ears. I think.
MS. CIPPERLY-I think the most recent motion made it a three year
MR. CARVIN-It's either a two or three year.
MS. CIPPERLY-And that motion didn't mention the sign. but I don't
know whether that ~as assumed.
MR. CARVIN-No. We adapted the original motion because there was
a question about the hours of th~ swimming pool. and something
e I s.e.
MS. CIPPERLY-Another factor that separates these two. really. is
the physical conditions. as far as the curvature of the road. and
the difficulty. when you're coming around that curve. the
Crislip's. you'd have not much time to. you know. you're looking
for their mai Ibox on the side of the road or. whereas up at the
other one it's more 'of a straight piece of road. I think there
may be a difference in.
MR. KARPELES-But you don't see that lamp very far away either.
That lamp is hidden behind a tree.
MR. CARVIN-Can you describe?
MRS. CRISLIP-The tree is behind the lamp.
MR. KARPELES-I know when I was coming south. it seemed to me I
had to get awful close before I could see that light.
MRS. CRISLIP-I mean. there's a curve both ways. further up the
MS. CIPPERLY-Yes. They're just in a much more difficult spot.
MR. CARVIN-Well. can you explain maybe a little bit more fully
what your problem has been with 01 ient~le?
MRS. CRISLIP-People can't necessarily find the house. I've had
peo~le say. wel I we went up and down the røad five times before
we saw the mai Ibox. and also. people come to us who are due to go
to Rudolphs because that's the only bed & breakfast. They don't
read the lamp. Plus the fact that there are no I ights. There's
no way that we're go i ng to be ab I e to light our ma i I box across
the road.
MR. CARVIN-Okay. but it hasn't been I it for at least eight years.
Is that correct?
- 25 -
MRS. CR I SL I P- It's never been lit.
MR. CARVIN-Yes, and the Rudolphs is not I it either.
MS. CRISLIP-I don't recal I when the Rudolphs started as a bed &
breakfast, but it wasn't.
MR. CARVIN-It was about three years ago.
MS. CIPPERLY-So out of that 1Ø years that they've been in
operation, this problem has really been a new, relatively new in
the past two or three years, the confusion between the two bed &
MR. CARVIN-Okay. Any other questions7
MRS. CRISLIP-I bel ieve there's a picture of the sign that we have
in mind.
MR. KARPELES-Yes. We've got a copy of that.
if there's no questions, I'll open the public
MR. CARVIN-I' I I up it up for discussion for the Board.
MR. KARPELES-Well, I feel that if you're going to grant a
variance so people have a business, you have to give them a way
to identify their business, and I certainly don't think that that
sign is going to be very obtrusive. In fact, I think it's kind
of pretty. I don't know what kind of a precedent we're starting,
if it's something that's going to be real objectionable or not.
How about in a zone where you are al lowed to have a bed &
breakfast7 Are they al lowed signs there?
MR. CARVIN-I don't have an answer for that. I
if it was an allowable use, then it would fall
that, therefore, I would suspect that they
whatever the Town criteria is for signage.
would assume that
under the sign, so
would be al lowed
MR. MARESCO-I would think so, too.
MS. CIPPERLY-Yes. It's mainly the fact that it's a residential
zone, and signs are not an allowed use in a residential zone.
MR. CARVIN-Okay, but the question has been
bed & breakfast in an allowable zone, what
asked, if we have a
would their signage
MS. CIPPERLY-They would be al lowed a sign.
MR. TURNER-I don't think so. No. It's in an RR-3 zone. It's in
a residential zone. They'd have to come for a variance. There's
nothing in the Sign Ordinance that says they can have them.
MRS. CRISLIP-Out of curiosity, where is this zone?
MR. TURNER-RR-3 Acre, and Five Acre zones bed & breakfasts are
a I lowed.
- 26 -
MR. KARPELES-She's asking. where is it.
MR. TURNER-Where is Lt? I ' I I te I I you where there's one.
There's one right up in Dunham's Bay. which is RR-3 Acre.
like. LC-42A a I lows bed & breakfast as a
MR. MENTER-Do you intend to havaany I ights on it. other th~n the
post light?
MRS. CRISLIP-No. just the post. lantern I ight at night.
MR. TURNER-Bed & breakfast is in RR-3 Acre and RR-5 Acre. Page
17959. under Type II. Number 15.
MR. MARESCO-That sign wi II sit right on top of the mai Ibox. is
that what we're saying. or under?
MRS. CRISLIP-No. Our mai Ibox has it on the side.
MR. MARESCO-Okay. Where wi I I this sign go. then?
MRS. CRISLIP-The sign wi II be on.QJLt side of the street. on the
existing lantern light that's out in the yard.
MR. KARPELES-The mai Ibox is on the other side of the street.
MRS. CRISLIP-I think there's a picture of the lantern.
MR. MENTER-There's a picture of the lantern here.
MR. TURNER-I don't know what they've done downstairs. but I've
g01; to tell you. there's one right up the road here. the berry
farm. with bed & breakfast right on Lt. a sign. right.by the
MR. MENTER-Is i~ on Bay?
MR. TURNER-Right. yes. it's about 1.ØØØfeet from here. well. a
couple of thousand feet maybe. 15ØØfeet.
MR. CARVIN-Okay. Now
zone. Is that correct.
the bed & breakfast is
up here. Bayberry?
in an
a I Iowa b I e
MR. CARVIN-It isn't?
MR. CARVIN-Wel I then that's an enforcement problem.
MR. TURNER-I think what the Town did. they put
breakfast in the zones. but then they never allowed
for it.
in the bed &
any signage
MS. CIPPERLY-Well. if you consider it to be a business. my
assumption would be that it would be entitled to whatever a
business is entitled to.
MR. TURNER-Yes. but I think that's where the identity is wrong.
A bed & breakfast is just a night time. small time operation. and
it should be. could be a big time operation.
MS. CIPPERLY-That's another thing we're working on. is revising
the bed & breakfast Ordinance. but for now we have what we have
- 27 -
MR. CARVIN-Well. again. I think we've got two issues. Obviously.
we've got the size issue. and then we also have the issue of the
fact that we I imited the signage on the bed & breakfast right up
the road. So I think that we have to weight those two
consideration,s. I know what !lliL feel ing was on the signage for
the Rudolphs was that I wanted as little signage as possible. and
that's why 1 really felt strongly about the signage being limited
to the mai Ibox. If we're allowing usage. I can understand ~
position. Bob. that certainly we have to allow it. but my feel ing
is it has to be minimum. and I think we're going to open up a can
of worms. I think we're going to have a one-upmanship here.
MRS. CRISLIP-I'm sure that they would like a sign.
MR. CARVIN-Without a doubt. and I'm sure that when they come back
for renewal on their appl ication that that wi II be brought to the
fore. especially if ~ get a sign. and I want to be fair to both
sides. and that's why I'm asking whether a sign could be
establ ished on your mai Ibox that would be visible from both ways.
MRS. CRISLIP-Well. it could. sure. but we sti II don't
I ights to see us. and most people do come at night.
summer time. it stays light longer. but some nights I
unti I midnight for people to come. and then they tel I
went up and down the road. and couldn't find it.
have any
In the
wait up
me they
MS. CIPPERlY-As I mentioned in my notes. this is only a foot and
a half larger than. so maybe that's a criteria to use. if the
neighbor comes in.
MR. MENTER-Well. yes. It becomes a problem. though.
saying. down the road. because even the size issue
problem. when you're comparing one to the other.
as you're
becomes a
MR. CARVIN-And then all of a sudden we want a I ighted sign. in
other words. what happens next?
MR. MENTER-The size that she has determine. or the size that she
has drawn becomes our criteria for size. when Rudolphs approach
us. I do. though. bel ieve that a I ighted sign. as Bob is saying.
is part and parcel to having any type of business. It can be
very sma II and very tastefu I. but I do th ink it needs to be
I ighted. particula~ly since you have customers who do come in at
night. and I don't think that's feasible across the road. I
think that would be worse. even if it was done nicely. across the
road. than it would be in your front yard. Aesthetically. I
think it would be much nicer to have it in your front yard.
MRS. CRISLIP-This is an existing lamp.
putting in for the-sign.
It isn't anything we're
MR. MENTER-Yes. right.
with is what you were
al I going to mean next
of criteria here.
but I think the problem we have to deal
saying. of trying to figure out what it's
time around. trying to establ ish some kind
MR. CARVIN-Yes. Now I don't know if the Town is addressing it.
but that's the issue that's on the table right now. The Rudolphs
are I iving under a. you know. their Use Variance was inhibited by
the sign to the mailbox. Now. I don't what your original Use
Variance. and if signage was not addressed at that point. then we
have a wide open field. here. but I know that that's!lliL feel ing.
and I'm not saying that your sign is not obtrusive. It certainly
isn't. I think it's in very good taste. and it probably would be
very much in keeping on the I ight post. but what do we do with
the Rudolphs. and then what do we do when somebody else comes in
and says. I want to open up a bed & breakfast and I want a ~
sign out there. or a I ighted sign?
- 28 -
I guess we've got to address that
in the
MR. MARESCO-Can't we put some kind of stipulation th~t the sign
can't be a neon sign. or. it has to be a7
MR. CARVIN-But this way we can do .almost an.ything we want.
because there is no Ordinance.
MS. CIPPERLY-And then you would have a background of what you did
with the Crisl ips. Another thing that occurred to me. when the
Rudolphs came in. they probably hadn't been in business long
enough for this problem to have risen its ugly head. here.
between the two of them.
MR. TURNER-They weren't in business.
MS. CIPPERLY-They weren't in business yet wh.en that. so maybe
nobody really thought about.
MR. CARVIN-Signage7 I know L though about signage when the
Rudolphs came originally.
MS. CIPPERLY-No. I mean. about the two of them getting confused
with each other. and that sort of thing. and maybe this is a
problem that just didn't exist then.
MR. CARVIN-And. again. it's not that I'm against bed &
breakfasts. I have a real hard time putting commercial ventures.
in general. in residential areas. because this is what it leads
to. I mean. now where. do you draw the I ine? A bed & breakfast
is a commercial venture. or is it just allowing somebody to come
up and stay overoight~ Wel I. then yøu'l I have somebody coming in
and saying. well. mine is not really a commercial venture. It's
a hobby of some sort.
MS. CIPPERLY-I know what you're saying.
MR.S. CRISLIP-But there is (lost word) bed &"breakfast. how many
,people you can have.
MR. CARVIN-I'm not arguing. I'm just
commercial venture in a residential zone.
argue the merits. whether it's positive or
what it leads to.
saying tbat it's a
and I'm not going to
negative. but this is
MS. CIPPERLY-I think there was. expressed Ln those minutes for
Rudolph. something about the. in fact. it might have been you
that said. at that time. about the. one of the comments tn there
anyway was about the "creeping commercial ism". Was that your
MR. CARVIN-That's my term.
MS. CIPPERLY-So. that may be a concern here. The area itself is
now. in a stretch of the road there. it's really about 5Ø/5Ø
MRS. .CRISLIP-It's,on a State road.
really. other than the fact we have
very commercial road. back and forth
al I come down Ridge Road at night.
assume that's where they're going.
. It's not very residential.
large lots. This road is a
to the dump. The big semi's
going to Shop N' Save. or I
MR. CARVIN-Well. any other feel ings. questions?
MR. THOMAS-I would say she's got to have some kind of a sign. I
mean. the one on the mail.box just isn't cutting it. I don't
- 29 -
think a three and a half square foot sign.
MRS. CRISLIP-We could even make it smaller. if that's a problem.
MR. THOMAS-It seems I ike. you give a three and a half square
interrupt. but
think. frankly. excuse
I think that's pretty
me. I
large for
mean to
MRS. CRISLIP-This is what was designed for us by Ken Wheeler. We
didn't set the I imit for him. We just said. what can we have.
MR. MARESCO-I feel. too. I think that. if she had a variance to
have a bed & breakfast. she should have a sign. What size is
MR. THOMAS-That's 25 inches. right there. That's probably 26
inches across. right there. 18's about I ike that.
MR. CARVIN-Well. I think we've addressed the sign issue in the
Rudolphs. So it's there. I mean. and we addressed it to limiting
it to the size of the mai Ibox. Now. obviously. we didn't put any
stipulation. I suppose they could put a 16 by 18 foot sign out
there. I mean. as long as it's attached to the mai Ibox. I
suppose that's kind of carrying it to the absurdity. but whatever
we decide here this evening. I think. is going to be a precedent
setting situation.
MR. THOMAS-I~'s got to happen some time.
MR. MENTER-It absolutely wi I I.
MR. THOMAS-You've got to start somewhere. we might as wel I start
MRS. CRISLIP-Wel I. we have three bed & breakfasts. and there's
one up by the lake.
MR. TURNER-Is the Town going to do something with the signage on
the bed & breakfasts. did you say?
MS. CRISLIP-What we are trying to do is better define what a bed
& breakfast is. The only way it's really in the Ordinance is.
there's a definition in there. and there's a couple of zones that
it's been sort of added to. I bel ieve. and so the intent is there
to do a more thorough look at bed & bre.akfasts. but. as you can
see. their first one came in in '84. and the second one came in
just three years ago. and so did the third one. really. So. it's
relatively new. and it's something we're going to be addressing.
and I'm just kind of taking notes. here. as far as what you
fellows think.
MRS. CRISLIP-There's one thing I want to say. as far as bed &
breakfasts. what I cal I. there are marry bed & breakfasts which
are really inns. Ours. al I three of us. these are our homes. and
we have spare bedrooms that we rent out. That's the difference.
to me. A bed & breakfast should be a private home. rather than a
commercial venture. which I would call an inn.
MS. CIPPERLY-Yes. That's part of the definition. currently. is
that such use is secondary to the occupancy of the dwel I ing by a
fami Iy. So it is supposed to be a fami Iy house.
MR. CARVIN-Yes. I'm going to really probably rol I a hand-grenade
out here. Most of our residential zones al low home occupations.
Now. if somebody has a home occupation where they are sewing
- 3fJ -
monograms on tee-shirts, are
putting a sign in their
we going to prevent
front lawn, saying,
Y, Z
MS. CI·PPERLY~That's one of the definitions of home occupation is
that you cannot have a sign. I thought you were going to say,
under home occupation you can rent up to two rooms.
MR. CARVIN-Well, or, I'm just saying that it's quite a broad
definition. I mean, if we set a sign precedent here, that we may
be opening up a wider door, just not limiting it necessarily to
just bed & breakfasts.
MR. MENTER-A bed & breakfast doesn't fal I under the criteria of a
home occupation, does it?
MS. CIPPERLY-I would not consider, the home occupation, if you're
renting a couple of rooms, you have probably not incorporated,
you're not a business. It's just, you're renting som~ rooms, and
usually the request we get for that is more in a hardship case,
where somebody rea I I Y needs to rent a room for income. That's
different from somebody who wants to be in business as a bed &
MR. CARVIN-Signs in residential areas, it's going to be tough.
MR. MENTER-It is scary, because you're going from a mai Ibox sign
to a han~ing si~n, could be hung from anything. mean, really
to do it, we have to address the size issue. To do it right, you
have to address the location issue.
KARPELES-We I I, it shou I d
present time, there are
of them can be handled
many rooms do you have?
be addressed in an Ordinance, but at
so few bed & breakfasts that if each
on an individual basis, right now.
MRS. CRISLIP-Two, sometimes three.
MR. MARESCO-Do you serve food there also?
MRS. CRISLIP-Breakfast only.
MR. CARVIN-Now do you feel that tbis is a recent phenom.enon,
because I know you've been open for eight years with Just a sign
on the mai Ibox, and it's just been a problem because of the
competition, do you think?
MRS. CRISLIP-No. It's always been there, but it's more so now
because we have two bed & breakfasts, in. wh i ch peop I e do get
mixed up On, and people do miss us. They've been missing us ever
since we opened, 1Ø years ago, but we were told we couldn't have
a sign, in the beginning, but we could have one on the mailbox.
So after 1Ø years we figured it's time to get a sign.
the Rudolphs.
said, that was the precedent that was used for
MRS. CRlSLIP~We wished for a sign right from the beginning.
MR. CARVIN-Wel I, what's the Board's pleasure?
MR. KARPELES-You know how
point on the safety part of
I think
she's got
a va lid
MR. THQMAS~I think she does, too, because the people are craning
the i r nee k s a r 0 u n don tho set woe. u r b s , try i n g t 0 fin dam a i I box
with the name on it. That's why it's called dead man's curve.
If she had a sign on her side of the road, on a lamppost that
didn't have a 2ØØ watt bulb in it, something like that, I don't
see where the problem with the sign would be. J would say three
- 31 -
a half square feet
in there.
is a
reasonable size for that stretch of
MR. MENTER-Well. I guess the thing to do would be to. if most of
us felt that way. to word it such that we were out I ining sizes.
and the fact that we felt that was a reasonable size for a bed &
breakfast. heretofore. and etc.. etc. Right? Make it more of a
broadly worded.
MS. CIPPERLY-Wel I. that's one way you could do it. The other
thing that occurs to me is you could make this apply only t~ this
particular bed & breakfast. so then you're not tied. I'm not
saying one way or the other.
MRS. CRISLIP-Wel I. since there's only three of us. my
would be that it really should apply to al I three of us.
the here and now.
It's in
MS. CIPPERLY-And I guess there is one on Bay Road that does have
bed & breakfast on it.
MR$. CRISLIP-Tha 8erry Farm.
MS. CIPPERLY-That I hadn't even.
MR. CARVIN-Yes. but I think that's the one that you're referring
to. Ted. is it? Yes. I think that's an enforcement problem. So
I think that has to be addressed by Jim.
MR. MARESCO-Well. I kind of agree with Bob. too. about the sign.
but I certainly wouldn't. you two have two theories. not opening
the can of worms here. where I think we should put some kind of
control on it. too. where. what happens the next time. and the
next time.
MR. CARVIN-Yes. well. see. my feel ing is that the precedent was
set down that thesignage was set for bed & breakfasts. limiting.
bas i ca I I y. to ma i I boxes. and. we II. that doesn't mean that a
precedent can't be changed. obviously. So. I mean. if that's
going to be the new crit,eria. then I think they tll should live
by that. I agree. So I guess I wi II entertain a motion. if
somebody wants to make one.
Introduced by Robert Karpeles who moved for tts adoption.
seconded by Anthony Maresco:
To grant a sign as per the drawing that's been submitted. A
variance was granted to create the Bed & Breakfast. and it's our
feel ing that we have to give this Bed & Breakfast a means of
identification. The safety factors should be taken into
consideration. People drive down Ridge Road and they miss the
Bed & Breakfast and they have to turn around and come the other
direction. and this creates a safety hazard. The appl ¡cant has
been experiencing difficulty in conducting a Bed & Breakfast
without ,t.he benefit of,a ,sign. par-,ticularly sinc~ there are now
two such businesses in close proximity to each other. It does
not appear that this particular sign would have an adverse impact
on the neighborhood. At 3.5 square feet. it could not be
considered visually obtrusive. This does appear to be the
minimum variance necessary to accompl ish the appl icant's purpose.
The Short Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and
there doesn't seem to be any negative comment on that. This sign
wi II be granted for this particular appl icant only.
Duly adopted this 17th day of August.
1994. by the fol lowing
AYES: Mr. Maresco. Mr. Menter. Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Thomas
- 32 -
NOES: M~. Carvin
MR. TURNER-AI I right. We have a memorandum submitted to me from
SueCipperly. Assistant Planner. "As I mentioned on Monday. the
P lan.n i ng Board dec ¡ded to change the dead line for the P I ann i ng
Board applications to the third Friday of the month at four p.m.
This was confirmed in a discussion on August 16. 1994 at their
meeting. It would be helpful to have the Zoning Board of Appeals
appl ication deadl ine match the Planning Board deadl ioe. This
earlier deadline will help us get ads. notes. etc.. done in a
timely manner. especially with the added ,activity requir,ed by our
Comprehensive Plan work." So. see. they had to submit the last
Wednesday of the month. So this wi II give them more time up
front to get the ,Information together and get it to the County
and get it to the different people that need to be notified and
get their notes done in a timely fashion. So. does anybody have
a problem with that7
Turner who moved
for its
MONTH AT 4 P.M.. Introduced by Theodore
adoption. seconded by Chris Thomas:
Duly adopted this 17th day of August.
1 994 . by the f 0 I I. 0 win g
AYES: Mr. Maresco. Mr. Menter. Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Carvin.
Mr. Thomas. Mr. Turner
MR. TURNER-Okay. and we have a note from Mr. Mabb. in reference
to his application.
MR. THOMAS-Yes. In reference to Use Variance No! 28-1994. a
letter received,8/1Ø/94. "Dear Sir: I would I ike to extend my
appl ication for 3Ø days. from August 15th. 1994. to September
15th. 1994. Thank you. George Mabb"
MR. TURNER-Okay. That was in reference to the trai ler situation
on Sherman Avenue. mobile home siting. I spoke to. he came down
to m~Lbll$.iness,a,nd,talked to me about it., and I. suggested to him.
if he wasn't ready to commit to any decision. that he should ask
for an extension. So that's where we are.
MS. CIPPERLY-He asked for. until September 15th. Our meetings in
September are on the 21st and the 28th. So it might be best to
extend it.
MR. TURNER~Y~s.extend it to the end of the month.
it,to the,3Øth of September. that'll cover him.
either ,meet i ng. Okay.
If, we extend
He can catch
Introduced by Theodore Turner who moved for its adoption.
seconded by Fred,Carvin:
Du I Y adopted th i s 17th day of Au,gu.st.
1994. by the following
AYES: Mr. Menter. Mr. Karpeles. M~. Carvin. Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Maresco. Mr. Turner
May 18th. 1994:
- 33 -
Theodore Turner who moved for
OF MAY 18TH. 1994. I ntroduced by
its adoption. seconded by Robert
Duly adopted this 17th day of August.
1994. by the fo I low i ng
AYES: Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Carvin. Mr. Thomas. Mr. Maresco.
Mr. Menter. Mr. Turner
May 25th. 1994: Page 29. under Mr. Karpeles. that's what would
bother me..1 think I'd rather see it restricted to maybe one fast
food restaurant
Introduced by Theodore Turner
seconded by Fred Carvin:
MAY 25TH." 1994
who moved for
its adoption.
Duly adopted this 17th day of August. 1994. by the fol lowing
AYES: Mr. Carvin. Mr. Thomas. Mr. Maresco. Mr. Menter.
Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Turner
June 15th. 1994: Page 34. down toward the bottom. Mr. Karpeles.
I don't really think it's the minimum variance. They haven't
proved to me that.. it's going to cost them any additional money
in order to move that over six feet.
Introduced by Theodore Turner who moved
seconded by Robert Karpeles:
its adoption.
Duly adopted this 17th day of August.
1994. by the following
AYES: Mr. Maresco. Mr. Menter. Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Carvin.
Mr. Turner
June 22nd. 1994: Page 6. at the top of the page. Mr. Turner.
bottom of page 5. top of page 6. on their position. the State
Insurance Board. sIb Insurance Department. Page 26. middle of the
page. Mr. Turner. any questions for Mr. Muller. okay. all right.
A motion is in order then. again. going back to what I said
before. I think that when. cross out one of the "then,s. Page 39.
top of the page. Mr. Turner. you put white letters on a red. sIb
"building". Page 4Ø. middle of the page. Mr. Turner. we're not.
but you know that they've got a plan there. sIb for the whole
Introduced by Theodore Turner who moved for
seconded by Fred Carvin:
its adoption.
Duly adopted this 17th day of August. 1994. by the following
AYES: Mr. Menter. Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Carvin. Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Maresco. Mr. Turner
- 34 -
July 20th. 1994:
Theodore Turner who moved for its adoption. seconded by Fred
Duly adopted this 17th day of August.
1994. by the following
AYES: Mr. Karpeles. Mr. Carvin. Mr. Thomas. Mr. Maresco.
Mr. Menter. Mr. Turner
July 27th. 1994: NONE
Theodore Turner ,who
,M' NUl:ES QF..J.UL Y..27TH.. ,1994, Introduced by
moved for its adopt ion. seconded by Fred
Duly ad~pted this 17th day of July. 1994. by the fol lowing vote:
AYES: Mr. Carvin. Mr. Thomas. Mr. Menter. Mr.
Karpeles. Mr.
ABSTAINED: Mr. Maresco
On motion meeting was adjourned.
Theodore Turner. Chairman
- 35 -