Queensbury Planning Board Agenda - Meeting # 8
Tuesday March 24, 2009 @ 7 PM, Activities Center, 742 Bay Road
1.0 Administrative Item:
1.1 SP 38-08: Robin Inwald for further tabling consideration
2.0 Tabled Items:
Applicant(s) RONALD & LINDA BALL Application Type Subdivision 3-2008
Preliminary Stage
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Charles Scudder Lot size 8.05 acres
Location West Mt. Rd. opposite Lehland Zoning Classification SFR-1A / RR-5A
Tax ID No. 295.10-1-31.1 Ordinance Section A-183
Cross Reference AV 19-08 Warren Co. Planning N/A
Tabled to
Public Hearing 11/18/08; 1/20/09;
3/24/09,PH left open
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 8.05 acre parcel into two lots of 1 acre & 7.05 acres. Subdivision of land
requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) NIGRO COMPANIES Application Type Site Plan 47-2008
Owner (s) Upper Glen St. Assoc., LLC SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Bergmann Associates Lot sizes 0.39, 0.46, 0.48, 1.0 & 6.33 acres
Location 735-751 Upper Glen Street Zoning Classification HC-Int, HC-Mod
Tax ID No. 302.6-1-22 through 26 Ordinance Section 179-4-020
Cross Reference BP 98-3257, 98-3256, 98-Warren Co. Planning 11/12/08
Tabled to 3/24/09,
Public Hearing 11/18/08,
PH closed
Project Description: Applicant proposes conversion of existing 6,546 square foot video store into a restaurant, hair salon and game
store with associated site work. Reconfiguration of a commercial building that requires a Building Permit is subject to Planning Board
Site Plan review and approval.
Applicant(s) AFTAB BHATTI Application Type Site Plan 12-2004
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Jonathan Lapper, Bartlett Lot size 1.0, 0.83, 0.39 +/- acres
Pontiff Stewart & Rhodes
Location 543 Aviation Road Zoning Classification HC-Int
Tax ID No. 302.5-1-51, 52.12, 52.13 Ordinance Section 179-9-030
Cross Reference AV 85-02 Warren Co. Planning N/A
1/20/09 Tabled to 3/24/09
Public Hearing
Project Description: Applicant proposes modifications to an approved site plan that include the removal from the plan of the approved
landscaped island at main entrance and a change to the parking lot layout. Modifications to approved site plans require Planning Board
review and approval.
Applicant(s) BRIAN MCCALL Application Type Site Plan 64-2007
Owner(s) Same SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Albert Mugrace Lot size 0.58 acres. 0.09 acres
Location 274 Quaker Road Zoning Classification HC-Intensive
Tax ID No. 302.8-1-39, 38 Ordinance Section 179-4-020
Cross Reference AV 1-08, SV 59-01, SP 44-98 Warren Co. Planning 1/9/08
Public Hearing 1/22, 3/11, 4/15, 5/29, 8/18,
10/21, 11/15, 12/16/08;
Tabled to 3/24/09 PH
left open
Project Description: Applicant proposes addition of two work bays & storage for the Tire Warehouse. Auto Repair and Retail uses in
the HC zone require Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) JOHN FEDOROWICZ Application Type Subdiv. 13-2007
Preliminary Stage
Owner (s) John & Laura A. Fedorowicz SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) B P S R Lot size 10.14 +/- acres
Location 1433 Bay Road Zoning Classification RR-3A
Tax ID No. 265-1-19.11 Ordinance Section A-183
Cross Reference SUB 8-99, SUB 1-00 Warren Co. Planning N/A
Public Hearing and/or 2/19/08, 4/22/08, 6/17/08,
Previous meeting dates 7/22/08, 9/16/08, 12/16/08;
Tabled to 3/24/09 PH
left open
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 10.14 acre parcel into 2 residential lots of 3.7 and 6.44 acres. Subdivision of
land requires review and approval by the Planning Board.
Applicant(s) NPA II, LLC Application Type Site Plan 48-2008
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Lot size 22.87 +/- acres
Location 820 State Route 9 Zoning Classification HC-Int
Tax ID No. 296.18-1-47 Ordinance Section 179-4-020
Cross Reference AV 77-08; SV 74, 75, 76-08 Warren Co. Planning 11/12/08
Public Hearing 11/25/08, 1/27/09, Tabled to
Tabled to
3/3/09 PH left open,
Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 14,500 square foot Walgreens Pharmacy and a 4,642 square foot Chili’s
Restaurant with associated site work. New commercial buildings require Planning Board Site Plan review and approval.
- Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -