2009-02-02 MTG#5TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5
February 2, 2009
7:00 p.m.
MTG. # 5
RES. 48-59
Supervisor Stec-Opened the meeting.
1.1 Fire Protection Service Agreement Between Town of Queensbury and
South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for 2009
Supervisor Stec-Just to summarize the South Queensbury Fire contact in 2008 was
$250,000 this would bring the proposal in front of us tonight is for $259,000 total which
is a 3.6% total increase. It is a one year contact and with that said I will open the public
hearing, if there are any members of the public that would like to comment on the public
hearing for the South Queensbury Fire 2009 contact just raise your hand and I will call
anyone that wants to comment. Mr. Salvador.
Mr. John Salvador-Good evening, my name is John Salvador I am a resident in North
Queensbury. I assume that the contact for each of these two fire companies is the same,
the text is the same document except for the budget amount?
Supervisor Stec-I would not make that assumption.
Mr. Salvador-No?
Supervisor Stec-No.
Mr. Salvador-All right, thank you.
Supervisor Stec-Is there anyone else that would like to comment on this public hearing?
Seeing none I will close this public hearing. I will entertain a motion.
RESOLUTION N0.:48, 2009
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, fire protection services are provided to the Town of Queensbury by the
Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., Queensbury
Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., and West
Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., in accordance with agreements between each Fire
Company and the Town, and
WHEREAS, the Town and the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., (Fire
Company) have negotiated terms for a new one (1) year Agreement for fire protection
services, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Town Law § 184 and General Municipal Law
§209(b), the Town Board duly conducted a public hearing and heard all interested persons
concerning the proposed Agreement, and
WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed Agreement has been presented at this meeting,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board, on behalf of the Fire Protection
District, hereby approves the Fire Protection Service Agreement between the Town and the
South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., substantially in the form presented at this
meeting, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to
execute such Agreement and further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or
Budget Officer to take such other and further action necessary to effectuate the terms of this
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
1.2 Fire Protection Service Agreement Between Town of Queensbury and
West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for 2009
Supervisor Stec-Before I open this public hearing, first with the numbers the West Glens
Falls total contact for 2008 was $474,646. this total proposed for tonight is $487,100. or
2.6% increase. With that said also it has been in the paper and there as been some
questions in fact there was a few questions regarding contact wording here right before
the start of the meeting but the fire company in their audit last year by Loftus Ross who
did the audits of the five fire companies they noted in their audit that there was a related
party transaction that occurred in 2007 that caught the towns attention and warranted
some investigation. We met with the Fire Company a couple times and our Attorney met
with their attorney and spoke with him a couple of times. What had occurred was the
Fire Company essentially chose to create a second non profit association and move some
of their assets into that association. In particular station 2 which is the smaller fire station
and $20,000 of previously non town fund raising money as it was described to us. With
that said obviously we were concerned about that transaction and the relationship and
what that might mean to fire protection and what that might mean to the taxpayer. So,
that what we essentially met with the Fire Company, Councilman Montesi and myself
and Bob Hafner met with representatives from the fire company and Bob has issued the
Board a memo on it and I do not want to put words in Bob's mouth but he did the
investigation to find out if what had been done by the Fire Company was consistent or in
violation, whether or not it was in violation with their current contact with the town. Did
not seem that it was, the town obviously we were a little concerned that we found out
about the transaction over a year after the transaction had occurred. We cannot un-ring
that bell we expressed that concern to the Fire Company and I think that they agreed that
it was a legitimate concern by the Town. But, that was a previous fire company
administration and so I think that the current officers understand that we want to have a
little bit better communications, especially on matters as potentially as significant as
those. But, with that said Bob, worked on a draft contact with the fire company's
attorney that Bob felt addressed the issue from a legal perspective, I gave the Town the
assurance that the assets that were transferred to the association could not be transferred
to another party without the town's consent. Essentially the contract language would
require both entities sign their contact with the town so it would be a contract between the
Town and West Glens Falls Fire Company and the Town and the Fire Fighters
Association. So, with that as a pre-amble I will open the public hearing if there are any
members of the public that would like to comment, I will just ask that you raise your
hand. Mr. Salvador
Mr. John Salvador-Good evening my name is John Salvador I am a resident in North
Queensbury on Alexy Lane. Although I am not a resident within the West Glens Falls
Volunteer Fire Company service area, I do have an interest in budgetary affairs of all fire
companies. This interest has peaked in recent years because it has been pointed out to me
that 40% of the fire tax collected in our service area, that is North Queensbury, goes to
support the cost of the other four service areas. Add to this the towns recent press release
of January 17th that a not for profit corporation had been formed to accommodate the
desires of the West Glens Falls Fire Fighters interested in "protecting the fire companies
assets" I decided to look into the affairs of the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire
Company. I am having trouble understanding why this fire company assets or any fire
company's assets as a matter of fact need protecting? Has anyone ever heard of a
volunteer fire company being in danger of loosing its assets? What assets does a
publicly funded organization hold that require protecting? Protection from what?
Insurance is sold to protect any loss. I did address a letter to the editor of the Post Star
which you may have seen, but this incorporation that they have undertaken seems to be
lacking in the requirement that ... have public hearing and town board approval. I would
like to comment tonight and I would like to divide my comments into three sections, one,
the contact, two, the budget and three, the matter of the association. I wish to strongly
suggest that the town make it contractually clear in all fire service contracts that fire
companies are necessarily incorporated as type B and only B not for profit corporations.
Because they fulfill a necessary public service which is publically funded. This
distinguishes them from all other types of not for profit corporations. Type B not for
profit corporations are distinguishable from type A's, C's and D's as one; non business,
educational and exclusively charitable organizations. We hear about these fire companies
renting halls, entering into promissory notes, having spaghetti dinners, conducting bingo,
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 513
gentlemen this is all business. It takes contracts there is an exchange of money there is
consideration. They are supposed to be non business entities. They are allowed to carry
on, they are not allowed to carry on propaganda activities or attempt to influence
legislation, nor participate in political campaigns for or against any candidate for political
office. No part of a type B corporation can the net earnings of the corporation inure to
the benefit of be distributed to any member, trustee, director, officer of the corporation,
other than that expressly permitted by statute. They are not allowed to carry on activities
not allowed under section SO1C3 of the internal revenue code. Type B's cannot conduct
their affairs for pecuniary profit or financial gain. Type B not for profit corporation are
supposed to be more carefully regulated then Type A, C or D because of the public
benefit purpose and the public funding. In addition type B fire corporations are required
to specifically conform to general municipal law section 30A. Report to the State
Comptroller on the use of Foreign Fire Tax money, the report is due March 1st each year.
For this a separate account is recommended. It does not look like there is a separate in
this audit report. They must conform to the requirements of section 1402F of the not for
profit corporation law, regarding their annual directors report. It shall be the duty of the
directors of all fire corporations incorporated on or before the 15th day of January in each
year to make and file in the County Clerk's Office where the certificate of incorporation
is filed a verified certificate stating the names of the directors, the officers of the
corporations, containing an inventory of its property, a statement of its liabilities and that
the corporation has not engaged directly or indirectly in any business other than that set
forth in its certificate of incorporation. The contract the third whereas clause in the
contract contains the words is affiliated. That is the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire
Company is affiliated with the association group. That is a vio, Loftus Ross has told you
that, that is a conflict of interest and conflicts of interest are of course forbidden. Also,
that same paragraph, same paragraph says and has agreed to execute this agreement
solely with respect to restrictions on certain transfers. Why not all transfers? I would
like to address that later. With regard to the budget, the budget as proposed totals
$487,100. and I would like to depart primarily from a review of the 207, 2007 Loftus
Ross Audit Report of their financial statements which includes a statement of activities
that is the summary of revenues and expenses for the 2006 and 2007. If approved a good
case can be made that the company is over funded. Loftus Ross brought to the towns
attention in mid September of 2008 that the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company
was engaged in related party transactions. Although not specifically stated in the report
related party transaction are considered conflicts of interest, which are violations of the
fire company's contract provision SC with this town, dealing with the purchase and or
sale of real property assets unless every effort has been made to avoid such conflict. We
are not making any effort. We are producing the conflict by having them related and
affiliated. Conflict of interest are violations of the towns ethics code as well as General
Municipal Law. Loftus Ross has done a good job of revealing the details of this related
party transaction as could be expected with the scope of the towns sponsored audit of the
company's financial activities. Paragraph G of notes to financial statements reveals the
following, excuse me, revealed the following as early as September 18th 2008. There
exists within the town a fire corporation which was here to fore, here to fore this report of
September 18th 2008 unknown to the Town Officials and called the Fire Fighters of West
Glens Falls Association, Inc. On October 1st 2007 the Fire Company entered into a
promissory note with the fire fighters in the amount of $400,000 for the sale of the
property at 445 Luzerne Road from the Fire Company to the Fire Fighters. The Fire
Fighters are obligated to pay $40,000 a year for ten years in consideration for the
property they received which is located at 445 Luzerne Road in the Town of Queensbury.
As of December 31st. 2007 the balance of the loan receivable was $309,846. which means
that $90,000 was already paid to reduce the debt incurred by the Fire Fighters
Association. Whereas only $10,000 was due in 2007. It sounds like they are ahead on
their payment schedule. What is the source of the funds with which the Fire Fighters
used to pay their annual debt of $40,000 which was only $10,000 in 2007 because of the
October 1st contract starting date. For openers Loftus Ross reports that the company
made a chartable contribution to the Fire Fighters a related party in the amount of
$20,000 during 2007. A corporation, I do not care what kind of a corporation it is, cannot
contribute to anything without statutory approval. Not for profit, I cannot understand
how one not for profit corporation can make a donation to another not for profit
corporation and then that second corporation doesn't use the money for charitable
purposes. The statement of activities shows that the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 514
Company paid $5,240. and $10,000 in 2006 and 2007 respectively for rent. Rent for
what? We are paying rent on a building that we owned at one time and sold and now we
have to pay rent on it? Is there a contract for this rent? Do we have any idea what the
terms and conditions are? How long does this rent continue? The building is going to be
paid for by the Association in ten years and they will own the building outright. Will the
rent continue then? If it does how much? I think we should see this contract, whatever
this rent, whatever is being paid we should have an idea of what this is all about. I ask if
there is a contract was from 1099 misc. issued? You know I receive rent from various
sources and I receive a 1099 at the end of the year for that rent, that rent is taxable.
Again, here is a company engaging in business, taxable business that I do not think it
should be involved in. Was the rent paid to the Fire Fighters by the Fire Company for the
use of the fire companies recently sold building? What is the source of the rent? Is it
taxpayers? Are we paying rent for the use of a building that we owned at one time? The
same statement of activities shows that a not for profit non business corporation rented
out their hall in 2006 for an operating loss of close to $4,000. Loss. This money
constitutes a gift of taxpayer money. In 2007 the rental income exceed the expenses by
$2177. What was the 2008 results and what is the forecast for 2009? Remember we are
looking at 2007, we do not see 2008 yet. So, I ask what went on in 2008? Other 2006
and 2007 expenses which need an explanation. Some tools and equipment in 2006
$41,450., 2007 $43,564. gentlemen that needs looking at. Two successive years close to
$85,000 small tools and equipment. Building maintenance and repair, $36,000 in 2006,
$52,000 in 2007 now that lease agreement with the fires, what kind of an arrangement is
there on maintenance are we paying rent and are we maintaining the building and you
know, there is an entanglement here of issues that I think have to be clarified and you
have to see those contracts. Page 16 exhibit A of the West Glens Falls Fire Company
proposes a 2009 budget includes a $155,100 for debt service including interest. I suspect
however the Loftus Ross long term debt report forecasts the 2009 debt service including
interest to be $84,736. The $70,000 difference is overstated. I think in your budget in
this contract should be the one budget item of $155,000 is not accurate, at least Loftus
Ross reports another number as the forecast of $84,736. Page 16 exhibit A of the West
Glens Falls Fire Company proposed 2009 budget includes an estimated $300,000 for
operations, x's $32,000 for insurance now I do not know why insurance is not an
operating cost? I do not know why it's the one thing that is segerated out but it is. Loftus
Ross includes insurance as a line item in the companies operating expense report. Page
16 exhibit A the fire company proposed operating budget includes debt service interest as
an operating expense as it should be. However the 2009 debt service forecast of a
$150,000 must include interest. Loftus Ross reported $74,307 interest as an operating
expense in 2007. The difference between the 155 and the about $70,000 is $85,000
which is approximately equal to the 2009 debt service forecast of $84,736. We got the
same numbers in their twice. I have taken the Loftus Ross report for 2006 and 2007 and
I have extracted out of the report the expenses that I think are realistic operating expenses
and I have totaled those. The items that I have included in operating expenses include
communication equipment, insurance, interest, physicals, office supplies and fees,
professional fees, building repairs and maintenance, small tools and equipment,
telephone, training and education, utilities and vehicle expense. I have not included the
following things as operating expenses; banquets and awards, your contract clearly states
that the town monies shall not be used for banquets and awards. Contributions,
corporations are not allowed, let alone not for profit corporations are not allowed except
by statue to make contributions. Depreciation, depreciation is a non cash expense and
should not be included as an operating expense. Fund raising, we should not have to pay
for fund raising they want to have a fund raiser take the cost the cost of raising the funds
out of the proceeds. Good will and welfare, I have no idea what that means. But, whose
good will and whose welfare? Hall rental expense, should come out of the hall rental
proceeds, it should not be an operating expense. Have a separate account for that.
Hudson Valley Convention, the Hudson Valley Convention is not educational they
should use their own money for that sort of thing. Refreshments, take the refreshments
out of the Foreign Fire Tax. So, with that I get an expense, an estimated operating
expense of about $328,000 which I have adjusted accordingly. Taking the Loftus Ross
report at actual operating expenses for 2007 of $328,456 and subtracting $28,130 for
insurance add $74,307. for interest paid and adding 10% cost escalation from 2007 to
2009 equals $248,600, lets call it $250,000. With the operating cost of $250 add to that
the insurance and the debt service we get a total of $366,736 which is about if you add,
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and adding and I add in to the over funding $30,000 what I am doing is taking $30,000
out adjusting for small tools and building maintenance and we find that the fire company
is about 45% over funded. 45% over funded. There one aspect, one thing I came upon as
I looked at this and that is why I sort of insist that you include all such transactions.
What I would like to do is run through a quick time line of events that will bring you up
to the present time as to what
Supervisor Stec-Quickly, John
Mr. Salvador-In the late 1970's three substandard building lots two fronting on Columbia
Street and one unimproved on Alta Street fell to a tax sale. Warren County took title and
proceeds for auction sale on 1980. On June 24, 1983 John Liapes took title of a small
sliver of land fronting on Alta Avenue for $50. Everything remains oh, excuse me, on 6-
25 of 1984 the West Glens Falls Fire Company took title to two substandard lots fronting
on Columbia Street per Warren County Board of Supervisor's Resolution No. 275 of
1984. That resolution
Supervisor Stec-Get someplace quick with it, John.
Councilman Brewer-I was just going to say where is he going with it?
Mr. Salvador-The Real Property Tax Service Committee has determined that ownership
of certain parcel which was to be offered at public auction held on June 22"d ' 84 would
be advantageous to the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 and be it
resolved that the Chairman hereby authorizes and directed to execute and deliver on
behalf of Warren County conveyance by deed in the form approved by the attorney.
What they did, was that they pulled these two parcels of land from the auction sale where
the owners could have redeemed them. The owners could have redeemed those at
auction sale but they were pulled so that the West Glens Falls Fire Company could get
their two substandard lots. Ok.
Supervisor Stec-Quickly, John.
Mr. Salvador-Yes. Everything remained dormant until January of ' 07. In January of ' 07
the certificate, in January 12th of '07 the certificate of incorporation for the Fire Fighters
of West Glens Falls was filed. In August of'07 the West Glens Falls Fire Company
conveyed to the Fire Fighters of West Glens Falls Association the small sliver of land
which the company had previously purchased from John Liapes for $3,600. I think the
$3,600 came from town money. Where did the money come from and then where did it
go? In August of'07 the West Glens Falls Fire Company conveyed to the Fire Fighters
each of the two substandard lots that they had purchased at the auction sale for a total of
$14,500. Now where did the Fire Fighters Association get the $14,500 to purchase from
the West Glens Falls Fire Company the two substandard lots and where did the money
go? All of the land acquired at tax sale by the Fire Company and John Liapes that is the
undevelopable land is now in the ownership of the Fire Fighters. And, the lands
identified as tax parcels, 94 and 95 is still titled in the West Glens Falls Fire Company
Inc. which the company had ever owned. In October of'07 a map of a survey made for
the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company as prepared by VanDusen and Steves the
Town Surveyor. This map really serves to effectuate a major lot line change and a three
lot subdivision. Now, I thought these sort of activities had to be approved by the
Planning Board. This is hardly a lot line adjustment, what was done, hardly a lot line, I
have the map here if you are interested. It is a major lot line change. Then a three lot
subdivision is done. And the survey is not a subdivision plat, it is just a map of a survey.
Now, what happened here is the map of a survey gets filed at the County.
Supervisor Steo-John, lets get focused back on the contact.
Mr. Salvador-I am coming to it, ok?
Councilman Brewer-Then get to it, please.
Supervisor Stec-Get to it.
Mr. Salvador-OK.
Supervisor Stec-While I have a break in the action here I want to correct you on two
material errors that I am aware of on the spot that I can correct you on. I am sure that our
Attorney probably has his own list it is probably a lot longer than two and I am going to
guess that Fire Fighters in the back of the room are going to have exception with some of
the things that you said, but number one you started by saying that there is a town press
release on this. The town or myself or any other town official has never issued a press
release on this, I want to correct that for the record.
Mr. Salvador-Some how the press got informed.
Supervisor Stec-There is a difference between a news article and a press release, John.
Number two, and this is the more significant of the two, I think, but I think it is important
to point this out and this has been pointed out before and you have been in the room
before when this has been pointed out, the town you said the town had an ownership, the
town has never owned either one of these buildings. They are a separate SO1C3 that we
contract for services the town has never owned any of the fire fighters real estate, none of
it. Are we clear? That is an important fact here, I want to hear you say you understand.
Do you understand?
Mr. Salvador-I do not understand that, ok? I have my own opinion on that and I do not
understand it. Ok.
Supervisor Stec-Lets make sure that we understand that there is a difference between
opinion and facts, John, now get to it.
Councilman Strough-I think John's point was that the community has paid for a lot of
Mr. Tucker-Can't hear you John.
Councilman Strough-I said, I think one of John's point is that the community has paid for
Supervisor Stec-There is a difference between that and what he said.
Councilman Strough-I know that. But, I think that was his point that is the way I
understood it.
Supervisor Stec-It is my experience after nine plus years never to try and assume what
John is saying or thinking, John.
Mr. Salvador-In July of'08 the West Glens Falls Fire Company obtains a release of a
part of a mortgage from the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company for three
parcels of land fitting the description of the three parcel subdivision. Now, all of this
went on without your knowledge, all of it went on without your knowledge, here they are
getting a release on a mortgage that we are back stopping. We have an obligation to back
stop that mortgage.
Supervisor Stec-Correction, we do not, John and that is the point that I have made to you
Mr. Salvador-You do not pay that
Supervisor Stec-We give them money for service, they take that money and they pay
their mortgage. This town is not liable for one cent of any of the fire companies debt out
there, none of them. Zero.
Mr. Salvador-Your budget has a line item debt service.
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Supervisor Stec-Their budget has a line item debt service. We are not, this town is not
liable for any of the mortgages that the fire companies or rescue squads have, John, that is
an important fact. That if you are not going to agree to that fact then I think we are
spinning our wheels here.
Mr. Salvador-Ok.
Supervisor Stec-Get to it.
Mr. Salvador-In any case finally what happens is the West Glens Fire, after then get the
release of the mortgage they have got the subdivision in place ok, they can convey title to
a major portion of that vacant land which is north of the fire company, ok. On August the
26th of 2008 they conveyed to the Fire Fighters Association 2.86 acres of land shown as
tax parce13O9.1O-1-95.1 at what cost? The record at the County shows there was no
money changed hands. Did they gift, did the West Glens Falls Fire Company gift land to
the Fire Fighters Association?
Councilman Brewer-I have no idea you are going to have to ask them. How would we
know that, we didn't do it.
Mr. Salvador-Ok. In any case I think we should look into some of these details and I do
not think you would be, if we followed the procedures that were supposed to you would
not have these surprises that you have.
Supervisor Stec-I led with, the Town was not thrilled with the surprise and I said we
cannot un-ring that bell. So, we can only deal with the fall out from their decision and we
are trying to do that.
Mr. Salvador-But, if it were a tight ship you would not be surprised, that is my point.
Supervisor Stec-John, you know what these fire fighters, these five fire companies always
looking for volunteers and if you have got a certain thing to bring to one of them I think
you should knock on their door and say I am here to help.
Mr. Salvador-The branch of the military I served in we had a saying, a lock keeps an
honest man honest.
Supervisor Stec-Thanks. Is there anyone else that would like to comment on this public
hearing? Mr. Tucker
Mr. Pliney Tucker-41 Division Road, Queensbury You mentioned the fact that you and
the Town Attorney had conversations with the fire company
Supervisor Stec-And Councilman Montesi, yes the three of us did.
Mr. Tucker-over the entire package?
Supervisor Stec-Yes.
Mr. Tucker-Can you tell me why they did all this?
Supervisor Stec-When we get done with the public comment I will ask Bob to brief the
Board and the public a little bit on his take on this.
Mr. Tucker-Why it all came about?
Supervisor Stec-And I imagine that the Fire Company might want to ask, I will start with
Town Counsel Hafner-When they are done with the public hearing probably John
Supervisor Stec-Is Mr. Cameron coming? John too many John's floating around here
today it gets confusing. See I told you we were going to have some head scratching over
the curve ball that you threw us we will do our best to get through it. Do you want to
explain to the Town Board and the public a little bit not to put you on the spot ..anything
that was said but maybe through out your train of thought .. .
Mr. John Cameron-I am the Treasurer of the fire company and also the President of the
Association, Fire Fighters Association. There were so many things that were thrown out
by Mr. Salvador I really would not know where to begin. I think he got mixed up a lot
with apples and oranges, frankly in his discussion.
Supervisor Stec-Deal with it for nine years, you have just seen the tip of the iceberg.
Mr. Cameron-We were here, not here to prepared to discuss the audit but even that got
very confusing because I am pretty familiar with the audit I do not have it in front of me.
Things like debt service and whether you are including interest or not or just principal,
those kind of issues, what the operating budget is. We know those number cold. I do not
have it with me tonight but we did not expect to be audited on the audit tonight you
know. But, the related party transactions that the auditor disclosed, those were not found
by the auditor we disclosed them properly during the course of the audit. There is a
reason they are called related party transactions and they are not findings if you will in an
audit. We have all seen audits with findings where they are saying that there is
something quote wrong. Related Party Transactions does not necessarily connate that
something is wrong it is simply reportable item that they are disclosing, it is a disclosure
item is what it is. I mean if you guys have any other questions in that regard you know,
obviously this was vetted with our legal counsel. None of these steps were taken you
know, without going through legal channels.
Councilman Brewer-Why just, for my own curiosity why was the town not told about it
or informed?
Mr. Cameron-We discussed that with Dan and I think the Attorney answered that in his
Councilman Brewer-I was not there so, I did get Bob's memo but could you just tell me
Mr. Cameron-Well, it was disclosed to the Auditor and that is when it was required to be
disclosed. It did not violate any of the town contracts, it did not affect fire protection
service what so ever, and it did not involve any of the town contract monies. They are
not paying for Station II, that asset is a bona fide sale and lease back which I know that
your Attorney is familiar with Mr. Hafner, we discussed it with him. So, I mean.
Councilman Strough-John, what concerns me is the separate entity was created, I mean
the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company had already existed and then without the
knowledge of the Board you created the Fire Fighters of West Glens Falls Association
Inc. another non for profit corporation and you started to shift assets over to this other
Mr. Cameron-It is for asset protection basically.
Councilman Strough-AIl right, now those assets that go to this other corporation if they
are sold or produce income is that going to be used for operating expenses for your fire
Mr. Cameron-It is used as its sole purpose of the corporation of the association is to
provide for the benefit and use of the fire fighters of West Glens Falls.
Councilman Strough-That does not answer my question John, is it going to be used for
Mr. Cameron-You mean town operations, under town contract ?
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Councilman Strough-No, your companies operation.
Mr. Cameron-What kind of operations? It could be used for operations..it could be is the
answer, it could be, depending on how you define operations, I mean.
Councilman Strough-Well, you know John, I do not want to finger point and what you
did maybe just fine, this is new to me.
Mr. Cameron-That is fair.
Councilman Strough-I am not comfortable with it because it is new. I am not
comfortable with it because I see a shifting of assets and I want to make sure that
Mr. Cameron-Those are fair questions.
Councilman Strough-my job is to protect the community interests and I want to make
sure everything might be ok and I do not want to put a dark stain on your group
Mr. Cameron-I would appreciate that
Councilman Strough-you are hard working volunteers and that is great, but I do have to
be very careful in representing this community. So, I am just going to be careful that is
Mr. Cameron-We understand that.
Councilman Strough-ok.
Mr. Cameron-That is why I think we, when we negotiated the contract at the workshop or
the meeting that we had that we made some changes to the contract in order to protect the
town if you will for fire service reasons like Dan said earlier, the Town does not own the
assets of the fire company. However, they have a vested interest because we provide fire
protection service, in given that you know, there is nothing that is going to impact the fire
protection services. We made assurances and we will make assurances in writing to that
which we already proposed.
Supervisor Stec-I think it is fair to point out that the contract would call for both fire
entities to sign it and does prohibit either fire entity from transferring any real estate
which our concern, again, as was touched on a new corporation is formed and assets are
transferred from one to the other. Some people would say well, insurance is there to
protect that asset, why isn't insurance enough well, because we have seen even in fire
examples in this very town sometimes an insurance policy isn't all you think it is. I can
understand where you are coming from, from that perspective but it is important for us to
know that these assets have been transferred to this other entity how do we know that,
that other entity isn't going to in turn, sell them to Joe's garage or whatever.
Mr. Cameron-I thought we had covered that.
Supervisor Stec-This is more for the public than for you, your contract that Bob worked
out with your Attorney our Attorney did, protects the town from that.
Mr. Cameron-When we talk about transferring of fund raising assets if you will I think,
we all know like police departments and fire department often have benevolent
associations this is basically how this association functions is benevolent.
Supervisor Stec-Are there other associations like this in the State that your
Mr. Cameron-Yea, there are several in the State, there are many we have researched a lot
on the subject. Ironically had the association had existed for the last lets say twenty,
thirty years and as fundraising monies or assets were earned and they went directly into
there then all of a sudden the question wouldn't be as, what is the word, disconcerting I
guess to the town or taxpayers. Why are you transferring assets, well they are the fund
raising assets of the entity.
Councilman Strough-Now, wait a minute, a lot of those assets, the building and the land
and so forth, I mean you are claiming that the town taxpayers contributed nothing to
Councilman Brewer-Station II they did build out of
Councilman Strough-But the property I mean
Councilman Brewer-Understood
Councilman Strough-I don't know this hasn't been verified to me and as a representative
of the community I am just being careful.
Mr. Bob Gilman-The building and property was purchased by the fire company out of
bingo in 1987, the building was totally paid for by the fire company in 1987 and
completed 1988.
Councilman Strough-So, you did not have a mortgage on that?
Mr. Gilman-We had a mortgage for five years it was a fifteen year mortgage and the fire
company paid it off through bingo in five years and we burnt the mortgage in the parking
lot in Station I.
Councilman Strough-And no part of that mortgage was ever paid for with taxpayer
Mr. Gilman-Paid for by the Town absolutely not, John. Absolutely not.
Councilman Strough-Well, you see, you might be right and I have no reason to, you have
never lied to me or brought dishonest to me, but this is new I am just trying to be careful
and I just, this is something that needs to be verified and a little bit more investigation
done here, that is all I am saying and everything might just come out rosy but I am ..so
convinced I.
Mr. Cameron-You may personally not be familiar with it but I think the Town Counsel is
pretty much.
Mr. Gilman-We sat down and had
Mr. Cameron-We think it has been investigated quite frankly.
Councilman Brewer-John in the same hand Bob is our Attorney and we have to be
comfortable because we vote, he doesn't. So, in that essence I bumped my head when I
fell so I am going to agree with John a little bit but you have to make sure
Mr. Cameron-This John?
Councilman Brewer-No, in all seriousness I would feel comfortable if you gave us a
week to let us investigate a little bit more of questions that I am sure Bob, well I mean,
leave the public hearing open like we discussed earlier or what ever you want to do that is
my suggestion, there are questions that I have that I
Town Counsel Hafner-You can close the public hearing and the Town Board
Councilman Brewer-Yea, close the public hearing Bob, right. But, I would like to ask
some more questions and maybe not in this setting.
Councilman Metivier-John you made a comment you are protecting the assets what are
you protecting them from?
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 521
Mr. Cameron-Well, the main reason was liability and I think someone here mentioned
that insurance doesn't always cover everything, multimillion dollar lawsuits or some
catastrophic event.
Councilman Metivier-But it was just for this Station II.
Mr. Cameron-Yea, because Station I has been financed through town contract monies at
least the structure and I might add even the land under Station I was donated by a fire
member. Even that land was not purchased with town contract monies.
Councilman Strough-So, in theory is you sell Station I whatever you sell it for this Board
would have absolutely no control on how you spent it you would spend it anyway you
want it because it is your money.
Supervisor Stec-You mean Station II.
Councilman Strough-Station II, ok, thank you.
Mr. Cameron-Well, I think that was a concern of the Town and the Counsel of the Town
and that is why it is being memorialized in the agreement that, that will not happen.
Councilman Strough-And the property I guess there is consideration for some property be
shifted over to this?
Mr. Gilmore-... on Station I?
Councilman Strough-And this property was given in fact by Warren County?
Mr. Gilmore-That property was given by John Liapes from Newcomb Street and 1984 I
believe, that was donated to the fire company at that time by John Liapes, which is still
alive today and the other property on Alta Avenue was also donated by I believe Didio
was the name. We did not pay for any of that it was all donated land.
Councilman Strough-So, currently right now the land and the building fire house number
II are assets that theoretically if you sold them or gained some kind of investment money
from them that could be used for operations and such.
Mr. Gilmore-Yes, and we have been known in previous years to use a lot of our money in
operations because when we rebuilt that building in 1996 Station I the Town Board at the
time I believe Pliney Tucker sat on that board, and we had to re-do the bingo hall
ourselves out of bingo the Town did not put one dime into that bingo hall. We paid for it,
we paid for all the plaques out side that building, we paid for the first cement pour, in that
building out of bingo.
Councilman Strough-The other issue too is I have two contracts this is the one that we
had for the public hearing this is the one that the public was told to review for todays
consideration and if the public had anything to say it was this particular contract,
however the contract has been re-written as you and I were talking previously to the
meeting and this is brand new, the public has not seen this that I know of.
Mr. Gilmore-I believe that your legal counsel along with Supervisor Stec could answer
those questions.
Councilman Strough-They were in fact, this contract includes both entities and it would
be referred to as in the rest of the contract as a fire company but would include both
Mr. Cameron-They are not a fire company that would be the..
Councilman Strough-In terms of us being able to
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 522
Mr. Cameron-The Association is not a fire corporation I want to clear that up from earlier
too Mr. Salvador comments.
Councilman Strough-This one here does not allow us to audit this other entity.
Mr. Cameron-Ir-regardless of that it is not a fire company the Association is not a fire
Supervisor Stec-Let me jump in here on that, and John is correct when we set the public
hearing there was some additional
Town Counsel Hafner-Can I just approach that question because
Supervisor Stec-Well, I was just about to frame that for you, I was just going to say I
would like you to touch on that but as far as the concern that John raised about how that
first paragraph was re-worded is there another way that, that could be worded where, I
mean it looks to me like maybe the stumbling point is at the tail end of it where we said
the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 and the Fire Fighters Association
then we continue on saying referring to both of them as the Fire Company and perhaps if
we dropped the reference to calling them both the Fire Company then that might make
them feel a little more comfortable with that. We are not trying to call the Association a
Fire Company, because I think
Councilman Brewer-Why can't you just name the Association in the contract as well.
Supervisor Stec-Well, that is what I mean, all right it has been framed to you, Bob.
Town Counsel Hafner-I am going to address a few because you addressed three things
and the first what I think is most important procedurally, legal question, is the question
about what the public hearing is set for. The public hearing, in Queensbury we tend to
set our public hearings include a draft of the contract. The draft of the contract is not
required it is a procedure that we follow here and it is a good practice to let people know
in advance. What the public hearing is for is for the amount of money that we are
spending. We need to have a public hearing before you enter into a contract for a fire
company to provide fire protection services to the Town. I do not think the dollar
amounts changed. So, I do not think if you are looking at as a legal issue we have given
the proper notice for this public hearing. If the Town of Queensbury
Supervisor Stec-So, what you are saying is we could change the language in the contract.
Counsel HafnerCorrect. If the Town Board feels that it is a good practice that they want
to have, people have the exact language that is a policy decision and we always tell you
that if you want to do that you are free to do that and have public hearings even when
they are not legally required. The next question was on I think Supervisor Stec you asked
about the definition in the first version that you had the true version that I drafted and
then we got some a lot of input as to that the Associations part of the contract from their
Attorney after we had that meeting with you and Councilman Montesi and the Fire
Company. We originally defined it where both entities were the Fire Company so we did
not have to worry about who owned what and who was to do what. We at that time were
not aware that their concern was the liability from their operations. They expressed that
and you and Councilman Montesi with the committee were at the meeting and it was
decided that their logic made some sense. That if the reason for setting up the
Association was to protect these assets that they had free and clear of debt from possibly
liability that this is a structure that could reach that and if that is your goal then you do
not want the Association which is to keep assets free from possible liability you want us,
you do not want them to be responsible for providing the fire protection. Their Attorney
proposed the simplest version of doing that while meeting what was expressed as the
town's concerns at that meeting. I am sorry, you cannot have more than two of you at
one of those meetings because then it becomes a public meeting. I tried to do a memo
and I am sorry to the extent that I did not get all of this through. The conclusion from
this meeting was that what the Town cared about was that these assets which were owned
by originally by the Fire Company and now by the Association that they would continue
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 523
to be used and available for use and used for West Glens Falls Fire to provide services to
the town. What we care about, what we are hiring them to do is to save people's lives is
to be there to go when you get a fire in the middle of the night, you get a call. So, that
was one concern and the other concern because the Town Board everyone that I have
talked with individually has expressed I do not think you will mind me saying this a
concern that assets, valuable assets were transferred from a fire company that we provide
so much financial aid to in our contracts. Individually each of you expressed your desire
that, that not happen again and that we tighten that because no one envisioned that, that
would happen. So, we specifically put language in the version that John is talking about
and we made sure that it was still in the version that we agreed to after the committee
meeting that we had. For the publics point of view since it is a matter of such concern, I
think the people have to understand that when you have a SO1C3 a charitable corporation
one of the requirements of that corporation is that those assets can only be used for
charitable purposes. If for any reason the Association quite being in existence they have
to transfer it to another charitable entity preferably one that does the same services. Our
contract provides that, that happens to be the Town. But, that is while the contract exists.
We contract for a term of years. So, I think that is important that you know it is not like
they can legally use these funds except for their charitable purpose. So, have I answered
your questions?
Supervisor Stec-Yes.
Counsel Hafner-I see John has some.
Councilman Strough-Yes.
Counsel Hafner-I am sorry if I got wordy.
Supervisor Stec-That is quite all right.
Councilman Strough-The structure does maybe provide for them or afford them a little
bit more protection from their liability, but is that the only service that this structure could
serve. Are there, I am just saying, the other thing and they said basically was true is that
they were going to put their assets, their assets that supposedly had nothing to do with
town taxpaying money into this other entity. Now that removes it from the purview of
this board.
Counsel Hafner-I had not heard that concern until you articulated just before the meeting,
John and if I had known that I would have worked with their attorney. I do not think,
they are here you can ask them, I do not think that they would mind you suggesting that
we put audit provisions for that entity also. Frankly it is a not for profit they have to file
their 99O's I think that they are on line somewhere and I think that if you ask them for
copies they have to give them to you. If you want the right to audit, I mean those types of
things we can add and talk to them. What is important what they told me was that they
not be, that the Association not be treated, be placed in a position where it could be added
to a law suit.
Councilman Strough-Here is another concern that I have, the assets that they are shifting
has it been verified that those assets being shifted to this other not for profit corporation
are in fact theirs and in fact taxpayers money was never utilized for those assets at any
time in the history of that asset. Has that been verified?
Counsel Hafner-We would say that is not a legal question and when we talked about it we
said that one of the things that the town needs to do is to be able to verify the various
financial information that you are concerned with. The part that we were most concerned
about was actually one part that was discussed earlier about that we wanted to make sure
that since it is being done as a sale and a lease that there would be no increase in the cost
that they come to in the budget. They assured us that, that would not happen and every
time I have talked to one of your about it I said that is something the Town Board is
going to have to be able to verify to a fashion that they are satisfied.
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 524
Councilman Strough-There is no mechanism though for us to verify that those assets that
are getting transferred to that entity are their assets and that taxpayer money never had
anything to do with those assets. We just need verification of that or someway of proving
that before the shift of the asset takes place. We have to protect the community's
Mr. Cameron-We understand that.
Councilman Brewer-How do we do that John, can we close the public hearing and
Supervisor Stec-Let John Cameron answer some of that.
Mr. Cameron-Well and Bob knows some of the guys have been here a lot longer than I
have at the fire company.
Councilman Strough-I know but that is hear say and by gosh and
Mr. Cameron-Conversely do you have any assertions that the assets were purchased with
town monies, and the answer is no because they were not.
Councilman Strough-AIl I am saying is we need to verified one way or the other. I am
not making any claim, I am saying we need to have it verified and in this process the
assets that you are shifting from one entity to
Mr. Cameron-We are comfortable that they were not purchased with the towns funds.
Councilman Strough-I know that you are comfortable but I have to be a 100%
Supervisor Stec-Bob, does it matter?
Counsel Hafner-Our contract is for services, we do not own their assets.
Councilman Strough-Well, our contract is for services and we are giving them X number
of dollars
Counsel Hafner-Big numbers
Councilman Strough-Yea. Those are going into for example paying the mortgage of this
building number one, fire house number one for example. Now,
Counsel Hafner-That does not make us an owner.
Councilman Strough-Now, could they shift fire house number one over to this entity and
away from Town Board purview?
Counsel Hafner-Under either version of the contract in order to do that they would have
to get our permission.
Supervisor Stec-Right.
Counsel Hafner-We specifically changed that in either version that you are talking about.
Councilman Strough-AIl right, now they have already shifted that we know of fire house
number two and $20,000 into this entity without any Town Board permission.
Counsel HafnerBecause, again no one envisioned that they would be transferring their
fire house that they needed to provide the services that are in the contract.
Councilman Strough-I know and I am not the only one up here that
Councilman Brewer-I do not know it is totally confusing I mean I just don't I am sorry I
don't quite understand it.
Councilman Strough-If I am going to err have to err on behalf of caution.
Counsel Hafner-Like you need time to think about it, you have had the public hearing
you have got the input from the public.
Mr. Cameron-Right
Councilman Strough-We need some time to get some
Mr. Cameron-Well, I think Mr. Hafner covered a lot with his discussion about the
Association being subject to New York State Law and a charitable organization, and that
its purpose is expressly stated in its articles of incorporation and you know it was to
dissolve it has to, its assets go to a like minded organization. There is no exposure there,
you know, there is no, in the 99O's they are public record excreta, excreta. I just want to
go over a few facts with you quickly. It was formed in '07 ok the purpose of it was for
asset protection and to benefit fire fighters of West Glens Falls Fire Company.
Councilman Brewer-How does it benefit them?
Mr. Cameron-It protects their assets number one, right.
Councilman Brewer-But, there is no particular person that owns those assets the
corporation owns them. Suppose the corporation were to dissolve who gets those assets?
Mr. Cameron-Well, I will give you an example; how does it benefit, I mean some of the
monies in the association are used for banquets or parties or things such as that ok, good
will. Ok, so you say how does it benefit, I mean the word benefit could mean anything,
we could buy fire equipment to, that is a benefit to the fire fighters, which we have done
many times.
Councilman Brewer-I am just asking the question.
Mr. Cameron-No. that if fine. It was disclosed in public record all of these transactions
and incorporation and it was disclosed by us to the auditor in the timely manner. It
wasn't just discovered. Had zero impact on town fire service, the town was protected by
its written agreement, Station II is used by the Fire Company only for fire service. We
plan on memorializing that in agreement. It provides a separation in the wall that clearly
differentiates from town funds the association does. The sale of Station II was a bona
fide sale with a lease back where the tenant pays all expenses, of the operating costs I
mean. Town moneys pay for fire service. These associations, like I said before have
been formed elsewhere and they seem to be widely excepted since they exist throughout
the State of New York.
Councilman Strough-That does bring a question up, I have never heard of this
arrangement with a fire protection company or a fire protection district in this case in
terms of a legal entity. Did you run this structure by the State Comptroller's Office by
any chance?
Mr. Cameron-No.
Councilman Strough-I would love to have their blessing, saying this is just fine, you
know, if we could get the State Comptroller to look at this and say this all right, I would
feel 100% better, I really would.
Councilman Brewer-So, why don't we just do that then.
Supervisor Stec-You will not get in a week, just so you know.
Councilman Brewer-The Association of Towns could probably tell you.
Councilman Strough-But I think it is only the right thing to do for this Board is to make
sure that the State looks at this arrangement gives it blessing and we can move on.
Mr. Cameron-I would still like to know Mr. Strough what your major concern is? I just
went over the fact that it doesn't affect fire service, it does not affect the towns monies
that we use for fire protection.
Councilman Strough-My concern is there is no verification that the assets that you are
placing into this entity which go beyond the purview of this board are in fact
Mr. Cameron-We are asserting that they are.
Councilman Strough-That the community does not have some entitlement to. The other
thing that I am concerned about, and you might be right, the other thing I am concerned
about is the arrangement, you sell this four hundred thousand dollar building to yourself
and now you are going to pay rent on it. You have parcels of land that you are going to
be putting into this entity, you have cash that you are going to be putting into this entity,
you know, verification and ultimately this entity is going to away from our Auditors
away from our purview, away from any town control of this entity I just want to make
sure that the taxpayers don't have any interest in that.
Supervisor Stec-We are going to work the audit into the agreement, I have not heard any
objection to that and Bob the audit provision.
Councilman Metivier-John did you have to get any since it technically owned by a
separate entity, insurance for the second building on its own?
Mr. Cameron-We are working with that with their insurance agent, we believe it is
covered under the lease agreement and the contract sale.
Councilman Brewer-So then that is town funds for their association.
Mr. Cameron-That is operations, Mr. Brewer, this is not
Councilman Brewer-Those are things I don't understand, that is why I
Councilman Strough-They are contributing to the existence of this building.
Mr. Cameron-You are paying for fire service like you do with every other fire company
in the Town of Queensbury.
Mr. Gilman-General contract laying blacktop.
Councilman Brewer-Bob, all I want to do is understand it.
Councilman Metivier-I understand it I would caution you in that if you transfer an asset
to a new owner you are not covered under any insurance from the previous owners so just
be very careful with that.
Mr. Cameron-Like I said that has been through an Attorney through legal and there was a
contract sale for us and there was a lease with the entity.
Councilman Strough-The other thing is to, if we have the blessing to this I feel better
about the precedent, because North Queensbury is doing it and if North Queensbury does
it then Central and is going to do it and Bay Ridge may do it and you know what it may
be all just fine and honky dory.
Mr. Cameron-I am sure everyone is doing it because it is not fine and honky dory, this
was vetted through legal counsel it is appropriate and it was done for the reason stated.
We do not see what the big issue is.
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 527
Councilman Strough-Like I said if I have the Comptrollers blessing on it
Supervisor Stec-Bob, is that your opinion though? I have not gotten around to asking you
that, is your legal opinion to this as far as what they set up and how they set it up legally
Counsel Hafner-I think I stated that pretty clearly, I have done this type of
Supervisor Stec-I am not arguing with you I just want that clear in everyone's mind.
Councilman Brewer-You are belaboring it. There are questions we want to find out.
Counsel Hafner-I have not run into it in a fire company, but it is the type of thing that I
have personally been involved with before and it made sense by the Town Board has
some concerns because of the large amounts of money that they pay each year and it is
the five of you, the four of you that are here, that have to be confident that your feeling
Councilman Strough-And you know that might be fine for a private entity and a private
entity but we are dealing with a quasi public entity and a quasi public entity which to me
is almost a different realm.
Mr. Cameron-When you mentioned the town paying for paying for fire service to, you
know, there is such a thing in the non profit world as in kind services I am sure you have
all heard of that, you know the donated labor of a volunteer fire force just at West Glens
Falls alone is estimated at about one point five million a year. So, when we say we
provide all of the funding for fire service we provide the cash right the Town does, I
mean, through the contract and it is for service. You getting a valuable service in return.
Councilman Brewer-And nobody disputes that at all, never has.
Councilman Strough-And we appreciate that.
Mr. Cameron-And as Bob was going to say earlier the funding raising that West Glens
Falls Fire Company has done over the years was astronomical, it was probably we figure
north of a million dollars. I do not know how many trucks were bought not just Station
II, fire trucks, apparatus, that is what we chose to do with our money over the years with
our fund raising money.
Supervisor Stec-You mean you did not have surf and turf?
Mr. Gilmore-No.
Mr. Cameron-I cannot vouch that there was not some of that at some point, right, but
Supervisor Stec-But not every weekend.
Mr. Cameron-I just wanted to put that on the record, that is all.
Supervisor Stec-And John, we do appreciate that and it is important for the public to
recognize that if you put a cash value on the amount of donated labor over the years, not
only for you but for all five fire companies and the three rescue squads it is staggering.
The State of New York Fire Association ...they put out a report a few years back and it
was unbelievable what the estimated annual value of the labor that was donated through
volunteer fire companies it was billions, it was seven billion or, it was billions.
Mr. Cameron-I think we have been remiss on that in the financial statements, I am going
to recommend to the auditor that, that be reflected on the financial statements as to the
value of in-kind services.
Supervisor Stec-Do you have anything else that you would like to the public hearing?
Mr. Cameron-No, I don't.
Supervisor Stec-Is there anyone else that wants to comment at the public hearing? All
right I am going to close the public hearing and I am going to ask Bob
Mr. Cameron-Thank you.
Supervisor Stec-You are welcome, I want to make sure you hear what I am going to ask
Bob to do, I am going to ask Bob to work with and maybe contact Mr. Spike again and
work on some additional language that addresses the audit concern and whatever other
Board Members concerns you were able to glean that we haven't addressed and then just
Counsel Hafner-The State Comptroller, we can ask I mean but you are not going to get
an answer quickly and I do not think you will ever get an answer because it is not the
type of thing they pine about.
Councilman Strough-If we had enough protections in this one year contract to make me
comfortable to move forward, and we know in parallel with that the Comptroller let them
do their thing and we know it will probably take months but this would be a one year
agreement. So, we should have something by the end of the year and maybe everything
is just fine, but
Supervisor Stec-That is reasonable but I just, what Bob is saying they may not give us an
Counsel Hafner-They are unlikely to, I have talked to their counsel in the past and in
things like this they are likely not to give an opinion.
Supervisor Stec-That is fine Bob, if you wouldn't mind firing off a letter to the State
Comptroller's Office and ask them and we will set that aside and set it on its own
separate parallel path and in the mean time the audit issue as far as continue to work on
the language of the contract the dollar amount is not going to change but the language can
and then the Board will look for another version of the agreement with a memo and if we
get that resolved in the next couple of weeks and then we can pass a resolution following
that, authorizing the contact now that we have concluded the public hearing. So, this is
what I would suggest.
Counsel Hafner-If I could just ask John and Tim if you have specific provisions other
than audit if you would e-mail me or call me. The things that I think that the Association
is more concerned about is that they are not in the contract responsible legally for
providing the types of services that could lead to the type of liability that they are
concerned with . So, provisions like audit, have them talk with their attorney I looked at
their faces while I mention, I cannot imagine that they care you know. Those types of
things will give you the safety the sureness that you want and they have fully disclosed
everything I have seen us ask for. So, I do not think that's, but if there are other issues
like that let me know.
Supervisor Stec-And then while they are still here we are going, I am going to hand this
to Darleen and I have marked up our first resolution tonight to add West Glens Falls
everywhere that I think we need there for the one twelfth for that one twelfth check
could be ready the next day or two and then as soon as we get this resolved we have a
work shop coming up a week from today and then probably the next meeting after that
would be the 23rd so if not a week from today three weeks from today hopefully we will
have a contract ready for authorization.
Counsel Hafner-I want to give John and Tim some time to get their input, if they want to
look through the contract and see what the care about.
Mr. Cameron-Just to reiterate what you guys were just discussing, you will send
something off to the attorney to our lawyer? It sounds like where we are at and correct
me if I am wrong maybe a matter of disclosure. You are looking for accountability down
the road.
Councilman Strough-Well, that is right, John.
Mr. Cameron-So, we will work toward that definitely. Something that also serves the
purpose that Mr. Hafner's been discussing with the legalities of not being a fire
Supervisor Stec-I suspect whatever changes are going to come to that draft are going to
be fairly mild, not numerous, I think we got an audit provision we want to add in that
might be as simple
Counsel Hafner-We have one in there we just need to refer to it for both entities and add
Supervisor Stec-And assuming Mr. Spike is comfortable with that and the membership of
the executive body is comfortable with that.
Mr. Cameron-We will discuss it with him, I do not see a problem with that.
Counsel Hafner-And I will go thorough it again with that, with the ideas I am hearing
from the Board.
Supervisor Stec-All right, thank you, thank you all, thank you Chief. The public hearing
is closed we have taken no action on that and that will be a subject for a resolution in the
Mr. John Salvador-Spoke to the Board regarding the subdivision of land that was done at
the West Glens Falls Fire Station No. 1 they are setting this up to sell building lots, they
have conveyed 2.6 acres of land into the Fire Fighters Association. Noted the other two
lots in the subdivision are currently landlocked, owned the by Fire Company and
surrounded by the Fire Fighters Association.
Supervisor Stec-It is a contract provision in the daft that to do anything with real estate by
either entity they need Town Board approval.
Mr. Salvador-This is not too much different than what went on up in Thurman.
Questioned if a lot line adjustment can be done without Planning Board approval?
Supervisor Stec-Are you saying that something criminal has occurred? Who are you
accusing of a criminal act?
Mr. Salvador-No one right now until it is established that a wrong doing was done.
You cannot do it without an investigation.
Mr. Bob Gilman-President of the Fire Company. The land that you are discussing was
given by John Liapes from Newcomb Street.
Supervisor Stec-We will look into the boundary line change.. .
Counsel Hafner-It is a normal thing that usually doesn't require site plan for a boundary
line adjustment where both parcels continue to remain in compliance with our Town
Mr. Paul Naylor-15 Division Road What year did the Town take over the fire company
or get involved with the fire company.
Supervisor Stec-I don't remember
Mr. Naylor-I think it was better when we did not belong to you guys, maybe that is what
we should go back to. Glad you are back Tim.
RESOLUTION NO.: 49, 2009
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, fire protection services are provided to the Town of Queensbury by the
Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., Queensbury
Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co, Inc., and the West
Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., (Fire Companies) in accordance with agreements
between each Fire Company and the Town, and
WHEREAS, the Town's agreements with the Fire Companies expired on December
31, 2008, and
WHEREAS, in such Agreements the Town and Fire Companies agreed to continue
to provide fire protection services under the terms and provisions of the existing agreements
during the interim period pending execution of new agreements, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 16,2009, the Town Board authorized payment
vouchers constituting 1/12th of the 2008 Contract Amount for January and February (not
including Vehicle Fund) to the Fire Companies under the current Agreements, which
payments constituted advance payments on the new fire protection services 2009
Agreements, and
WHEREAS, the Town and the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company recently
entered into a new one (1) year Agreement for fire protection services for 2009, and
WHEREAS, the Bay Ridge, North Queensbury, Queensbury Central and West
Glens Falls Fire Companies may face cash flow shortages before their respective, new
agreements can be executed and therefore the Town Board wishes to again authorize
payments under the current Agreements, which after new agreements are entered into will
constitute advance payments on the 2009 agreements to the Fire Companies, such advances
to be deducted from contract payments to be paid after the 2009 contracts are ratified,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Town
Supervisor to approve payment vouchers constituting 1/12th of the respective 2008
Contract Amounts (not including Vehicle Fund) to the Bay Ridge, North Queensbury,
Queensbury Central and West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Companies under the current
Agreements, which payments will constitute advance payments on the new fire protection
services 2009 Agreements if such Agreements are entered into, and
RESOLVED, that should new fire protection services 2009 Agreements not be
entered into by March 31st, 2009, then the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to
approve additional payment vouchers constituting 1/12th of the respective 2008 Contract
Amount (not including Vehicle Fund) to the Fire Companies during April, 2009, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor and Town Budget Officer to make the necessary arrangements to make such
payments which are authorized under the current Agreements and take such other and
further action as maybe necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 532
RESOLUTION NO.: 50, 2009
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, The Town of Queensbury previously adopted a Town of Queensbury
Purchasing Policy (Policy), and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to make certain revisions to such Policy and a
proposed amended Policy is presented at this meeting,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby adopts the amended Town
Purchasing Policy presented at this meeting, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget
Officer to distribute copies of such amended Purchasing Policy to all Town Department
Managers, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take any actions necessary to effectuate the terms
of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009 by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Strough, r. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier,
ABSENT : Mr. Montesi
Discussion held before vote: Councilman Strough-requested change on page 6 number 8
change not to please note.
RESOLUTION NO.: 51, 2009
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, the following Budget Amendment Requests have been duly initiated
and justified and are deemed compliant with Town operating procedures and accounting
practices by the Town Budget Officer,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the
Town's Accounting Office to take all action necessary to amend the 2008 Town Budget
as follows:
From To
Code Appropriation Code Appropriation $
004-5110-1020 Hwy O/T 004-5140-4009 Tree Removal $ 2,965
004-5130-4200 P&L Insurance 004-5140-4009 Tree Removal $ 764
004-5130-2020 Vehicles 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 1,075
004-9030-8030 Social Security 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 4,600
004-9040-8043 First Aid 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 1,297
004-9055-8055 Disability 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 660
004-9060-8062 Medicare Reimb 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 1,627
004-9080-8080 Vacation Accrual 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 6,000
004-9089-8089 Other Empl Benefits 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 1,000
004-5130-1010 Wages 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 3,030
004-1990-1010 Wage Contingency 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 3,690
004-5130-4200 P&L Insurance 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 300
004-5142-1001 Meal Tickets 004-5142-4641 Melting Agents $ 905
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
RESOLUTION NO.: 52, 2009
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the New York State Comptroller's Office recently completed Audit
No.: PS-08-14 concerning the Town of Queensbury's efforts to contain health care costs,
WHEREAS, such Audit recommends that the Queensbury Town Board explore the
cost savings potential of adopting Flexible Spending Arrangements in accordance with
Internal Revenue Code § 125, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §35, the
Town Board agrees with the recommendations of the audit and wishes to accept a
Corrective Action Plan in response to such Audit and recommendation as set forth in the
Town Supervisor's letter presented at this meeting,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby accepts a Corrective Action
Plan in response to the New York State Comptroller's Office Audit No.: PS-08-14 as
described in the preambles of this Resolution, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as
maybe necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
RESOLUTION NO.: 53, 2009
SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 43,2008, the Queensbury Town Board authorized
the Town to enter into an Agreement with Vision Engineering, LLC for provision of
engineering technical services to the Queensbury Town Board, Queensbury Planning Board,
Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals and Community Development Department through
December 31st, 2008, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to enter into such an Agreement with Vision
Engineering, LLC for the year 2009,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes an Agreement
with Vision Engineering, LLC for provision of engineering technical services to the
Queensbury Town Board, Queensbury Planning Board, Queensbury Zoning Board of
Appeals and Community Development Department through December 31St, 2009 as
described in Vision Engineering's January 28, 2009 letter-form agreement presented at this
meeting, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to
sign such agreement in form acceptable to the Town Supervisor, Code Compliance
Officer/Zoning Administrator and Town Counsel, including changes requested by the
Code Compliance Officer/Zoning Administrator in his a-mail to the Town Board dated
February 2"d 2009, ~„>,~~.,,,~;.,n., ;,, ~>,o ~ ,-,,, r o o„~o,a .,~ ~i,;~ .,,oo~;,,,. and
RESOLVED, that payment for such services shall be from the appropriate Town
accounts as maybe determined by the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor
and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to
effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES :None
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 59,2006, the Queensbury Town Board reappointed
Paul Davidson and Joan Jenkin to serve as members of the Queensbury Board of
Assessment Review (BAR) with terms to expire September 30th, 2010 in accordance with
New York State Real Property Tax Law §523, and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that an error was made in the appointment of
such members such that, the BAR is required by law to be set up so that each year one
Member's term expires and instead, Mr. Davidson and Ms. Jenkin's terms both end at the
same time (2010), and
WHEREAS, the Town Board met and agreed upon an unbiased manner in which
to resolve the error, and with the agreement of both Mr. Davidson and Ms. Jenkin,
decided on a coin toss to determine which member would be assigned a term to expire in
September 2012, and
WHEREAS, on January 14th, 2009, the Town Clerk flipped a coin to make the
determination, with the Town Supervisor, a reporter from the Post-Star, and an employee
of the Town Assessor's Office, also present, and
WHEREAS, the result of the coin toss is that Joan Jenkin's term will be amended
to expire as of September 30th, 2012, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to adopt a Resolution correcting Ms.
Jenkin's term accordingly,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board, in accordance with the preambles
of this Resolution and as provided by State Law, hereby corrects its term of Town of
Queensbury Board of Assessment Review member Joan Jenkin, such term to expire
September 30th, 2012 as set forth above, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Assessor to take
any action necessary to devise a recordkeeping system so that it is clear in the future which
membership terms are being filled, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk, Town
Assessor and/or Town Supervisor to take any actions necessary to effectuate the terms of
this Resolution, including Joan Jenkin's execution of any needed revised Oath of Office.
Duly adopted this 2nd day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
RESOLUTION NO.: 55, 2009
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve the audit of bills
presented as the Warrant with a run date of January 29th, 2009 and a payment date of
February 3rd, 2009,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Warrant with a
run date of January 29th, 2009 and payment date of February 3rd, 2009 totaling $439,906.81,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be
necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 2nd day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
RESOLUTION NO.: 56, 2009
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, fire protection services are provided to the Town of Queensbury by the
Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., Queensbury
Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., and West
Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., in accordance with agreements between each Fire
Company and the Town, and
WHEREAS, the Town and the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., have
negotiated terms for a new three (3) year Agreement for fire protection services, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Town Law § 184 and General Municipal Law
§209(b), the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning such proposed
Agreement for fire protection services,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing
concerning the proposed new fire protection services Agreement between the Town and the
North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., on Monday, February 23rd, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least
ten (10) days prior to the Public Hearing.
Duly adopted this 2nd day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
Discussion held on before vote: Councilman Brewer-Questioned Exhibit A Restricted
Vehicle/Capital Improvement/Future Vehicle Debt numbers increasing each year when
items were to be spent from that.. .
SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to consider adoption of Local Law No.: of
2009 entitled, "A Local Law Adopting Storm Sewer System Regulations and Amending
Stormwater Management Provisions of the Town Code" which Law is intended to establish
Town storm sewer regulations and update the Town's stormwater regulations, as required
by New York State, and
WHEREAS, adoption of this legislation is authorized in accordance with New York
State Environmental Conservation Law and regulations and New York State Municipal
Home Rule Law § 10 and New York State Town Law Article 16, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning adoption
of this Local Law,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall meet and hold a public hearing
at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
February 23rd, 2009 to hear all interested persons and take any necessary action provided by
law concerning proposed Local Law No.: of 2009, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish, post and distribute a Notice of Public Hearing concerning proposed
Local Law No. of 2009 in the manner provided by law.
Duly adopted this 2nd day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury previously established the Town's Planning
Board in accordance with applicable New York State law, and
WHEREAS, a Planning Board "regular member" vacancy exists and therefore the
Town Board wishes to appoint current alternate member Donald Krebs to serve as a regular
member on the Planning Board,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby appoints current alternate
member Donald Krebs to serve as a regular member of the Queensbury Planning Board
until his term expires on December 31st, 2015.
Duly adopted this 2"d day of February, 2009, by the following vote:
AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES Mr. Strough
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
Discussion held before vote: Councilman Strough-In our workshop this came up as a
discussion and was put on at the last minute but we discussed it and Tanya Bruno has put in
her letter saying that she would like to serve another term. Her term came to termination on
December 31St, and the Planning Board all the Planning Board unanimously those who
moved on it unanimously said that they would like us as a Board to re-approve Tanya
Bruno. Members of the community of course have expressed their appreciation for Tanya
Bruno's efforts and she represents the community quite well and she brings expertise that
few others can bring to the Board so we appreciate her being on the Planning Board. Other
members of the Planning Board also appreciate that. We had that discussion and we
decided that we would table it and we would discuss this attendance policy because that is
one of the issues that came up is the attendance policy. Now neither the Town Board or the
Planning Board has an attendance policy and if you want to point fingers like I said there are
many members that you might not be very happy with their attendance records as well. But,
we do not have a policy. As I also said there is finger pointing that could go around
amongst other Board Members and other members of the community that some people do
not prepare as well as other people and so forth. Some don't come as prepared as other
people and some don't represent the community as well as other people but through all that
Tanya Bruno seems to have risen above all that and by all standards and all opinions with
maybe the exception of three members of this Board here, say that they value what Tanya
Bruno brings to the table. So, we decided to table that and have a discussion on it and then
all of a sudden tonight and I believe today I see the resolution. It was not added so that the
public could see it was added or discussed about and voted on tonight it was added today at
the very last minute. I think that is not transparent government I am asking there are
members of the public and there are members of the Planning Board and probably the ZBA
and other members of the community that would like to speak to this particular resolution.
So, I think it is only fair and in accord with transparent government to publicize that this is
going to be an item on the Board so that the members of the public have a chance to speak
to it. Putting it on in the last minute doesn't give anybody any change to speak to this.
I think it is wrong.
TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-02-2009 MTG. #5 542
Supervisor Stec-Welcomed Councilman Brewer back .. .
Ward IV Councilman Brewer-It feels good to be back ...The only thing I have to report on
is Michaels Drive they are about 50-60% done with the project, I did get a call from a
constituent over there that his sump pump was going off every 19 seconds is not tied into the
system yet but now it is up to 15-16 minutes so that is a vast improvement and he is not
hookup yet, so can you imagine what will happen when he does.
Ward III Councilman Strough- Re-advertise the fact that there will be a public meeting
regarding remedies to the traffic congestion at the Exit 20 corridor-February 11th at 6:pm at
the Ramada Inn near Exit 19 the public is welcome to attend.
Ward I Councilman Metivier- I have nothing to report
Supervisor Stec-Thanked TV8 and our sponsors for televising our meetings...we spoke
about the fire companies tonight and I think it is appropriate to thank not only the five fire
companies and the three rescue squads for the work that they do and all the donated labor
and I am sure the donated labor if we added it up would be in the millions of dollars a year
that taxpayers don't pay so we are appreciative of that. Now with that said the five of us
have some due diligence to do with taxpayer money and we try to do that, I think we are
very mindful of the value that the fire fighters donated time represents, but we also represent
the taxpayers financial situation as vigorously as we can I think we have done a fair job of
that over the years. The Town Board does appreciate what they do for the community.
Thanked the Highway Dept. they have been doing a good job keeping up with things, now
that they have caught back up with the sidewalks, they are looked at some equipment they
probably will come and speak to the Town Board in the near future about their ideas for
ways that they could better handle the sidewalks. I mentioned at the last Board meeting we
have had two births in the last week in our Town Family and both boys so far and we are
waiting for a third arrival here any day, so things happen in three's so we will let you know
if the boys got the tri-fecta.
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its
Town Board Meeting.
Duly adopted this 2"d. Day of February, 2009 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Metivier, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Montesi
Miss Darleen M. Dougher
Town Clerk-Queensbury