historical 10/02/2008 21:05 5187928511 VAN DUSEN AND SIEVES PAGE 02/02
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169 Haviland Road,Queensbuty,NY 12804
Phone-518-745.4400 Fax-518-792-851
August 27,2008
Dave Hatin
Code Enforcement Officer
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12804
Re: Joe Barone—5 Hannaford Road—Replacement Septic System
Dear Dave:
On June 12,2008,.we meet with Mr.Joseph Barone at his residence on 5 Hannaford Road. The
current residence has an existing failed septic system which is proposed to be removed completely
and replaced with a code compliant absorption bed:in replacement soils.
The existing failed system was designed by William Montgomery Jr.,PE and consisted of a 1,000
gallon septic tank, a pump station and two 22 ft long Eljen In Drain Absorption trenches. The
existing system was designed for a two bedroom home,had a percolation rate of 2.5 minutes per,
inch and-54 inches of soil above:bedrock.This existing system:shal l be removed completely down.
to the bedrock and a minimum to 5 feet outside the sides and ends of the existing field. The
replacement soil shall be loamy medium fine sand and installed as per the replacement soil system
detail on the attached detail sheet.All removed soils shall be legally and properly disposed of by the.
owners' contractor. Prior to excavation of the existing system the contractor shall contact the
engineer and Town Building department to confirm the limits of the soit removal at the project site.
Once the soil area has been excavated and prior,to backfilling the contractor shall contact the
engineer for an inspection.Lifts shall be installed as per the detail sheet and a percolation test shall
be performed by the engineer-prior to installation of the absorption-bed.The in.place percolation
rate shall be between 3—5 minutes per.inch.
The design flow for this 3 bedroom residence.at 110 gpd per bedroom (330 gpd design flow),
requires 550 sf of absorptive area.The replacement septic system should be a shallow absorption
bed system installed at no more than 6 inches into existing grade.
The replacement shallow absorption bed system should consist of a 20 foot wide by 30 foot long
absorption bed with a distribution box&4—25 foot long laterals located to the southeast side of the
building.The pump station floats should be changed to 6.5 inches between pump"on"and pump
"off'to send a 52 gallon maximum dose to the absorption bed(80%of the pipe volume).
Please call me if you have any.questions.
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Cc w/encl.:Joe Barone CTf ,
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10/02/2008 21:05 5187928511 VAN DUSEH AND STEVES PAGE 01/02
169 Haviland Road, Queensbury,NY 12804
Phone-518-745,4400 Fax -518-792-8511
To: Dave Hatin From:Tom Centel
Firm: Town of Queeasbury Pages: 1.
Fix: 745-4437 Date: October 2,2008
Re: Septic System Inspection Letter Job N: 492
Please review the modified shallow absorption bed plan attached When we removed the '
existing system we found two"peaks"of bedrock and they limited our bed size.We have
reconfigured the bed to the detail provided and have maintained the separation from bedrock,
the well and property.lines.Also,the floats between pump"on"and pump"off"will be reset
to 5.5 inches to provide a dose that is 80%of the 4"diameter pipe volume.
While our original design was more conservative and provided 600 sf of absorption area,this
design provides 455 sf of absorption area.The minimum absorption area required is 347 sf
based on the original percolation test performed by William Montgomery and our percolation
test of the replacement fill material. Our percolation test performed today showed the
replacement soils have a stabilized percolation rate of 3 minutes 26 seconds.Therefore,we are
still providing an additional 108 sf of absorption area beyond what is required.
Please call me at 796-2515 when you have had a chance to review the modified bed, as
McGuire Excavating will be prepared to install the system Friday morning.
Torn C
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