1963-01-30 ',-- Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town or Queensbury held at Glens Falls Saving s & Loan Building Wednesday, January 30, ~963 at 7:30 P. Mo Presiding; George J. Kushner Present; Glass Norton, Robertson, Dean, Kirkpatrick, S~onds '~ After outlining the purpose of the meeting the chairman introduced Mr Darwin Field and Mr George McKnight ~ the Bureau of Planning, Department of Commerce, State of New Yorko Mr Field opened his discussion of a General Comnn]nj ty or Master Plan by emphasizing that the activities and responsibilities of a Planning Board are strictly of an advisory nature. He thèn pointed out that a successful community program covers three steps· 10 Basic Studies~ 20 The Master Plan. 3. Aegulatory Measures. Basic studies would include such areas as Land use, Highways, UtiJLi..ties, Population concentration, Recreat~onal areas ete and an approved base mapo Mr Fie~d then outlined details of the 701 Federal program under which the Federal Government:..would pay two-thirds of the cost, New York State would assume one-sixth and the Town would pay the remaining one-sixth. These c:o.sts would include the services of a Planni11g Consultant, Admin:ts:trative costs of approximately $25000 and Federal inspection fees of about $2.50:. To qualify under the 70~ program the I'own would have to, meet the following requirements: 1. Furnish the State with a copy of the res01ution of the TOwn Board appointing the Planning Board. 2.0 Pla~n;ng Board of not less than 5 or more than 7 members~ 30 Planni~g Board to have c.omp~ete responsibility for Subdivision or Plat approvalo ~o Secure proposals, accompanying estimates and schedule of scope activities from at 1east three Planning Consultants. 5. Appropriation by Town Board of One-sixth of contracted cost to be available for payment to the State on comp1etion of contract. 6. Authorization of Town Board to. enter into c:ontract ( maximum 2.4 months) signed by Town Supervisor and Planning Board Chairman. 7. Representative of Bureau of Planning to attend" all regular monthly meetings of Planning Board during life of contract. 80 Copy of Planning Board mìnutes of all reguI.ar meetings to Bureau of Plan. 90 Se~ected Planning Consultant must be a member of the American Institute of Planners, and approved by the Bureau of Planning. The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Planning Board to Mr Field and Mr McKnight for their assistance~ and then called on Mr Norton to comment on his discussion with the Town Hoard concerning the future activities of the Planning Boardo The discussion between Mr Norton and the Town Board will be reviewed at the next mee,ting. NEXT MEETING, Wednesday, February 6 at Queensbury School, at 7.P. M. Meeting adjourned 10.30 P. M.