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Modification - Daly, Kathleen 2009
TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION TO SUBDIVISION 5-1968 KATHLEEN DALY RESOLUTION: SUB 5-68M INTRODUCED BY: Stephen Traver WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Paul Schonewolf 1. WHEREAS, A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a lot line adjustment between 295.14-1-85 and 86 to swap 1,328 square feet in order to allow construction of a single family residence in a compliant location. Subdivision modifications require Planning Board review and approval 2. WHEREAS,A public hearing has been scheduled for 2/19/09; and 3. WHEREAS, This application is supported with all documentation, public comment and application material in the file of record;and 4. WHEREAS, Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code [Chapter 179], the Planning Board has determined that this proposal conkpW with the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; and 5. WHEREAS, The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the proposed modification[s]does not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts, therefore, no further SEQRA review is necessary; and 6. MOTION-TO APPROVE MODIFICATON 51 SUBDIVISION NO,5-1968 KATHLEEN DALY, introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seeded by Paul Schonewoff: According to the resolution prepared by Staff. Number Four complies. Number Five, that there are no modifications requiring SEQRA be reconsidered, affirming the SEQRA resolution that has already been made, and approved with the following conditions: a) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. Subsequent issuance of further permits, inducting building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution;and b) The applicant will provide as-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; and c) If applicable, Item 7 to be combined with a letter of credit; and d) The Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review, approval, permitting and inspection; and " Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Lime " TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 e) All previous conditions of approval apply Duly adopted this 19' day of February, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Krebs, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr.Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: Mrs. Steffan ABSENT: Mr. Ford, Mr. Seguljic CC: Kimberly M. Wells " Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Line " Lands Now or Former/y of \ / / ='_ U _ Jere Jr. & Cynthia Bennett / Lands Now or Formerly of Book 647 Page 494 Patrick Burke p Map Reference 2 Book 1174 Page 159 0 - a on Wood Stockade Iron Pipe ' N4806WO "E Fence Found Map Reference 3 =: , \ 8.95 N48°00'10'E - *- ° RodCapFo d1rou 119.22 Tar Parcel?9514-1-95 CTtain Link Fence Note.-Setbacks Shown on This Map Are Lands to be Conveyed^n1 _ Wood Stockade Qu ury � V" Based on The Town of eensb Zonizt Area=.2261Acres f o ".._ Fence Encroaches Requirements and/or a lhrlarab'on of ta° 2o0',J rnN�\ Area=.402±Acres 0.8't Restrictions Filed in The Warren County ----� T"Pame1295.14-1-86 \ Qerks pffice on April26,1966in Book "' I 472ofD edsatI*r372. O-S—Cd Iron Pipe Found, -- N61-34YI4'ryi;0.27 $ ' Sq.Ft W \ Capped Iron from Comer 1'rotwsed o1 g ui 110ver Rod Found D:rk Hang(7yp) � (ZY ;�J, \ � MAPNOTFS � hon\pe �0�ryry %2Story % 1. Boundaryinfonnananshrwnhereon was compiledfrom an actual Found y Electrical Lands Now or Formerly of �PIn field survey conducted on October 11,2009.. Ponpead q 'sfructun Meter zancwtra,�t % 401" Rod Found ��g 2 North orientation and bearing base permaprefermce 1. Y m" Bound '`� �3' Concrete 2,CantileverF - L'Indy M. Gorham 3. Warren County taxparrel295..14-1-99&29514-1-86 P-p—d w LeaehField ' „ Book 958 Page 132 4. Thelocadon ofundergroundimpto e ents crencmaduments,ifany G vl� o Radius=150o0' exist,orasshownherecn,arenotce hied. Meremaybeother (jQ tU v 111 Length=9026' I Iron PpeFound, underground unlit es,the existence of wh ch are unkz own. Sze and b �yry �, 1 C7+ord=S43 5379"W,BB.91' 579�05TE 0.54' location ofaB underground uti7itiesmustbe verified by the Ja fieuno1 uaaar,, K K /ory ti from Comer appmpnoteauthorldes. The Underground-lac0hes Protective �.� `f e;,�vn� h q 1328 C� c 1. IRF SpBtRall Fence 10 Organization must be notified prior to conducting test borings, 7g7a1"1 :�uf:7t r Sq.Ft ' ` excavation and construction. acad Plamer \ \ / _ 5. This survey wasprepared without the bene&t ofan up to date NCO © \ abstractofhtle. Radius=16.26' Radius=150.00' \ IrmPpe y p, 6. Reproduction orcopy1hgofthts documentmaybe a violation of Len =12.49' Le d=3252' Found ("", v... Chord--N88°50'05'W,12.19' Charr --S20°2624"W,32.46' � Cg3 <<,fr;' ( hold�' sion of the autharand/orcopyright s obt Radius=1676'� � F/0F Length=15.08' �Q \ _eI AV f' 7. A ropy of this document without proper application of the Utility 00 Chord=S42°3536"W,14.55' \ "f surveyor's embossed seal should be assumed to bean unauthorized Pale(TJP) COPY DEEDF FERENCF �d SFR-lA Single Family �l Resident al S. Sephemformahon based on an assumed 3 bedroom house and an 1. Conveyance to Kathleen f Daly by deed dated Febuary21007,Sled is the Warren County Clerks Office on © Catch Basin f'Lp Lot Size 1 Acre assumed perorate of between 1 and 5minutes. Febuary M 2007m BOok3I95ofDeeds atpage 142. 01' Iran Rod Found Lot Width 150' Mtnurom Setbacks MAPREFERF.NCES Q) FJerlrica/Meter Front 30' Ap r9ved under authority ofa resolution adopted Edge of woods Side 20' to U/4K� /4 , z oy 9 by Planning Board of the 1. Mapenhtled SEC'7TONEWOODLAWNPARKSUBDIVlSIONLANDSOFCHARLES7.SINGER",preparedbv Rear Town ofQueensbur7�New York Gwinnan• Pi t-Frost Associates,dated May26,1967 filed m the Warren County Clerks Office on November IO 1967 t : 2. Map entitled'MAPOFA PROPOSED SLTBDIVLSIONMOL/NTAW VIEW ESTATES';prepared by John B. van f Dusen,dated October L 1974 filed the warren County clerks office on Jan uary23,1976as map number 'ou ,..,"osossz Dare REVISIONS RECORD/DE.SOfOPfIDN DRnf1ER ,�„�„;, ;,,,„,;, Map ofa Proposed Lot Line Adjustment BOOk 101 Ofmaps Page 51. ! 1 t/oe/ae i 1 clam,.R 4 ck w w pn Tom e<oo. U xo s a mw Zar�da'N°wmFormalvof Jr,Iz �Op a ,« Duo o zap Kathleen j Daly 3. Ma emitled"MAPOFSL7RVEYoflandsofCMRLE5P.SR.&BEATRICEA. TISINGER'' rz aredb W. . m—h u"a sW..�" P P P Y I AFrrzove¢DCD MnWOF PUPEANNuY W.Le,ZLWcVArJY AEV YOPX ROURKEAS.SOCIATES,dated August8,1996,Sled m the Warren County Clerks Office on October24,1996 asmapnumber979--151. ' cveom:mxD _ Darrah Land Surveying;PLLC 8095 x -r 63P4nSb tCInsFaDs,NewYork12801 Prsolt�a aAs S/= ZOFI 4olce:(518)7984692 Fax'(578)743-0601 eovxoAkv svkvevuneswrn'rtaamvemasam¢® SCALP:seeknee oemnxe avenrm wexxr me�cre>�axverrms d"' ;�P, Wevertaum,NewYvnt 12986(SYB)251-2911 PRO/Na 8095 ow�w.aowc.vmommxv. •-�� 9I / .. �C.� - / DAM.-13/XI^0/LO