Neeting of the Planning Boare' of the Town of Queens1:mry
i1eld at
Queensbury Public ~chool
deënesëay, November 6~ 1963 at 7:30 PoM~
PresiC' ing:
Chairman, George JQ KusÌlner
Dean, Glass, Kirkpatrick, Norton, Robertson~
l~ Receiveð from tlle Chairman reviseC' copies of a mobile
home regulation an(Ì the N.Y. ~tate Recommen(ÌeC' Housing
Code sent by Sorrentino of Can(Ìueb Fleissig Associates~
2. Discusse(Ì the mobil home orðinance especially as to the
definitions of mobile home anè trailer and possible reg-
ulaticnD of trailers snC! trailer parks as well as mobile
3,. The use of tile Tmm Clerk as the afroinistrating agency
was questioned aað ðiscusseC'c
4:. Kushner is to seek more information re: trailers anc'
trailer parks, and aèroinistration.
5" Next meeting, Ql..1eensbury School, TLurs~ Nov" 21 at 7:30 P.H.
Acï J ourned
J" Arthur Norton