1964-03-04 G v v Heetin,l of tbz: F la.il.lÜ::~ BOa7'd)f "~110.rUt(.Tl of Qt'~'~cnsbury he ld at Qu€ens',J'::Ll"Y Public Scho:):. Kednesc3ay, l~a:':'ch 4, 1961.;· Presiding : Chairman! George J. Kushner Present: Absent: Guests: Glass, Kirkpatrick, Norton! Robertson Deans S1mmona s Albert E. Bes\.¡ick'" Totro Attorney H. Russell Harris and John VanDusen 1. Glass was appointed to represent the Planning Board on the proposed committee for Glens Fe.lls and The Town of Queensbury to discuss mutual areas of interest. 2. Kushner reported that Joseph Kestner, engineer for the water district will be present at cur April 1st meeting. 3. Supervisor \'lebstel~ requested that prints of final sub- division' dra\dngs be 'SUpplied to the f'ollowing: Town Supervisòr" Town Board, Superintendant of Highway, Board of Assessors" Town Surveyor, Planning Board and Fire Com- pany. Glass moved that ,.,e request all developers to su- pply a minimum of 7 prints of the final plan to the plan- ning board. Seconded by Robertson, carried. VanDusen and Harris presented a portipn of Rainbow Ridge Development for final approval. tab1eð for study. Harris showed proposals for the total 01' his two holdings in this area with his suggested park areas. Harris also read the deed restrictions he is proposing. 1+. (g ~o 'j,' 5. V' ~4- <' Received fJ.nal plans for Bronk Second Section at \vest 1·10untain Park. Discussed possibility of· "L" at 'end ø.f »ro- . perty to south but decided we had given preliminary appro- val so could not ref'use approval. Robertson moved \'1e approve this suþdivis10n. Norton seconded, carried. 6. ,0· Beswick gave us copies at TO\in Law applicable to the plan- ning board and will send us copies of Section 277 of the Town Laws. G 7.. B€s~'rlt~l:~ ¡~C~ \,7 :~.. Geë. uz as ~~ 0 J..l(j'~~·~S ¡ a.Ct \:Ie CÐ.nl1:)'Í; :;:-ec.:.u.i¡·ed 6eeð l"~·st¡,icticms. b" Can. require streets, etco to fit .,a.."l ovorall plan. c. Planp~ng Board can become a Zoning Comc1ssion. d. Tf¡e To~~ Boarð can now adopt Local Law rathe~ than an ord i::m.."1ce . s eo ~le can rec¡uire parl: and playground areas to be set aside perhaps by saying allover a cert~1n number of lets have park area. Should \<1ork with recreation COU~i3ßion on th1s~ f.. il portion of an overall development should be sub- ject to provisions ot the total development. Owner C~~ be required to furnish bond. g. vie can :-ecommend building of to\o1l1 roads in the inter- est of overall planning. 8. Next ¡neGting~ Queensbury SChool, Wednesday J~pr1l 1st at 7 :30 P .r-!. G Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary ..... " ,. v