2004-04-26 SP MTG19 621 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 4-26-2004 MTG. #19 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #19 APRIL 26, 2004 RES. 227-229 7:04 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN OFFICIALS Community Development Director Chris Round Water/Wastewater Supt. Ralph VanDusen Deputy Waterwater Supt. Mike Shaw Supervisor Stec-Opened the Meeting ?? Capital Improvement Projects-Chris Round and Ralph VanDusen Director Round-Spoke to the Town Board regarding the Capital Projects related to the Main Street Project Introduced from Barton and Loguidice Rob Sipzner, Rich Straut, Jim Tinney 1. Update Clough Harbor Meeting at 7:00 P.M. 4/27/2004 at West Glens Falls Fire House status of Main Street Project..noted Barton and Loguidice has been reviewing design report and prepared comments on behalf of the town which were given to Cough Harbor Associates, this is more than a highway project it is a redevelopment project. 2. Main Street Connector Road - Barton and Loguidice, Rob Sipzner-Used map of project connector road between Main Street at Corinth Road and Luzerne Road…a quarter of a mile long and when completed two traffic lanes and shoulders, for industrial access and development. Project estimated cost around three hundred thousand. The Town will up front the costs and then seek reimbursement, the locally administered federal aid process. DOT will be the agent for the FHWA on this, it is their job to see that the process is followed. Key items; design approval document looking at environmental constraints, alternatives, public participation, and with design approval we go ahead with contract documents for bidding. Noted meeting has been held with DOT reviewing the project scope item by item, DOT has made an approval on the dollar amount of the project in the range of sixty eight thousand one hundred and seventy five dollars. That will cover the project through the solicitation and award of the successful bidder. The construction inspection is a supplement to project…estimated construction time three months, thirty to forty thousand for full time construction inspection, if required. Schedule: to fit the design approval process from start to design approval it could take less than nine months, we believe we can start by May we could have design approval from DOT in August. …construction to begin next year… Councilman Brewer-raised the question: I understand the Federal Dollars, but right now I am looking at a hundred thousand dollars of costs, we put this out to bid what could be the cost of putting this out to bid with prevailing wage etc. vs having our own highway department do it? My concern is, is time, if we end up having this thing cost us two hundred and fifty thousand dollars more than it normally would what is the sense of getting two hundred and ninety eight thousand in my mind compared to the time you could save? Mr. Sipzner-That is a always a question a municipality has to answer…noted he would get a comparison for the Board to review Federals dollars vs. Town construction… Director Round-Noted he had spoken to the Highway Dept. noting it is a significant project…Re: land QEDC has land to be dedicated to the Town for the road project, the Cemetery is willing to swap land one for one without cost the big unknown is the EMS building where the relocation is at…need to know the schedule for that…noted that this road would be very useful when the Main 622 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 4-26-2004 MTG. #19 Street project is underway…questioned was raised if the town started the project now and the grant was turned down what are the consequences? It was noted that if money was turned down the likelihood that you would get money under that program again would be nil because it is a very competitive program. Two items to be processed-cost of project grant vs. town and schedule for EMS relocation…need this information within the next two weeks…Councilman Strough-questioned the water and sewer lines in regard to this project. Water Supt. VanDusen-From a water stand point there is no benefit for water except for the development of the parcels owned by QEDC..Dept. Wastewater Supt. Shaw-re: sewers the same situation, would need feasibility study…Councilman Strough-We have to keep in the back of our minds what we want for the street scape look even on a connector road. Director Round-Big Boom Road relocation Counsel Hafner and I met with Supervisor Stec regarding the relocation of Big Boom Road, the O’Connors have offered a gift of land to allow the Town to construct and relocate that road and in turn they would seek a rezoning, a subdivision of land, and they would relocate the Mobil facility that is out there. One segment of Big Boom Road is actually on State Land acquired when the Northway went through, they never gifted it to the town, the State has suggested they would allow Big Boom Road to be one way in and lieu of abandoning the road for, right in right out, to provide existing service to those affected property owners and allow the new Big Boom Road to be a full movement access. Met with Joe DeSantis and his Attorney in January to give him a heads up, they have asked for a lot, they want to be compensated in a number of ways as part of this project, we will share that if we move forward. Looking to putting four lanes of traffic underneath the bridge… Mr. Rich Straut- Re: Big Boom Road the latest conversations that I have had, they are still deciding whether to include it, there are a couple of options: 1. placement of an extra lane under the bridge that would be dependent on Big Boom being relocated - do they scale back on the concept that has been laid out with the four lanes under the bridge and maybe get five years and then try to move the bigger project up or do they find the money and do Big Boom now and get the ten years, this has not been decided as of this date. Councilman Strough- Questioned if State Aid would be available to do that? Mr. Straut –There is a possibility that will be incorporated into the Counties project with State and Federal Aid. Director Round-Main Street Water and Sewer Mr. Straut-Taking advantage that the highway reconstruction project was going on was to reconstruct the water line and put in a new sanitary sewer and form a sewer district…from the water line perspective there is an old eight inch water line there this project will involve a new twelve inch line, estimated costs are a few years old, four hundred and seventy thousand dollars a portion to be funded under the highway reconstruction project about twenty five percent because of the cut and fill they will be doing. Spoke to the Board regarding the updating of figures due to the length of time that has passed since the initial plans were prepared…noted pipe prices have increase thirty percent this year. Noted if the numbers go up a new public hearing would have to be held. Re: Sewer Line will be on the south side of the road, a new district, from the City to Big Bay Road all gravity line…this has already been approved…will have to refresh the numbers…typical home owner would be five hundred and twelve dollars per year, covering sewer rent and debt service and cost of buying into City capacity. Deputy Wastewater Director Shaw-noted if the costs are significantly changed another public hearing would have to be held. Mr. Straut-Spoke about obtaining easements, general utility easements to be sought….estimated at twenty five thousand dollars for water and forty two five for sewer…noted the costs should be split again for underground power…Director Round-requested direction from Town Board regarding a cost proposal for mapping…Board agreed to get other bids … Director Round-Need to authorize R.K. Hite costs at twenty eight three seventy five by resolution and then mapping costs … Re: Underground Electric Costs on Main Street – We need to pass a local law mandating utilities to be placed underground…Councilman Boor-We are going to do that with other 623 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 4-26-2004 MTG. #19 overlay zones in other areas of towns also…Director Round-noted that Town Counsel will be preparing a draft of this local law… Re: Funding waiting final word from State and Federal agencies… Re: Main Gate Street enhancements- We an award several years ago for the Main Street Gateway project roughly four hundred and fifty thousand dollars under T-21 that is to fund bicycle facility improvements on Richardson Street, a park and ride lot and some kind of gateway entrance welcome element… Mr. Jim Tinney-Reviewed T-21 80-20 match , 80% percent federal no State funds in this particular program, 20% local match. Noted there are ten years to spend the funds…spoke on the inter- relationship of the projects and how best to use the grant funding…there are opportunities to take the half million dollars and expand the value of it. Director Round-Richardson Street bikeway believes that the Highway Supt. has adopted this as his plan as well and is looking at survey services to identify right of way issues. Re: Gateway Element-noted the Park and Ride lot could go on the EMS site that would reduce property acquisition costs…does the board want to be involved in the selection of the location, choosing design elements of the facility or do you want to assign a task force, requested that the Board think about this…Councilman Boor-noted there may be a benefit to having a separate entity make recommendation and keep us appraised. Discussion regarding sewering along Luzerne Road – run by gravity 7200 feet from the City to the end, two options, one includes the two mobile home parks the other not…estimated cost for a typical home four hundred and thirty six dollars per year if the Courts are not included five hundred and ninety seven dollars per year which is above the State wide average and would have to go to the comptroller for approval. Deputy Wastewater Supt. Mike Shaw-Noted he had spoken to the two mobile home courts they are concerned with infrastructure costs. Items to be decided or completed: 1. decide whether you want to advance the connector road under a grant or local 2. have to revisit the water and sewer costs…and have reports updated… 3. need to authorize R.K. Hite to proceed with their acquisition services… 4. need to be on task with the EMS relocation ?? Capital Improvement Project - Water/Wastewater Supt. Ralph VanDusen Superintendent VanDusen-Reviewed the Capital Improvement Projects…goal to bring a pre-draft report of Capital Improvement rankings to the Town Board at a workshop session ?? Discussion regarding Workshop items. th Supervisor Stec-May 10 workshop Mr. Jim Edwards will present ideas for lighting in the outlet area…need to pick out lighting fixtures. ?? Town Board updates Supervisor Stec-RE: RFP’s on third party billing six were received, Ms. Switzer will review them… RE: RFP- Fire apparatus will be going out in the next few days RE:RPF- EMS Station relocation will go out by the end of next week… ?? Outdoor Furnace Local Law Discussion (Lot Size and Setbacks) Councilman Boor-On page 1 item 5 date of this local law we are requiring them to get a permit within one year but the law applies before they get a permit, if they wait until the last day of one year that doesn’t mean that they do not have to abide by this law… Councilman Brewer-I would say you cannot install one without getting permitted if you do not have one now. 624 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 4-26-2004 MTG. #19 Councilman Boor-I just want it clear that if somebody says well I have not gotten my permit yet so I do not have to do any of this other stuff. Discussion held regarding dates of use: Councilman Strough-you want to make the law practical and functional…Spoke on dates of September 1st through May st 31 Discussion held regarding spark arrestors- Board agreed that all outdoor furnaces have spark arrestors. Discussion regarding lot size and set backs- … three acre lot size and 200 foot set back … Reviewed variances noting that any variance would come before the Board of Health … RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 227.2004 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an Executive Session to discuss personnel matter regarding Health Officer Appointment/Salary and discuss personnel matter regarding the Fire Committee and Nimo Easement issue. th Duly adopted this 26 day of April, 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 228. 2004 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Executive Session moving back into Special Session. th Duly adopted this 26 day of April, 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None 625 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 4-26-2004 MTG. #19 NO ACTION TAKEN DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION ADJOURNING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 229.2004 INTROUDCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Meeting. th Duly adopted this 26 day of April, 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury