06-23-2009 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda Meeting # 15 Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 7 PM, Queensbury Activities Center 742 Bay Road 1.0 Administrative Item: Site Plan 17-09 & Subdivision 11-08 Wal-Mart: For further tabling consideration 2.0 Expedited Review: <,_..._---~-~--<~~-~~---~--~~-_._~---~~---~~---~-~-----~,--_.,-_.. I Applicant(s) I BRETTR..WEST:PAMELA I :>T.WEST 1~:9Y"r1.~r..(~l====i .....$9~~................~. Agent(s) Michael J. O'Connor; Frank Denardo Location Bay Par~""!.c:l~ Zoning Classification : Ta~J[) N~._~___.._~~~-1-1J . .__..-9rdir:!~!!~ S~~l~n Cross Reference . AV 47-07; SP 39-07, LGPC Warren Co. Planning !. permit #5234-15-07 ~ Public Hearing ! 6/23/09 APA, CEA, DEC, ACOE L G CEA, APA Wetland i Proiect Description: Applicant proposes installation of boat lift with canopy. Boathouse in a WR zone is an allowed use subject to 1..$i!~.PI~r1R~yi~Y"9r1<:19Ppr()Y91, ............. ..... ... ...---- ....--.- ..... .....! Application Type Site Plan 37-2009 .. ..$~9!3IYP~ Lot size .Iyp~IL_ 0.96 acres . WR-1A 179-5-060 6/10/09 2.0 Tabled Items: Applicant(s) Application Type Special Use Permit 15-2009 Fres~water Wetlands 1-2009 Owner (s) Marylee Gosline SEQR Type Agent(s) I Fitzgerald Morris Baker & I Lot size 20.58 +/- acres I__~___ ._J Firthi..l:tutchins EJ:1.9ineerir1g~ 1_h-Qc;.9!i.C>.~_____J ..JJ_ Blind Rock RO~<:I_._._. _.fonil19-9l9?sific;atio~.__ _.!3R-3 _..__._._~~.__..__~J I Tax 10 No. I 289.15-1-1.1 Ordinance Section 179-10,179-6-060 I Cross Referemce SUP 30-08, SP 18-05 Warren Co. Planning 3/11/09 No County Impact i Public Hearing 4/21/09 Tabled to 6/23/09 i DEC, ACOE, Other NWI Wetlands I.__~___ PIj left op'en ___.J I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of a Kennel Facility which includes a 2,064 square foot Pet Care Building, a i i 576 square foot Administrative Building / Kennel with associated site improvements. Kennels in an RR zone require a Special Use 'I I Permit; Freshwater Wetlands Permit is required for land disturbance/filling within 100 feet of a wetlands boundary. Both are subject I-.!o Planning Board review and approval. I I. Applicant(s) ! JOSEPH Application Type Site Plan 18-2009 ~ :- i ~ I~~~n~~~~~~.~.=..._~.... I Location i-'~' . Tax 10 No. I i Cross Reference I Same ..__ _._$~Q!3IYP~ ..____ Lot size ............... ... _..__..._.........._......._.....-..........._._...~..- Zoning Classification Ordinance Section Warren Co. Planning Unlisted ...............................w.......... 3.43 +/- acres 1 ............................................... .~ Public Hearing 27 Silver Circle 309.17-1-17.2, 15.1, 15.2 SP 6-04, BP 04-783, 04-365; .m. m" ..$YI3.JJ:Q2._m. ... . 4/28/09 Tabled to 6/23/09 IRe-advertise Proiect Description: Applicant proposes a modification to an existing approved site plan for the addition of temporary open storage shed structures as well as as-built corrections to the originally approved plan. Commercial projects requiring a building permit in the LI zone reguire Planning Board review and a~val. Further use of portions of two adjoining parcels for outside storage proposed. 179-9-010 4/8/09 3 ~,_,~v_,__.._,,_~~~,~~~~~_~~~~_,~~,y__~,__~~__~'~_~~_~y...~~~,~y~."^_~~~,_~,,~_~~_~.'~m'm._..~_""_'__'_'~~~~_'~"~~""~""_'~_"___'..m__,_______~' : DARIUSZ& BOZENA : _J~CKOW?KI Application Type Site Plan 34-2009 Applicant(s) Owner ~L SEQR Type I_!ype II i~9..~t~____~J Lot size ... 2:/- ac~~_s._ ._______ L()~9!i<?rl........,1?9Y!3()9.9...J.?e>r1irl9..GI9S.s.i~~9ti()rl.__.J .RR.:~!\... ... . .... . 19)(I[)J\jo. 2()?:1:?~:?....Q~<:iirl9rlC~$~ction.......... I ..179-9-010 ........ l...9:oSS.B.efer~ce.___~.....--J _ SUB 14.::9~SU.I?.?-08_.__: Warren .G.e>.J:>lanning__1 ~J 0/09 1.J:.!Jbl)c Hea!i.!lL.__J .6/23/09 __ APJ\,..G.EA, DEC,_~COE j_.h.~ CEA.___..__ I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of single family residence. Site Plan Review is required as a condition of a 1_.previou.~J:lb<:i.ivisL()!1~Proval. ... uuu.J BRIAN GRANGER & BG LENDERS SERVICE. LLC Applicant( s) Application Type Site Plan 35-2009 Owner (s) ~ ....$.EQR Type __, ..Jype II ,.~g~rlt(s.L.... ..h.Qts.i2:~......,.... ........ ..gA5.,.Q.,44~9:1()9~r~s.. . . _Locat)e>nl. 18 Y2 ti~'!'!'.c;omb St!eei___.l. Zonlrlg Classification iJI9xl.o No. 309.10-1-62,61,60 Ordinance Section .~ Cross Reference J SP 45-08, SP 51-08 Warren Co. Planning Public Hearing I 6/23/09 Project Description: Applicant proposes 70' x 90' expansion to storage lot associated with Repossession business. Modification to i i..9rl9PP~()Y~<:is.it~pI9rlirlly1i~~<:i\:JS.~2:()rl~!~qLJi~~.s.PI9rlrlirlgl?()9!<:ir~Y.i~.Y"9r1.cl...9PP~()Y~l: . .. .... . ...' .... ........ .................. ___I I 179-9-010 --~- 6/10/09 Site Plan 38-2009 uu muumuuuuuu,'~'umu _$ame_.__.___.___....J -.?EQI3..~__.~_..__.~IL._____._._..____J Hutchins Engineering; Stafford Carr McNally, .. BriC!rl.Bil~~enb.9ch___~ 18 Neighbors Way 226.15-1-29 BOH 28-08, AV 9-09, NOA 2- .....Q~L!\Y.~1.:Q~._......_..... ...............--.. 6/23/09 APA,CEA,DEC,ACOE ._LGC~A Proiect Description: Applicant proposes renovation and expansion of an existing 2,020 square foot four bedroom house to a 2,895 square foot three bedroom house. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in the L G CEA requires Planning Board review and Lot size 0.54 acres Zoning Classification Ordinance Section Warren Co. Planning 179-13-010 G 6/10/09 "'m"""_._..,,,uu_~_'___u~'m__m.___ ____u,u.__..._"'n__...U._uuu.._""~ "uuu.m_.___m"uu'__....~.u._,..,_,u.__._.._u~_....._.._. CERRONE BUILDERS Same Nace Engineering; Michael J. O'Connor ! '.C;~~t;on "::::::.. ..0~~Mt~.~d. &.C::e>!!Qth ~t:!: ........_! ...?()rl.lr1gqa..??i{i<:.a.!ie>r1.. : Tax ID No. __~ -11.~.5-1,:..L.......___-----.J ...9.rdinance Seqion 1_c:.r~?B~f~~ll~__._. I_SUB 1-07 I_WarrenSo. P1anl'llrlJI. L.PuJ:~!L<:..I:!~aring _ APA, J:.EA( D~.c::l ACOE . _!,:!WI W.~!I~nds , Proiect Description: Applicant seeks final approval of Phase II portion of subdivision which comprises of 10 lots ranging in size from I 1.03 acres to 47.68 acres. Subdivision of land requires Pla.nning Board approval. Owner (s) Agent( s) Lot size Subdivision 2-2009 Final, Phase II Previous SEQR 222.2 +/- acres Applicant(s) Application Type .. ..?g:~Algc:.~ALyvg:}A. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board - 4