Queensbury Planning Board Agenda - Meeting # 16
Tuesday, July 7,2009 @ 7 PM, Queensbury Activities Center 742 Bay Road
1.0 Tabled Item:
Applicant( s)
Application Type
Subdivision 8-2008
.. .mmmmmmmmm' m..LJnlisted .....m. ".m .mmm mmmmi
3.42 +/- acres
............. .....................mm.m~ .............................._
Van Dusen & Steves; M.
mmm.m 1..?~QRlypE:l...
. i Lot size
99 Fitzgerald Road J_Zoni~lassification WR-1A, WR-~!\_._
. .?~~J.1:.1:~L.___mm.mm._ Qr.c:lif1l3.mn~e?E:lc;ti()rlmm_m_m..[\-183mm .. mm_m .. ....... ..m,"m .....m m m mJ
AV 77-98, SP 34-91, AV 70-~~..J_\lY~'!en C2.:-Pml9nnll!fL..__mm_'
5/28/09, Tabled to 7n/09 PH I APA / DEC / CEA / NWI
left open I
Proiect Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 3.42 acre parcel into two lots of 1.0 & 2.42 acres. Subdivision of land requires I
1~lanningmBoard reviE:l~_and apPr.9val.
Tax ID No.
Cross Reference
Public Hearing
Glen Lk CEA, NWI Wetlands
2.0 Scheduled Items:
m...............................""........._........_ .... .......................................................................
~...Plicant(s) REDBUD DEVELOPMENT J~~EPlicatiorl.lY"pe -.J_Site Plman.l~200~_m___i
Owner (s) Donna Sutton I. SEQR Type I Unlisted
I Agent(s) Geft Redick I Lot size I 6.98, 1.02 +/- acres
I .~[oc:ation j 1066 Route 9 J __~2!lJ.l:1B..9?ssification _m__J __IiC-MOD [!iQ..W C~L--__I
1.....I9)(JP..N.e:>'m.' .....?~~.,~:.1..:.1Qm........mmm j "._OJ:cJ!rl..9.r1c;~_?E:lc;tie:>rl........______m_.1 m_t?~:~:Q1..Q .......mm..................m.......................m...........,
1......Gr.()l?l')...RE:lfE:l.r.E:lrlc;~...... ......._........._.._m. ......?P1?_:QZ!?PJ?:QmL..._.m____.mmm_.m.I._\lY.l3..f!.E:lrl...Ge:>,_pll3.rlrl.i.rlg.. 6/10/09 .....m.........................
1--.E!!p!iE...Ij.E:l?n.r19 . ..Ln /O~ j
Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of 1,187 square feet of patio retail area. Expansion of a Retail Use in the HC- I
Mod zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Subject to 2009 Ordinance. I
Applicant(s) Application Type Site Plan 40-2009
Freshwater Wetlands 6-2009
Owner (s) Queensbury Country Club SEQR Type Unlisted
_~9.E:l..!lKs) . _.' Jarrett Engineers __20~J6 +/- acres
Location 907 Route 197 Zoning Classification NC-1A
_.I(3~_.IJ2....I::J.c:>-'-.._.m_.......m ._._m.._......._.!.?()6.3.:t~mllm...._....___ _J _mm.9!.:d.l t!C!nc;l??l?c;tigl) mmmmm."______' _JZ~:1:Q1Q,J7.~:~:QJ.Q_... m......_......_.........1
...9"oss R~ereng~__mm___ _.~onE:l ____mm_J _mY'{.9.'!.en Ce:>. Plan_t!L~_m_J. 6/1 O/O~._._m..___mmm_m_m_i
Public Hearing 7n/09 I APA, CEA, DEC, ACOE APA Wetlands
Proiect Description: Applicant proposes Parking lot adjustments due to DOT Route 149 reconstruction. Filling
._~~!?!!cl~Jn a NC z..onl?!E:l.9!!.i!E:l~ot':!m_~!!e Plan Review. and a Fr.E:l.~J:1.waJ~!.:JVet!?.Dil.~ermit. Sub'ect to 2009 Ordinance.
I Applicant(s)
Application Type
Subdivision 5-2009
_..Sket~h / P!~limJna.!Y_LE.i!!?Lm_m.mJ
2.13 +/- acres
I Owner is) Estate of Helen Sleight I SEQR Type
1_~9.E:l..rl!Ll')2___ ._.! ~~!E:l.~~ers.--' _lc:>!_~~_______1
I Location 369 Aviation Road I. Zoning Cla.l';sification
1....Il3.,>s.IP..N9:'___..._..._mm._. I 3Q1.:..~::.1::3.Q._....._m_....___. .m_mm_..m....mm..I_.Qrc:lil}l3.Qc;~?E:l~!le:>D.._....._ .....m........._._
I _Grgl')E.mm~~fE:lr~!lc;E:lmmm_m.... ...m~P41.:Q~.___.__ .mmmm 1..Y'{9!r.~I1G():mPI9rlrlirlg . m mm'mm...
ImmpJlbliC Hf:l.9.r.!!l9_m_____..J _?[l/o..L~__m_~_1
i Proiect Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 2.13 +/- ac parcel into two lots of 1.07 & 1.06 +/- acres. Subdivision of land
!________.____.__~~_J~R~DA_ ~~~,
Application Type
Site Plan 41-2009
IQ""rlE:lT{l?} ..mmm. . mm~l?t9t~gLIj~I~!l.?IE:lightmmJ _m?~9RIYPE:l
I ~cation i _~69 ~\liati2!l.B()9~___.-J ...J:.Q!!Lr:!9~m!assification
I_lax !_g~g~___~_____i _~01.8-1-3L_~____~_I_Qrd~ancE:l..?ecti~~_~mmm_ _JJ~:~-019_m_.._m_____________J
Cross Reference SUB 5 -09 I Warren Co. Planning
I Public Hearing 7n/09
I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 6,500 square foot Day Care Center. Day Care Centers in the NC zone 1
ImEE:lqLJirE:lmPI9rlrlir1gl:3C:>9r.clT~"-iE:l",,.9mrlcl9Ppr()\l91,?LJ!:>jE:lc;tte:>?9Q~m?c:>nirlggc:>cl~' mm_m___ mmmm'm_mmm 'mm. ..mmmmmmml
1.06 +/- acres
: .
I Apphcant(s)
I Application Type
Subdivision 6-2009
'UM,~"""', .._.__........__..........nh..._.mm....._____
[ AgeD_~& __J _Jm'!!:~lt..Irl.9kl~.E:l!:~____J _ Lo~ siz~ 3.66 +La_g:~_mmm__________m____J
1_~.ocat!Qf1_______I_I?_~) ROLJ~~L-~_ . l-.?oni!:!fLClas~ification _..__mm_m
l...Ic~2U12__No. _?19"':-?mm-1- 30 __~_~J _Q!"din<lf1ce.2~ction __mmm __A-l~L__mm_______m_'
Cross Reference AV 30-09 J Warren Co. Planning
I Public Hearing Not required at Sketch I. APA, CEA, DEC, ACC>E APAl L G C;~~____I
I Proiect Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 3.7 acre parcel into two lots of 2 & 1.7 acres. Subdivision of land requires
I_PlaJ:!!:!!r:!9 Bo'!!:..ct!:eview and approval. Subject to 2009 Zoning Code. ___ __.
-Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -