07-21-2009 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda - Meeting # 17 Tuesday, July 21,2009 @ 7 PM, Queensbury Activities Center 742 Bay Road 1.0 Aooroval of Minutes: Dates: May 14, May 19, May28 2.0 Administrative Items: 2.1 SP 28-2008 Schermerhorn Commercial Holdings: Requesting a one year extension to 7/22/2010 2.2 SP 61-07 & FW 1-2008 Wal-Mart Stores Extension Request 3.0 Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Aopeals [Subiect to New Ordinancel: 3.1 Sign Variance 36-2009 for Golub CoroJPrice Chopper): Applicant proposes placement of 9 additional wall signs. Relief requested from number of allowable signs. 3.2 Area Variance 37-2009 for Robert Kristel: Applicant proposes construction of a 766 sq. ft. second floor addition to an existing 766 sq. ft. home located at 17 Cayuga Drive. Relief requested from setback requirements, expansion of a nonconforming structure 3.3 Area Variance 38-2009 or San Souci Restaurant: Applicant proposes construction of a 217 sq. ft. addition onto the existing restaurant, and reconfiguation of take-out operations to childen's gaming center. Relief requested from setback and parking requirements, Floor Area Ratio requirements, expansion of a nonconforming structure and permeability requirements. 3.4 Area Variance 39-2009 for Debaron Associates: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,886 sq. ft. single family dwelling on lot 4 off of Dark Bay Lane. Relief requested from shoreline, rear yard and road frontage requirements. Relief requested from infiltration devices (stormwater control measures). 4.0 Tabled Item rSubiect to Old Ordinancel: Location Tax 10 No. r . Cross Reference Public Hearing '1 Marylee Gosline . _..' ."'..."'."'~~" ,......T~"n .....'.v.h.....................___......,..,....._, Fitzgerald Morris Baker & Firth; Hutchins En ineerin I 21BIlnaRockRoad"~ ,w'I"'ZonlngClassification I 289.15-1-1.11 Ordinance Section 'ISUP30-68~~SP'18~65 .... .. .... ..... "1 !"Warren'Co:"piannTng I 4/21/09, 6/23/09 Tabled to DEC, ACOE, Other I 7/21/09 PH Closed . Proiect Descrioiion:Applfcaniproposesconsiructionofa kennefFacilIiYwhiCh' inCludesa2,064squarefooiPeicare'Building, a 576 i square foot Administrative Building I Kennel with associated site improvements. Kennels in an RR zone require a Special Use Permit; ! Freshwater Wetlands Permit is required for land disturbancelfilling within 100 feet of a wetlands boundary. Both are subject to Planning Board review and a roval. Application Type ._.",'"..._.,........_......'_._._._._._._.u._._..,,_._,,,,,,,,,,........ ....,..,..--.~...',',','.,.,w,.,..~""'w Special Use Per . . Freshwater Wetl SEQR Type I II .58 +1- acres .... .. '1' I , -.y..--.v.w"""'l I I: RR-3 179-10, 179-6-060 .~'.m'" n_T_'_ "__n__ --_W"Wh'_ 3/11/09 No County Impact NWI Wetlands Applicant(s) Subdivision 6-2008 Preliminary & Final Stage Type I I I Same I" Vision Engineering Corner West Mt. Road & Sherman Avenue Tax 10 No. Cross Reference M_._..,...,......~..," ".,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..w......,._........,..". _ ~m _,...... "., . Public Hearing I I I 301.17-3-45 BP08~S33,Skeich 9/23/08 3/17/09,5/19/09, Tabled to 7/21/09 "'.w,.,.,.,...,...,.,...,.....,..'_.....,.".~,.,w____.._...__._._._..'>,.ow..,.,.,.,..._...,...,.....',.,..," Ordinance Section I Warren Co. Planning "."'.'''.,....y...,.,.'''.c.'.'..._m_'._._'_y. APA, DEC, ACOE, Other I I I' 36.2 +/~ acres I'SR-1A I . A-183 IN/A I"~ APA'Wetlands, DOH Application Type Owner (s) Agent(s) Location . I SEQR Type Lot size ..-..---......"...""....------..,. Zoning Classification p'roiectDescrioiion':Applicaniproposessubdivisionofa3S:2acreparcei'inio' 21resIdential'Iotsranging In sIze from 1'" acre to 7:0 acres: Subdivision of land re uires Plannin Board review and a roval. The Plannin Board ma commence SEQR review. 5.0 Scheduled Item [Subiect to Old Ordinancel' l Applicant(s) I I P 39.7 +1- acres I !~Hc~Tni' ........ .... ..,... I rA~183 'I iNiAm : ACOE I NWI I I 1 I 1 I I on Type ..../ i'~~~:t;~:~tr:~~~ .. I' Bergmann Associates 1 Lot size WI Quaker Ridge Road ......1 ~.ZoningCiasslfIcatlonw.. I 303.15-1-25 I Ordinance Section ISPS1=07,FW 1~08, S\/1-091"WarrenCo:'Plannlng I 4/28/09, 6/23/09 PH left open, I APA, DEC, ACOE, Other Tabled to 7/21/09 Re- advertise I Proiect Descriotion:' Applicaniproposessubdivisiono{a395+i~ acre parcel into two lots of 33.3 & S:4 . +i~acres. 'Subdivlsionof land re uires Plannin Board review and a roval. Owner (s) Agent(s) ___"',"'~'" ""--,'" -'--mm,."c"'c Location Tax 10 No. Cross Reference Public Hearing Applicant(s) Site Plan 17-2009 FW 2-2009 Previous SEQR [9/16/08] I , ..... Forest Enterprises SEQR Type I . Mana ement, Inc. . I' Bergmann Associates'l . Lot size 1 39.65 +1- acres I QuakerRIdgeRoad 1 ZonlngCiassificationl HC-Int .'1 303.15-1-25115rdinanceSectlon T 179-9 I SP 61-07, FW 1-08, SV 1-09, Warren Co. Planning I NIA I ~~ 11-08; UV 27.93. A V 34.- ,. 4./;~li(;g~ '%~~~e~:ed to l APA,CEA,DEC,ACOE I !ACOEi NWi ..............".",.,.,.""........,... Proiect Descriotion: Applicant proposes modifications to their approved site plan to include a reduction in lot size from 39.7 to 33.3 acres, changes to fac;ade colors and pylon signage location. Additionally, and in concert with a shift of the building location 60 feet to the west, a building size increase from 150,200 square feet to 156,850 square feet is proposed along with 28 additional parking spaces. j Further, parking lot and drive aisle changes are planned together with a reconfiguration of portions of the proposed lighting, landscaping and stormwater infrastructure. Modifications to an a roved site Ian re uire Plannin Board review and a roval. Application Type Owner (s) Agent(s) . Location Tax 10 No. ."............------."..."".... : Cross Reference . Public Hearing - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board - I I I I I I I r I 1 1 I I