07-28-2009 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda - Meeting # 18 Tuesday, July 28,2009 @ 7 PM, Queensbury Activities Center 742 Bay Road 1.0 Administrative Item: 1.1 SP 38-2008 Robin Inwald . For further tabling consideration [fabled to 7/28/09, no new info submitted] 2.0 Scheduled Items fSubiect to Old Ordinance! Applicant(s) I I '1 I I I 1 1 Application Type '1' PUD SP 20-2009 . . Final Stage Owner (s) I Same SEaR Type I NIA : Agent(s) .....lm.~~~~:sPontiffSiewart& Lot size 1111.23 +/- acres Location I ~~~I:~~f ~~~dowiiroOk & I Zoning Classification I Hiland Park PUD . Tax 10 No. I 289.20-1-8 . 'I Ordinance Section . ... .. 1 179-12-010,179-9-010 CrossReferencelp0544~26oo ., Warren Co: Planning 'I r\iiAm... Public Hearing I 5/1909 I' APA, DEC, ACOE, Other I" ACOE, DEC proi'ect Descrioiion: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 11.23 acre parcel into 34 residential lots ranging' in size from 4,257 square feet to 17,775 s uare feet. Subdivision of land re uires Plannin Board review and a roval. 3.0 Scheduled ItemsfSubiect to Old Ordinance! Applicant(s) l![i'ilaiiitiiIAIIJilmlllilll"" '!,:.wll Application Type .....1 Site Plan 7-2009 I Owner (s) I Harry RLJecker;PinhasShabai I SEaR Type I II I Agent(s).m.m"1 Van'Ousen'&Steves' "'1 Lotsize....~.''" 1 0.22 +1- acres,s2:61+I-acres'l Location I 456 Bay Road I Zoning Classification I, PO I Tax 10 No. .............. 0' I' 296.16-1-11,296.16-1-3:1'" "IOrciinance'Sectio'n" m.,' 'll~179:9~616' 1 Cross Reference I ~~:~:,:~s,;i:~jgn;BP II Warren Co. Planning II2iiii69;iiMl9.. I Public Hearing II 3/3/09, 5/19/09, 7/28/09 , II 1 I .... Proiect DescriDtTon: Appiicantproposes to'LJse'existi'ngciweiiing asa residence'"and' professionafo fflce: ProposaiincilJdes new parking configuration, handicap access deck with lift, grading and landscaping. Professional office in a PO zone is an allowed use subject to Site Plan Review and aDDroval. Applicant(s) Owner (s) Agent(s) Location Tax 10 No. ,. ,."',.'...__..,.........,.,.,.._,.w,',',.,.,...w.~,'_._.,.._________,'__'_'._,_,_,_,_'v,v,w,_,_,',',',',','.w.""" Cross Reference Public Hearing 1 "ailllllll..51 I'Same l!N/A 'IS7knoxRoad .... I 239.7-1-14 "]"N6A11:67,sP53~67'" ... ! i~~:!:r~7;28;09Re~ Proiect Descriotion: Applicant proposesconsiructiono{a2,503sq:fi. 'singlefamiiy ciweliingwltha . 46Ssquarefootattachecigarage: This ro osal has been classified as a Ma"or Stormwater ro'ect; Plannin Board review and a roval is re uired. /-~':,~'::'! '/:'D~!';: I ii: '1 . I Lot size .., f'ZoningClassification I Ordinance Section '1,' Warren Co. planning..... . , CEA, Other Application Type ,,~, w' _,.. n~_______'_____m,'.w,~,'.'N,".w,'.wm" '."" SEaR Type r Site Plan 53-2007 1 Unlisted "I 0.43 +/- acres I ""WR I 179-4 "I NIA APA, L G CEA 4.0 Scheduled Items [Subiect to new Ordinance) Applicant(s) j, Filll.kiii"gllll '+;';;1]]1 Application Type I Owner (s) I Same I SEaR Type I Agent(s) I ~~~~:~pontjffstewart&'I' Lot size I Location I 1011 State Route 9 Zoning Classification I ,....... ,. _,............,..................,.w...........",,,,,,,,__, Tax 10 No. I 296.13-1-23 Ordinance Section I Cross Reference I SP 74-90Iwarrenc6.pfanningl Public Hearing , \'7128109 'I Project Descriotion: Applicant proposes an Amusement Use with outdoor bounce houses for birthday parties as well as recreational use. Further, an existing on-site building is proposed to be used for sales, rentals and warehouse space. Amusement Center in the CI zone re uires Plannin Board review and a roval. HC-Int [CI] 179-10-010 7/8/09 I I I I I I I Special Use Permit 43-2009 II 13.64 +/- acres Application Type I [ ~~~~~i~: 6-2009 Owner (s) 'I Same r SEaR Type IN/A Agent(s) I Jarrett Engineers I Lot size I 3.66 acres Location I 2583 State Route 9L I' ZoningClas'sification "'I WR Tax 10 No. I 240.5-1-30 I Ordinance Section I A-183 , Cross Reference I AV 30-09 I Warren Co. Planning IN/A Public Hearing I Not required at Sketch I" APA, CEA, Other 'I APA Wetlands, L G CEA Profect Descriotion:Applicaniproposessubdivision' of a 3.66 ac::re'parc::el ini6iWoioisof1:67 & f.99 acres. Subdivision of land re uires Plannin Board review and a roval. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -