1966-03-02 (2) Pre:s:t~~int;1 : PJ'·f2:~:;e:1.t : V.t;:;n..t.ors: .Hecd::'.UÇJB 16 of i:llê1 701 PrQgr8.m '1~OWX'l 0:: .;¿uE·;.:n:'b'..n:y Pli3Hr.dng 30·~rd 'bald at Qlu~ensbu:r.:y Publi;::: School ~v'edr.!.esdn~!, Marc:h 2, 1966 at f.h IS P .Ho G{~orge Ku.shn.ør DGmhc¡;;k:L, Ki:ckpat:çick, Norton, Sim~ott ~ ~ , G CUS}Ü)1g, J....a.f~kso i:VebBt;.ex·, ;Zundej Haynes, Mrs. I'1cFarla.ne ]:",,::3;;jUS ()f Women Votex's" 1. I-1inu-c.(;s of t.he l.·:'lr:rt meeting \,¡erf?; approved G :2 II Zü,l'1dc~ p.!~~~t3<ertt:ed ii.rial dX·3.ft. of (~Cjn·ml\.ltli ty M'a~-::~- :LIH:.:Les Plan. 3" de r«~"i,ii;1'i'/8d the Zoning Ordi:nallc(~ St.andards in light. of (ìUl':' l¿3.s{: lìv?:et·j.ng" 11.,. 'ýI]€~ d:Lscussed t.he rEr.d.sed L~n.d U,SE:! P1<:.11.\0 ~3" Next me·:;;t.:t11í;;·, {;}ueensbury Schoel, Apri.l 6, 1966. Adj o~.l.]:-rH:~d J .Art'hu:.c Nort:Oll Secretary