1966-04-06 He,;¡'t:.:i.r.Þ.Ç;f of thE: PJ_Hrmi:rc;¡ Board of the '1'own of: f;}ueensbury held at Queens'bury Public School Wednesday, April 6, 1966 at 7:30 Po. M. Presiding: George Kushner PrE~sent: Cushing, Demboski, Laakso, No¿:·ton, Sinnot.t Absent:: Kirkpatrick. Guests~ Codner, McIlvaine ~. Minutes of March 2 and 21 meetings were approved. :2.. Discussed ~1f3·-66 Boycheck Developmf!nt with Lavery and Codner. 3. Received Chase and VanSittert #6-66 Franklyn Manor Sect. #2.. Assigned to Kushner and Norton.. (~l·u Received Gj~1ffin #11-65 Revision 1.:'0 Sectø 1. Assiç~ed to Cushing and Sinnott. 5.. Received Hewitt #12-65. Aßsigned to Demboski and Kirkpatrick. Received Sleight #7-66. Assigned to Kushner and Laakso. 6. 7.. Desantis appeared for Hillcrest #S-66. Demboski made a motion to give preliminary approval, Cushing seconded, carried. ..J Q 'I c..e e.:3 Kushner announced that the Queensbury Øuhill.. "MIR'bæ of ù~..IRl.II.1!! haØ'ßin'vi ted us to appear at a meeting April 25, 1966. We will attend. 8Q 9" Next meeting, oueensbury School, Jllpril 11, 1966.. Adjourned Jo Arthur Norton Secretë.~ry