1966-05-04 (2)
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Av,¡,........, .1..11.;:1 <:>J. ,!-,l.¡'(;> . "'.J, I:J 'J'ÇJ....<:':i,,'
Town. o£ 01.1eet1 P lé'.I1nin,g BOé':7'éì
Q~e:nsbury~PUblic School
WedneSday, t>iay 4.. 1966 'at 0::15 P.M.
Georç¡e Kushner
Cushing, Demboški, Kirkpatrick, Norton, Sinno·t.t
Matbews1 Jo Friedman of CaDðeub, Fleissig anã
Associates, de, Baynes, l4cIllv-.ine,
Mrs. O..C. Seaman of League ot Women Voters.
1. .Minutes of tbe last meeting were e.pproV"(KI.
2. Zunde presented a. lette~ presem.ting us \dt.h a .copy of the
preliminary drfi1ft of the final master plan report. aDð the
maps to be included for our review.. .
3. Zunde said that t.he Zon.f:ng Board of Appeals could adjust
boundary lines of a zooe Where an OWners pt'operty is in
Z zones.
4.. Mathews presented the capital improvement pl.n. This is
an illustrative ,)rogral11 for the Town Bc)ð.rd to set up an
orderly system re:!:.her t.ban operating on 8 crisis basis.
Dollar amount.s and priori. t.y will vary 0 '
5. We should adapt. the Mast.er Plan before ~\fe have, Zoning
Hearings as this :ls the~siB of Zoning. We \11111 be given
150 aopies one month after we give the final draft approval"
6. We sbould check ~11t.hne1gbbo.finq municipa-lities espe.cially
the Cit.y of Glen£! Fall$ lor consistency of Zoning, traffic,
7. In the future, West Gl~ hlls should have a neighborhood
analysis st:.udy made toward rehàbilit.ation.
8. In ow:- proposal Zon1nqOtdinance mobile hOlIeS. are only per-
~tted in courts. Perhaps u$8 special exception in Rl,
R.2, and R3 Zones only. Not.ification of adjacent owners of
publi.c bearing - Z.B. of A.
9. ' We have to give official notice of what we are doing wi tb-
in 500' of the c1t.Y,bounaary.
10. Next. meeting, QUeensbury Scbool, June 1, 1966.