1966-05-10 1~ .. 1 ~ 't; Meeting of the Planning Boa;¡C'd of t.he 'l'own ofOueensbury held at Queensbury Public School Tuesday, May 10, 1966 at 7:30 P. M. Presiding: George Kushner Present: Demboski, Kirkpatrick, Norton, Sinnott Absent: Cushinc;¡ I' Laakso Visitors: None l. Approved minutes of last meeting. 2. Rev:tewed Hew! tt DE'V'. #12-65.. Demboski made a motion to give preliminary approval, Kirkpatrick seconded, carried. Felt we should study t.l1ê possibility of connecting to the North across Power ComJ?ßny property to van Dusen property when thi s is submi tted .. 3. Dis¡;:ussed Chase and Vê11''l Sittert *6-66 ìlranklyn Manor Sect- ion 2. Chase will fly Codner, Kushner and Norton over t.be area Sat. at 6:30. 4. Obs~~ñteð that Lebowitz has purchased the Burton property iìnd maybe Havilands Skat.eland and camp sites. 5. Reviewed the preli,minary draft of the Capital Improvements program and gave our conments. 6. Next meeting, Queensbu&y School, May le, 1966. Adj ourned J.. Arthur Norton Secretary ..