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Meeting of't:~e Planning Boal"df~: ~1 ~url
Queensbury lie Sohool
Thursday. September 1, 1966 at 7:30 J? M.
George Kushner
Cushing, Norton
Dembos1d., Kirkpatrick, Laakso, Sinnott
Webster, Mathews and F,rieðman of Candeub,
Fleissig and A.soc", Haynes '
l. Dr" a.,.rkich, Dentist, a red regarding the north side
of Aviat.ion ROðd. He s t.he proposed widening of Avia..;.
t10n ~oad w()ulð come within 10' ofbis house. He suggests
a strip Qf Profeatonal Offices to prot.ect residences be-
hind and to make the property along Aviation Roed of .value.
2. kan<\y Lotain, New Director 'of ~dio Station wwac appèared
t.O 8119gest an eyeing pr~em of 1 or 2 hours on planning.
He suggested a panel of the Planning Board chairman and one
other member with the county Attorney and two Jnembers of the
Committee Against Extremism in Zoning with tbeir Attorney &
with Lotain as Moderator. We felt. the C.A.E.Z. does not
reprefltnt the town. Suggested a banker, real est.ate, dev-
eloper or similar person ask. questions of the Planning
Board or have questions written in to the sUtion. Tent-
atively. set September 19th at 9:00.. Kusbner will work,out
details with Lotain.
3,,, Lavery appeared re9U'ding Motel for BOycb ck. Kusbner met
Lavery and Boychu"CklJat.urday and sug tad letters from
.,,' rs - churches and' 1 - regarding tbe1rfeel1ngs.
ter was preseJîtea f Iton Lavery, Superintendent. of
t.he odist Cñurcb. We felt this should be from the Pas-
t.or of he Church. '
4..1þwiewèd tbe Comprehensive Plan witb Mat.hews and Friedman
'gtv:Lng our correct.ions..
5. . Next melÞt.ing, Queensbury School, october 5, 1966.
J. Arthur Norton