MeetixlJ of the Planning Boa:::-d of the To\m of Qll.eensbury
held at
Queensb'l.u:y Towa Office BUilding
Wednesday, December 8, 1966 at 7:30 P.H.
George Kusm"1er
Preaent :
Cushing, Dembo,gki# lürkpatrick, Norton, Sinnott
l. Approved minutes of last meeting with ccrrect1ons.
2. Kushner read letter from Bob Eddy - Chairman of the
Beautification Committee. Kushner will arrange a
joint meeting with their cœmnittee.
3. ' Reviewed Edgewood Park, Section ìf2 Griffins =ri=4-66. Cushing
made a motlon to give preliminaxy approval, Demboski second-
ed, carried.
4. Next meeting, Queel1sbury Town Office Building, January
4.. 1967
J. Arthu:o: Nortop
Joint meeting witn the Town Board - Webster, Beaty~ Lampson,
Robertson and Turner.
1. Kushner presented the Zoning Map with the Schedule of
Regulations" Recommended ~ning Standards and the Com-
prehensive Plan«
2. Kushner explained the changes to the Map and Regulations.
3. We again asked for action on the Revised Subdivision
Regulations. Building Code and Housing Code to imple-.
ment the Comprehensive Plan.
4. Kush..71er will check with Beswick on the proper method
of hav:lng a formal presentation of the Comprehensive
Plan and Zoning Recommendations to the Town Board
tomorrow evening.
J. Arthur Norton