1964-06-03 , 1'1n€',::ing or the Plmning L:mrd at the TO\vil of QueensbuIY hale] at Queensbury Public School Wednesday~ June 3, 196!+ at 7:30 P.M. Presiding: Chairman, ~eorge J. Kushner Present: Dean, Glass, Kirkpatrick, Norton, Robertson" Simmond s ' Guest: Superviso:r,Webste;-, qouncilmen Beaty, Lampson and Turner at 8 :30 10 Malcom Lester presented rough sketch for development off \vest Mountain Roael #8-6~ for John Lester. Next to Bronk West Mountain PB.l~k Section #2 our #1-64. Asked for deed restrictions and a more developed plan to study. Vœ. & Mrs. Pierce presented plans for Garrison Grounds Development on Glenwood Ave. #9-6~. Tabled for contours and "Jerifica tion of turn around arrangements. Dea.1'l & Norton assigned to visit site. Reviewed the Mobile Home Ordina"1ce \-lith the Town Board. The ordinance is to be reproduced for presentation to the Town Board on June ll.. 19ò4 and a hearing will be held on or about J1.IDe 25, 1961t. Next IDeeting, Queensbury' School, \'iednesday .July 1, at 7:30 P ,">11. to which Mr. Sorrentino will be invited. 2. 3. 4. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary