2001-169 E '` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY iFoew 742 B Road ueensbu NY 12804-5902 518 761-8201 aV , Q rT, ) Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20010169 Date Issued: Friday, September 21, 2001 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20010169 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-239-019-0001-001-000-0000 Location: 18 CEDAR POINT Rd Owner: JOHN & DIANE MATTHEWS Applicant: JOHN & DIANE MATTHEWS This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Septic Alteration Residential TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building& Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ` ow 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development- Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20010169 Application Number: A20010169 Tax Map No: 523400-002-000-0001-009-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: JOHN& DIANE MATTHEWS For property located at: 18 CEDAR POINT Rd in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: JOHN& DIANE MATTHEWS C/O RODERICK SMITH Septic Alteration Residential 3219 STATE RTE 9L Total Value LAKE GEORGE,NY 12845 Contractor or Builder's Name/ Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans & Specifications 2001-169 SEPTIC ALTERATION AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $25.00 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,April 17,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Tow ;i.. • -ensb ; Tues. •y, • pril 17,2001 SIGNED BY i for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building& ode E\ orcement ' Application for Permit—Septic Disposal System Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: Arial . Location of installation: I (e i r "KC C. t ' File Permit N .s Tax Map No. �_/ / • Fee Paid ...5"; Ob Owner's Name: To 1,40 F. etAkn—n6,,) Address: v,G' � --7 3 a f q Li k \ 1-- kedbe.6( �C2. INSTALLER'S NAME : 71,4,t_1 7 . 1 rt i‘v�t5 X.611 PHONE NO. 1, ,g ..i3� 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwellin , indicate#bedroom(s)and multiply# of bedrooms with applicpble gallons per bedroom to equal total daily flow) MOD t -(eC4T?o-,-) 04 57- Year of House: No, of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x 150 gal/bdnn = 1980— 1991 x 130 gal/bdrm = 1991 —present ' — x 110 gal/bdrm = , Garbage Grinder Installed yes / no (7' 1.v Spa or Whirlpool Installed yes / no 2001 APR '1 :e . _it�fe,oRY 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information &indicate measurements}i0y►.>t� .00E man oil Nature Gl un&Water _Bedrock.or Imperyiqus Material__Domestic Water_Supply Nat sand at what depth at what depth municipal Rolling own - feet i v feet well Steep slope c ay if well; water supply o %slope other from any septic-system depth: absorption is ice ft. other L/f{4 Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed pro fessional engineer or architect) Rate: minute per Inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons In the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder, Spa or Whirlpool Tub. • -�— Septic Tank: 1pr,O gallon (min. size 1,000 gal.) /1 / V 81 i v.:‘ Ati o t 5 Tile Field: each trench ft. Total System Length: fl. Seepage Pit(s): number of size of each: ft. by Jt. Size of Stone to be used: II / depth or thickness __Pet Bed System Size: x Alternative System: length and/or size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons /TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read) For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. 0A11C)11,,A 441 4j___ # e 1 n ture df responsible person Da f'� BP John P. Matthews 3219 Rte. 9Lr,: ` 6 =` ��J Lake George,NY 12845 co NOV 21 1997 November 21, 1997 TO I.','; __ _ :SAY B�!L ;NG m(,,L CODE John Goralski Planning.Department Town of Queensbury Queensbury,NY 12804 Dear John: As per your request, this letter is to reaffirm that the use of the storage building proposed on my property at Cedar Point will be used for personal/seasonal storage and a personal workshop area. Pro p It will not be used for commercial use. Sincier v, ___, ,U /` John P. attl1 i A,Se M b I y Speaker Heck .j CLEAN MED/(/M APPRO,CJM/9TEGf 36" Of fi[L /NCLUD/A!G � � t'n'nt II �A/t/D F/LL /"+�OF SANO AND S'�`oF / ,0S0/L / _ ,�,) Island .I, ;• 1• •• 44MORPr1VA 17ENCII ff L,4Tf/z,4LJ SPACED HaDrris ay 340 .�``:,.. �:. . 'i•. ,;• TG�J'O/L ,FEE'T/L/zTE '.PEED / YYY�: l( 1 - ST'elO TOP19& BEFO.PE I i i * 7�/P PLAC//VG F/LL m - . r" ~=� L L s Z4�i.(/i,NUM �• •., _-___.--L-F/L /M/T o .: D i a Island k .IEA.J'O/I/AL ` 1 mon / y,,�•:, yR/6N/ CQ•eOUNDAWATE� /1T/�VG GQADE \ L/Nits of `I f1,�...rJ C/',r ✓1 �'.!� r Dlckt�lslands --�- o •1 h•` Happy Family `. /1/O T,� T//E TO TAL AeE,q g ENE T �Z,--r- 7114N /S?� 6f1lAL FIlZEi9 •,= .e Islands,, ' ,4 H T.eENC//E.S, E.I:T�`"t/D/NG 2 3 F�"ET/�V ALL ., _rill ,•. � - ��_ r'-- ———— l L�/Jrf/BUT/O,c/A:x PRO-,L7/.eECr10A1- ' F,&" T//f QUTEP EDGE OF _ ' L =-_____ --- - `—IALL rZZWC/�/ES IS .j Z-;o-1J ,D RI T�.'E I- 3: 29TyP/CAL s'ECT/ON - -- - BU aAlffosysT�� / /Woods :� Hill.9Q,lo,PPTtO.v /500 GALLON Polnt,vor TD SracE T'CEiVC� POL yET,�yLENE / /u"' x<_,. r^f /.• Dark Bay 1 ———--- - �Fi�T/C Ti�it//C /�j `'��'• o v \. 1�' l S y , I•�I ��.•1 � USA" /00� -�. � � � L= 55' � L ' � G,4LLo�! 7a.e%�S \ e t7� `t• I81 o . 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P-Ro Posc s � QC-S(DEn)7-1 Arc.. sI u� -- - SS I rQ fi�oU�J L C� 1� . W /Tom- �I L.�-'7' AND G' � r�sT D A ` E� r- IKT-vQi-s sINC � 40L)sc c4"94..A-Gc /AzIz- • .DfJl6 V D/aTA �� f �" .�� P20f0sG 1+ p„� say w N c_--1L o c cv t L-D ,- — — —— — �? 3 T b t? "SIM t LAR- OEJ'/G/V.S'y,1T.E-M fO,e S ,8E0200.vI,S (•B.e) 8 -� HOu SF 5 tc—L,1E fZ A� o.E.e N Y-S.d>•o .S! APPE/Y,9/X 7 5-4 1 x�5T-I�I.G t-4 O M E C.o N�4 ►7y.S 4 BED 2ooM S ( B'�� 1q-" �Fr M 1 N. S1-oPF Cx< S 7' 11-1 C w/4-ST�(,V A 2 t=-/(_-t,a D F S 1 Al�`O f� -4 EJIG/V FL o W ��'TE: �C CA V A TE A N 0 N S BfZ Er1Ds o r \ 3 �USED ►aco GA•U-0q AssUME /t/,E�V STA/YOA,P..D F/XTU.PE.s (s.o TE J /it/GET OWLLO/t/ ,oE.e 4111NUTE�GOiY1� F41/CETS� E x 1ST 1 N� 4'� C�o�i2A�S• / 1p �L PT7 C —t'�'. N K ;�.: . ,,.:..; : :::.:.• NO �I ELb A--D•D C1'1 M (S t2CGLU 19-C-D 1 �S�/OWft?yEADS N X�uD TO �2 O RaS�D .4,'.0.:;:•:%::4 , ..•.. ��.,.• �•�:.:; ;:•.�; �9 D T G G,4LL0/V ��� T��� C �O?bSE1� 4" •#�/C. SDI 39- OZ SIMIL•ASZ- `t':;; ;�• FL(/J'H TZ7/LET F/XTU.E'.ES, �C ,eov I EFF�uF/v s�cNEtZ T AT I I8'' I F' ► IN SLO �* D6J'I6"N/XX0kV s ae X goo coo/r3,c ' � e DE.S/GiV FL O lV .500 cod. w 0199 , TJ Q2o�bs GO T>is T z I DL iu.•J Ol/TLET.1' i•' rJJ'E �9 ro �.. � ABO VE J/LT/C•!/9.y L,9/, ,e. 7 " f Z 4 " Ct `•• q j1/ � Py TC�'���0�QUEE'�Sl?l1RY BU!i.Cli�G gEt°ItRTME�1T P2ovioe ,gCCEss rO F/LL ,PEQ uiREo /S,gPP/PDX//1i1,�T,ELy .3/ 3 ?ass d on our limited examination, O,e�9DE W/T11 COvE2 compliance with our crxnmentsshall not be construed as indicating the ,c3AS/9L /9,PE,q ,PEQU/,PED ` ,SGb GP,D/O-z plans and specifications are in fuN •I corn :ianee with the code. _ .:. f/it✓.I//ED G,Q.4DE ,8i9,S�9L ,4,t�E,q Pc�l�(J/�'EO = 2S0o ,S f p5 - f/ UMLr SO" LD/t/6 TPE/VC/�/ 1 y O /!/I A!-" /C L11-�K Z/U Cf .lA/t//TA/Py TE,� B�9.I�L LE�t/GT/,� - SS i:'... ..:i'.`'.5 •,.::'...�i•';°,,',: ,1vt.,(;.:. c e.' .NON• s M/�P OFL Ai1/L�S' TO 8 E C'ON!/E yED B y •+ 2,4 3EL f/LTErL y��•, � f/.9,20,CD E. �' EL/ZAB,ET/✓J. POC.�L/N p L 4 /V _ (1 J �a (� SOIL L�i9 T iq B,9SA L �l�E.4 ,o.PO!//OED 253 O .S•F .5� TO _k9XI t/.P �' p/A/1/,E ;A/ i1�1.9TT•5/EW,1' 4-1 _ 5 S O� -1 D4rco: .1'E,or. 9, /992 7 - -1 IC,44 UJE /'/7,0/,V PE2C. ,; I �yv/c��) ,�' U c ( T_�. TEST P/T 1 /a�2r��9z � �g [�� N ., AB.fORr�T/ON�l�E,9 ,(�EQU/,2E0 = S�JO GPll)�O GPl�/J f 5� p a � .•`x o•"- io,. ,BLACK T0�,1'0/� ,9B�S'O�PT/ON ,9�PEfI .2EQU/.PE,D= .�'00 SF I�� APR 1 ? 2001 s rE +� �. W o ,a 6"Af/N. WAL L G"-/7' T.4N f/i(/E �S'4x1,,q 4N,0.S'/LT o Al', •� c L ENGTiS/ T,PFN«,/ B U l(� / _ Iz S N O}� S I�1Z�G� Tl//CA!Al/ESS foe T/z/9C'L� CL/4y' •, Sae s F 2 5, L.F.' S" D NC I3 2A [) Pos TOVOlh1 OF C�UE�'�a�F�s, j y LENGT.�/ TieENC.4/ : 2s0 .G•F o �4 f 2C l� (TF CTS S r--- '' POU,i?ED /.Y PLACE /7-$O 6,eOW N�S/LT ,4�t/D C'LAy • "' I — >° , ,: 's.-.;::. .:.•,:y:,.•..,,. ;.::e:' .z. 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