10-27-2009 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda – Meeting # 24 First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7 – 11 P.M. Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road 1.0 Administrative Items: SP 31-09 CES Holdings: For further tabling consideration [see letter from J. Lapper dated 9/15/09] 2.0 Tabled Item: Applicant(s) DEBARON ASSOCIATES Application Type Site Plan 46-2009 Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) McPhillips Fitzgerald & Cullum Lot size 0.45 acres Location Lot 4, Dark Bay Lane, off Rt. Zoning Classification WR 9L, west of Dunham Bay Tax ID No. 239.18-1-47 Ordinance Section Chapter 147, 179-9-010 Cross Reference AV 39-09, SP 14-09, BOH 1-Warren Co. Planning 7/8/09 09, AV 11-08, SP 32-89, AV 1442, AV 12-92, SUB 2-69 Public Hearing 8/25/09, Tabled to 10/27/09 APA, CEA, Other L GCEA Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,886 square foot single family dwelling. This proposal has been classified as a Major Stormwater Project; Planning Board review and approval is required. 3.0 Scheduled Items: Applicant(s) JAMES WHITE Application Type Site Plan 53-2009 Owner (s) Same SEQR Type II Agent(s) Rucinski Hall Architects Lot size 1.34 +/- acres Location 104 Seelye Road Zoning Classification WR Tax ID No. 227.17-2-9 Ordinance Section 179-9-010 Cross Reference AV 54-09; BP 02-543 Septic Warren Co. Planning 10/14/09 alt. Public Hearing 10/27/09 APA, CEA, Other L G CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes expanding an existing non-conforming detached garage in conjunction with proposed renovations and expansion of existing residence. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA requires Site Plan review and approval. Applicant(s) MIKE ARNOLD Application Type Site Plan 54-2009 Owner (s) Anita Ross SEQR Type II Agent(s) N/A Lot size 0.33 +/- acres Location 108 Lake Parkway, Cleverdale Zoning Classification WR Tax ID No. 226.15-1-16 Ordinance Section 179-9-010 Cross Reference AV 52-09; BP 09-323, BP 85-Warren Co. Planning 10/14/09 574 Public Hearing 10/27/09 APA, CEA, Other L G CEA, APA Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 625 sq. ft. second story residential addition above existing garage. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval. 1 Applicant(s) DARIUSZ & BOZENA Application Type Site Plan 55-2009 JACKOWSKI Owner (s) Same SEQR Type II Agent(s) Bruce Fifield Lot size 3 +/- acres Location Bay Road Zoning Classification RR Tax ID No. 265-1-73.2 Ordinance Section 179-9-010 Cross Reference SB 5-09; SB 14-06, SP 34-09 Warren Co. Planning 10/14/09 Public Hearing 10/27/09 APA, CEA, Other L G CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a single family dwelling on a 3+/- acre parcel. Site Plan Review is required as a condition of a previous subdivision approval. Applicant(s) G. A. BOVE & SONS, INC. Application Type Site Plan 56-2009 Owner (s) Taylor Welding Supply Co., SEQR Type Unlisted Inc. Agent(s) Harlan-McGee of North Lot size 1.2 +/- acres America Location 22 Lower Warren Street Zoning Classification CLI Tax ID No. 303.19-1-47 Ordinance Section 179-9-010 Cross Reference SP 19-07 Warren Co. Planning 10/14/09 Public Hearing 10/27/09 Project Description: Applicant proposes to install 30,000 gallon liquid propane tank and 8’ security fence. Commercial expansion in the CLI zone requires Planning Board review and approval. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board - 2