Heatin.g of the Planning Board or the Town or Queensb-1lrY
heJA at
Queensbury Public School
Wednesday,September 2.1964 at 7130 P.M.
presid 1ng: Chairman. George Kushner
Present: Cushing.. Dean. Glass. Kirkpatrick. Norton. Simmonds
Guests: Sorrentino. Heckler, McIlvaine
1. M1nutes of last meeting were approved.
2. Frank Morgan presented Land O'P1nes development #61+-11
off West Mountain Road. 6 lots were approved by the Town
Board and the State Health Dept. The larger development
was also approved by the Town Board so we should Approve
this 'When the f1nal is 8Ubm1tted. Kirkpatrick w1J.l visit
the site.
3. Cushing reported on the Kattsk1ll Bay area &on1ng petition.
It-. Grant development #61f-10was presented tor tinal approval.
Kirkpatr1ck moved. seconded by Simmons anð carriAd that we
.,. The 701 contraot has not been signet'! by the Federal Agency so
our program is delayed until the conþ'act 1s slgneð.
6. An informal dls8uss1on ...s held on plann1ng and our :responsib-
il1ty to make decisions re¡ard1ng type anð suitable areas
for residential. commercial. aM 1ndustrial development.
7. Neat meet1ng.Queensbury School. Weð.Oot.?196lt-.
Ad jou:rneð.n
J . Arthur Norton