KE;eting of the Planning Board of the TOml of Queensbury
held at
Queensbury Public School
Wednesdays October 28~ 1964 at 7:30 P. M.
Presiding: Chairman. George Kushner
Present: Cushing, Dean, K1rltpatrick, Norton
Absent: Glass
Guests: Robertson, Codner
1. Hinu tes of las t mea t1ng were approved 0
2. Kushner reported that the base map corrections had been
completed. The land use survey has been completed. Every
road in the town ~.¡as driven. '
3. Robertson talked to us about the problems of' the Town
Board to obtain compliance with the subdivision regulations.
a. Third St. Extension was accepted by the Town Board in
1952 but not built. Mrs. Hovey-Ward through ShaDe .
Attorney planning to sell lots. Have agreed to restrict
to minimum cost of $3500 and no mobile home. Suggested
that the Board try to get restriction'on capped cellar
and up $3500 or change this to sq. root restriction.
. b. Off Aviation 1ìoad - Eldridge Road, a 'dirt road, dead
ended is a town road "by general use (10 y:ts. of town
maintenance ,,so it becomes town highway). A deed prob-
ably can be obtained. Bennett trying to. give deed tò
road parallel to Eldridge. Bennett has sold some lots
,,¡ithout submitting as a subdivision. Town Board hold-
ing in accepting deed. Olmstead will give road between
Eldridge .::.and Bennett Roads. Suggestéd that they try
to get Bennett to submit.
Hr. Beverly Duffy cut road off Rolling Ridge Road.
Intended to have 6 lots but when told this was a sub-
division he changed to 1+ lots. This is obvious attempt
to avoid submitting.
ð i tL .....
Codner prefers4~' -i"adil1$ for t~around, will };>ave
to a 75 I ,raàiuGò If only gi van '75' he would"" to
edge. He prefers a T\lTith 25' deep by 50.' plus or
minus projections
, '
Discussed means to obtain 90mpliance for obvious
subdivisions but Qn]y saying will do 4. Health
Department can do nothing until 5th lot is sold.
Power Companyw111 not supply po\.¡er beyond 100',
except on a heavy charge per .foot, until street
is accepted by town.
6. Felt we should advise developers of obstructions
to use or lots such as water mains crossin¡.
7. Next meeting, Queensbury School. Wednesday. Nov. )+3 1961+.
J. Arthur Norton